Appendix A: Adoption Resolutions Appendix A: Adoption Resolutions Placeholder for Adoption Resolutions CVPDC Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020 Update A-1 Appendix B: FEMA Crosswalk Appendix B: FEMA Crosswalk REGULATION CHECKLIST CROSSWALK REFERENCE # ELEMENT A. PLANNING PROCESS A1. Does the Plan document the planning process, including how it was Section 3: Planning prepared and who was involved in the process for each jurisdiction? Process (Requirement §201.6(c)(1)) A2. Does the Plan document an opportunity for neighboring communities local and regional agencies involved in hazard mitigation Section 3.6: Coordination activities, agencies that have the authority to regulate development as with other Agencies, well as other interests to be involved in the planning process? Entities, and Plans (Requirement §201.6(b)(2)) A3. Does the Plan document how the public was involved in the Section 3.7: Public planning process during the drafting stage? (Requirement §201.6(b)(1)) Involvement 5.3: Planning Capabilities, A4. Does the Plan describe the review and incorporation of existing 6.0: Mitigation, 7.2: Plan plans, studies, reports, and technical information (Requirement Integration and §201.6(b)(3)) Implementation A5. Is there discussion of how the community(ies) will continue public participation in the plan maintenance process (Requirement 7.4: Public Involvement §201.6(c)(4)(iii)) A6. Is there a description of the method and schedule for keeping the 7.3: Evaluating and plan current (monitoring, evaluating and updating the mitigation plan Updating within a 5-year cycle)? (Requirement 201.6(c)(4)(i)) ELEMENT B. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND RISK ASSESSMENT B1. Does the Plan include a description of the type, location, and extent 4.0: Hazard Identification of all natural hazards that can affect each jurisdiction(s)? (Requirement and Risk Assessment §201.6(c)(2)(i)) B2. Does the Plan include information on previous occurrences of 4.0: Hazard Identification hazard events and on the probability of future hazard events for each and Risk Assessment jurisdiction? (Requirement §201.6(c)(2)(i)) B3. Is there a description of each identified hazard's impact on the 4.0: Hazard Identification community as well as an overall summary of the community's and Risk Assessment vulnerability for each jurisdiction? (Requirement §201.6(c)(2)(ii)) ELEMENT C. MITIGATION STRATEGY C1. Does the Plan document each jurisdiction's existing authorities, policies, programs, and resources and its ability to expand on and 5.0: Capabilities improve these existing policies and programs? (Requirement §201.6(c)(3)) C2. Does the Plan address each jurisdiction's participation in the NFIP 5.3.11: Floodplain and continued compliance with NFIP requirements, as appropriate? Management (Requirement §201.6(c)(ii)) CVPDC Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020 Update B-1 Appendix B: FEMA Crosswalk REGULATION CHECKLIST CROSSWALK REFERENCE # C3. Does the Plan include goals to reduce/avoid long-term 6.4: Mitigation Goals, vulnerabilities to the identified hazards? (Requirement §201.6(c)(3)(i)) Objectives, and Actions C4. Does the Plan identify and analyze a comprehensive range of 6.5: Jurisdiction-Specific specific mitigation actions and projects for each jurisdiction being Mitigation Actions, considered to reduce the effects of hazards, with emphasis on new and 6.6 Mitigation Analysis existing buildings and infrastructure? (Requirement §201.6(c)(3)(ii)) Techniques C5. Does the Plan contain an action plan that describes how the actions 6.5: Jurisdiction-Specific identified will be prioritized (including cost benefit review), Mitigation Actions, implemented, and administered by each jurisdiction? (Requirement 6.6 Mitigation Analysis 201.6(c)(3)(iv)); (Requirement 201.6(c)(3)(iii)) Techniques C6. Does the Plan describe a process by which local governments will integrate the requirements of the mitigation plan into other planning 7.2: Plan Integration and mechanisms, such as comprehensive or capital improvement plans, Implementation when appropriate? (Requirement 201.6(c)(4)(ii)) ELEMENT D. PLAN REVIEW, EVALUATION, AND IMPLEMENTATION D1. Was the Plan revised to reflect changes in development? 2.6.4: Development (Requirement §201.6(d)(3)) Trends D2. Was the Plan revised to reflect progress in local mitigation efforts? 