For Justice, Freedom & Solidarity PP3739/12/2009(022904) ISSN 0127 - 5127 RM4.00 2009:Vol.29No.9 Aliran Monthly : Vol.29(9) Page 1 COVER STORY Taking a stand There is no room for neutrality. We must be on the side of truth and justice at all times so that we can have the future we want by P Ramakrishnan wo years ago, I remem- change without the struggle. They edy. TT ber telling the folks who fear that there may be upheavals TTT turned up at our Aliran when we fight for change. They That’s why, the struggle must con- celebratory dinner that want the good things to happen tinue – change will come. But we should deny the Barisan without stirring up the pond. change will never come without a Nasional its customary two “Don’t muddy the waters, don’t struggle. Let’s remember that. thirds’ majority in Parliament. ruffle the feathers. Let things be That majority was denied them in as they are. Change will come”. Frederick Douglas, one of the the last election. If only I had That’s what they say. greatest black activists of the 19th known that they would take my century who presented a strong suggestion so seriously, I would But we cannot take any more case for constant agitation against have said, “Change the govern- chances. We cannot tolerate an- all forms of oppression, said it ment”. We would have put a stop other 50 years of this rotten deal simply and logically: “If there is to the rot. that we have been subjected to. no struggle there is no progress. During the last 30 years, the na- Those who profess to favour free- Struggling for change tion was almost bankrupted by dom and yet deprecate agitation reckless extravagance; the squan- are men who want crops without Our theme this year is “The dering of our wealth has contin- ploughing up the ground. They struggle must continue – change ued unabated in spite of the Au- want rain without thunder and will come”. Indeed the struggle ditor General’s report exposing lightning. They want the ocean must continue. There should be no unbelievable corruption and without the awful roar of its many let up. Struggle we must - if we abuse of public money year in and waters.” want change. There is no option year out; our fundamental rights if we desire change. are in danger of being whittled It is a fact that the whole history away very soon. Justice is no in the progress of human liberty But there are people who want longer the last bastion for a rem- shows that whatever has been Aliran Monthly : Vol.29(9) Page 2 EDITOR'S NOTE This special issue features our recent 32nd anniver- sary fund (and fun!)-raising dinner in Penang. En- CONTENTS joy the photos by Amiruddin Ahmad in the centre pages, featuring highlights of the celebration of the struggle for justice event. COVER STORY ••• Taking A Stand 222 Our cover story features P Ramakrishnan’s address ••• The Struggle Must Continue... 555 at the dinner, urging Malaysians to take a stand on ••• Mama Mia! They Can Sing Too... 191919 the side of truth and justice at all times so that we can have the future we want. There is no room for neutrality. Taking up the theme, Francis Loh say FEATURES that it is critical this struggle continues to expand ••• A World Human Rights Day the public sphere so that there can be debate on al- Message To The Malaysian Govt 777 ternative ideas and insights. ••• Why We Need A Two-Coalition SystemSystemSystem 101010 The seeds of this struggle go a long way back. In our back-cover story, Hishamuddin Yahaya pays trib- ••• Asylum Seekers Still Face ute to the unsung heroes of the Merdeka struggle. Deportation Threat 151515 The struggle continues and with tongue in cheek, ••• Liberalisation Of Misery 272727 Angeline Loh thanks the BN government for mak- ••• Establishing An Anti-Discrimination ing Malaysians aware of human rights through its Law In An Asian Country 343434 rights violations. In a second piece, she warns that ••• The Pentagon Budget: sending back refugees to life-threatening situations Largest Ever And Growing 363636 in their home countries is yet another violation. ••• ‘Lembu Punya Susu, Zaid Ibrahim explains that the struggle for political Sapi Dapat Nama’ 404040 reforms can be furthered by a two-coalition system, which would give voters a strong alternative choice. REGULARS It’s also a struggle for economic justice. Jeyakumar ••• Current Concerns 232323 Devaraj warns that the liberalisation of services will make life more difficult for Malaysians especially the marginalised. OTHERSOTHERSOTHERS ••• Subscription Form 181818 And as Malaysians struggle for equality as well, it is timely to look at the challenge facing another Asian country, Korea, which is in the process of es- tablishing an anti-discrimination law. John Smith Published by Thang has the story. Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN)(ALIRAN)(ALIRAN) 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, Aliran is an organisation for ‘social democratic reform’. We advocate freedom, justice and Penang, Malaysia. solidarity; comment critically on social issues, offer Tel: (04) 658 5251 Fax: (04) 658 5197 analysis and alternative ideas keeping in mind Email (Letters to Editor): the national and global picture based on universal [email protected] human rights and spiritual values. We are listed on the on the roster of the Economic and Social Council of Email (General): [email protected] the United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran Homepage : welcomes all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Konway Industries Sdn. Bhd. Plot 78, Lebuhraya Kampung Jawa, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang Aliran Monthly : Vol.29(9) Page 3 achieved is the result of struggle. How could the Federal Court ig- charged in a court of law, deny- Nothing comes free. It is as simple nore the constitutional provision ing them the opportunity to de- as that! And there are many issues regarding the separation of pow- fend themselves, the struggle that demand that the struggle ers guaranteed in the Federal Con- must continue. must continue. Only then will stitution in the Perak crisis? And change come. yet the High Court upholds this As long as foul means are resorted provision as a matter of funda- to in toppling a legally elected There are too many restrictions mental principle in Gobind government as had happened in that are unfair; there are many se- Singh’s case! Perak, thus undermining the rule lective prosecutions that are bla- of law, frustrating the will of the tant; there are many actions Two contradictory judgments by people, demeaning democracy against dissidents that defy the learned judges that defy logic and and ignoring the fourth principle rule of law. This is why the bewilder simple folks like us! of the Rukunegar,a which up- struggle must continue. Change There have been occasions - and holds “good behaviour and mo- will come. they still exist - when you can pre- rality”, the struggle must con- dict the judgments when the panel tinue. If you cannot . of judges are announced! As long as unscrupulous politi- If you cannot march for freedom, Likewise, when the Royal Com- cians exploit race and religion to if you can’t light a candle for jus- mission that was set up to inves- agitate and inflame passions and tice, if you can’t wear black attire tigate the judge-fixing scandal in- emotions for their private gain to protest the death of democracy, volving V K Lingam found indis- and keep us divided as a people if you can’t fast for a cause, if you putable evidence against Lingam and as a nation through various can’t do yoga for your well-being, and recommended that action be discriminatory practices, the then the struggle must continue – taken against him and others im- struggle must continue. change will come. plicated in this sordid affair, the police and the Attorney General As long as the Election Commis- As long as our courts don’t deliver surprisingly found no evidence to sion does not conduct free and fair justice based on the merits of the prosecute them! Those shockingly elections providing equal oppor- case but continue to make a mock- implicated were top people in the tunity in radio and TV time and ery of the judicial system as had judicial hierarchy. All these insisting that news coverage happened in numerous cases, the tainted characters were cleared in should be without bias, the struggle must continue. Change spite of what the Commission had struggle must continue. will come. established after a thorough inves- tigation. As long as selective prosecution We wonder how the Court of Ap- takes place, putting the Opposi- peal could deny a person the coun- The struggle tion at grave risk and danger as is sel of his choice as had happened must continue the case on numerous occasions to Sivakumar, the Speaker of the involving BN opponents, the Perak State Assembly. It is such This is why the struggle for truth struggle must continue. an elementary thing; it is a simple and justice must continue if we question of natural justice. How want change to come. As long as As long as those elected by the could the learned judge ignore information is denied and surrep- people - be they BN or Pakatan this simple principle? titiously hidden from the public representatives – as long as they domain so that corrupt practices do not live up to their public How could the Federal Court dis- will never be known or exposed, pledges and betray the trust of the miss the appeal of the residents of the struggle must continue.
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