79891 Proposed Rules Federal Register Vol. 67, No. 251 Tuesday, December 31, 2002 This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER Microsoft Word 97 for Windows or Discussion contains notices to the public of the proposed ASCII text. What events have caused this issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these notices is to give interested You may get service information that proposed AD? The FAA has received persons an opportunity to participate in the applies to this proposed AD from reports from Raytheon that during rule making prior to the adoption of the final Raytheon Aircraft Company, 9709 E. manufacturing rivets were not installed rules. Central, Wichita, Kansas 67201–0085; in the following locations: telephone: (800) 429–5372 or (316) 676– • Lower frame forward of the airstair 3140. You may also view this door below the pilot’s floor; • DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION information at the Rules Docket at the Forward of the upper forward address above. corner of the airstair door; Federal Aviation Administration • The bulkhead forward of the cargo FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. door below floor level; and 14 CFR Part 39 Steven E. Potter, Aerospace Engineer, • The lower fuselage panel aft of the [Docket No. 2002–CE–26–AD] Wichita Aircraft Certification Office, wing. FAA, 1801 Airport Road, Wichita, These rivets must be installed for the RIN 2120–AA64 Kansas 67209; telephone: (316) 946– fuselage to carry the ultimate design 4124; facsimile: (316) 946–4407. load. Without the rivets, these areas are Airworthiness Directives; Raytheon understrength. Aircraft Company Model 1900D SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: What are the consequences if the Airplanes Comments Invited condition is not corrected? The AGENCY: Federal Aviation understrength condition in the fuselage Administration, DOT. How do I comment on this proposed could result in the failure of the ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking AD? The FAA invites comments on this fuselage. Such failure could lead to loss (NPRM). proposed rule. You may submit of control of the airplane in flight. whatever written data, views, or Is there service information that SUMMARY: This document proposes to arguments you choose. You need to applies to this subject? Raytheon has adopt a new airworthiness directive include the rule’s docket number and issued Service Bulletin No. SB 53–3046, (AD) that would apply to certain submit your comments to the address Issued: February 2002. Raytheon Model 1900D airplanes. This specified under the caption ADDRESSES. What are the provisions of this service proposed AD would require you to We will consider all comments received information? The service bulletin accomplish a one-time inspection for includes procedures for: on or before the closing date. We may • missing rivets on certain areas of the amend this proposed rule in light of Inspecting for missing rivets; and • Installing rivets. airplane and, if necessary, install rivets. comments received. Factual information This proposed AD is the result of that supports your ideas and suggestions The FAA’s Determination and an Raytheon identifying several instances is extremely helpful in evaluating the Explanation of the Provisions of This of missing rivets on these airplanes. The effectiveness of this proposed AD action Proposed AD actions specified by this proposed AD and determining whether we need to What has FAA decided? After are intended to detect and correct an take additional rulemaking action. understrength condition in the fuselage, examining the circumstances and which could result in the failure of the Are there any specific portions of this reviewing all available information fuselage. Such failure could lead to loss proposed AD I should pay attention to? related to the incidents described above, of control of the airplane in flight. The FAA specifically invites comments we have determined that: • The unsafe condition referenced in DATES: The Federal Aviation on the overall regulatory, economic, this document exists or could develop Administration (FAA) must receive any environmental, and energy aspects of on other Raytheon Model 1900D comments on this proposed rule on or this proposed rule that might suggest a need to modify the rule. You may view airplanes of the same type design; before March 3, 2003. • all comments we receive before and The actions specified in the ADDRESSES: Submit comments to FAA, after the closing date of the rule in the previously-referenced service Central Region, Office of the Regional Rules Docket. We will file a report in information should be accomplished on Counsel, Attention: Rules Docket No. the affected airplanes; and 2002–CE–26–AD, 901 Locust, Room the Rules Docket that summarizes each • contact we have with the public that AD action should be taken in order 506, Kansas City, Missouri 64106. You to correct this unsafe condition. may view any comments at this location concerns the substantive parts of this proposed AD. What would this proposed AD between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday require? This proposed AD would through Friday, except Federal holidays. How can I be sure FAA receives my require you to incorporate the actions in You may also send comments comment? If you want FAA to the previously-referenced service electronically to the following address: acknowledge the receipt of your mailed bulletin. [email protected]. Comments comments, you must include a self- sent electronically must contain addressed, stamped postcard. On the Cost Impact ‘‘Docket No. 2002–CE–26–AD’’ in the postcard, write ‘‘Comments to Docket How many airplanes would this subject line. If you send comments No. 2002–CE–26–AD.’’ We will date proposed AD impact? We estimate that electronically as attached electronic stamp and mail the postcard back to this proposed AD affects 370 airplanes files, the files must be formatted in you. in the U.S. registry. VerDate Dec<13>2002 16:20 Dec 30, 2002 Jkt 200001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\31DEP1.SGM 31DEP1 79892 Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 251 / Tuesday, December 31, 2002 / Proposed Rules What would be the cost impact of this following costs to accomplish the proposed AD on owners/operators of the proposed inspection: affected airplanes? We estimate the Total cost per Total cost on U.S. oper- Labor cost Parts cost airplane ators 8 workhours x $60 per hour = $480 ............................................... No parts required ....................... $480 $480 × 370 = $177,600 We estimate the following costs to based on the results of the proposed determining the number of airplanes accomplish any necessary rivet inspection. We have no way of that may need such installation: installation that would be required Total cost per Labor cost Parts cost airplane 15 workhours × $60 per hour = $900 ...................................................................................................................... $25 $925 Compliance Time of This Proposed AD distribution of power and Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR What would be the compliance time responsibilities among the various part 39) as follows: of this proposed AD? The compliance levels of government. Therefore, it is determined that this proposed rule PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS time of this proposed AD is within the DIRECTIVES next 1,200 hours time-in-service (TIS) or would not have federalism implications 1 year after the effective date of this AD, under Executive Order 13132. 1. The authority citation for part 39 whichever occurs first. Would this proposed AD involve a continues to read as follows: Why is the compliance time of this significant rule or regulatory action? For Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701. proposed AD presented in both hours the reasons discussed above, I certify that this proposed action (1) is not a TIS and calendar time? The usage of § 39.13 [Amended] these airplanes varies widely because ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under operators or lessors are cycling these Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a 2. FAA amends § 39.13 by adding a airplanes between airplane storage and ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT new airworthiness directive (AD) to flight operations. However, the unsafe Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 read as follows: condition on these airplanes is not a FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and (3) if Raytheon Aircraft Company: Docket No. result of the number of times the promulgated, will not have a significant 2002–CE–26–AD’ airplane is operated. Airplane operation economic impact, positive or negative, (a) What airplanes are affected by this AD? varies among operators. For example, on a substantial number of small entities This AD affects Model 1900D airplanes, that one operator may utilize the airplane 50 under the criteria of the Regulatory are certificated in any category, with the hours TIS in 3 months, while it may Flexibility Act. A copy of the draft following serial numbers: UE–1 through UE– take another operator 12 months or regulatory evaluation prepared for this 50, UE–52 through UE–350, UE–352 through UE–358, UE–360, UE–361, UE–363 through more to accumulate 50 hours TIS. For action has been placed in the Rules Docket. A copy of it may be obtained by UE–369, UE–371 through UE–379, UE–381, this reason, FAA has determined that UE–382, UE–385, UE–386, and UE–394. the compliance time of the proposed AD contacting the Rules Docket at the (b) Who must comply with this AD? should be specified in both hours TIS location provided under the caption Anyone who wishes to operate any of the and calendar time in order to ensure ADDRESSES. airplanes identified in paragraph (a) of this this condition is not allowed to go List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39 AD must comply with this AD. uncorrected over time. (c) What problem does this AD address? Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation The actions specified by this AD are intended Regulatory Impact safety, Safety.
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