■ 'V-'- 'i^Si , ---.-afe,- --■■ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, »AQB f XnJBTSBH AVBBAOB DAILY OIBODLA'nON WBATBBI inattrlirster lEvntino V e n # fa r tha Meffth at AiNSiBL 1887 Bart$»M O peolng The Toung Peofile’s Legion of the Manchester Tent, Knights of the Mias Faith Fallow of Main stieot week win not be outlined until be keeping although there are enough Salvation Army will open Its fall Maccabees wlU have a peach short­ sailed today on the 8. 8. ’Tlarlnthla" learns the total enrollment. Most applicanta to form classes, while FUr benight and FHday; oeoM- eTlLISH-AMERICAN for a 10-day cruise to Havana and 80 HERE ENROLL 5 , 8 6 1 . s : ABOUTTOWN activlUes with a special meeting cake supper thU evening at 7:18 of those who registered last night sloyd work and cl^senahlp wlU Bleailier-M the Andit tw m tm lifralJi at the citadel tonight In charge of In the Batch and Brown ball. A Nassau, B.I. Her slater, Hlaa Phillis probably be dropped unless a good- DANCES Fallow, accompanied her to New signed up for the classes In advanced Bareas at Otaeolatloas sA - AS namteia of Um Red Men's Batordap Eyeafag Sept. S5tli Captain Fred Ladlow and Lieuten­ brief business meeting will follow. ly number of registrations for these MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VnXAflE CHARM George M. Bidwell, chairman of the Y ork. typing aad stenography. A slight ttngo eonunIttM and ether mem- Pnlaskt Hall, Korth St. ant Walter Hooper of WiUlmantle. FOR N I ^ SCHOOL falling off was noticed In registra- subjects are received tonight. William Hall, secretary, assisted by committee will be assisted by Mrs. iers taitaraaUd are asked to meet fMnra A Bars Orehestn. The Zipser club will have a "Bin- tkma for beginning tjrplfig and PRICE THREE CENTS ^ Adm ission SSe. Mias Gladys Robinson, will act as Ethel Duncan and Mrs. Rutn ADVERTI8EM:^a4T— ' VOL. LVL, NO. 802 A dvertM ag m i Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1937 (FOURTEEN PAGES) kt the elubTooms on Bralnard place Rslnarts. This U the first fafi get- go” party 8aturday at 7:30 in their stenograph but enough were ob­ toBtorrow night at 8 o’clock sharp. chairman. After the meeting a tained to form classes In these sub­ Mrs. Wm. Kronlck of the Wilrone . social hour will bo enjoyed. together and it Is hoped a large club house. All the membera are The lint of the aeries of Bingo Jack Puter, well-known Manches­ number of the members will attend. urged to attend. The newly organis­ (MRce to Be Open Again jects. Addittonal students are de­ Dress Shop has returned from a gliTirt spoosored Iqr the local Im- ter youth who la a student at sired In cooUng, sewing and book- New Tork buying trip. neored Order of IM Men wlU be A meeting of the official board ed Frauenvereln.la also Invited. Bryant CpUegs ot Business Admin­ will be hdd this evening at 8 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. George F. Borst ol Remember Flanders Fields M d Fridar night In Tinker hall, istration, Providence, Rhode Island. ' Tonight for Registration; JAP BOMBERS at the South Methodist church to Cambridge street are spending the The High .school Epworth' League BRITISH RACING stertlag at 8:30 sharp. Is a member qf the Investlgatloo consider Important matters that re­ week at their cottage at Point O' of the North Methodist church will committee of the college branch ot quire Immediate action. Woods and In New York City. bold a social on Friday evening at May Drop Courses. H ave Y our Mias Alice Bennett, daughter of the D^olap, which met for the 7:30 at the church. .Ml yoimg peo­ A U e n O N ! YACHT LOCATED KILL REFUGEES MANY LOCAL RESIDENTS ^ ilk . and Mis . Howard W. Bennett of flnt time Monday to InvesUgate Manchester Grange will hold ’an Gibbons Assembly, Catholic Ladles ple of high school age are cordially 8 -1* BBIGGS............... AncMoueer 48 Brooklldd street, began her members and form rules and by­ of Columbus, will hold Ita regular open meeting tonight at 8 o'clock Invited to attend. About eighty persona enrolled hsahnisn pear last Mondap at laws. Other members of the com­ in Odd Fellows hall. It will be business meeting Friday evening at At Hoehberg'a Farm, EagievUle, lleont Holpoke oollege. South Had-, mittee are Georges Bockstael, of Ooan., SATUBDAV, Sept. tStk, 1 OFFTIEAZORES BY U R E D S Booster..' night” and an Interest­ 8:15 in the Knights of Columbus Mias Margaret 8ulltvan of Center last night for evening school and TIRES lap. Maas. Miss Bennett graduated Providence, R. L; William BUls- ing program win. be presented. clubrooms. The officers are re­ street gave a shower last night In Principal Chester L Robinson ex­ p. IB., D. 8. T., Rain or Shine. 