'••Fl .■vT'vyv ^ , DETROITT(UPl)-1beBlgTbeeauto (U b m entfiginm ' ■ ^ . ' .".rV:-.’ ^ ,-AAChryslerCoip. C hi: spokesM jlj^B I- say.the govmuDe^’e aewV ' • BBt<apoke«mep for the auto^.^panlM . numbermtber “probably will Aut*tomlakbers itlng.qntem ftf ivn ealnuDaybe'«-;'^'apM aonedisappolntnlolntment with the i ^ r butJt s^dsali it p r^ e ^ using the ml3 --- ----------------~-^lm-taaimk4-tifaig-buHurt-W-dispweiBUag ierIf , iye>em.-^wi>idi- d iaiigesg es- what --'they- caH— ■ •a nnbtw motaiists whowt» expect< to in a ^ the figures m e a n of compai s . \ adimllae-andwhattbey.mtBy. must display on the HHe ess said EPA's testing methods1 werewe the. , reiaUvefUelecaicwtawmji, . nitnveUdet.-: * ‘ 'J t f c t a n o( i m modela nextnextfall.- I iai. ccause, of motorist .disappoirpolnlrnent Only American froaAental FM edioo Ageoey bas rlcan Moton, Coiip. vofctf AD- . IS ‘*Wefdtanngeo(numb(um ben would be more . 'becausescause Ih v were "not dorw 4nn real-ltfen port for the chant iltallldrophlgbwayaadcoBiblfled. ^-frmtmLmm ifurei R m n^^year^ RpnS^ it-a-pnsctoe-mUeage------conditio30dliioos;“ -A »-a-resnl'r;-heT8al< 8ald,-Se------- “ ^ G ^ ^IBrow w nTAAt^ ' ^viogODlytbe ly the low “d ty tfrMng” rating. flg i^’*»GeoeM Motors'>tors Corp. spokesman estlmat emissions and sa Douglas'Cost]OosQ^ EPA administrator, saidid ' said. ,' xi safety, said m a k m oCsmaQ _______^____________ m . A qqxikesmao x for Ford Motor Co..:o.. which imported vehicle --------------------------lb>,actlon.wat.-wai-loteoded4o-bring-4he-EPA-— ^Gtf-fead-s)«gMM-that-t lhat-the~BPfrkeepHt»"-------alsohail30^faad suggested -us^ng■a-^ange^0^^?^<l8unsr~:rT!T78n8i^^ cloaei! to-the actual mlleagB m ost"It------- aarent-dty'aDd-oombiiwnbtoed ratin g but -saldthi aid tbe sihgle niunbcr will imply- a.a.] precise , the ^ghway' figuresflgt from advertlsenoents.' - l/M w drtvereKhlwfaleve and reduce coosumer com-It- iveseot them as a "best'to«st‘t»worst’’ range of . p^orn form ance, «tandaVd that- mayy noti be Those cars gengenerally achieve high fuel - plaints aboutout ""t u n ie ^ is tl^ y g o y i^0- what motMists could expects^ect. achieve chieved. economy Oli thehllhehlghway.be said. „ V _____________ ■ " \ \ J ' / j y m COrr««Hr l*71.Mag«V«IWTNmnpo»*ipOfMt.OK. Idaho's LargestL Evening-!'g ^ e w s p a p e r 'Ev'*nl*Mlof ■ . 73'SrdYeer.Nb.lifi rd ‘ ^ rTwiiTFoiiiills, I d a h o , W ^ n e s d a y^M , M( ayl7,1978 15- <oni9i dtliv«fy A m a n & ( p e ZiI ^ e i w a r ‘ z o n <t e . WASHINGTON (UPI)^1 - Aliwut aU MorMM«- Mn*Knudseo Engineering Co. ' A.spotesliian tor tlie SKSUte Department ■ vicinityy of the fighting In Kolwezi,, and United States preferreerred' to get- the ’ nlghtlbi Americani Crapped byi fignghltag Ul Zaire , ytaBjiHu,can aTw< their dq|>end6nts t tb staging areas as untta ot tbe 8nd. teila talk lohx on ZairaI Iaakl about .78 ' Owldootreoot reach the trucks or helicopterserslo lo Americans out a ^ c kIcklyand^yas l ; Alrtxmx m Division piqiared fCir possible htve b e a evacuated!d byt track ami » a » toDvotved w l with coo& uctk» Q fa high Wgli A m ^ cam .