Flo Fab has grown quite rapidly and now, is proudly PROJECTS suppliers for the following completed and on going case studies projects. - Flo Fab a grandit rapidement et maintenant est fier pourvoyeur pour les projets REALISED complétés suivants et aussi ceux toujours en études. QUÉBEC CANADA U.S.A NEW YORK MIDDLE EAST 1 JOBS - QUÉBEC The Montreal Gazette Wawanesa Montreal Old Montreal College 01La Gazette de Montreal 02 03Cegep du Vieux Montreal 1010 Ste-Catherine St./Rue 8585 Décarie Boul. 255 Ontario St./Rue E, West/Ouest, Suite 200 Mont-Royal, Québec, Canada Montréal, Québec, Canada Montréal, Québec, Canada H4P 2J4 H2X 1X6 H3B 5L1 www.wawanesa.com www.cvm.qc.ca/ www.montrealgazette.com La Malbaie Hospital Montreal’s Archive Canadian National 04Hôpital de La Malbaie 05Archives de Montreal 06Canadien National 303 Saint Étienne St./Rue, 535 Viger Avenue E, 935 De la Gauchetière La Malbaie, Québec, Canada Montréal, Québec, Canada St./Rue West/Ouest, G5A 1T1 H2L 2P3 Montréal, Québec, Canada www.cssscharlevoix.qc.ca/ www.arcmtl.org/ H3B 2M9 www.cn.ca/ Catherine de Longpré City portal of Montreal Maisonneuve College 07Building/ Edifice 08 Ville de Montréal 09College de Maisonneuve 1075 Sainte-Foy Road/Ch., 85 Notre-Dame St./Rue E, 3800 Sherbrooke St./Rue E, 15th Floor/15e étage Montréal, Québec, Canada Montréal, Québec, Canada Québec, Canada H2Y 1B5 H1X 2A2 G1S 2M1 ville.montreal.qc.ca/ www.cmaisonneuve.qc.ca/ JOBS - QUÉBEC 2 Trigone Ste-Thérese Rimouski Hospital Cité du Nouveau Monde 10 11Hôpital de Rimouski 12 305 Curé-Labelle Boul. 150 Rouleau Avenue, 64 St-Paul St./Rue West/Ouest, Sainte-Thérèse, Québec, Canada Rimouski, Québec Montréal, Québec, H2Y 1Y8 J7E 2X8 G5L 5T1 www.citenouveaumonde.com/ habitationstrigone.com/ www.chrr.qc.ca/ La Malbaie Hospital The Murray / Le Murray Havre du Ruisseau 13Hôpitale de La Malbaie 14 15 303 Saint Étienne St./Rue, 1169, Rue Ottawa, 155, Place Chevigny La Malbaie, Québec, Canada Montréal, Québec, Canada Sainte-Thérèse, Québec, Canada G5A 1T1 H3C 1S6 J7E 0A1 www.cssscharlevoix.qc.ca/ gcaimmobilier.com/murray www.groupecholette.com/9-pro- ject-havre-du-ruisseau.html 16 Le Séville / The Séville 17 Tricentris Lachute 18Bacaro Pizzeria 2183 Ste-Catherine St./Rue 651 Félix-Touchette Road/Ch., 4259 Sainte-Catherine O/W. West/Ouest, Lachute, Québec, Canada Westmount, Québec, Canada Montréal, Québec, Canada J8H 2C5 H3Z 1P7 H3H 1M9 www.tricentris.com/ bacaropizzeria.com/ www.prevel.ca/le-seville/en/ 3 JOBS - QUÉBEC 19Ericsson Montreal 20Le St-Laurent Condos 21EvoloS Tower/ Tour 8400 Boulevard Décarie, 8027 St Laurent Boul. 121 de la Pointe N Road/Ch. Mont-Royal, Québec, Canada Brossard, Québec, Canada Verdun, Québec, Canada H4P 2N2 J4X H3E 0B5 www.ericsson.com/ca/ www.condoslestlaurent.com/ evolos.ca/ 22Cogir Jazz Longueil 23District Concord 24Apero Condos Phase II 1235 du Tremblay Road/Ch. 121 François Souillard, Corner/Coin Schevchenko Boul. Longueuil, Québec, Canada Laval, Québec, Canada and/et St./Rue Jean Chevalier, J4N 1T7 H7N 5J7 Lasalle, Montréal, Québec www.jazzlongueuil.ca/ habitationstrigone.com/ H8N 1N7 www.aperocondos.com/ Lowney Montreal Clos du Faucon Les Cours Bourgeoys 25 26 27Condos 950 Notre-Dame St./Rue W/O, 67 Rue Principale, 270-280 Bourgeoys St./Rue Montréal, Québec, Canada Saint-Sauveur, Québec, Canada Pointe-Saint-Charles H3C 0K3 J0R 1R6 