fA-~~ - TM, MP ,fM) th7l [r~ ~ 1 Spf'T' t GJ lj [ fo ~'vy (dJ 0 Vll'A9 2 LEASE_ RETAIN cfRIGINAL ORDER t,fwie, • / SEP-2.:.1-19'32 18:5? FRet: L.N. t-iQ5 NYI< 212 S::i3 48':'9 TO C~l3841:i.70199 P.B4 r r r e o N • r 1 9·N s... .. 8 ~ A r ; o N s u ,.. E s I T E L E G R A P H I ~~---------------~--~~----~~-------------L----------~----------1PAGE~OF 4___ f' or u'!'.•. qf,.Cob~~ ~i1Jont Unit only I Reserv~ cn1 G:oupe dtt Ia ~orrestJcndcmer tel~tJrophlqutt I '-'S~. !'~t;. r-~c. ~s~v~~-. ~=~~-~~s~~- ------------~-------------------- j ,___ O'TM'!t..:" I ;'~\J\A';~£, IF~~ I .. DA-al 1992 E :"'C:SSi 5:FI For ~;~eo! DrarTcH/ A rompiir .ocr le r~cicc:e1.1~ septe111ller I ' I ~~e~v.·:~~.;;o;~A~ i!:.I("" . "C'I=¥~ SIDOROVA l 5•260 j3.1258 UNA"*3l7 03-441 1----.., -~· ··------I' ..., ) . ~ ~ -~!"'! .. .,.$1 1:0• .....,..,. : ~·<c...: • f:. , ,· :t...-! - I I DC 1';0~ ;y:-: FACSIMILE ; I I I Ii "E""""••I"~ . ..,,.. WI· -:.:I .. tl'O: Mr. Fred Eckhard, SpokeSlllan for UNPRO!'OR I t I I i .~A~G;NS- I I !FAX NO: (38-41) 172-488 I : SE:: i FROM: Larissa Sidorova, Information I Officer I lrNSnt!CTIC~ Print and Eleetrcnic Material Distribution, IDS/DD/DPI ! Please find followinq recent security council document on the situation in Yugoslavia {S/24577). Best reqaras. : ..·,~ .., -":'r.........·.- --•r. -. '. t .:.. .· . ' . ·.~ ·..- :.:.· ---... .--------------------------------------------------- !Ill .. : ..·-~ .:: . : ~-" · ":'": :·.:. · · .; . ., .. ~"'1= '·'. fl/ ...... ,.J$ylin ~hho7, Depu:=-y. Oire~~~r I )· ,_; · Dl.ssent.~nat~on· Div·1.s1on - · · V · - ----· "'- ···· ------------:------::------~-f--- . : - . , .. - ________ ,.,.. .. a ,· --·-~ ------- · •0 '•'""'• -------------- ••- • s;::~-24-1992 18:5E: r:p~1 u.r~. rlQS t·NK 2::.2 9c3 4879 TO 12'1.13841170199 P.05 ~ UNITED NATIONS s Security Council Distr. GENERAL S/24577 • 21 September 1992 ORIGINAL: ENGl.ISB LEttER OA.rED U S!PTIMBER 1992 FROM 'I'BE CHARGE D'AFFAIRES A. I­ OF THE P£RMANEIT MISSION OF YUGOSLAVIA TO TBB UNITED NATIONS ADDRESSED TO THE PRESIDENT OF THt SECURITY COUWCIL I have tbe honour to transmit, enclosed herewith, the statemeQt that I unfortunately could not 4eliver at the meetinq of the SecQrity CouDcil of 19 Septem])er 1992 on the occasion of the ado-ption of x-eaolu.tioll 777 (1992). I should he srateful if you would have this letter and its annez circulated as a 4ocume:ct of the Security Council . (Sjgned) Draqnmir DJOKIC AIRJ:)ass.ador Charqe d 4 affaire~ a.i. 92-45314 3653e (E) 210QQ2 210992 / ..... - Cl l3B4t:7m99 !='.8f .1.b•·--··C" ...'0 - TC: z_ c;.;c:- 3 4/0 S/24577 E:nqlisb ?age 2 M;nex The Fe~l Republic of Yuqoslavia ia aatonishe~ by the draft resolution before the S~rity Cot~cil and the recommendation to ~h• General ~saembly contained th~in. The provisions of tbe resolution represent a qr~~ preceaent in ~e work of this orqan and the world Organization as & whole. l'he decisio~ thilt the Federal Republic of Yugoslavil'l shall not participate in the work of ~ Gene~al Asaembl~ serio~sl~ threateus the principle of ~niversality ~ the worla Organization and its 4emocratic