briefs • City to subsidize $1.6 million briefs • City refuses to declare rudy cole • My recommendations loan for City Manager housing Page 3 opinion on subway route Page 4 for state office Page 6 ALSO ON THE WEB Beverly Hills www.bhweekly.com WeeklySERVING BEVERLY HILLS • BEVERLYWOOD • LOS ANGELES Issue 575 • October 7 - October 13, 2010 OUR 11th Beverly Hills’ Anniversary First Lady The Weekly’s interview with Lonnie Delshad cover story • pages 8-9 Few motorists would risk their lives by for anyone but a Democrat because it would briefs • Lively subway route hearing at briefs • Julian Gold announces rudy cole • Roxbury Park Page 2 candidacy for City Council Page 3 United city speaks Page 6 bicycle community in the region, and isn’t have disappointed his liberal mother. As ALSO ON THE WEB Beverly Hills www.bhweekly.com that part of our transportation problem? Too one of my favorite commentators, Dennis letters too few folks using alternate transportation Prager, pointed out in a recent article, so WeeklySERVING BEVERLY HILLS • BEVERLYWOOD • LOS ANGELES means too many cars on the road. Bike- many registered Democrats vote for Left- Issue 574 • September 30 - October 6, 2010 friendly infrastructure not only protects wing candidates who do not share their Beverly High Athletic cyclists entitled to ride all of the streets in views for purely emotional, nonsensical Alumni to be inducted & email our city, but it reduces motorist liability too. reasons. In Rudy’s case, it is because his Simply put, bikes belong, so let’s plan for mother would disapprove of him voting into Hall of Fame them to accommodate bikes safely. Republican. (I have to wonder, why doesn’t “United City Speaks and notes on Bike lanes on Santa Monica would also he vote Republican because his more con- events, issues” [Issue #574] advance policy objectives. It’s federal and servative father might have disapproved of state policy to encourage increased fuel- him voting Democrat?) Unfortunately, too Rudy Cole seems to prematurely dismiss efficiency and to reduce greenhouse gas many people in California think like Rudy, a campaign by bicycle advocates for bike emissions. It’s federal and state policy, too, and that’s why we continue to elect the irre- lanes on Santa Monica Boulevard. The cor- as of January, to create ‘complete streets’ sponsible, Left-leaning legislatures and city Honorees discuss how sports changed their lives ridor is the most heavily-traveled in our city that accommodate pedestrians and cyclists governments that have run this state and cover story • pages 8-9 and is a direct route between the Westside as well as motorists. some cities into the ground. and points east, including West Hollywood The city has already committed to mov- Second, there is some delicious irony in and Hollywood. Bicyclists travel the cor- ing ahead on a bottom-up, $13 million his discussion of the wacko-Leftists that run WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND? ridor every day to get to the major jobs reconstruction of Santa Monica Boulevard the hate-filled airwaves of KPFK 90.7 FM. centers of the Westside and UCLA but must (lanes or no lanes). It would be the first I am glad to see that Rudy has acknowl- You can write us at: do battle with buses and impatient drivers major improvement since the state ceded edged that KPFK is out in far-Left field. 140 South Beverly Drive #201 - all without the benefit of lanes, pavement the boulevard to the city in 2005. Indeed (The programming there is loaded with Beverly Hills, CA 90212 markings, or even share-the-road signage. road conditions are awful and we must anti-Israeli, anti-American propaganda, and You can fax us at: bring it up to standard. Why not accom- there are even programs that openly pro- 310.887.0789 Corrections, Issue #574: • In the cover story, the year of death modate cyclists according to the letter and mote the idea that 9/11 was an inside job by email us at: of the late Beverly High coach Sax spirit of our policies, not to mention respon- the Bush administration.) Rudy often paints [email protected] Elliot was incorrectly identified. Sax sibility to ensure the safety of ALL who use conservatives with a very broad brush, Elliot actually died in 1996. Also, the our roads? and he’s frequently attacked the increas- Knights society at Beverly High was ingly powerful Tea-Party as if they were a not based on academics; rather on Mark Elliot bunch of extremists and kooks, rather than scholarship, school service, depend- Beverly Hills patriotic Americans worried about the fiscal ability and sportsmanship. health of the country. If