“Transportation“Transportation StrategiesStrategies Toolbox”Toolbox” JackJack GonsalvesGonsalves P.E.P.E. BRTBRT NationalNational PracticePractice LeaderLeader ParsonsParsons BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoff [email protected]@pbworld.com 503-478-2359503-478-2359 5-County5-County TransportationTransportation Summit,Summit, KansasKansas CityCity DecemberDecember 20082008 EvolutionEvolution StageStage ofof TransitTransit ModesModes •• Heavy Heavy RailRail –– AlsoAlso wellwell establishedestablished inin largerlarger citiescities •LRT• LRT– – Proven Proven AcceptanceAcceptance twotwo decadesdecades ofof serviceservice nationwidenationwide •• Streetcar Streetcar –– Early Early RebirthRebirth –– Portland,Portland, SeattleSeattle •• Bus Bus RapidRapid TransitTransit- - Emerging Emerging -- Eugene, Eugene, Cleveland,Cleveland, LosLos Angeles,Angeles, LasLas VegasVegas •• Commuter Commuter RailRail– – well well establishedestablished -100-100 yearsyears operatesoperates overover partsparts ofof nationalnational railrail systemsystem MatchMatch correctcorrect landland useuse visionvision withwith ModeMode •• HeavyHeavy RailRail –– Most Most capacitycapacity useuse inin existingexisting highhigh urbanurban densitydensity settings;settings; mostmost expensive;expensive; justifiabljustifiablee onlyonly atat extremelyextremely highhigh volumesvolumes •• CommuterCommuter RailRail –Better–Better useuse ofof downtowndowntown landland (terminal)(terminal) throughthrough expansionexpansion ofof existingexisting stationsstations –– town town toto towntown journeyjourney •• mode mode chooseschooses thethe landland ratherrather ththanan thethe landland choosingchoosing thethe mode.mode. •• More More parkingparking andand moremore walkablewalkable uses uses atat suburbansuburban locationslocations •• LightLight RailRail –– median median capacity;capacity; justifiablejustifiable costcost forfor manymany corridorscorridors forfor largelarge andand mediummedium citiescities withwith existingexisting urbanizationurbanization oror largelarge destinationdestination nodenode •• BRTBRT –– median median capacity;capacity; mostmost flexibleflexible forfor cost;cost; connectsconnects suburbansuburban toto urbanurban density;density; oftenoften cancan serveserve samesame lineslines ofof corridorcorridor demanddemand asas LightLight railrail •• StreetcarStreetcar –– Downtown Downtown circulator,circulator, oror crcross-townoss-town service,service, servesserves mostmost intenseintense landland use,use, reducesreduces secondarysecondary autoauto tripstrips BusBus RapidRapid TransitTransit •• Engineering Engineering BRTBRT –– wide wide spectrumspectrum ExpressExpress BusBus ------------------------------------ LRT LRT onon rubberrubber tirestires BRTBRT -- System System ofof ComponentsComponents Vehicles Running Ways Stations & Stops ITS & Fare Payment Service Plan ForFor BRTBRT toto bebe -- “Rapid“Rapid Transit”Transit” •• Minimum Minimum AttributesAttributes –– Reliability Reliability –– All All dayday serviceservice –– Corridor Corridor speedspeed AverageAverage (12(12 mph+)mph+) –– 8-12 8-12 minutesminutes headwaysheadways @@ peakpeak –– Capacity/Throughput Capacity/Throughput –– Unique Unique IdentityIdentity QualityQuality ImageImage –– Context Context SensitiveSensitive StationStation DesignDesign 22 BasicBasic BRTBRT CategoriesCategories ExclusiveExclusive Lane?Lane? BRTBRT “Lite“Lite”” “True”“True” BRT BRT •• Mixed Mixed TrafficTraffic •• Center Center medianmedian runningrunning •• Queue Queue jumpsjumps ways,ways, dedicateddedicated R/WR/W •• Skip Skip StopsStops •• Larger Larger fixedfixed StationsStations •• New New paintpaint onon StdStd BusBus •• Guidance Guidance systemsystem •• Onboard Onboard FareboxFarebox •• Unique Unique imageimage •• Prefab Prefab sheltersshelters •• Sleek Sleek HybridHybrid VehiclesVehicles •• Signal Signal PriorityPriority •• High High capacitycapacity •• 8-10 8-10 minmin headwaysheadways •• Signal Signal PriorityPriority TypesTypes ofof BRTBRT SystemsSystems •• BRT BRT “Lite”“Lite” – – mixed mixed traffictraffic –– $0.8M $0.8M perper milemile •• BRT BRT ModerateModerate (hybrid)(hybrid) –– mostly mostly dedicateddedicated –– $4-8M $4-8M perper milemile •• BRT BRT FullFull FledgedFledged –– exclusive exclusive lanelane –– $9-22 $9-22 MM perper milemile (curb(curb toto curbcurb rebuild)rebuild) –– LRT LRT $50-60M$50-60M perper milemile BRTBRT PlanningPlanning StepsSteps WhatWhat doesdoes anan AlternativeAlternative include?include? AlignmentAlignment TechnologyTechnology ServiceService planplan 1)1) MarketMarket –– Where Where areare thethe “customers’“customers’ 2)2) Service Service && operationsoperations planplan –– Transfers Transfers && connectsconnects withwith fixedfixed busbus overlayoverlay routesroutes 3)3) Station Station PlacementPlacement –– Station Station areaarea planning,planning, nearnear workwork nodesnodes 4)4) Link/connect Link/connect statistationsons withwith runningrunning wayway –– The