« m moveilId to tbe-town .of beevacuatecuated. pMslble without usingIg liIntops. Tbe P e a - . deptoyn^oyntenttoZa&v. beUcflpter, averting the» needtorevania-oe vollageB pp o w ^ traosmlsskn Uoe oear near Huxnoy.nmllawestol: of Kolweil. T b m The akria te t of one battalion of tbee 8282dd UgoD said the frobps wenwere still on aldrt but Ib» e dtvtsloo.db tbe oaUoQ's o a d t strike Uoa ttnd A l iborne t ) ^ DIvlstoi, the K o lwtl, ^ tt the CDppd* mining towa In 9iabababa wm no tncUnti npob Wrted diM ig tbe . AU)on»Dlm DMsko a t F t Bragg. N.C.,., had a State Deparimentrr ofofficUl said tbey f o ^e. i last a i was'put 00 akM dar6« Ibe im Staff* PfpBf*™*"* t«l«y-tivto prevtoMctf'tfbare u fl^U og between Zalreas iean - evacaufion. beenapieeiipieeautfcioary move, ofndals said.said. w m not expected to) be used now ihat YomKipiiKippdrWntaitbeMliMeBML A spokesnan'tald all but about 10 lioopa anand rebds held virtual hostage itage Ibe^iatesnanlortlielleTitt Force said The presidentjkn could bave o rd d e^e ^ mostAmericanshadbeenleen evacuated. Tbele Dutnbtfou o( (zo o m tb ita w e to be . Am oicaai have beenI evanutrtev« l)y,the HnieS,oni,OCOf(Mgnm that t&% remaining A mcrtiMfls ^ are In tbe A m ^lean c a n ttnMps abroad tor tbe evacua-acua- ApresMentbutheautlauthi^ty to commit usedI fromfra Ibe . tloa,onthen tbe advice of tbe U.S. a m b a^ s ^ r r U S. troops abroad if herhe nbtlfles Congress - dlvMooi wrWalUrCotler---------------------------------------.01 tne BHun wimoi« u IcroBBmerOTHanTB— e principal aim Is to get these folks nuttt be withdrawn wlthlrithln 00 days unless 'eastdra:M Nohh . Ca<c^>teMi^niiU “ A F ^ Itbout Iqjury, and as quicklyly as CoRgress autborltesacoI continued commit* coinniawmMKtet' bail J>eai THRItEE WA\RO sT ;A'^ possIble.aiile, and we fdt that doing It by othCTotbv . ment. un d g tbe War PowPowOT Act passed In r'T -------------------------- m eaarwrwarbeA.^’w ai S uarD qpOiment t^ 1973 over FUaCaNbtoa’ion'iveto. c l e a ^ tbe(r w e s m n i d k » beola.' f" ' I .• offldalaaklJ s a k T - • ‘ A t F t Bragg, N.C., trucksi and other' andwriUwr^Mtnbooe.'* - ' " tfH iaH A A SUteUte 1D^art^saidd lhthe. e . -equipment h K i ^noved ^ throughout tbe ■_____ _ (CwiliwidaipJW ______ ^V^^">~sy— Troirroops Break Thro / T f Guerrilla Line — =______ ___ ZAIRE__ ’«* Itw o ¥ a l en flou / IParatroopers C( lo s « ~ Around As way g illeyrm ^ MAGIC3IC VVALU5Y - Two Magic Valley'alley' 1,200-mlie-iong electricarical: transmlsslofi Mn.1. FtoydFk sebwaifi. said today. He left ' In on Rebels inI KKolwezi / men wi m aamaog American employeesoyees lloeinZalre. forZalreSalretbei^diy^sbesiU. ^ ,of Bolse^iise^aaed UorrlsQo«nudsenI Co. Vn.\n,. Sdr#an-.sald’ uataltod^.-sbe' ' transportedo te d to safetytt Tueiday night from(ram - Woodhead, a heavy equequipment s^iervl- tbouU I 4 ^ b « boriw id WM tte J tbebttdealtde atrkkeo Kolweti mtaUog districtIstrict w , was woritlng on histils secondt two-year e u ulttiofZa&«,mpIl«M«ti^ S e . J f l . ofZafte.ee. ,, •___________ • stint in Zaire, ’ accoiccorting Jo_ bU a n T f erry r orrt«»4Cmkisea im q d o :^ rescued*cued intheHaguroanVaile^ae j and lived in Twin • jhwiKbnKblwezl.