WEATHER ifisrrV u. ■Five. _82. 40 0.00 __88 41 , 0.01 S t t yv2!>,« __SI 88,'* 0,08 40s 0.03 JfflpV'irg^turd*y*,/*{, t* -__» 41 0.00 8undw.Monday. *fcj™Mawn h 2 ”-^ l i 47 Traoe Tuotday, Marflh#^.hmw.8$. 40. 0.08 IGHTY-SEVENTH YEAH- 12 Pages This Week CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY1: MARCH 6,1959 10c per Copy SUBSCRIPTION $3.00 PER YEAR »!#§fr m 0 i Cagers Meet ¥ ? D. Alber Unopposed y : m JrilVtf... St. Thomas i t V- ;.J #!■ u , l 4 - In Tourney i l Basketball toumaments^fdr^this B M i area began Tuesday night with St. i Thomas and University Hightearas P^~Ann Arbor flaying at 7 pimT and Manchester and Dexter play ournament m - f k n ghmes are being played at Dexter High school. J r Changes M ade on Voting Will Be Thegamet'werewoaby= St. fev_r;.^ Thonras-and Manchester, eliminate Ivan Tow nship- ByMachinein in g ^ mveyaltyUlgh a»d Dexter. According! to p r e - a r r a n g e d Sylvan Town Hall schedules, Chelsea 'w ill play St. Political Tickets Thomas at 8:80 p.m. tomorrow On the Republican ticket for . Donald Alber will be^unopposed njght^ and- Manchester and Pinck­ whip,..Martin Miller for the off ice :of -village president in Monday's election, makihforner 3LLEN MARIE KEUSCH ney will be paired for a game at has • withdrawn his name as the __Salutatorian - Valedictorian . — 7 p.m party's -candidate for supervisorf . H e. heads —the People's. w party * '* ■■*,■■ ~ -r; Winners of the two games to­ and Walter Riemenschneider de­ ticket which includes the-follow- morrow night wlllcompetefdr=the clined: the nomination as candidate i ng candidates Roland W. Edcir, championjhJpjati8ipTmzSaturday; for—justice_of the, peace. ____ clerk; Dahue Riker. -treasurer. - -No-one-- has been named as a Theodore-FaiBtT-KrJt; McManJia" Republican candidate- for super­ and George Winchester, - Jr., trus­ visor to replace Miller. ; tees'; James Gaken, assessor; and Bulldogs Lose •Philip Smith' arid Marjorie Dam Chandler.Rogers has been named iels^^rary..b6afd_direetors;-^i- -= asHhe candidato for Justice of the Independent ~party candidates, peace in-place of Riemenschneider. are George L. Winans, clerk; Wal- ’ Marie Forner, daughter of -M r.f Ellen Marie Keusch- is_te“ be~the On the Democratic ticket, Louis lace C. Wood, treasurer; Merle S. “and Mrs. Albert P; Forner, of valedictorian of :the class of 1959 V,-Birch was named a candidate for justice of the paaCa after-gen. Barr,-Jr.-, Louis J; Paul and-Wil-~ il53Pierce_road, 'Who attained an at Chelsea High fluhuul. it waa an To i;. High Ham D. Chandler, trustees; Thomas average of 3.68 for her four years nounced this week. She is the neth Schanz withdrew his name. Ploying their last league game Smith, assessor; Philip Ruaten and at Chelsea. High school, Is. to be daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Katherine Wagner, library board .'mhrtfltorian of the Class oU £69, P. Keusch.___- - — -- gf-the-aeaahnJast-Friday. Chelsea-------____BASKETBALL _ PLAYERTO. 25, one of the National Basketball League. Clifton's height; ,6?8”.. trustees. “ the first class to graduate froni lost to Ur High,“766^4 on the smallest members of the C he^i tehm who played enabled him to. reach over Newman’s head from a^ She had a perfect scholarship A K__ M KK 2 1. Ill* —■ KK K _ . K_ 2 A g_ . ■ X mt^K — -A- ... _ A ' . A II 1 , fl .^A' . - - - t-m #.»».. .-4 ■■ ■ ■ ■ K ...iM. ■ !■■■■« . ■■I.m. - W — K ■■■ .1 The village election will take the new^Chelsea-High school/ - ■ Bulldogs' home floor smon). Other Chelsea players -ahownT Immunization or4-of-4;<KFfor ~ her four years! U. High jumped to an place in Sylvan Town Hall with MissForner attended St. Mary’s of high, school work__..which in* Stars last Thursday in the <w. Chelsea High bpth sixfooters, are Gary Prahst, center, and the polls open fronr 7~a,Tn. Until m first-iiuarterjead^and-was^never- }~schbol gymira8ium; wasidenti | ^gchoblHhrongh^ihe-elghth-grade, xluded-^twb—monthr~5f telephone in .any.any real trotsbley^rrirr^T- d_aa_BUL Newman^ .- Robert Bertke, at right.' Approximately 1,700 Clinic Set 8 p.m. ■ ^ r- «' She has been a member of St. teaching : in the Tiinth"gfade~"ari(i -Both- teams—played—on—even ^whoisemployed^at.Chrysler^ovIrig Ground. His - people- were present for the Kiwanis-sponsored "Mary’s'Sodality f6r four years and all of~her sophomore year. terms forTthe Beyond- quarter-a a playing was .described as outstanding in spite , of exhibition 'game. Net proceeds of the^-game. \ -i *Sh^atteFded~StrTIary'8 “school ^hey each scored 17 points and U. his lack o r height. The photo above was snapped slightly fnore than 8900. will be used for e project For Tuesday thlg_-_yeaR=_-—_ Kiwanis Clii^ through the eighth grade and is High led at half-time, 35-28; , as he leaped in the air in front of Sweetwater for tha n«w -high-ufhnnl, — ^ "Diphtheria, tetonus .and small- —She-nhas-beehra-member of the a member of St.