Church of the Assumption March 3, 2019 Mission Statement: We are an inclusive, welcoming, compassionate community united by a faith that is alive and growing. As sisters and brothers bapzed in Christ, our mission is to be Christ for one another, our community, and the world, by teaching as Jesus did, loving as Jesus loved, serving as Jesus served, and by seeing in every face, the face of our Lord Jesus. DEAR F RIENDS I attended School Number 36 at the intersections of Carter, St. skill and strategy makes life difficult. Whom can one trust? There Jacob, and Bernard Streets, when dinosaurs still roamed the city were three rather vile professions in Jesus’ world: Along with of Rochester (OK, it was the 1960’s). On Friday mornings, one prostitutes and innkeepers (who took money to provide of the young priests from the staff of St. Andrew’s Church hospitality, which was viewed very unseemly to the ancients), would arrive at #36 School around 11:30 and walk all the actors rounded out the big three because they literally wore Catholic public-school kids down Carter Street, making a right masks on stage. They were the original hypocrites because they turn on Durnan Street before arriving at St. Andrew’s School were not presenting themselves, but rather hiding behind the around noon, while the more than 800 Catholic School kids mask of another character. would be home for their lunch hour. This was the very heart of This week we’re nearing the end of Jesus’ famous Sermon in “release time” for Religious Education for the Public School Luke’s Gospel and we find Jesus (in a wonderfully Lenten kids. Can you imagine that we did such things like that way back preparatory mode) inviting us to avoid being hypocrites. W e when? shouldn’t “act” as if we are superior to that person whom we are Anyway, when I was in Second Grade, (the year we prepared for so quick to judge, criticize, and condemn. Sr. Winifred was First Penance and First Holy Communion), our class was taught correct. When we point out someone else’s faults (which we think by Sr. Winifred, RSM. By that time, Sr. Winifred had been are soooo obvious), we fail to notice our own internal need for teaching Second Grade for almost 50 year s…and now she had to conversion and a true change of heart. I know that I’m very teach the public-school kids during her Friday lunch hour ! I adept at pointing out your splinters! Oh yes, I can see, with razor remember, oh so vividly 55 years later, that when she was sharp vision, all the tiny areas in your life that definitely need explaining today’s Gospel reading (so appropriate as we improvement. And all the while I’m so blind to that log that’s approach the Sacrament of Penance), she held out her index lodged in my own eye! I could blame it on spiritual glaucoma finger and proclaimed: “When you point your finger to criticize (where I lack the ability to see things on the periphery of my own somebody else, three fingers come back and point at YOU!” behavior), or spiritual macular degeneration (where I can no That scene made an indelible impression on my young mind. longer see things even dead center in my life). Or, I could just Because you know what? Sister was right. admit that my own need for conversion and a change of heart It’s exactly what Jesus said in our Gospel reading today: “Why do must precede my willingness to point out your faults, which I you notice the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not perceive should do only out of love and compassion and never out of the wooden beam in your own?” Jesus goes on to call people spite, revenge or self-righteousness. Yes, actors can (and should) who do this hypocrites, which, in Jesus’ day meant “interpreter,” wear masks (did you watch the Oscar’s last Sunday?), but you “expounder,” “orator,” even “stage actor.” In this latter case, the and I should not be hypocrites . Lord, help me to see what I need Greek word took on the added meaning of “deceiver” and to change in my life first, before I even begin to help others “pretender.” In the ancient theater this is an award-winning skill. change as well! In reality—even in Jesus’ ancient Mediterranean culture—this Sunday Masses 4:00 pm (Saturday) 8:30 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm Confessions Saturday: After 4:00 pm Mass Knights of Columbus Thursday: After 11:15 am Mass Bishop McQuaid - Other times upon r equest Stephen Ministry Council #7085 T loop works best in front right pews 20 East Ave., Fairport, NY 14450 † (585) 388 -0040 † email: [email