character as well a& its role of a~ardian of the world peace and a forum for an equal coopa~ation among States ~d peoples. It haa no valid political justification nor le~al qrounds. The adopaon of this resolution at a moment whe~ the Geneva Conference, under the a~~ces of the United Nations and the E~ropean Community. is under vay rai•s seriou.e concerns in req~rc! to the motive of Gueh initiative. the posiao~s put to•wara in the draft resolution actually deny the sovP.rei;n riq~ of th• peoples o£ a co·~try to proGe~ve their owu StaL~ ~au it& i:ternati~ an~ leqal personality in case of a secessiou of a part of a CO'Wltry. Let me ra:all that the Constitution of the :'ederal Jiep·llblic of Yu9oslavia clearly and pmcisel)· plaC.;ed to honour all commitments of t~ former So~ia1iat l'edecal Republic of Yu.qorolavi::a.. Whi~e fou.r 1:cu::ner '!'uqosl~v republics uni~erally proclaimed independence a~d secede~ from the Socialist Feaeral Bepub~ of Yv.qoslavia~ the people of Serbia and Monteneqro decided, by eze~c1•i~q ~•i~ sove~oi~ vlll, to ~amain lu ~ugoalav1a. theratora~ the Constitutio~ of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia only sanctioned the eKiatiDq real~es. It protects the legitimate right of the Federal Republic ot Yu~oal~vie = co~ci~~e th• io~•~~~~loual and legal personality of the Socialist Fedeml Republic of Yuqoslavia. o~ ~· o~~ bo~d. the T~du~Gl RepUblic of xugoalavia has in no way whatsoever tri.. to block tM a&nission of former Y~<Joslav repul)lic:s i:~ the United Nations &nd in other international orgauizations. However 1 it has ri9htfully con~~·~ ltti membe~sh1p in tnose organizations. Yuqoalaviahas officially state~ on a n~et of occasions that it had no ter~l~orial ~lem• cu aay ot its neighbour&. We have advocatec all alonq that all outstanai~iU••tions should be re1olve~ through :~egotiaticns. The members of the Security Coll.llc:il 1ho~l~ be well aware of that sinee they have been kept abr~ ot all the efforts aAc step5 take~ with a view to findinq a political sol~~n to the Tu;oalav c~isis. I~ is ~ct t co1nciaence that tb~ proposals containeo in the letter of the Prime Minister tf the federal Republic: of Yugoslavia, Mr. Milan Panic, addressed to ~ President cf the Security Council on 17 kv.q~st 1992, have ~een accep:ed - tne participants of the Lo~aon Conference as th& basis and ~~e f~am•wcrk ~ the resolution of the Yugoslav crisis. I • • • (;113841: 70199 SC:P-24-1 '3'32 18:58 FROM L.;. N. HO~ t..:Ytc 212 '36:: 487'3 TO S/24577 Eaqliah Paqe J Yugo6lavio, •5 one of ~~e tou~Qinq members of the United Nations. has always been committed to the principles and gobla of the Charter of the United Nations ana firmly oelievas that tha United Nation& is, and has always ~•n, tbe majQc ~t~oDqhold tor ~ha maintenance of interuatio~al peace aDd aecurity. Ezactly for that reason, we had aske4 that the United lations t~k~ ~ ocL.lv...: coo d1rec:t involvement in the sear::h of the political solution. It has taken almost a year to accept that. A lot of time haR already beeu lost. ~owever, the U~ited Nations, the Secretary-General and