The alignmentalignment andand designdesign IntegratedIntegrated ServiceService StructureStructure • Line haul, high frequency • Local / feeder • Feeder / express Looking for that “One seat ride” BRTBRT sideside runningrunning Exclusive lane separated running way Independent alignment - Provides best design flexibility to avoid site constraints Approx 30 feet required width Most flexible design for Running way maintenance CurbCurb runningrunning arterialarterial CenterCenter runningrunning medianmedian Contra-flowContra-flow runningrunning wayway A single bi-directional lane may perform with better headways than that of two mixed traffic running ways LasLas VegasVegas MAXMAX ExclusiveExclusive CurbCurb LaneLane Mostly exclusive BRT curb lane - but also used as driveway access to Businesses - “BAT” Lane Bi-DirectionalBi-Directional LaneLane Eugene,Eugene, OregonOregon RouenRouen –– BRT BRT mixedmixed traffictraffic BusBus OnOn ShoulderShoulder (BOS)(BOS) SqueezeSqueeze outout useuse ofof entireentire existingexisting assetsassets •• TRCP TRCP StudyStudy D-13D-13 “draft”“draft” •• Minneapolis Minneapolis –– originator originator 1010 years,years, 250250 milesmiles •• Cleveland Cleveland OhioOhio -- I-90 I-90 •• Miami Miami -- 20 20 busesbuses perper hourhour •• Georgia Georgia •• San San DiegoDiego -- I-805 I-805 •Ottawa•Ottawa MinneapolisMinneapolis BOSBOS •• Mutual Mutual DilemmaDilemma MnDOTMnDOT –– increased increased freewayfreeway congestion,congestion, NoNo MoneyMoney MetroMetro -- increased increased ridership,ridership, BudgetBudget cutscuts •• MnDOT MnDOT –– taking taking mymy brake-downbrake-down lane,lane, safetysafety •• Metro Metro TransitTransit –– using using itit toto reducreducee OverloadOverload onon GPGP lanes,lanes, betterbetter serviceservice reliabilityreliability •• I-35 I-35 demodemo projectproject •• Do Do notnot callcall itit aa “lane”“lane” – – FHWA FHWA •• Passed Passed statestate legislationlegislation toto enableenable BOSBOS •• To To bebe usedused atat speedspeed lowerlower -- 35 35 mphmph •• Splitting Splitting costscosts ofof constructionconstruction •• Up Up toto 250250 busesbuses perper dayday I-35I-35 2121 mi,mi, •• 15,000 15,000 passengerspassengers perper dayday •• 87 87 busesbuses perper hourhour peak;peak; 3,0003,000 perper hrhr •• Good Good safetysafety recordrecord BusBus onon ShouldersShoulders •• 10-12 10-12 ftft shouldershoulder -- not not aa “lane”“lane” •• Operational Operational protocolprotocol –– 35 35 mphmph thresholdthreshold –– 15 15 mphmph differentialdifferential “side“side friction”friction” •• Operator’s Operator’s optionoption toto initiateinitiate –– riders riders demanddemand itit BusBus OnOn LeftLeft ShoulderShoulder -- StructureStructure •• Left Left shouldershoulder useuse –– testingtesting inin processprocess •• Lane Lane guidanceguidance technologytechnology •• Use Use forfor ExpressExpress routesroutes •• no no needneed forfor newnew structurestructure IntermittentIntermittent BusBus LanesLanes (IBL)(IBL) •• The The conceptconcept ofof consistsconsists ofof creatingcreating aa specialspecial lanelane inin aa roadroad section,section, thethe statusstatus ofof whichwhich cancan bebe changedchanged fromfrom aa regularregular lanelane mostmost ofof thethe time,time, toto aa BUSBUS lanelane onon demanddemand forfor aa limitedlimited time,time, duringduring whichwhich aa busbus isis movesmoves through.through. •• Demonstration Demonstration projectsprojects –– Lisbon Lisbon PortugalPortugal –– Brisbane Brisbane AustraliaAustralia Intermittent Bus Lane in “off” status – LED signals are “off” and any vehicle can use the rightmost lane Bus approaching the Intermittent Bus Lane – the LEDs are flashing and general traffic vehicles are not allowed to enter the rightmost lane Bus flowing in the Intermittent Bus Lane - The LEDs are flashing and still no cars can enter the rightmost lane Car entering the Intermittent Bus Lane while the LED signals are flashing – driver behaviour is not allowed Car entering the Intermittent Bus Lane while the LED signals are off – driver behaviour is allowed NuggetsNuggets forfor SuccessSuccess •• New New conceptconcept –– Communicate Communicate visionvision withwith simulationssimulations •• All All politicspolitics areare locallocal –– need need aa Champion,Champion, anyany ChampionChampion •• Make Make thethe TrafficTraffic EngineerEngineer youryour friendfriend •• Choose Choose aa busybusy existingexisting serviceservice corridorcorridor •• Preserve Preserve thethe RightRight ofof WayWay –– “permanence” “permanence” •• “Plagiarism” “Plagiarism” is is goodgood •• Capital Capital costingcosting –– early early andand oftenoften •• Emphasize Emphasize serviceservice integrationintegration && flexibilityflexibility •• Do Do notnot overselloversell BRTBRT ThankThank YouYou –– Questions? Questions? Pioneer Parkway (existing) Pioneer Parkway (with transit lanes) Grass Filter, Low Noise Curbed Transit Lanes.
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