![A"""Ffllw a Toeoond Small Let Ol Three Lot MET10POI.ITAII Lafarge Houee.T II Lbu|« Mr, M](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
PF P> N«W YORK FRIDAY MAY I HERALD, , 13, 1859..TRIPLE SHEET. u, gUJjg AT AfJOTIOlf. gAl.r/1 at AUCTION. SALES AT AUCTION. AMTSEMEm AMV8BNBNTI. ~~ AWTJSKMBWTS. i rjCTJON EOTrtfR-J BOGART, lUOTlOHMIl-BT ATTENTION OFFAMILIESANDOTIIKRS 19 TW THIA1 «T M OAltDAN. H ROOAF.f-This dev. *t llortA a* No. M Third rlltiled m lha sale ef tine medallion and other c.rpeU; (Lain Barton anntr XT1BLO Oa DEBT OF MDBTO -LArAVOBITA. velvet, , lha A A"""ffllW A toeoond small let ol three lot MET10POI.ITAII Lafarge Houee.t II lbu|« Mr, m. bddt A BkOKBB AMD itrerL between Klratand *»eDaea, foundry Hanoi, one maewood hat also. a larg* KlMMT STEAKCiSt'H iTA-JA* BAWBBB. elegant itand; Mr. F. B. CONWAY IktM SO cent* | ramSr Hreie.. -v26 Ms*. OPBBA. Ma i BRO AD NTBBBT, tools, mouldtags, trough*. long*, crucibles, scales, weight*, of ollck iha, aleo, large and small mlzroew. A good ehaoce for Doeri open at 7 e'eSwa; Omux>.« %> 'M irWMlT. *Si*T BBKBaTiON. KLLi pinooLomin'fl at «Ale tba foDowtni; olutki iu>4 boaiU vice*, ham". chisel*, fa. tln'aa ailing up their Eouaia Bale at 2 o'clock Uila dav. at No. LAST M(iUT 15JT TI1I8 TAIltnj, PBBKOBMANOBB IK AMERICA. Often prlviU 464 ONE BVBNIHO, Mat 13. Badar no Sineha t anal street. WM. WITTERS. Auctioneer. of tb« eminent arUiie, ruth 2ND fashiona blk auotiinok the rlr-umttaneea ein there be a rnetiUem of Any 00era. Chatham Bank Jeroii- CMy Isfuraane. notice.-samuel osuood, auction Bin DAVKNPOKT, to wttoer. Ike operavie ronton of Sir Haltor BcoWa of departure of Mile Plccoiomlnl tar Europe, OS Itob) Bank o( Kaelne, Wa. D. 8. 8 8'iyar er, I will Mil, »t salesroom No. 1 Pitt* street, on AUCTIONEER. who will appear talc time m J111, predating such o pooeibllltr. CMy Reialnf. Auction o'clock. tOO of wire forMonday, WESTrtOTT. JOLTA BOB BOT, IIUA Minever "net. Krroa-nr Mm LUbt. May 10. U 10>» pound* tempered skirt*, WB.. I.AKOK KALI OF HI "H AND FASHIONABLE la Till BOB PKinAYTifoT 14, u8P. K., ot the MATI1ENT Constable. is an nONOIIBACK, BOT, Bank Commonwealth, >mrrtc%o Bipreaa Co. BElKNB, hObRWOOO FUHNirUhE AT AUCTION. pported by BOB BOT, ^ th* Borth River Bonk. We'll Karoo fcipreea Co. Tbla da; iFrldaj). at 10.', u'eloek precisely, all of lbs OXUSOAILT HRILMAMT CAST. BOB BOT, 1 "onor to annonneo that UPe. PIOOO M. RIchoMa Bonk- Undou, K. Y. k N. K. Tel. AUCTION NOTICE.-ALL THE VALUABLE rich and elegant furnituri' ol ererr description. and recherche fhlliaY. Maj IS. 18.19, BOB BOT, Unit la l«2iLjpp,sV °* Frtd»ievening, Itay 18, f.r the 0r» Rook of 8tnc R«l- Co. Inreof aprhate family, rennved for convenienceFURNIAof sale aorta of art. painting, statuary, Ae contained lo the spacious the play, in fire acta bv Sheridan Knowlei. of BOB America, at Leonora la l>oal/.«uT( rriid opsrA, Inoiironao to the store 170 Ninth near BOT, _ , LA FAVORITE Main polltoo Whitehall k Saratoga avenue, Twenty ieuond alreet, will dwelling 162 Weet rwcnty ttrat atreet near Beveuth avenue, TDK DO NOUdlOa.. rrltb the relebmtod Fitu tau, Oa thio ore*ilon Moat. MAROaL A CtUieaa' honk. rood. BaJllarmrra' ha aold atorkvate tale, ihla day. very cheap tor cash eauvisllun ail made to order, embracing a eplendid aaaortmem of superb Warier Walter Mr. C Fteber BOOT will aili A1b ftnt iUNCA.