- Mary’s Sodality, The Cubb lost oply two points^ CHftojjv star of ’last yenrts Detroit Pinion^ of the high schoorcnorus for three yegrs pox 'immunization' clinics are pres­ serving as Sodality secretary. of their- lead in the third quarter ently beingheldithroughoutzWash^ Will Sponsor and is a member of- the-. Future Miss "Keuach-a-high school-acfrr as they were out scored,--]. 6-14 - to -Homemakers- of Americar <FHAl~ tenaw-county—the- one for Chelsea; vities are listed as: follows: an; lead'. 49-89. They regained that being scheduled for next' Tuesday, and the .Celettes. nual staff, , journalism, chorus', two points during the fourth quar­ Youth Center W inter Band Concert March'. 10, at South Elementory Violin« ■ ■ Concert■ Following graduation from high FTA,'GAA, during her juntor and ter as they outscored Chelsea, school. ' i school, she hopes to attend a bubi- of th e IT-tS.’- to win, 66-54. Letters were sent this week to Announcement was made at the neaa school in preparation for ex­ nual,— . senior----year;-- journalism High-made one more Plans Hayride Scheduled Tue Kiwanis club meeting Monday eve­ parents of school children eligible ning that Rnhin nff . imH hi a vinlln work. v _ _____president,-Junior,__________ year, and vice* Chelaea fls they ■ The , ’three bands~i>f~^ Chelsea^" to receive- the immunizations ott president, senior year; FTA treas- hit 25 of 46 for a very good 48 will be preaented here Mondays Fori^aturday Public Schools will present their Weber; "GreCn Valley Overture," a revised basis. - ___ Apjil 6, under the sponsorship of urer, junior and senior year; FHA J>«r-centj^€helsea—hit- 21 -of—681 -annual—Winter Concert Tuesday, A major revision of the schedule and girls' basketball, senior year; for 33 per cent, The big differ- ' Saturday night hy Olivadoti; "Cracker-Jacks," by the Kiwanis club. Proceeds of the Voter Registration _March 10, in the new higdrSBchool Delamater (Cornet trio.. Gordon for injections for children was affairwill beudesignated fora com^ jL atin- club, freshman—and-junio; enca in the score: was in the free You' :auditoriunortr7T80Tpim; All typer|B^m an year. throw department as U. High got Midwinter Hayride, frorfT 7:8^6p, munity service project. of music will be played and ad- Parks);*’ “CachUca,” Samba, by naw County Medical society after leadline N e a rs tor 9:00 p.m. Free refreshments and intensive study of the immunise The program at'Monday’s meet­ As a freshman.-Mifte-Beusch re- *n^11caiBhed in on 86 of them, mission will be free. Morrissey,•“"Jolly General^ March," ing, held in the social center o f ceived the Kiwanip citizenship; V?_hll5j£ h®1®«a /° A 0lUy 28 and hit a free dance will be held immedi­ A cornet- trio from—the Junior tionJeveLof-Children-revealedtfiat Tow nship Election ately afterwards Price .of^the hay- by Weber.-—-—;— ■ —...: ■> ■ — the Methodist church, was pre- : award and as a.a■ junior^hejunior sne whs -on °*«yonly 12 of them. Band, made pp of Gordon Beeman, booster injections at six-year in ride will be 25c single and 8Sc Senior Band: "Field of Color sented by William Buettner, com­ Township notices appearing in chosen, to- attend the Ahierican George Mayer was high ' for Curtis-Farley, and - Victor Parks, tervals were; sufficient to protect mercial_representative of the -this' issue of The Standard atato Chelsea-with 15- points.- He-was couple.-^—- —^—- March," by-Bowlea; /'Green JDom- egion Auxiliary’s Cirls’ State; wlll~be^featufedr~George^JWil80Ti7 (Continued on page 12) Michigan Consolidated-Gas Co.^He. that Monday, March 9, is the finat followed by Alton Nixon with 10 ■■ Feb. 121 the Youth Center held Dpnald Atkinson, bonna Sherman ino Overture/' by ' Orundman; Her activities also included parti- a very successful dance, called-th» ^Dmmnftaties^-bv-Buchtol-(Drum showed- ;a— color - film- entitled day to register for the Anrii elec clpation in the junior and senior points, T.oren Keezbr with 9; Frank and Terry Miller WilL-be- featured- 1 7 T ^ o rF _____ _____ Haunted Hop,Jnlwhich there- were Quartet: George Wilson, Donald “^Mackinaw Bridge Diary,” class playsi Fredrick, 7; Bob—Weiss,-6; Matt jnaT drum quartet "with band~ac Reports of the Goose Tatum All- Murphy, 4; and Honftr Nixon, 3. estimated to—be—nearly—100 at­ companiment. Atkinson, Donna Sherman, Terry Anyone not certain ha or she She plans to enroll-at St. Mary^s tending, including a few adults Miller) ; "QasiS,” by Kepner;-"Sev­ Stars exhibition basketball game 7«-properly registered should check This was the last home game for "A noVelfyr "Bugle Call' Boogie,” College, South Bend, Ind., and who thought-the dance waS Very enteen Come Sunday,” by' Wil­ at the new high school,- sponsored st once with the clerk- in the the four seniors on the team.
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