Montréal, Québec, Canada http://lelowney.prevel.ca leclosdufaucon.ca/ H3K 2L8 coursbourgeoys.com/ JOBS - QUÉBEC 4 Castelneau Condos Baie-St-Paul Hospital SSQ Building/Edifice 28Jarry Park 29Hôpitale Baie-St-Paul 30Tour des Laurentides 7410 St-Laurent Boul., 74 Ambroise Fafard St./Rue, 2525, boulevard Laurier Montréal, Québec, Canada Baie-Saint-Paul, Québec, Canada Québec City/Ville, QC, Canada H2R 2Y1 G3Z 2J6 G1V 2L2 www.devmcgill.com/en/con- www.cssscharlevoix.qc.ca/ www.citenouveaumonde.com/ do-projects/ 31Le M Lorraine 32Telus Rimouski 33La Maison Simons 450, Chemin de la Grande-Côte 419 #620, Jessop Boul. 977 Ste-Catherine St./Rue W/O, Lorraine, Québec, Canada Rimouski, Québec, Canada Montréal, Québec www.lemlorraine.com/ www.telus.com/ H3B 4W3 www.simons.ca/ McGill College Canada Environnement 34 35Environnement Canada 845 Sherbrooke St./Rue W/O, 200 Sacré-Coeur Boul. Montréal, Québec, canada Gatineau, Québec, Canada H3A 0G4 K1A 0H3 www.mcgill.ca/ https://www.ec.gc.ca 5 JOBS - CANADA 36Edgemere 37Bella Vista Ltd. 38Longhill Energy 1502 Lakeshore Road/Ch. E., 26 Torbay Road. St. 124 Reis Road, Oakville, Ontario, Canada John’s, Newfoundland Ottawa, Ontario, Canada L6J 1M1 A2A 2G4 K0A 1L0 www.bellavista.ca/ www.longhill.ca/ Brock University Center The Exchange Tower Rogers Arena 39Université Brock 40La Tour d’Échange 41 1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way, 130 King Street West 800 Griffiths Way, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada Toronto, Ontario, Canada Vancouver, BC/CB, Canada L2S 3A1 M5X 2A2 V6B 6G1 www.brocku.ca/ www.theexchangebuilding.ca rogersarena.com Concord Gardens Canadian Western Zion Baptist Church 42 43Bank 44 8511 Capstan Way, 606 - 4th St./Rue S.W./S.O., 9802 76 Ave. NW/NO, Richmond, BC/CB, Canada Calgary, Alberta, Canada Edmonton, Alberta, Canada V6X 1R3 T2P 1T1 www.zbcc.ca/ https://www.concordgardens.ca/ www.cwbank.com/ JOBS - U.S.A 6 Research and Medical Muskogee Regional Peruvian Park 45Clinic 46Medical Center 47 Elementary 4508 E. 41st Street 300 Rockerfeller Drive 1545 E 8425 S, Sandy, Tulsa, OK, USA Muskogee, OK, USA UT, USA 74135 74401 84093 www.eastarhealth.com/ peruvianpark.canyonsdistrict.org/ Greenbush Elementary Building 2101 Yale University 48School 49 50 127 Greenbush Rd, West 2101 2nd Avenue, Seattle, New Haven, Warwick, RI, USA Washington, Belltown, USA Connecticut, USA 02893 98121 06520 www.ww-ps.com/ www.pnwarchitecture.com/ www.yale.edu/ Rutgers University 250 West Street John Deere 51 Appartment 52 53 604 Bartholomew Road 250 W St, Redmond, 2624 Old U.S. 169, Piscataway, NJ, USA Utah, USA Coffeyville, KS, USA 08854 84652 67337 ruoffcampus.rutgers.edu/ www.250weststreet.com/ fr.deere.ca/en_CA/ 6 JOBS - U.S.A Physicians Regional Bellevue Public Facility Central State University 54Medical Center 55 56 6101 Pine Ridge Rd, 22600 Arboretum Drive 11400 Brush Row Rd, Naples, FL, USA Bellevue, NE, USA Wilberforce, OH, USA 34119 68005 45384 www.physiciansregional.com/ www.bellevuepublicschools.org/ www.centralstate.edu/index.php 57Western Power Sports 58Seward Middle School 59Intuitive Surgical 601 E Gowen Rd, 2401 Karol Kay Blvd, 1020 Kifer Road Boise, ID, USA Seward, NE, USA Sunnyvale, CA, USA 83716 68434 94086-5304 www.wps-inc.com/ www.sewardpublicschools.org/ www.intuitivesurgical.com/ Wollaston Manor Davenport Central