SECTION ONE RED BANK GISTER SECTION ONE VOLUMELXIV.NO. 39.' RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 19,1942, PAGES 1 TO 12 New Church Fitted For Rumson Pupil Sergt. Lockard jTo Get Restoring Century-Old Wins National Consecration Service Essay Honors . Commission Hard Way Rumson Church Hall "Reality. In Religion" Is Bishop's Divisional Honors Will Be June Graduate Of Training School Modernized "Bingham Hall" Will Be Go to School Paper, '—.Gets His D. S. M. From Gen. VanDeusen Sermon Theme In Methodist Edifice The Rumaonian . Center Of Community Activities : <•- Gen. George L. VanDcuaen, com- Rumson'g century-old church build- More than 600 members and londerance of Prcisbytorluin wor* Rumson High school's duplicated manding officer of Fort Monmouth, ng on Blngham avenue, known in hipped together for a few years un. friends filled the auditorium and publication, The Rumsonian, won na- Rumson Police Tuesday presented Staff Sergeant chapel Bunday morning on the oc- Realtors See iore recent years as the parish er a number of different preachers. tional and divisional honors at the Joseph L. Lockard, the man who ouse, where originated many of the casion of the consecration of the detected Japanese planes over Oahu The community church arrange- Columbia Interscholastlc Press asso- hrlving organizations of today in ments, however, did not work out new Methodist church on, upper Gpod Season ciation convention which concluded Reserves Made one hour before they attacked the Broad etreet. naval base at Pearl Harbor Decem- that borough, is being thoroughly uccessfully, and it become desirable its meetings at Columbia University modernized by action of the board of or the Presbyterians and Metho- Commending the congregation on Saturday. • . ber 7, with his own Distinguished the 100 per cent attendance start For The Shore Special Officers Service Medal in recognition of "ex- trustees of the Rumson Presbyter- lista, ; the major groups, to make National honorB went to Charlotte ian church, and under their direc- >Ians for worship In a church of In the new edifice, Bishop Ernest G. Roilly, a junior, whose essay on ceptionally meritorious service." Richardson of tho Philadelphia area Sgt.- Lockard had been officially on and that of the energetic pas- heir own denomination. The old tuberculosis and the Christmas Seal 15 Sworn in Last or, Rev. WJliiam Calvin Colby. :hurch was purchased by tho.fres- •aid that by continuing attendance Dispel Rumors That Won one 'of the 1S2 awards In tho awarded a D. 3. M. In Washington at the services and supporting the last week by Assistant Secretary of Tho one-story frame structure Is >ytcrlan trustees from Mr. Hunt's" United States, of which 13 were in Week by Acting 24 feet wide and 75 feet in depth and church religion is made a reality. Beaches May Be New Jersey. Approximately 1,600 War Patterson, but the original idra and the Methodists In later '"Christ knows our every thought and papers were entered in the contest. Mayor Francis Nary medal which had been Inscribed with is fitted out with a 23x24 platform ears built an edifice of their own, need'at all times," declared the Bis- Closed This Summer This was Monmouth county's first Sgt. Lockard's name had been sent LIEUT. JOHN A. MATTHEWS stage. The seating capacity, is in It was during tho 24-year pastor* sxcesa of 200, Tho ceiling has been te of Rev. Samuel W. Knipe, who hop, "and asks reality and frankness winner in, four years. Honolulu after he had started Lieut. John A, Matthews, son of from humanity, Tho .church, on the Monmouth county real estate Acting Mayor Francis J. Nary ad- back to this country. Thus, he passed •econstructed and attractively dec- was installed In the old church Juno Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Matthews of irated. A new archway has been 8, 1883, that the new church sanct- other hand, falls In its mission of brokers, seeking to dispel rumors ministered the oath of special officer his medal going the other way. It Sycamore avenrfe, Little Silver, re- aervloe and responsibility if It does that the shore area would be banned at last Thursday night's meeting of was returned by air mail and the JUilt over the platform.-New plumb- :ary and manse on River road wera ceived his wings as a pilot In the njf, electric lights and fixtures have not acquaint the people with, God to vacationists because of military the Rumson borough council to 15 20-year-old hero was presented with army air force at graduation exer- juilt. The old structure was used _ind_draw'.. them closer to the Sa- and naval placottientSj jirejjptlmlstlc members of the police reserves. it. cises March 7 at Foster Meld, Texas. ieen Installed and a. well-equipped 'or various purposes for about 20 viour." • ~ 'regardiiig^the-coming^BeasonT-^-'rire ']You_are an integral jiart of the po- - The presentation jvas made In the :itchen enlarged. ears following the erection of tho Tho presentation of the church Monmoutli board of realtors, .in a lice