![1920-09-11 [P 6]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
crubi eb'atitaitaT him That's -h--w THRIS SPEAKER SAYS scarce they are." MICHIGAN'S NEW SYSTEM Sa your homes at niht? Yes, Edlt HIS TEAM WILL WIN It Ir Oft Times the Unexpected OPPOSE POST-SEASON SERIES In an effort to induce every ion's bottled sunashine. leotric able-bodied student at the Uni- to Turn International League Likely Manager of Cleveland Indians versity of Michigan to engage and bes light i by far the eltamst Down Proposition for "AA" Fears Yankees Most. In some form of outdoor sport, That Happens! and in se that your ome Is not Championship. the intramural department has appointed five student manag- oame to as and let as eon- Presieldent Hickey of the Association Sequipped Praises Kid Gleason's White 8ox and ers, each of whom will assume When Uuprepared has sounded out the International one of five sports v.ace you of the smal cost and its Says No One Can Realize What an direction of league with regard to playing a post- -- football, baseball, track, bas- The Emergency other old the coming fall for the Asset -a Slugger of Ruth's -periority su oe all the season series ket ball and golf and tennis. said Really Is. Class AA championship. It is Caliber The sports managers will be Frequently fashioned ldlhtIng methods. the Materializes! the Ints are likely to turn down awarded white Jerseys with be- manager of the Cleve- proposition. They are still sore Tris Speaker, white monograms, and the mem- the league ball team, be- cause the American association, as land American bers of the intramural teams the after many years of disap- We are not International views it, called off lieves that will receive blue jerseys with St. Tammany Ice the Indians are going to proposed series in 1920. pointment blue numerals. The members capture a pennant this season. He Company, of the freshman swimming team and Manufacturing figures that the Yankees are the team Alarmists LIMITED. will be given blue jerseys with TOM LONGBOAT IS FARMER he will have to beat to accomplish this red numerals. It is believed by feat. ONLY the athletic board that these va- HOWARD BUREE "I think we should win unless we rious awards will stimulate in- have an unusual lot of tough luck," PARBIs gSIBVYOB in"athletics among stu- Speakers of the Tru'th! said the popular leader of the Indians terest dents generally. olva Masga recently. "My team is as good as, if not better than, it was a year ago, and .M. I, M. DMI B' it would have beaten out the White Do not let the fire alarm sound Gradute Mawt. Sox sure in 1919 had our schedule NOTICE. been 154 instead of 140 games. Without a Fire 1112 2•th Avenue "I am not kidding myself that Diamond Yarns Insur- Telephone 230 The public is hereby warned not Cleveland is going to have any walk- to trespass in any way on the prop- over this year. The race should be located Speaker is pretty well fleed for ance in Your Covington, Isa. erty c-i the undersigned, quite as tough as it was a year ago. O. G. N. and pinch hitters. along "ne line of the N. There is better balance to the AnierP R the Penn * * MRS. J. BERNE the Y. & M. V. R. : and Hands! road, immediately aorta baseman, legmiseres Nurse Mill pulblic Torres, the Cuban first anLd -. :rthwest of Covington, La. looks like a good ball player. :o tealdence on Military Road Truspa sers will be prosecuted the fa'l extent of the law. It is hard to imagine Babe Ruth Phone 877. nl-tf HARVEY E. ELLIS. cast in the role of hitting for anyone NILSON-FREDERICK CO. LTD., MC98 B. J. LITTLE, B. N. NOTICE. except himself. Covington La. pradnate New Orlemn Suaitarium. All persons are hereby warned and The Peoria Three-I club announces prohibl,(c from cutting, burning the sale of Pitcher Fred Bowman to I i I 'Phone 5d 8Udell, Ia. deadening, carrying or floating away the Detroit Tigers. or otherwise injuring or destroying *** MURS. J. BEIR•ER any treies, timber or wood growing or George Whiteman has been having Mamdevlle, I. lying upon the lands of the under- a poor year with the Toronto team signedI. They are also prohibited and has been benched. Practical NurmeMemssage Treatment from Lunting, fishing or trapping PEOPLE'S BAKERY gun or torch or trespass- with s.og, with a rec- The San Franelisco club has released Will answer calls to any place. way on lands belonging Returning from the war ing in any Pitcher Mario De Vitalis to Omaha to the