his personal envoy, Mr. Cyrus Vance, have finally taken the lead i~ the onqoinq paaee efforts~ along with the Presi~eney of the Burcpean Community, th• Kight Honoutable John Major a:d bia a.aociates. At a time of o~oinq peace neqotiatioAs under th~ a~spices c~ thia Or9anization. it is all the more so difficult to understand that the Security Council is about to rcommene that the F&deral RepUblic of Yugoslavia should not participate in the work of the united Rations ~neral Assembly. we therefore consider that the resolution is unfo~ad and that ita ad.optia~ is unjust and harmful. 'the non-pRrtieoipatioR of YwJo•lavic in Ute General ~sembly would undoubte~ly ;eopardize the initiated peace process and eneoura;e those who do not wia~ to qive up the war option. Neverthelesa, Yuqoslavia will endure. It is a reality and without its eqval and active role, includinq the one in the United •atious, durable and just resolution of the Yuqoslav drama ~a~ h•rdl~ be ••pccted. .. - : 92 S? 23 13 35 I' UN PRO FOR Page 1 of 1 Outgoing Fax Number: ! Date: 23 September 1992 VICTOR ANDREEV, CAC FROM: YOLANDA AUGER Sector South/Knin UNPROFOR Zagreb I Fax No.: INMARSAT: (38-873) 151-1556 or FAX: (38-41) 170-199 Attn. Ref. Originator: YA Info: Ref: YA/is Fax Number: Subject: CONSULTANTS - BOUNDARY CONTROL OPERATION II TH.IS IS TO ADVISE THAT MR. TAIT AND MR. COLLINGRIDGE, TWO CONSULTANTS, WHO ARE ADVISING US ON HOW TO SET UP THE BOUNDARY CONTROL OPERATION IN THE UNPA's INTEND TO TRAVEL TO KNIN ON SATURDAY. THEY WOULD LIKE TO BE BRIEFED BY YOU, UNCIVPOL, AND THE MILITARY ON SATURDAY AND TO MEET WITH THE APPROPRIATE LOCAL AUTHORITIES ON SUNDAY. WOULD THIS BE POSSIBLE? IF NOT, THEY WOULD POSTPONE THEIR TRIP TO SUNDAY. PLEASE ADVISE ASAP. BEST REGARDS. :-1 ....-(" . ~ -~ :., \ l - ·- . ( \ . ) -- UNITED NATIONS PROTECTION FORCE (UNPROFOR) RECEIVED Sub-Office, Zagreb Page 1 of 1 Outgoing Fax Number: Date: 23 September 1992 To: Jeannie Peterson, SLOCA From: Zagreb Belgrade YJ~OOCA, Fax No. fNMARs AT 873-151-1207 OR (38) (41) 450-948 Attn: Milen Reyes-Bly Ref: Originator: '1I Info: I I Subject: Human-rights-related information Further to my memorandum of 22 September 1992, this is to advise, after discussion with Thornberry, that rather than ourselves sending to Mautner-Markhof complaints made to us concerning human rights cases in areas outside of our competence, we should advise the complainants that they may wish to contact the Centre for Human Rights and provide them with the fax numbers/address. This is, of course, without prejudice to our directing them also to other appropriate humanitarian agencies. .. rf 1. -; UNITED NATIONS PROTECTION FORCE (UNPROFOR) Sub-Office, Zagreb Page 1 of 2 outgoing Fax Number: Date: 23 September 1992 To: Dr. F. B. Bajramovic From: Y. Auger, DQCA/Zagreb Ottowa, Ont. Kis 282 Fax: ( 613) ~ 2540 ~L~ Jj] Fax No. INMARS AT /87~-151-1207 OR ( 38) ( 41) 450-948 Attn: Ref: Originator: Info: Subject: Delivery of medical supplies to hospitals in Sarajevo Please see attached letter addressed to you.
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