force,""slatea~MrrWafy7~"and- Non-Commissioned^Offlcers-club at or at Kelly field, Texas. • building was made by the board of statement Issued this week, declare have been trained to cape with any Fort Monmouth with a dozen news- Rev. Arthur A. McICay^Vecams" ~ trustees and was accepted in behalf that the restricted use of automo- emergency that may occur." papermen and photographers the lastor in June, 1910, and under his only audlece. Lt.'Harold E. Tim- of the congregation by the pastor, biles, because of tire and gasoline Badges and nightsticks were pre- able leadership the church entered sented to the men by Councilman J. merman, - public relations officer; Standard Oil fields of activity hitherto unexplored. Rev, Kenneth R. Perlnchlef. Rev. shortages, will force people to re- lolonel W. O. Reeder, assistant com- Dr. A, Cobln Brady, district super- main in ono vacation spot this sea- Edward Wilson, chairman of tho po- The parish house, then in disuse, lice reserves. mandant of the F03:it; Lt. Reilley, was reconditioned and reopened, Or* intendent, also took part in the ser- son, and that the North Jersey aide-de-camp ' to Genti' \ Va.nDeuseni , Man Buys Home vice, The large vested choir ren- shore, because of its proximity to Sworn in were Philip Matthews, ganizatlon work among the boys and Jr,, Francis Love, Jr., John Bren- and several men from1 thele)j ppublic re men of the borough was undertaken dered special music. the metropolitan area, is Indicated lations office were the only Army About 450 persons attended tho as tho most logical vacation spot. nan, Newcombe C. Baker, Frank On Riverfront by Mr. M«Kay and before loftg tho Foderaro, Roger Gilbert, Paul J. men. present. renovated hall was the center of evening service, many ftom other The statement'follows: Sgt. Lockard arrived Friday after- churches joining with the Methodists "Rumors that circulated a few Hlntelmann, Arthur Jacquest, How- many activities tor the Rumson noon at the -post and-Saturday at- boys' club and asplendld Boy Scout in worship, Greetings and con- weeks ago that the Jersey shore area ard Kavookjinn, James Leo, Jr., Oli- tended his first classes in the officer VanHorn Agency Also gratulatory messages were dellver- would be banned to vacationist be- ver Macintosh, Joseph Mazza, Wil- troop, A gymnasium and basketball candidates' school, where he hopes RUMSON'S FIRST CHURCH court were set up, a popular lyceura ered toy Rev. John A. Hayes of the cause of military and naval place- liam McVltty, John Porter and Paul to earn a second lieutenant's com- Sells Property at Presbyterian church, Rev. Herbert S. VanBrunt. The police reserves now course of entertainment was Insti- ments along tho area were definitely mission. Work of converting the buldllng Craig of Trinity Episcopal church total 62. They have studied .the; po- Old Farm Village tuted and many other public affairs dispelled March 12 when Secretary Modest, slightly nervous and em- into a modern hall is being done by and by Alfred C. Beck', moderator of lice manual and have passed their attracted young 'and old, rich and of the Navy Frank Knoic announced barrassed that so much fuss was, Elmer Pearsall, well known Rumson the Baptist'church, who represented xamlnatlon. The group Is now tak- -poor, and today many of the older that there had been no statement re- being made over him, Lockard an- A fine residence of brick and contractor, who Is a church elder the pastor, Rev. Charles A. Thunn. ing a course In first aid. residents recall the good times they leased by his department that the swered questions in what was termed frame construction has just been and chairman of the building com- A telegram of good wishes was read Acting Mayor Nary reported that had. in, the old hall. beaches would be either fully or par- a "hail and farewell" to the press completed on the banks of one of mittee. from Rabbi Arthur H. Herjhon of tially closed by the war conditions. a demonstration of the new sewer- and press conferences. Asked about In this ancient building were held tho widest coves of the Shrewsbury With the completion of the im- B'nal Israel congregation. .The pas "The Monmouth Board of Realtors WILLIAM PAZICKY. cleahlng equipment will be given at his experiences with Interviews, ho river, on the boundary of Fair Hav- many important meetings, some of tor responded to the greetings and and the •'New Jersey council have ) a. m, Saturday of this week. Mr. told the assembled newsmen that he en and Rumson. Tho home was provements, the building is to be which culminated In the organlta- well wishes of the mlnlstors with an been-taking steps long bofore Sec- MISB Rellly's article was forwarded Nary also stated that the salvage was glad this was to be his last for built by Allen Brothers, inc., con- known as Eingham hall and will tion of the publio nursing associa- expression of appreciation In behalf retary Knox'g announcement to dls to the contest editors by the Mon- committee will make collection of some time.
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