High Bogle Vineyards 60 61 School 62 91 Clay St # 1, 1120 N Main St, 37783 Co Rd 144, Wollaston, MA,USA Davenport, IA, USA Clarksburg, CA, 02170 52803 95612 http://www.hmrproperties.com/ www.davenportschools.org/ www.boglewinery.com/ JOBS - NEW YORK 7 World Trade Center Allegria Hotel Granite Broadway Development Llc 63 6480 W Broadway, 65 285 Fulton St, 1717 Broadway, New York, Long Beach, NY, USA New York, NY, USA New York, USA 11561 10007 10019 www.wtc.com/ www.allegriahotel.com/ Chase Bank Physicians Regional 250N10 66 67Medical Center 68 60 E 42nd St, New York, 1345 Avenue of the Americas, 250 N 10th St, Brooklyn, New York, USA 48th Floor New York, NY NY, USA 10017 10105 11211 www.chase.com/ www.feim.com/ www.250n10.com/ Toro Restaurant The Ludlow Hotel NTT Communications – 69 70 71 NTT America 85 10th Ave, New York, 180 Ludlow St, New York, 14th floor, 757 3rd Ave, New York, USA New York, USA New York, NY, USA 10011 10002 10017 http://toro-nyc.com/ www.ludlowhotel.com/ www.us.ntt.com/index.html 8 JOBS - NEW YORK Pier 17 South Street 520 Park Avenue Millenium Hilton 72Seaport 73 74 199 Water St, 520 Park Avenue 55 Church St, New York, NY, USA New York, USA New York, NY, USA 10038 10065 10007 www.southstreetseaport.com/ www.520parkavenue.com/ www.hilton.com/ Sheepshead Residential 75 Rockeffeller Plaza Riverside Center 75Tower 76 77Building 5 1501 Voorhies Avenue, 75 Rockeffeller Plaza 1 West End Avenue Brooklyn, NY, USA New York, NY, USA NY, USA www.6sqft.com/ 75rockefellerplaza.com/ www.1westend.com/ 78444 10th Avenue North 7951 Astor 444 10th Avenue North 25 Cooper St, New York, NY, USA New York, NY, USA 10001 10034 www.concordgardens.ca/ www.51astorplace.com/ JOBS - MIDDLE EAST 9 Pearl-Qatar Saudi Jeddah Port Dar El Salam General 81 82 83Hospital Doha, Qatar Jeddah Saudi, Arabia 987 Corniche El Nil, www.thepearlqatar.com/ www.ports.gov.sa/ Misr el kadima, Cairo, Egypt NOPWASD Ministry of Interior Princes Noura 84 85 86University National Organisation for Potable Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Water and Sanitary Drainage www.moi.gov.sa/wps/portal/ www.pnu.edu.sa Egypt Home/Home (Different Water stations (Police stations Kingdom wide) countrywide) Flo Fab was established in 1981 by Denis Gauvreau who created and devel- oped the products line and constantly being perfected by Marc Gauvreau, as well as by a team of professional engineers and designers. It’s a combination of existing designs from several renowned products and the innovative ideas of a new generation professionals. Through the years, Flo Fab has acquired several companies and service entities including : AQUA-PROFAB (ASME Tanks manufacturer), MÉNARD, LÉONARD ÉLECTRIQUE, PMA. , Furthermore Flo Fab purchased equipment, fabrication designs and patterns from IDEALCO, a manufacturer of shell and tube type heat exchangers. The after sales services, sales, engineering, R&D, production, quality control, accounting and administration departments of all the above companies share the same location. In December 2014, Marc Gauvreau, son of the founder, acquired all shares of The company. Flo Fab and is constantly investing in new state of the art innovations new product like the XRI series and Prefab Skid for Hydronic Hearing 8 cooling system, pumping systems.
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