tndersigned. ord as clean as his racing, Tom Long- Louis DAVID, JR.. Proprietor Six Nations Indian, who is of the Western league. REZZIE D. BUIAOCH' E. P. ROBERT. boat, the Phyascian and lurgeon H. H. MAYFIELD. Canada's most famous distance run- H. J. MAYFIELD. ner, has taken .up a farm under the Bob Ganley, ten or fifteen years ago BREAD DELIVERED DAILY Office: Located at the City R. A. ORR. soldiers' settlement bill. He is thirty- an outfielder in the big show, is a new Drug Store JAS. PROVOST. two years old. In 14 'years he lost umpire in the South Atlantic league. GEO. H. GAUSE. Rye Bread made to order Phone 13 iresanance: or.. rLock w uod and only two big races and staged sensa- Florida treets. tional comebacks after both of those By arrangement with the New York NOTICE. the war with Trie Speaker. Giants Pitcher Poll Perritt will finish I'hones: Office, 10; Residence 23+3. He served throughout Longboat's farm out the season with the San Antonio eale prohibited frou the Canadian army. OUW 1iUC•OI~, LOA)ULdLIA All person can league, The White Box are going team. upon the lands of Mrs Is on the western prairies. Lrespa• -ng ------ to put up a fight for their laurels. The L, O. •lMI••. m.I, M. Lonbat Williams :n the town ). comeback of Faber has strengthened 4bita Springs. Any one caught cut John J. McCloskey emitted a loud the pitching staff, which was the protest when notified that he had been Houre: ,ing tries or wood will be prosecut the Windy City ag- the la-. LONG GAMES FOR ROBINS great weakness of deposed as manager of the Memphis Cowington-l1:S0 to s:80 p. m. ed in full accordance with weeks M. LOUBAT WILLrAMS. gregation through the closing Chicks. of the 1919 campaign. (Near the Phom sea Playing marathon baseball Public Schoul) NOTICE. gimes Is nothing new for the "And New York? Well, I'll tell you NOTICE TO BIDDERS. In fact, the Brooklyn how I regard New York. I really be- SWe have and will continue to hav the i SIDNEY W. PROVENSAL Robins. All persons are prohibited from; team has taken part in a 26- lieve that is the team we will have to The Police Jury asks for bids on q largest bread. Delivered trespassing upon the lands of C. L. inning game, a 22-Inning game, beat. the rebuilding of Cooper's Bridge daily all ov r the j Attorney At law as the Deitrich tract. Bake-, known a 20-inning game, two 19-inning "No one can realize what an asset on Old Military Road in the Tenth q" town. Also pies, rolls and candy. Notary Public "n' mile northwest of Sl'dell, about games and of Babe Ruth's caliber Ward. Bids to be sent sealed to and i1cm cutting any trees or tim- games, two 18-inning a slugger proves when the argument comes the cfiice of the Police Jury. the Phone 48 BANK BLDG., SLIDELL, LA. ber :n said lands or hauling any two 17-inning games. following is the description of the the pinch. New York can wood therefrom, or tacking or nail- Last season the Robins played down to brdgn and lumber to be used: defensively L, V. COOLEY, JR. ing any advertisements or notices on a 20-inning 9 to 9 tie with the present a powerful Infield, 120 feet long by 12 feet - wide. enough any c! the treec. Ten dollars re- Phillies on April 30, and on and offensively. Huggins has Said old bridge to be all taken Attorney At Law ward will be paid for information June 1 lost an 18-Inning game good pitchers for two twirling staffs. down and rebuilt in proper plac ; Notary Public and conv.cton of any one trespass- to the same team by a score of And pitching, I can tell you, means a all material to be used from said ing ou said lands. 10 to 9. lot, especially in the days of double- old bridge; al3o new bill of lumber POLK BLDG., SLIDELL, LA, C. L. BAKlER, In 1917 the Robins and the headers and when the race simmers to be used on said bridge, as fol- no724-18 Slidell, La. Pirates played 22 innings be- down to the finalstretch run." lows: won, the game 3 pieces 8x8 25 feet long. J, MONROE 8IMMONS I, the undersigned, forbid all fore Brooklyn Southern '4 pieces 2x8 20 feet long. Industrial Life hunting. trapping and trespassing on setting a record for the Na- Attorney At law PLAN OF GOLF ASSOCIATION 5 r:eces 4x6 20 feet long. my lands. Anyone caught so doing tional league. 20 pieces 2x6 20 feet long. Insurance & Burial Association, Inc. ; Notary Public will be punished to the full extent pieces 3x8 12 feet long. Favors 125 of the law.
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