‘^ t b e ^ . from tbe battle zone by trucks and > and 'Falls. He DOW lives In Bangkok,Bai ThaUaod. shebe salds cooyisny officials —^ «nn nP^ hellcoptmp tm owned by the company,>P«ny. where he' was recentlyHy marriedi for the ^h«^n|M»ntn . MorHson-1Ison-Knudsen public relations itlons second time; she said. beenn in'Kolw^in i and had been among those Y m an agg v v EBob SiBlth said today. Schwarx. a heavy «qul{iqulpment mechanic rescued,cued. I Tbe: cotcompany, the wortd’s targettirgeil who grew up in Hazeltonlion, had Jurt begun IlieSche Sch^ralnes have a daughttf 10 and a I coRstntcUoruction f i ^ was working o n ' a woridng for the companymyAprll27,hlswlfe,, sonlS.15. • • RHODESiA --------~ 5 0 ”Blmlack Ci^lians Dieie~ During Balls ttle BTiatweenTroro o p s axrolUIbackdiisappclears I A n d BBiack l InsurgentIts - WASHINCHINGTON (UPI) • - TT»e' House,louse. Social Security systemlem from future alongg withwit hig h ^ increases In lat« « c P ^ J P l i ’ . Ways and Means: Committee todayy rc- ' bankruptcy. years.T. .vmed: an eariler< decision to roll t»cktMck The reversal of last Thurliursday's vote was SodalClal Security taxes amount to 6.0S scbedukdSikdSodal Sect^ly lax Increasessesin In led by Rep. Al Ullman,I, D-DOre., chairman percent«n| of Income tq) to a maximum 1979 andDd 191900 and voted 2M6 to takeice no of the House tax writingng ccommittee, wbo ' u la iyly levelle of 117,700. It U scheduled to ^ ' actknthlsythlsyear. • voted “no" aftw sayingig hhe could not live rise ioio «.U peixseot lo 197M0 to a • with his conscience If’ he stuck with his maximaldmom sa la n of S22.000 in 1979 and • __ Thie comicommittee action fffllQwed.Presl-. r o i n i s w P . dent Carta-« r t ^ threat to-veto any election- earlier vote toiroU backlheIht higher taxes. 'GS.TO In M eariler committee vote would have year cutut In:in Social Security taxes, relayed layed Ullman had provided-W -the margin of Ki the laxrete back to tbe I9n level - ' ' toCoQgresaS rm b y S p e ^ T h o n u s O ’NeiU. victory In Ihe eariier vole,Ole, saying he fell a percent• and cut tbe wage base lo i president alrea({y has iiotifled me id me commitment to bring-so[-some bill to the BOO aod ts,900 for tbe two ye a n oing to veto it," O'Nem said -at a l-o to House noor becauseJ tlthe House De- hepresldeat“ bas Uken tbeposUton that ' Zaire V . roomlngneiDg news conference^Mxirs before tbe eW its mocratic Caucus had v attack irt d voted 150-57 to c o n g r i k airpqi gress should make oo more almq>t committeeIttee iaction._____________________ _________request the commlltee totodoso. d _ ogee lhls>ar~affecthig tbe balance- - --------- KINSHA8Ar-Zafre-<UPllUPI) — Stafrean-------town and ud tte guerrillas stOl ixitroliffa avoid-that tbey becomete hosUgesI In an Tbe WaysWayi aod Means Committeee last 1110 commltlM vole! ap]apparenUy . means betweenywnS(Ht‘ISwiflrHyl!>w>eflty#"d**»^ p m tro o p m dosed In todaytoda; oothM ebd- .-.
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