Health Action − in the North Caucasus NEWSLETTER ON EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2005 “Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise” local students and a fair was set up in the Naz- On World AIDS Day, WHO supported the Repub- ran “Palace of Culture”. lican AIDS centre in Chechnya to organise the- IMC distributed 4.000 booklets on prevention matic presentations on HIV/AIDS issues and a and contraception to nine ambulatories and FAPs concert with leading Chechen singers and dance in Ingushetia and 20 in Chechnya. groups. WHO also sponsored 10.500 condoms, 100 t-shirts with the World AIDS Day logo and two banners (3 x 6 m each) that were displayed Behavioural research on risk of HIV in- on the central street of Grozny for the period of fection among the population of the three months. Republic of Northern Ossetia - Alania and their knowledge level of HIV/AIDS issues In September - October 2005 WHO conducted in North –Ossetia Alania a KAP survey (knowledge, attitude and practice) funded by the SDC. The survey revealed a high degree of awareness in the population on the issue of HIV/AIDS and the recognition that it is a socially important dis- ease. It is likely that the HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns of the previous years conducted through a variety of international and national WHO World Aids Day poster on Grozny streets organisations in the republic have greatly con- tributed to this effect. Nevertheless, the results also revealed lack of in-depth knowledge of UNICEF, in co-operation with the Republican sexually transmitted diseases in general, possi- AIDS centre, youth-information centre (YIC) of bly due to the reluctance in this community to the Chechen state youth committee and local discuss freely about sexual matters and the NGO “Youth against Drugs”, demonstration of stigma related to being infected. (Full report is the movies “Philadelphia” and “Nastia’s Diary” available from WHO). for young people and contributed to the joint WHO/UNICEF concert in Grozny. In co-operation with WVI, UNICEF held a performance for senior schoolchildren in Urus-Martan village. In In- gushetia, in-cooperation with the MoH of In- gushetia, YIC (local NGO “Genesis”), Republican AIDS centre, a special performance was pre- sented by the actors of the “Peace theatre” and 1 HEALTH AGENCIES IN ACTION MSF Holland in the North Caucasus A little history… MSF-Holland (MSFH) has been operational in the North Caucasus since 1999 when it began sup- plying medicines and medical materials to hospi- tals and clinics treating the large influx of IDPs in Ingushetia. Hospitals and clinics in Chechnya were included in the distributions from February 2000. MSFH began the rehabilitation of health facilities in Chechnya in April 2000. From August 2000 surgical facilities were also upgraded. An IDP settlement in Ingushetia From May 2000 to June 2005, MSFH organized © Simon C Roberts/NB Pictures regular distributions of drugs and medical mate- rials to over 22 health facilities in Chechnya. Distributions were also made to over eight health facilities in Ingushetia until September Chechnya 2005. The overall objective of MSFH operations in Chechnya is to contribute to improved health Current programmes… status of the population in Chechnya by increas- ing access to quality healthcare services. Ingushetia Mental Health: Since 2002 The Mental Health (MH) activities in Chechnya have included 3 The overall objective for MSFH projects in In- components: emergency counselling, mental gushetia is to contribute to improved living stan- health in supported TB facilities and counselling dards and health status of IDPs in Ingushetia. in several Temporary Accommodation Centres Mental Health: the programme started in (TACs). 24-hour emergency counselling services 2002. Currently there is one stationary mental are provided by MSFH in Grozny hospital #9, as health centre in the Sunzha district, as well as 2 well as planned counselling services for patients mobile mental health teams providing mental and for the hospital staff. Since July 2005, MSFH health services in and around 25-30 spontane- mobile teams also provide counselling for inhabi- ous settlements. The main focus of the pro- tants of the Grozny (Rural) district of Chechnya. gramme is on individual and group counselling Mobile Teams: Since 2004 a mobile medical and psychosocial education in the community. team consisting of a therapist, gynaecologist, Medical Centre: in October 2005 MSFH opened paediatrician and psychosocial counsellor has a clinic in one of the IDPs' settlements in Naz- been serving six TACs in Grozny. From July 2005 ran. The medical team consists of a gynaecolo- an additional mobile team began to serve 5 set- gist, a therapist, a paediatrician and a psychoso- tlements in Grozny (Rural) district. In December cial counsellor who provide aid to IDPs as well as a third mobile team will start serving the popula- to the local population. ti on of 4 m o re settlements in Grozny (Rural) district. Emergency Response: MSF is always on stand-by to intervene in emergencies when needed and has stocks of surgical kits available in Ingushetia and Chechnya. 