June 17, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5417 that people of different religious paths Rabbi David Halpern, who offered our WELCOMING DR. DAVID HALPERN, may learn to live side-by-side in peace opening prayer. I thank him for his RABBI, FLATBUSH PARK JEWISH and in harmony. thoughtful invocation. CENTER, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK We ask Thy blessing upon these Madam Speaker, Rabbi Halpern’s ac- (Mr. WEINER asked and was given members of our Congress, the spiritual complishments in his community of permission to address the House for 1 heirs of those who were so instru- Flatbush, Brooklyn, have touched minute and to revise and extend his re- mental in bestowing upon the seed of many lives across the Nation, and his marks.) Israel the restoration of their home- work merits national recognition. Mr. WEINER. Madam Speaker, it is land. We pray that our President will He leads the Flatbush Park Jewish not usual that a relatively young man succeed in his determined mission of Center. He is the Principal of the reli- like myself can say that I have known building peace with security and of gious school there, which he helped someone well for nearly 20 years, but it shining the bright light of freedom found in 1952. He sought to create a is in that spirit that I welcome Rabbi upon that benighted part of the world. place where religiously observant and David Halpern here this morning and Grant that our President and Vice religiously curious alike can feel com- thank him for his thoughtful words. President and all our elected leaders fortable; to advance the goal of Jewish Brooklyn is full of distinguished spir- will be blessed with clear vision to see learning; and to support Jewish causes itual leaders, and Rabbi Halpern stands and understand the future, and the around our country and around the out as a giant among them. Rabbi courage and heart to make it a blessed globe. He also served as a Chaplain in Halpern is a past President of the Rab- and beautiful reality. the 71st Infantry of the 42nd Division of binical Board of Flatbush, where he We pray in the words of Isaiah: May served as Chairman of the Board’s the spirit of the Lord rest upon us, the the National Guard for 10 years, and he sits on the New York board of Rabbis. Membership Committee for 13 years. spirit of wisdom and understanding, He is also a prominent member of other Madam Speaker, the esteem in which the spirit of counsel and strength, the Rabbinical organizations and the Rab- the Flatbush Park Jewish Center is spirit of knowledge and fear of the binical Council of the United States. Lord. Amen. held indicates that Rabbi Halpern’s ef- He is widely respected and recognized f forts have been an unqualified success. for his intellect and wisdom, but, if In recognition of his sense of compas- THE JOURNAL there is one thing that distinguishes sion and leadership, he was chosen to Rabbi Halpern, it is dedication not The SPEAKER pro tempore. The speak on behalf of the community of only to his faith, but in particular to Chair has examined the Journal of the Flatbush in the wake of the 9/11 trag- his congregants and his community. last day’s proceedings and announces edy. More than 50 years ago, Rabbi Halpern to the House her approval thereof. Madam Speaker, I am delighted that became the first Rabbi of the Flatbush Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- he was able to share some of his wis- Park Jewish Center. And more than 50 nal stands approved. dom and grace with us today. We ad- years later, Rabbi Halpern is still Mr. KLINE. Madam Speaker, pursu- mire his commitment to his faith and there, and the community is stronger ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote to his community. than ever. on agreeing to the Speaker’s approval Under his leadership, Flatbush Park of the Journal. f has grown from a gathering of only 65 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The families in a rented store into a Mod- question is on the Speaker’s approval ern Orthodox congregation of more of the Journal. MODERNIZING MEDICARE than 500 family members. Today, there The question was taken; and the (Mr. GINGREY asked and was given are thousands of people in Brooklyn Speaker pro tempore announced that permission to address the House for 1 and beyond whose spiritual lives were the ayes appeared to have it. minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. KLINE. Madam Speaker, I object shaped by Rabbi Halpern. marks.) As hard as I try to express what to the vote on the ground that a Mr. GINGREY. Madam Speaker, I Rabbi Halpern means to this commu- quorum is not present and make the rise today to address the House in sup- nity, the ultimate testament is how point of order that a quorum is not port of the Medicare Modernization and many people joined him on his journey present. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Prescription Drug Act, which will be to Washington today. Dozens from his ant to clause 8, rule XX, further pro- marked up in the Committee on Ways community, as well as distinguished ceedings on this question will be post- and Means and the Committee on En- Rabbis, are here in his honor, and it is poned. ergy and Commerce this morning. my particular pleasure to welcome The point of no quorum is considered Modernizing Medicare with a pre- Rabbi Halpern’s wife Sheila, his son withdrawn. scription drug benefit puts a down pay- Neil, his daughters Risa and Beth, his son-in-law Dennis and his grand- f ment on a healthy future for Ameri- cans. The House has an historic oppor- daughter Lauren who are in Wash- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tunity to bring up to date our health ington on this most important occa- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the care system for millions of seniors. sion. In closing, on behalf of the United gentleman from California (Mr. LAN- The bill that will soon be before this States House of Representatives and TOS) come forward and lead the House House reflects the compassionate con- our grateful community, I would like in the Pledge of Allegiance. servatism of my party. It is compas- to thank Rabbi Halpern for his elo- Mr. LANTOS led the Pledge of Alle- sionate because it is providing much quent words this morning and for his giance as follows: needed prescription drug coverage to service to our whole country. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Americans on a fixed income. It is con- United States of America, and to the Repub- servative because prescription drugs f lic for which it stands, one nation under God, often provide the ounce of prevention HONORING JACKSON TOBISKA, 2003 indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. that beats the pound of cure. It is con- PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLAR f servative because this legislation will (Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- WELCOMING DR. DAVID HALPERN, serve the people today without break- fornia asked and was given permission RABBI, FLATBUSH PARK JEWISH ing the bank tomorrow. It makes no fi- to address the House for 1 minute and CENTER, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK nancial sense to cover astronomically to revise and extend her remarks.) (Mr. LANTOS asked and was given expensive surgery and not cover drugs Mr. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- permission to address the House for 1 that could have prevented that sur- fornia. Madam Speaker, I rise today to minute and to revise and extend his re- gery. honor Jackson Tobiska, a senior at Or- marks.) We have promised a benefit to our ange County’s High School of the Arts, Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I am seniors for years. This year, this year, for being selected as a 2003 Presidential pleased to welcome to the Chamber Madam Speaker, it is time to deliver. Scholar. VerDate Jan 31 2003 00:54 Jun 18, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17JN7.009 H17PT1 H5418 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 17, 2003 Jackson is one of 137 winners of this Any record vote on postponed ques- ies of this resolution to the University of very prestigious award, selected na- tions will be taken later today. Minnesota Duluth for appropriate display and to transmit an enrolled copy of this res- tionally by a 32 member commission. It f is comprised of leaders in education, olution to each coach and member of the COMMENDING THE UNIVERSITY OF NCAA 2003 National Collegiate Women’s Ice medicine, law, social services and gov- MINNESOTA DULUTH BULLDOGS Hockey Championship team. ernment, and they select the scholars. FOR WINNING THE NCAA 2003 NA- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The scholars are selected based on TIONAL COLLEGIATE WOMEN’S ant to the rule, the gentleman from their academic skills, on their commu- ICE HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP Minnesota (Mr. KLINE) and the gentle- nity service, and, of course on their woman from Minnesota (Ms. MCCOL- leadership skills. Mr. KLINE. Madam Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and agree to the LUM) each will control 20 minutes. In a time when there are budget cuts The Chair recognizes the gentleman that are cutting across our education resolution (H. Res. 171) commending from Minnesota (Mr. KLINE). system and when our schools, espe- the University of Minnesota Duluth GENERAL LEAVE cially in my home State, are suffering, Bulldogs for winning the NCAA 2003 National Collegiate Women’s Ice Hock- Mr.
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