Established 1865 VOL. 33, NO. 10 75 CENTS HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 2018 Homedale, county plan for future Public has another chance to give input next week Exploration of ideas to possibly rezone part of the Homedale area of impact con- tinues next Wednesday with another public meeting. Community members can give their input during an open house-style meeting at 6:30 p.m. inside the magistrate courtroom, 31 W. Wyoming Ave. The public meeting follows the Homedale City Council’s regular monthly meeting at A fi re burns Saturday morning on the property of Specialty Inc. Wood Products on Pioneer Road outside 6 p.m. and will precede a scheduled 7:30 Homedale’s city limits. Submitted photo p.m. joint meeting between city leaders and Owyhee County Planning & Zoning com- Pallet company loses building to fi re –– See Future, page 9A A Saturday morning fire destroyed the main building at a pallet manufacturing company in Museum staff to Homedale. Homedale Fire Chief Dennis Uria said crews responded to Specialty Inc. Wood Products after the build history on fi re was reported to county dispatch at 7:20 a.m. No cause for the fi re at the Pioneer Road business Marsing bridge has been determined, Uria said. The fi re chief said every piece of the department’s Interviewees sought equipment was dispatched and about 15 to 20 volunteer fi remen battled the blaze until about 10 to memorialize span a.m. set for replacement Unlike a May 12, 2008 fi re at the facility when older pallets and onion bins were burned, Uria said The Historic Preservation Commission most of the company’s inventory was preserved. is working to protect important historical “There might have one or two stacks that went up, knowledge in Owyhee County. but we saved most of that,” he said. Smoke rises from the remains of the building after With replacement of the Snake River — JPB Homedale volunteer fi refi ghters contained the blaze. bridge in Marsing set for this summer, some have feared the loss of an important chapter in the county’s history. Pursuing common sense, common ground Amy Johnson, director of the Owyhee County Museum and Library in Murphy, Ranchers understand need has a plan, though. “Because it’s eligible (to be on the for BLM’s Silver City TMP National Register of Historic Places), they While things may seem becoming law was behind have to do something called a mitigation quiet on the surface, the spirit last week’s scoping meetings process,” Johnson said. of the Owyhee Initiative is to enlist the public’s help in The law Johnson refers to, the National alive and well and affecting vetting the Bureau of Land Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA), how local public lands Management’s Silver City requires agencies to take into account management decisions are Travel Management Plan. adverse effects of their actions to historic being made. Meetings held in Nampa Flint Creek rancher Vern Kershner (center) and places by affording the Advisory Council The collaborative spirit on Feb. 27 and Murphy last Murphy’s Karen Steenhof (right) discuss and alternative on Historic Preservation (ACHP) “a that led to the Initiative –– See Ground, page 13A with BLM wildlife biologist Colleen Trese. –– See History, page 5A Subscribe today Daylight Saving Time: Set clocks ahead 1 hour, 2 a.m. Sunday Get the news source of the Owyhees delivered SBOC retirement, Pg. 2A: Longtime employee says goodbye directly to you each Wednesday Only $31.80 in Owyhee County Missing person, Pg. 9A: OCSO seeks leads on Marsing female Call 337-4681 Mustangs win awards, Pg. 1B: JV boys fi nish third at State Obituary, 6A • Looking Back, 4B • Commentary, 6-7B Page 2A Wednesday, March 7, 2018 Longtime South Board of Control employee retires Above: Co-workers turned out last Wednesday at the South Board of Control water building to bid farewell to Gary Wroten. Wroten spent 41 years with the irrigation district, including several years as the chemical coordinator who helped in the fi ght against algae and other contaminants. Right: South Board water master Ryan Nash (right) presents Wroten with a plaque of appreciation. South Board irrigation EDVTXH&OXEKRPHGDOH directors to meet Tuesday 18th Annual Irrigation directors The Gem Irrigation board overseeing part of the Owyhee meets at 1:15 p.m. Project will hold their monthly The South Board of Control meetings Tuesday. directors begin their meeting KRPHGDOH The Ridgeview Irrigation at 1:30 p.m. District board meets at 1 p.m. All three meetings take place downstairs in the board room %DVTXH'DQFH st Find out at the SBOC offi ce, 118 S. 1 Saturday March 10, 2018 What’s happening St. W., in Homedale. Read Calendar each week For more information, call Ã`iÊ >`>ÊÀi>ÊUÊ{äÈÊ} Ü>ÞÊxÊUÊi`>i in the Avalanche (208) 337-3760. Live & Silent Auction !$" $ Weight Carry + ,', %, Contest ,,*(,%, ,,','&&**%'#,% - ! " " " " " """ Cash " " " " " "" Prizes! ,%,( ,#(,,*%'*%,%', %* ,%,$)$ ) `ÃÃÊÊfx°ääÊUÊ ÀÃÊ"«iÊ>ÌÊx\ÎäÊ«°°ÊUÊ >`\ʺ>ÌÝÊÜLÞÃ»Ê !'