>he rreat tnaee Adriatic Inanraooo. of Mink- MOW. of three amId roMWood suits ope *uil covered In and oomtrlsea ererr to be or klrThoman Clifford XSCOTT, appearance at the of Uiii'fl m Academy parlor Preach bouaehokl furnilnre, thing found Mr. Kar>on (ltU LCOT ISCOTT, Batlhaaar, Big. BBIGKOLI aa Academy arclie Isooronoe. Boa-la atlu lirocatel, one inlt In green silk plnah, one do In crlmeon reiiiilaite fcr an elevant and richly furnlalied reakience. which Modal Mr Oou«ey LOOT B8COTT, King Alfonao. rsrnando 8i« AMODIO M American Inf. Oo. Berlin Cltv (Wia ) 8 per root allk pluah. and one roeewood ault covered In hair cloth, all will be aokl for cash, and moat be removed Immediately front Julia Mill *cJ the pcrmiar pndtak Ooaeartora A Hon tic Wertp, WW- 49. Ch. 0.P. k F. dn I<oe (L. <>*.> made to order, and are not aolled; roeewood centre and pier the Panora CNMM of three and Bella Davenport tenor, Big. Maxlo and U fill atnaah " " premises. elegant elaborately Mre. Con way Br. I) MIkA.NI) A, The sale of Mckata at 8 Pottr Cooper*, Irrarouoo. latmrtf. tables, etegeres, Tnrklah chair*and lounge* to match, car vol loaewood autta. covered In flue colored brocalel, and Beautiful (elects di by the powerful under the D. fconttnoeedallv, A.M.,attao aaataau Colombian Marine In. Crone k Mil. B. tk. Farm tete a or orchestra, Mr. K1BA.VDA, of lfnale, Hall A Bon'a, MS 0. La aolaa, tele, arm ohalia. and chairs, paintings,mahogany ore In grain plnab, all in uerfec' order, roecw vid Turkuh a Mol.l.aNBAUBR, dlrefund Br. D. UIBAMD Brood 11 street,Broadway, BrweBatfaTTfl Boat River inauronoa mrlg. Ac. carpel*.and with to match rl carved To conclude * .id the come A, way; Blbell'o, Kail and at the More "" ad reception chairs. Imogen .b'y 7 Helta of produced pc mi exUn.tre peato. ot Baal. M 18 Baaaan «treat otahaaery Trodeimena'Ininrince. mrt*. ortave planufortr, atool and cover, embr ldered alia and lace 111* I'hftTl \ I'tlt.lK or BUSINESS. ALL JtldW HCAsKfl. Anthony Oo., corner of Plea. Ureal Weatern inturaaoe. San PrOMcleeo Cjonhr. sale eurhtlna. an corner with To morrow k K. lloven B. R. 1 op ikady made clothing, piece large pier and manlei mlrrore; etanda, evening the new play, entitled MOW A LIRA. ALL NSW TUKATBB. Bopabit lnaoranoo. N. Y.. mirror barka: two Frenoh eeoretolre. waa With the luft art of ««*«, _ Auctionfancy goods, jewelry, sewing machines, Ac., Ac., by superb etegerea, MAKK8 aWD PAOB-t (or the farewell NEW OOSTUMWS, SKW PROPERTIES. Leaaeea L. _ Maaaoti lea. Co , A. If vaaee, marble benefit of Mill Vaaara. O. Pox had J, w. aft*-.Avfnoo R. B. 1 CftiSTaLAk, auction!er, No. Z) Boeerv, nn Monday, groups, etatuary, pavtiogn, Ac, among whi:h DaVENPORT, and the closing night of her GLORIOUS BATTIJC TABLEAUX BOWERYBenefit and last nlabtcf L'aiard Bane Imurance. Uoeon! mrt#. May 10, at 10)£ o'clock, comprising caealmere, cloth, linen and arc many rare end valuable specimens on glnai and canvaaa; eiaoa. ADA Mlaa BALLIB BT. CLAIR. Howard laa Co. Hulolo* H. Valley R.R I ninj summer raglan, frock.sack and business Uneo superb ioaewood chamber furniture. Prtoeea« aiual. f ric»»_a»enlDf_ luty 13. 