I were like Rudy, it • The new Beverly Hills-owned com- There are two items in Rudy Cole’s last would be easy for me liken all liberals to the mercial building’s correct address is column that I must comment on. First, Rudy KPFK crowd in a similar way, but I know SNAPSHOT 331 Foothill Road. notes that he cannot bring himself to vote letters cont. on page 4 WeBeverlye Hills kly Issue 575 • October 7 - Ocrober 13, 2010 Beverly Hills Weekly Inc. Founded: October 7, 1999 Published Thursdays Delivered in Beverly HilIs, Beverlywood, Los Angeles ISSN#1528-851X www.bhweekly.com 1 year Publisher & CEO subscriptions Josh E. Gross are available. Reporter Sent via US Mail Marla Schevker $75 payable in Sports Editor advance Steven Herbert Contributing Editor Rudy Cole Adjudicated as a newspaper of general Advertising Representatives circulation for the County Batel Ouda of Los Angeles. Case Natalie Shemian # BS065841 of the Los Negin Elazari Angeles Superior Court, on November 30, 2000. Legal Advertising Mike Saghian Grant Blaisdell Eiman Matian 140 South Beverly Drive #201 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310.887.0788 phone 310.887.0789 fax CNPA Member [email protected] All staff can be reached at: first name @bhweekly.com Love of Books Unsolicited materials will not be returned. ©2010 Beverly Hills Weekly Inc. Moreno Drive Lili and Jon Bosse underwrote the PTsA’s upgrade of the Beverly High library, which reopened Monday. The library now has new computers and an online-based cataloging and circulation system, as well as new seating areas and new books. Page • Beverly Hills Weekly an appraisal satisfactory to the city or tion.” salary like Kolin does, should be able to obtained at the city’s cost. Vosburgh said the only other example provide for their own housing, Vosburgh The loan would have an interest rate of of a city giving a loan likes this that he said. 3 percent for the first 10 years and 3.25 could think of was the City of Bell. “I’m not saying it’s unique,” Vosburgh briefs percent thereafter, which Howard Jarvis “I’m not saying it’s illegal, I’m just say- said. “I’m just saying in this economic cli- City to subsidize $1.6 million loan for Taxpayers Association Executive Director ing that’s the only other one that comes to mate, it’s not the kind of thing the taxpay- City Manager housing in Beverly Hills Kris Vosburgh said is considerably lower mind,” Vosburgh said. “That’s a phenom- ers can afford to do for their employees.” The city than any resident could expect to get. The enal amount of money.” Mayor Jimmy Delshad said that $1.6 council voted loan is based on a 30-year term. People who receive a $274,999 annual briefs cont. on page 4 4-1 to subsidize The City Council decided to offer Kolin City Manager a loan up to $1.6 million, Beverly Hills Jeff Kolin an Chief Financial Officer Scott Miller said. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: up to $1.6 mil- “I think that’s what the City Council lion loan for thought the value of a home in Beverly housing. Kolin, Hills was,” Miller said. “I know that the October 14, 2010 who currently city managers home that we own was val- DATE: rents a South ued at approximately $1.5 million.” 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard La Peer Drive Kolin’s current home on South La Peer TIME: Jeff Kolin house owned is owned by the city after its previous Council Meeting Room 280A by the city, has owner City Manager Rod Wood retired. LOCATION: Beverly Hills City Hall elected to pur- The city has not made any decisions on 455 North Rexford Drive chase his own home in Beverly Hills or what to do with this house, Miller said. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 its surrounding area. Councilmember John After it is re-appraised, the council will Mirisch opposed the motion. have a better idea of the best way they can The Planning Commission of the City of Beverly Hills, at its REGULAR meeting As per the make money off of it. on Thursday, October 14, 2010, will hold a public hearing beginning at e m p l o y e e “We’ll bring the council several 1:30 , or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard to consider: a g r e e m e n t options,” Miller said. “One of them is [to] PM signed by keep the house and lease it until times get A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a new, 37,129 square foot Kolin and the better, or just sell it. But obviously the exercise club (Equinox Fitness Club) to be located at City, the City city council isn’t going to want to sell it 9465 Wilshire Boulevard.
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