6.0: Mitigation (Requirement §201.6(d)(3)) D3. Was the Plan revised to reflect changes in priorities? (Requirement 6.0: Mitigation §201.6(d)(3)) ELEMENT D - CHANGES FROM THE CROSSWALK ELEMENT E. PLAN ADOPTION E1. Does the Plan include documentation that the plan has been formally adopted by the governing body of the jurisdiction requesting Appendix A approval? (Requirement §201.6(c)(5)) E2. For multi-jurisdictional plans, has each jurisdiction requesting approval of the plan documented formal plan adoption? (Requirement Appendix A §201.6(c)(5)) CVPDC Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020 Update B-2 Appendix C: Acronyms Appendix C: Acronyms AAL – Average Annual Loss AEL – Annualized Earthquake Loss AM&O – Atlantic, Mississippi, and Ohio Railroad ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineers ASDSO – Association of State Dam Safety Officials BFE – Base Flood Elevation BRIC – Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program CDBG – Community Development Block Grant Program CDC – Centers for Disease Control CERT – Community Emergency Response Team CFM – Certified Floodplain Manager CGIT – Center for Geospatial Information Technology CIP – Capital Improvement Plan CME – Coronal Mass Ejections COG – Continuity of Government Plan COOP – Continuity of Operations Plan CRS – Community Rating System CVPDC – Central Virginia Planning District Commission CVSZ – Central Virginia Seismic Zone CWA – Clean Water Act Section 319 Grants CWSRF – Clean Water Revolving Fund DBIZ – Dam Break Inundation Zone DCR – Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation DEQ – Virginia Department of Environmental Quality DEM – Digital Elevation Model DGMR – Division of Geology and Mineral Resources (Virginia DMME) DHCD – Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development DHS – U.S. Department of Homeland Security DMA 2000 or DMA2K – Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 CVPDC Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020 Update C-1 Appendix C: Acronyms DMME – Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals & Energy DMTF - Virginia Drought Monitoring Task Force DPW – Department of Public Works DSCI – Drought Severity and Coverage Index DSCOVR – Deep Space Climate Observatory DSIS – Virginia Dam Safety Inventory System DWSRF – Drinking Water State Revolving Fund EAP – Emergency Action Plan EDA – Economic Development Administration EF – Enhanced Fujita (Tornado Scale) EHS – Extremely Hazardous Substances EOC – Emergency Operations Center EOP – Emergency Operations Plan EPA – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPCRA - Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act EPP – Emergency Preparedness Plan ER – Emergency Relief ETO – Emergency Transportation Operations ETSZ – Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone EUV – Extreme Ultraviolet EVA – Extra-Vehicular Activity EWP – Emergency Watershed Protection FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency FFH – First Floor Height FHWA – Federal Highway Administration FIRM – Flood Insurance Rate Map FMA – Flood Mitigation Assistance Program GCSZ – Giles County Seismic Zone GFDL – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory GIC – Geo-magnetically Induced Currents GIS – Geographical Information System CVPDC Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020 Update C-2 Appendix C: Acronyms GNSS – Global Navigation Satellite Systems GPS – Global Positioning System Hazmat – Hazardous Material HF – High Frequency HFLC – Hurricane-Flood-Landslide Continuum HIFLD – Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data HIRA – Hazard Identification Risk Assessment HMGP – Hazard Mitigation Grant Program HMP – Hazard Mitigation Plan HUD – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ICS – Industrial Control System IED – Improvised Explosive Device IMF – Interplanetary Magnetic Field KBDI – Keetch-Byram Drought Index LWCF – Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants MH – Manufactured Housing MMI – Modified Mercalli Intensity MPO – Metropolitan Planning Organization MRLC – Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics MSA – Metropolitan Statistical Area NAS – National Academy of Sciences NESIS – Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale NCDC – National Climatic Data Center NCEI – National Centers for Environmental Information NESIS – Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale NF – Nuisance Flooding NFHL – National Flood Hazard Layer NFIP – National Flood Insurance Program NFIRS – National Fire Incident Reporting System NFPA – National Fire Protection Association NLCD – National Land Cover Database CVPDC Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020 Update C-3 Appendix C: Acronyms NLDAS – North America Land Data Assimilation System NOAA – National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration NTAS – National Terrorism Advisory System NWS – National Weather Service ORNL – Oak Ridge National Laboratory PCB – Polychlorinated Biphenyl PDC – Planning District Commission PDM – Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program PDSI – Palmer Drought Severity Index PGA – Peak Ground Acceleration PMF – Probable Maximum Flood PRD-UDI - Preliminary Regulatory Determination/Unknown Dam Initiative QCEW – Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Risk MAP – FEMA Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning RL – Repetitive [flood] Loss RMA – Resource Management Area RPA – Resource Protection Area RFC – Repetitive Flood Claims Program SARA - Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act SBA – Small Business Administration SCADA – Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SFCP
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