20 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurs,, March 10, 1983 Researchers discover A ‘dead’ language Happy hour guide St. Patrick’s cause of hnuscle decay makes a comeback for Manchester car bargains .. p age 3 ... page 11 ... pages 22-24 BOSTON (UPI) - Medical re­ "As a surgeon, I ’ve always marveled searchers said today they have isolated at how fast people go to pieces when an element in the human defense they’re sick. It’s much quicker than system that causes the body to devour with normal starvation,” said Dr. its own muscle protein and may explain George Clowes Jr. of the Harvard why patients "waste away” so rapidly . Medical School and New England during prolonged illness. Deaconess Hospital, who headed the Understanding the mechanism will research. allow doctors to intervene in the Clowes said he would not necessarily Rain, snow tonight; Manchester, Conn. disease-fighting process when it jeo­ intervene in the healing process, but windy, coid Saturday pardizes the patient’s life, they said. the knowledge of how the mechanism Friday, March 11. 1983 works gives doctors the option to take In two studies published in the New — Details on page 2 Single copy: 25C England Journal of Medicine, the action — such as stepped up intraven­ Boston researchers said they found ous feeding or blocking the mechanism- thhat a type of amino acid called a — when appropriate. •• iUanrhrfitpr Mrralli peptide, which circulates in the blood of "W e no longer have to just stand by healthy individuals, is released three to and watch a patient waste away,” he five times as fast in sick people. said. The studies also showed how th » The substance stimulates the break­ system activates additional proteiiv down of muscle protein to supply other synthesis necessary for healing and amino acids necessary for energy, defense against infection. » healing and maintaining vital organ The researchers said they isolated a functions. The doctors said the re­ substance active in the immune President sponse is important to survival, but response that results in accelerated said prolonged mobilization of amino protein synthesis. acids leads to devastating muscle The substance, leukocytic pyrogen, weakness. is known to signal the brain of infectioiv. and cause fever. It also triggers the In sick people, they said, the peptide synthesis of prostaglandin, a hormone can cause the system to consume the associated with pain that could be muscle protein so fast the patient is left threatens responsible for muscle aches that weak and susceptible to other diseases and infections, accompany a fever, the researchers wrote. "Under such conditions, patients are They said fever appears to be prone to perish from overwhelming beneficial and seems to r^ u c e mortal­ infection culminating in multisystem ity in certain bacterial infections. But a failure," the doctors wrote. Colonial tea party I'-' prolonged fever causes dangerous jobs veto The studies were conducted by the weight loss and compromises the This repast of tea and sweetmeats might Harvard Medical School and the Tufts body’s ability to fight infection, they School of Medicine. said. have been served at an eiegant manse in unitlH Senate votes to repeal coloniai Wiiliamsburg, Va. ... but the United Press International the withholding, members of both u7AcuiMz--rr.», . houses would have to try to colonists above are Sandra Davey and WASHINGTON — President eliminate the measure in a confer- Valerie DeQuattro, mothers of students Radiation treatment Keagan promised today to veto a ence committee reconciling the in Highiand Park School's fifth grade recession relief jobs bill if it Senate bill with the more expen- arrives with an amendment block- sive House version ciass. Below right is Donna Uriano, mg the proposed withholding of Amid the withholding dispute, another ciass mother, and her son can lead to heart ills snd the Senate argued over where to Danny; in the photo below left. Danny dividends, the president’s chief put new jobs that would be created seems to have lost some of his energy. BOSTON (U PI) - One in three "In recent years, with improvements spokesman said today. u n der the r e c e s s io n - r e lie f patients who underwent radiation in the techniques of radiotherapy and We are departing from our package, Perhaps a cup of tea wouid perk him up. treatment in the 1960s develops some with greater use of chemotherapy, normal practice of not announcing it voted tentatively on Thursday kind of heart trouble, researchers cases of heart disease after radiation a veto in advance,’’ deputy press totargetone-thirdofthe$3.2billion Herald photos by Tarquinlo reported Wednesday. have been fewer and less severe,” said secretary Larry Speakes said actual jobs-creating money to the A study of 25 patients who underwent Dr. E. William Hancock of Stanford when asked about the controver- 21 states with the most severe