18(8. Lenin Iniuraneo. Ureal WeiUrn Coal A T'ttoa costs; Marseilles, Beatatecared without eitraeharpe. A CAST OP Oil AR AOTER8 Li<vnr.ii« sunuiA. Co. and eaadmere pants; silk, satin and Marsclllea veals of various Rosewood marble top bureaus, richly carved bedsteads, NKVitB EQUALLED. Berth Hlver Insurance. styles and pattern*. Also, collars, cravats, fancy goods, large hair maltre uvea. waahatanda, commodea, rlob cblna toilet or AH the rOVM LOVBBB, Harmoer Inauraaoa. lenry Co. (Iowa) 8 par cent*. roaewood wi*h mirror Munir-.-rncoLowiNi. Ol'gtaal MiiMc, by married bake, More* elite Mutual Ink Wloconrin School and portrmonnales. gold pins, rings, earrings, chains,pocketbooks,studs, aela, wardrobea, doora; tapeatrj earpeta, AcadkmvPlOOOLOMlNl'b FUKWELL MATINEE. iLOT KSCOTT, MIRANDA, Ac., Haraap battens, pencil esses, Ac., Ac. Also one iflnger machine and oval mtrrora, bronze clocka, with all klnda of chamber By general request, sd » fnll oboroa. TOM OBJWJLB'B LOO. Prevoorl Imuranee. Lanoi. two saadduce. two aofa bedateada, Ac. Pew In Church of MetnUta. Ml' ivaukee City CoupOM. sewing furniture, DON PA"QOALE. The Highland arenery received with raptarnue applauae. hieing room.Oak and mahogany dining room furniture, Mr. Ftrakoech announoe.a that OLD OI.AHGOW BY rraBATBB FRANCA IS, 588 BROADWAY. Alao many other desirable tecuriUM, tultable tor alienator) table rich French cut of the reipect'ully by general reiueet MOONLIOHT, 1 29me SOIREE D'abonnkment. an<l profitable Investment. JOSEPH HEOKMAN. AUCFIONEKR. cblna, glum, ruby engraved palronnof the m>'t(neea lioui/.ettt'e eouitc opera, OOLLKQE GARDENS, GLASGOW, permaaoatBy THiH IIA*. FRIUAY. MAY 13. glaia, Ivory cutlery, allverware. with a large aaaortmeut not IKiW PAHQUiLB, GLASGOW TOLBOOTH, CLACKAN Or ABRRPOIL, 8AMRDI. 14 MAI, I860. annual sale op carpkrth, enumeraud. Htagca paaa near the honae. Cataloguea at bonae wl 1 be for the Lit Ume on rA)8 OP LOCIfnRD. Deuxieme repreaentaUon de J. BLBBCKKR, BON k CO.. WILL 9BLL, ON on the of vale. produced BaTOKDAY. at 1 o'clock LOCH LOMOND. LA Al'X CAMIdJAR. at IB at Ki comprising over 300 lots, morning P. M.; dcoreopeu alii Mile. DllCY BAKRh, Mr. K KDDT, DARK A day. May ltf, o'clock, the Merchant!'MON. IKUI 7 IMMIM A. TO * OlOUUS I'. «. Mile. Armtnd Duvul M. Panl Lab* ihaate PIT30L0MINI DAVIDUK, BE ARSON, Ae., uerile CjHuUer Mile. Laurence On Id ltf 4 Iota Mn(h«M( Mrngr t\f ORth at 17 VRL.VET CARPETS, W7TTEBB, AUCTIONEER, WILL BELL THIS In ber favorite and admired character of Noriua; BRIONOLI In Ibe piny, lb* whole pronounced to be a meet Half Chevalier at 2 o at 46t Canal a aaaortment it AYT8. U> 3d aye .3 low cut 26 2 north from 95lh Hi TAFK8TBY, BKUKNKLrt AND AUBUS30N, WM.day. clock, attest, line hrnrtto; BARIL1 aa Dr. MaUteeta; MA'JUIOROTII at PERFECT REPRESENTATION, tu side, si 2 to 7 o'clock v m o' honaeboJd fuinltore. Ac from lamUiee ai d c thsra, to close 1 on fatquala.
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