30 Aoin the Manchester High school worth. Providence: Charles Tomp­ quested to appear promptly at 8 honor of Misa Catherine Patten who pects at least an equal number to oholoe Aeeredlted Cattle, 1 Pair Retreaded last spring. kins, East Providence, R. I.; Russell Beraford Steen 18 montha old. Ward Caieney Camp, U. S. W. V., o'clock' ks important business will is to be married on October 13 to register tonight. The office of 8u- Two Thonsaod Fall VKtmi$ Sisson, New Bedford, ^aas.; be discussed. A large attendance S Fana Horses, Skeep, Calves, Endeavour I k Safe After BUYING CHENEY HOUSES Franda H. Coleman. Blue and perintendent of 8choola Arthur H. ^ For Inspection Everett Wllcon, Cranston, R. L will bold Ita first social meeting of Pigs, Hens, Docks, Farm Tools, fan sessions tomorrow night at the of the other members is also de­ white predominated In the decora- lUing In the main high school build­ i; “GIVE THE KIDS sired. ing will bs open from 7 to 9 llsnissses, Fnnltnre, Eta. Term m Canton; Nankins Es­ The executive board of Center State armory. Sr. Vice Commander tlonr The Renn slaters entertained CAMPBELL’S Crossms AthHtic Under V A B R E A K ” George Dowen and Past Commander with dances and gamee, music and o'clock to. receive applications. Csah. Joseph Hochberg, Owner, Propertie$ on West Side S el Church Women’s Federation srlll Mrs. Commander Elizabeth Ab­ It Is planned to open sessions EagievUle, Phone WilUmuitlc meet tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock Converse are preparing an enter­ a buffet lunch were enjoyed. Miss 481-*. SERVICE STATIOl Complete Data on Cheney Auctmn Sales t o w 7 *re back to school. Rc tainment and refreshments and all bott of the Worcester Salvation Patten received many beautiful next Monday night but Mr. Robin (h ^ Sails; Had Been capes Further Raida As Vheir SHOES IN GOOD CO with tbs presl4ent, Mrs. Hoadler Army corps, who will be the guest Cor. Main SL nnd Middle Tpk. Briskly As Anctioi Gets WlUes of M Falrlleld street. members of the camp should at­ g ifts. son’s schedule of sessloos during the P arcel No. Street Address Present Occupant Assessed Auctlra Purchaser D m O N . tend. of the Women's Home League to­ morrow afternoon at the citadel, Missinf Since SepL 13. 4 Powers Enter Protests. Value Price Name Address SL Mary’s Girls’ Friendly society I— 4 North FalrfielSl S treet ........ Robert Kerr $ 2,879 3 3,050 Karl Weber, Hartford. S. YULYES . Miss Bertha M. Oordner of 89 will be accompanied by one of the Underway; SeTenI Are will have a covered dish supper well known Army twin singers, 3— 8-10 North Fairfield Street ..T on y Blreto 3 6,030 3 3,600 Made BarteU, 43 Washington SL 701 Main Street Monday evening, September 37, at Pleasant street has returned to her . William Orlmason duties with , the Underwood Type­ Mrs. Brewer. The meeting will open London. 8epL 38.—(AP) — The 8hanghai, Sept. 38—(AP)— Two •;S0. In the parish bouse. The so­ at 3:30. 8—135-137 West Street ................ Edward Bronkie 3 4,998 3 3,800 M oriarty B itis., Town^ Bon|d>t By Present Occi* ciety voted to sell Christmas cards writer company, Hartford, after a Fall Is In The Air— The Alluring Charm Of Smart Evening News correspondent at thousand Chinese, most of them James McNally this season, and Miss Margaret serious iUnesa o f eight weeks. Horta, Azores, cabled today that refugees, are estimated to have been 4— 113-119 West S treet ................ Mildred Noren 3 8,349 3 6,000 Carl W. Noren, Washington SL I RUMMAGE SALE Stratton was appointed to have Endeavour 1, unsuccessful chaUen- killed or Injured in two day’s Jap­ Alex. Elagleson pants; Smgle DweDinst charge. Hosiery Cannot Be Denied g er fo r the A m erica's cup In 1934, anese aerial bom bardm ent o f Clan­ 5— 30 North Fairfield Street ,., Minnie Waldo3 2,336 3.850 Winifred Smith, Hunt’gt'n, Mass. Thursday, Sept. 23,10 A. M. Teacher of Piano Crisp Moonlight Nights And had been located a few hundred ton, south China city. Tbe raids, 'o- 0—34-26 North Fairfield Street .. Willard Gee 3 5.066 3,000 John Palleln, 14 Short SL Bring Best Prices; Mori- CoaghUn BMg., Depot Sq. ^ ^ S t a t e Mildred S. Willes miles southwest of the Azorea day and yesterday, left weeping Robert Tedford 54 Fairfield Street The First Frpst— The Endeavour had been missing women and walling children search­ 7— 180 High Street .. ^...... Stephen Pongratz 3 4.011 3'OSO Harry Goodman, 1109 B. M. Tpk. St. Margsrefa aid e, since midnight, Sept.
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