irradiation for treatment of Hodgkin’s University School of Medicine. sial m e^ure proposed by Sen. unemployment. disease found that in many people the Robert K ast^, R-Wis. " I f the At least one more vote was However, new cases continue to show heart disease does not occur until up to up because they do not become ■ u stays in the scheduled on the issue, 15 years later, physicians reported in jobs bill the president will veto it. ’ ’ Withholding was approved last manifest until many years later. the New England Journal of Medicine. Despite opposition from Repub- year as a way of keeping people Doctors were quick to point out. Herald photo by Tarquinlo been leaders and the threat of a from avoiding paying taxes on however, that techniques have veto Kasten offered the amend- interest and dividends, an amount changed in the past 20 years and Crash victims uTi billion that could total $20 billion over five individuals undergoing radiation in the Soviet's feat jobs bill. The bill must become law years. 1970s afid 1980s probably will not have Town firefighters aid a victim of a one-car accident that by Tuesday because, among other Dole has threatened to legislate such complications. Center St., were taken by ambulance to Manchester M to new taxes against financial institu- / f it j * occurred on Olcott Street, near the town dump, at 10:30 Complications resulting in the first is announced Memorial Hospital. Demay and Gillis suffered fractured replenish the federal trust fund tions in retaliation for their power- two years are well known, they said, p.m. Thursday. Police said the driver, Robert V. Demay, from which unemployment claims ful lobbying efforts against with- ankles and are in satisfactory condition at the hospital but the study indicates multiple ca- 26, of Rockville, was trying to pass several cars at once are paid. The fund runs dry holding. He said the 20 largest •MOSCOW (UPD — The Soviet Union Debby Maskiel suffered a dislocated shoulder, David ridac abnormalities were common when he missed a curve and drove off the road into a Tuesday without It. banks pay only 2.8 percent of their even in healthy young people 5 to 15 today announced the docking of the Maskiel facial bruises, and Janet Wharff contusions; all His arnendment seeks to repeal income in taxes. thicket of trees. Demay and his four passengers, Arnold years after therapeutic irradiation of Salyut 7 space station with a satellite in were treated and released. Demay was charged with Dole scheduled hearings on bank the chest area. a move Western experts say may Gillis, 61, of 151 Pine St.; David Maskiel, 29, and Debby reckless driving. withholding of 10 percent of taxation for this morning "It is important to emphasize that enable man to permanently live in Maskiel, 24, of Rockville, and Janet Wharff, 18, of 209 interest and dividends by financial For the seventh time in the first the patients in this series underwent space. institutions so the money can be nine weeks of the year, new A therapeutic irradiation with tech­ The news agency Tass said the forwarded to the Treasury against applications for unemployment niques that are no longer em p loy^ by taxes people and businesses owe on benefits dropped module, identified as Cosmos 1443 ra^otherapists,” they wrote. the earnings. ^ when it was launched March 2, docked Currently techniques "m ay be ex­ Senate Finance Committee with the space station at 4; 20a.m. EST. pected to lead to a decline in the Recovery may be delayed chairman Robert Dole, R-Kan.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • # incidence and severity of cardiac The satellite "provides for further who supports withholding, began a abnormality both in the short term and trials of on-board systems, equipment filibuster against repeal, saying he I f l S I Q G l O G Q y long after irradiation,” they said. and structural elements of advanced Bv Denis G. Gulino Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker might take two to three weeks to Researchers at the National Heart, space vehicles, practicing methods of United Press International said the shift of funds into the new accounts educate his colleagues. 24 pages, 4 sections Lung and Blood Institute and the control of orbital complexes of a large has caused "distortions" in the money In the meantime, the unemploy­ National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, size and weight.” Tass said, without Key economic figures indicate the supply figures. ment compensation extension A d vice .......................................... 20 Md., studied 25 patients who had no disclosing the dimensions of the fledgling economic recovery may take On the economy as a whole, both said the would die, as would the emergency ” module. indication of heart trouble before longer than expected. nation can look forward to a sustained j^b^biii.
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