2 Surgical Support: MSFH supports the neuro- terechnaya, Gudermez and Shali which serves surgery, trauma surgery departments and inten- the population of 4 districts. DOTS corners have sive care unit of the Grozny city hospital #9. The been set up and TB educators also work in the program includes (but is not limited to) improv- TB teams. In the coming months MSFH plans to ing the quality of surgical, nursing and longer- expand its TB work to Karagalinka hospital in term physical and mental health rehabilitation Shelkovskoi district. services for the patients in these departments. (MSF-H) Tuberculosis: This program was initiated in 2002. Now MSFH supports the implementation of a DOTS programme in 3 TB hospitals in Nad- INGUSHETIA AND CHECHNYA Health situation concluded that it was caused by psycho emo- tional stress. Health assistance As of December 2005 there were 16 humanitar- ian organizations engaged in the health sector in Chechnya, 14 of them also implementing psy- chosocial projects. In Ingushetia were 13 or- ganisations, six with psychosocial projects. In North Ossetia 12 are mainly operating psychoso- cial assistance projects and one organization works in Dagestan. Children, hospitalized with psychological disorder in Chechnya The Moscow based Fund “Guarantee” visited Photo ITAR-TASS Chechnya on 24-31 November, to address the issue of anaemia: 1) haemoglobin screening; 2) results analysis; 3) detection of women and chil- In early December mass poisoning was reported dren who require additional tests and consulta- in Shelkovskoy district of Chechnya. By the end tions; 4) free treatment for three months; 5) of the month nearly 90 people, mainly children follow up tests in three months; 6) statistical and teenagers were registered with similar analysis; 7) detection of helminths; 8) treatment symptoms (eye and nose burning, suffocation, of helminths; 9) consultation-diagnostic services weakness and hysterical condition behaviour to local population. The fund carried out blood disturbance, convulsions). The majority of pa- analysis of 1200 people, mainly children of five tients were hospitalized to the Shelkovskoi cen- schools in Kurchaloi, Chechen-Aul, Starie Atagi tral district hospital and the republican children village, orphanage and hospital in Kurchaloi vil- hospital in Grozny. The diagnosis could not be lage. Each participant received a kit of vitamins set immediately; however, food poisoning was and syrups for three months intake with further excluded. Later on, a medical commission arriv- follow up testing. ing from Moscow to investigate the situation and including, inter alia, the Deputy Chief of the The preliminary results indicated that Kurchaloi Moscow Serbsky Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, people had the worst anaemia rates; Chechen- named the condition psychological disorder and Aul – average and better situation was in Novyi 3 Atagi village. The best haemoglobin rate was FAPs in Voznesenovskaya and Nesterovskaya. among children of Kurchaloi based orphanage. Commemorating the International Day of Dis- The fund specialists also lectured parents and abled IMC donated hygienic kits to the residents medical students on prevention of anaemia. of the internat for disabled and children rehabili- tation centre in Troitskaya village, Ingushetia. IMC carried out two training courses on first aid for 27 primary health level staff and nine medi- cal college representatives in Ingushetia in No- vember. Hammer Forum conducted three days work- shop on treatment of helminths, anaemia and issues of general health facility management for 24 health workers from Chechnya and In- gushetia in late September, and a training on prevention and treatment of childhood diseases Doctors from the Fund “Guarantee” taking blood for the staff of its assisted facilities in Chechnya samples from children in Chechnya in December. In addition to regular supply of medicines and MDM arranged for 20 Chechen health care medical consumables to the hospitals in Chech- workers a training course in Nalchik on first aid nya, Ingushetia and Dagestan, and provision of in emergencies and on diagnosis and treatment several hospitals in Chechnya with Insulin, ICRC of the most common diseases. has effected a donation of laboratory equipment to the Grozny city paediatric hospital no 2, provided ad hoc medical assistance to Shelk- MSF-France funded participation of two doc- ovskoy regional
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