protected] † www.COTA.church S-73 LJB1 A_J` D7,W Sunday, March 3 —Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, March 3 Mass in Ancipaon of Sunday —Saturday at 4:00 pm: 11:00 am -12:00 pm: Kindergarten —Rm. 3 Irene Cudzilo —Susan Bland 12:30 -1:30 pm: Bapsms Charles & Antoinee Sardisco —Bob & Laurie Wilson 7:00 -9:00 pm: Lenten Retreat with Fr. Brendan Moss —Church Edward & Vivian Strojny —Strojny family (Confirmaon Students expected to aend) — Robert Alexander Jr. ( 13th Anniv.) Wife & family Monday, March 4 — 8:30 am: Jan Bouley Hank Maher 9:00 -11:00 am: Lenten Retreat w/Fr. Moss at St. John of Rochester — Stanley Gawlik Marge Geen 10:00 -11:00 am: Centering Prayer —Rm. 2 — Georgiana Weirs Bonnie & Jim Fowler 4:00 -5:15 pm: VNS Bereavement —Rm. 2 — 11:00 am: Thomas Caglia (47th Anniv.) Collier family 5:00 -6:00 pm: Diversity Ministry Mtg. —Rm. 1 — - Audrey Wurtenberg Anne Pat Nuzback 7:00 -8:30 pm: Lenten Mission w/Fr. Moss —Church — Gina Dapolito (83rd Birthday) Ted, Julie & Ma Terrell 7:00 -9:00 pm: Model Airplane Club —Rms. 5 & 6 6:00 pm: For vocaons Tuesday, March 5 — Monday, March 4 St. Joseph of Leonissa 9:00 -11:00 am: Lenten Retreat w/Fr. Moss at St. John of Rochester 6:45 am: For all the people of the parish 10:30 am: Mass —Fairport Bapst Home — 11:15 am: Mary Dates Nancy Stephany 12:30 -1:30 pm: Alzheimer's Assoc. Support Grp. —Rm. 1 Tuesday, March 5 —St. Agatha 12:30 pm: Communion Service —Jefferson Ave. Apts. 6:45 am: Jan Bouley —Laura Fawce 6:30 -8:30 pm: Stephen Ministry Training —Resurrecon 10:30 am: Mass at the Fairport Bapst home 7:00 -8:30 pm: Lenten Mission w/Fr. Moss —Church 11:15 am: For those who have le the Church Wednesday, March 6 (NO School of Religion: Ash Wednesday) Wednesday, March 6 —Ash Wednesday 9:30 -11:00 am: Faith Sharing Group —Living Rm. Ashes will be distributed at all Masses today 4:00 -6:00 pm: CYO Pracce —Great Hall 6:45 am: For priests 5:45 -6:30 pm: Youth Choir Rehearsal —Music Office 11:15 am: For all parishioners 6:00 pm: Ash Wednesday Mass at Resurrecon 7:00 pm: For all parishioners 7:00 pm: Ash Wednesday Mass at Assumpon Thursday, March 7 —St. Colee Thursday, March 7 6:45 am: For the Holy Souls of Purgatory —Gallagher family 8:00 am -noon: Deanery Catechecal Leader Meeng —Living Rm. 11:15 am: Christopher Morrison —Gerri & Suzee 4:00 -9:15 pm: CYO —Great Hall - — Friday, March 8 —St. Josephine Bakhita 6:30 8:00 pm: First Penance Role Play Church - — 6:45 am: For vocaons 7:00 9:00 pm: Knights of Columbus Council Mtg. Rms. 5 & 6 - — 11:15 am: Memorial Scroll 7:30 8:30 pm: Prayer Group Chapel Saturday, March 9 —St. Jerome Emiliani Friday, March 8 - — Mass in Ancipaon of Sunday —4:00 pm: 4:00 9:15 pm: CYO Great Hall - — Carl Pellegrino —Marian, his wife 6:00 8:00 pm: M.A.P.S. Chapel Dennis J. Byrne —Carolyn Grassi Saturday, March 9 Teresa Baker —Bey Lundy 7:45 -8:15 am: Rosary —Chapel Jan Laklly -Skuse & deceased family —Ron Skuse & family 9:00 am: Funeral Mass for Paul Menaguale - — Sunday, March 10 —First Sunday of Lent 11:00 am 12:30 pm: First Penance Role Play Church - — 8:30 am: Laura Lynch —Family 5:15 9:15 pm: CYO Great Hall - — Stanly Gawlik —Hank Maher 5:00 7:30 pm: Ultreya (Cursillo) Living Rm. Mary Sanllo —Elizabeth (niece) Sunday, March 10 11:00 am: Tuan Nguyen —Skip & Cathy Curre & family 9:00 -11:00 am: Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignaus —Rm. 1 Isabelle Balbierer —Bonnie & Jim Fowler 11:00 am -noon: Kindergarten Faith Formaon —Rm. 3 Vincent Pallifrone —Karen & Jenny Valerio & Bianca Selever 12:30 -2:30 pm: Confirmaon Level 2 Pilot Program —Rms. 5 & 6 6:00 pm: For young people seeking truth & meaning 3:30 -5:00 pm: Book Study —Rm. 2 6:00 -9:00 pm: Pot Luck Dinner —Great Hall Our Sunday Offertory Gi s February 23 -24 — Aendance: 1,045 Envelopes ..................................................................... $10,707 Electronic Funds Transfer .............................................. $2,125 Readings for the Week of March 3 Loose .............................................................................. $1,188 Sun: Sir 27:4 -7/Ps 92:2 -3, 13 -14, 15 -16/1 Cor 15:54 -58/Lk 6:39 -45 Children ................................................................................. $0 Mon: Sir 17:20 -24/Ps 32:1 -2, 5, 6, 7 [11a]/Mk 10:17 -27 Total ............................................................................. $14,020 Tues: Sir 35:1 -12/Ps 50:5 -6, 7 -8, 14 and 23 [23b]/Mk 10:28 -31 Weekly Budgeted Sun.
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