&(,, (#',*%,',,,' *(,'%&,, KHUULEDW]DGDQW]DULDN #(,+*", RLQNDULEDVTXHGDQFHUV # $$# $ $ $# $ $ ÕÃVÊUÊ >V}ÊUÊ`ÊUÊ À # $ Wednesday, March 7, 2018 Page 3A Local students take business skills to BPA state competition A handful of high school runner-up Cheyann Hardy students from Homedale and Fundamental Desktop Marsing will compete at the Publishing — Jaime Gerthung, Business Professionals of who finished third at the America Secondary State regionals Leadership Conference this Kim Freeman is the Marsing week. chapter advisor. The conference takes place • Homedale state qualifi ers Thursday through Saturday at are: New store opens at Main and Idaho in Homedale Boise State University. Parliamentary Procedures Sergio Cervantes stands outside the Yard Sale Store at 2A Main St., in Homedale. Cervantes BPA chapter members from Team — Regional champions opened the store two weeks ago after owning a similar business in Caldwell. The store is both local schools qualified Lauryn Fisher, Spencer Fisher, open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Cervantes is assisted at the for the state competition after Jaegar Rose, Tylee McKay, store by his wife and son. excelling in a regional that was Jesse Packer, Delaynie held at Marsing High School Dorsey, Krista Mayer, and in January. Drew Deal • Marsing’s qualifiers Fundamentals of Word HHS Drama Club actors tackle include: Processing — Top three Video Production — Isaac regional fi nishers, including Lee, Matthew Lee, Landry Villa Daniel Uranga, Jesse Packer, another original Thatcher play and Caden Freeman, who won and Krista Mayer The Knights of the Round the regional championship Intermediate Word Table are coming to Homedale Economic Research — Processing — Regional Quest for Camelot cast Estefany Alvarez, Monse champion Kaden Henry High School on Thursday and (in order of appearance) Ponce, Sefora Arriaga and Basic Offi ce Systems and Friday evening. Lucas — Charlie Jerome Rafael Jacobo, who were Procedures — Regional The school’s Drama Club will Lynol — Michael Hartnoll regional runners-up runner-up Julia Gomez, and bring “The Quest for Camelot” Young Reuben — Rylan Love Digital Media Production third-place finisher Kendall to the stage at 7 both nights in Young Arthur — Todd Thatcher — Regional champ Caden Nash the high school’s old gym. Young Arlette — Kyla Patton Freeman Fundamental Spreadsheet The cost of admission is $5 Merlin — Wyatt James Prepared Speech Applications — Nyelah for adults, $3 for students/se- Arlette — Leah Patton — Regional runner-up Johnson, who fi nished third at nior citizens, and $20 for the Villager 1 — Tina Guzman Matthew Lee the regional whole family. Reuben — Joseph Zamudio Fundamental Desktop Casey Grove is the Homedale For the second time this Villager 2 — Abi Nelson Publishing — Regional advisor. school year, the school’s act- Iron Smith — JD Waltman ing troupe will perform an Villager 3 — Rylan Love original play by HHS graduate Village Extras — Janae Volk/Kyla Patton and Drama Club alum Kelsey Arthur — Jon Slawson Thatcher. Wolf — Rylan Love We’re Growing! Thatcher penned “The Hon- Guinevere — Kendra Thatcher +RPHGDOH·V)DUP%XUHDX2IÀFHLVH[SDQGLQJWREHWWHUVHUYH<28 orable Three,” the play the Servant 1 — JD Waltman club performed in September. Gayle — Hannah Rotter 'XULQJWKHQH[WZHHNVRXURIÀFHZLOOEH “The Quest for Camelot” will Servant 2 — Karina Corrales XQGHUFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGUHPRGHO feature characters both new Lancelot — Ricky Soto :HDUHVWLOOKHUHWRVHUYH\RXGXULQJWKLVWLPH and old, from Arthur and Gui- Lady of the Lake — Tina Guzman EXWGXHWROLDELOLW\LVVXHVZHFDQQRWVHUYHFXVWRPHUVLQWKH nevere to Reuben and Gayle. Aart — William Hollywood IURQWRIÀFHGXULQJFRQVWUXFWLRQ Club advisor DeAnn Thatch- Bron — Conner Slater <RXUDJHQWFDQFRPHWR\RX er said: “When Kelsey’s plays Malagant — Lindy Phariss :HKDYHDGURSER[DWWKHRIÀFHZHDUHKHUHIURP become famous — yes, we Thatcham Man 1 — Brady Steinmetz DPSP0RQGD\)ULGD\ think they are that good — you Thatcham Man 2 — JD Waltman MXVWULQJWKHGRRUEHOODQGZHFDQPHHW\RX can say you saw it here fi rst.” DQGHVFRUW\RXLQLIQHHGHG 3OHDVHJLYHXVDFDOODW)D[ RIÀFHHPDLOKRPHGDOHJURXS#LGIELQVFRP <RXUORFDOVRXUFHIRULQFRPHWD[SUHSDUDWLRQ :D\QH+XQJDWHZKXQJDWH#LGIELQVFRP 'DYH&HUHJKLQRGFHUHJKLQR#LGIELQVFRP /DXUD-RKQVRQOMRKQVRQ#LGIELQVFRP DQGILQDQFLDOVHUYLFHV .HOOLH7URXWNWURXW#LGIELQVFRP /DQFH(DWRQOHDWRQ#LGIELQVFRP ® IDAHO FARM BUREAU (:\RPLQJ$YHQXH+RPHGDOH (DVW:\RPLQJ32%R[+RPHGDOH,' Page 4A Wednesday, March 7, 2018 OCHS bazaar, Murphy-Reynolds Homedale Basque chili cook-off slated later in March Dance set Saturday Vendor rental, $25 each. For more information Chili entries sought on booth space rental, call the Entries are open for the The annual Txoko Ona begin at 9:30 p.m. chili entries now museum at (208) 495-2319. MRW chili cook-off, which Basque Dance takes place The featured band is Homemade pies and is sponsored by Young’s Saturday and will feature an Kalimotxo Kowboys, featuring accepted cinnamon rolls and silent Riverfront Ranch, LP of auction fundraiser. musicians Dan Ansotegui, auction also will be available. Wilson. Admission is $5 for the Mike Barriatua, and Chris Murphy will be the site later Bazaar proceeds help support Team entry is $20 for the event at Badiola Arena, 406 Bieter.
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