MBS Macextras Plugin.Pdf

MBS Macextras Plugin.Pdf

MBS MacExtras Plugin Documentation Christian Schmitz September 6, 2021 2 0.1 Introduction This is the PDF version of the documentation for the Xojo Plug-in from Monkeybread Software Germany. Plugin part: MBS MacExtras Plugin 0.2 Content • 1 List of all topics 3 • 2 List of all classes 29 • 3 List of all controls 31 • 4 List of all modules 33 • 5 List of all global methods 35 • 6 All items in this plugin 37 • 18 List of Questions in the FAQ 231 • 19 The FAQ 241 Chapter 1 List of Topics • 7 Apple Remote 39 – 7.1.1 class AppleRemoteMBS 39 ∗ 7.1.7 startListening 40 ∗ 7.1.8 stopListening 40 ∗ 7.1.10 ClickCountEnabledButtons as Integer 40 ∗ 7.1.11 ClickCountingEnabled as Boolean 40 ∗ 7.1.12 Handle as Integer 41 ∗ 7.1.13 ListeningOnAppActivate as Boolean 41 ∗ 7.1.14 ListeningToRemote as boolean 41 ∗ 7.1.15 MaximumClickCountTimeDifference as Double 41 ∗ 7.1.16 OpenInExclusiveMode as boolean 42 ∗ 7.1.17 ProcessesBacklog as Boolean 42 ∗ 7.1.18 RemoteAvailable as boolean 42 ∗ 7.1.19 remoteId as Integer 42 ∗ 7.1.20 SimulatesPlusMinusHold as Boolean 42 ∗ 7.1.22 ButtonPressed(ButtonID as Integer, PressedDown as boolean, clickCount as Integer) 43 ∗ 7.1.24 kRemoteButtonFullscreen2009 = 32768 43 ∗ 7.1.25 kRemoteButtonLeft = 64 43 ∗ 7.1.26 kRemoteButtonLeftHold = 256 43 ∗ 7.1.27 kRemoteButtonMenu = 8 44 ∗ 7.1.28 kRemoteButtonMenuHold = 512 44 ∗ 7.1.29 kRemoteButtonPlay = 16 44 ∗ 7.1.30 kRemoteButtonPlay2009 = 16384 44 ∗ 7.1.31 kRemoteButtonPlaySleep = 1024 44 ∗ 7.1.32 kRemoteButtonRight = 32 44 ∗ 7.1.33 kRemoteButtonRightHold = 128 45 3 4 CHAPTER 1. LIST OF TOPICS ∗ 7.1.34 kRemoteButtonVolumeMinus = 4 45 ∗ 7.1.35 kRemoteButtonVolumeMinus_Hold = 8192 45 ∗ 7.1.36 kRemoteButtonVolumePlus = 2 45 ∗ 7.1.37 kRemoteButtonVolumePlus_Hold = 4096 45 ∗ 7.1.38 kRemoteControlSwitched = 2048 45 5 • 9 Cocoa 85 – 9.1.1 class ContinuityCameraMBS 85 ∗ 9.1.9 Constructor 86 ∗ 9.1.10 Destructor 86 ∗ 9.1.11 Import(index as Integer) 87 ∗ 9.1.12 Import(index as Integer, Control as control) 87 ∗ 9.1.13 Import(index as Integer, Win as window) 87 ∗ 9.1.14 InstallForCanvas 87 ∗ 9.1.15 InstallForListbox 87 ∗ 9.1.16 InstallForWindow 88 ∗ 9.1.17 PopupMenu as NSMenuMBS 88 ∗ 9.1.18 SetDelegate(d as ContinuityCameraDelegateMBS) 88 ∗ 9.1.20 Handle as Integer 88 ∗ 9.1.22 ContinuityCameraDelegateMBS(Data as MemoryBlock, type as String) 89 6 CHAPTER 1. LIST OF TOPICS • 13 Growl 111 – 13.1.1 class GrowlApplicationBridgeMBS 111 ∗ 13.1.5 bestRegistrationDictionary as Dictionary 112 ∗ 13.1.6 Constructor 112 ∗ 13.1.7 Destructor 113 ∗ 13.1.8 frameworkInfoDictionary as Dictionary 113 ∗ 13.1.9 IsFrameworkLoaded as boolean 113 ∗ 13.1.10 isGrowlRunning as boolean 113 ∗ 13.1.11 isMistEnabled as boolean 114 ∗ 13.1.12 LoadFramework(path as folderitem) as boolean 114 ∗ 13.1.13 notificationDictionaryByFillingInDictionary(notifDict as dictionary) as Dictionary 114 ∗ 13.1.14 notifyWithDictionary(userInfo as dictionary) 115 ∗ 13.1.15 notifyWithTitle(title as string, description as string, notificationName as string, icon- Data as memoryblock = nil, Priority as Integer = 0, isSticky as boolean = false, clickContext as Variant = nil) 115 ∗ 13.1.16 notifyWithTitle(title as string, description as string, notificationName as string, icon- Data as memoryblock, Priority as Integer, isSticky as boolean, clickContext as Variant, iden- tifier as string) 116 ∗ 13.1.17 registerWithDictionary(regDict as dictionary = nil) as boolean 116 ∗ 13.1.18 registrationDictionaryByFillingInDictionary(regDict as dictionary) as Dictionary 117 ∗ 13.1.19 registrationDictionaryByFillingInDictionary(regDict as dictionary, restrictToKeys() as string) as Dictionary 118 ∗ 13.1.20 registrationDictionaryFromBundle(bundle as Variant = nil) as Dictionary 119 ∗ 13.1.21 registrationDictionaryFromDelegate as Dictionary 119 ∗ 13.1.22 reregisterGrowlNotifications 120 ∗ 13.1.24 Handle as Integer 120 ∗ 13.1.25 shouldUseBuiltInNotifications as boolean 120 ∗ 13.1.26 willRegisterWhenGrowlIsReady as boolean 121 ∗ 13.1.28 applicationIconDataForGrowl as Memoryblock 121 ∗ 13.1.29 applicationIconForGrowl as Variant 121 ∗ 13.1.30 applicationNameForGrowl as string 122 ∗ 13.1.31 growlIsReady 122 ∗ 13.1.32 growlNotificationTimedOut(clickContext as Variant) 122 ∗ 13.1.33 growlNotificationWasClicked(clickContext as Variant) 122 ∗ 13.1.34 hasNetworkClientEntitlement as boolean 123 ∗ 13.1.35 registrationDictionaryForGrowl as dictionary 123 ∗ 13.1.37 kApplicationIcon = ”ApplicationIcon” 124 ∗ 13.1.38 kApplicationId = ”ApplicationId” 124 ∗ 13.1.39 kApplicationName = ”ApplicationName” 124 ∗ 13.1.40 kApplicationPID = ”ApplicationPID” 125 ∗ 13.1.41 kGrowlNotificationIdentifier = ”GrowlNotificationIdentifier” 125 7 ∗ 13.1.42 kNotificationAppIcon = ”NotificationAppIcon” 125 ∗ 13.1.43 kNotificationClickContext = ”NotificationClickContext” 126 ∗ 13.1.44 kNotificationDescription = ”NotificationDescription” 126 ∗ 13.1.45 kNotificationIcon = ”NotificationIcon” 126 ∗ 13.1.46 kNotificationName = ”NotificationName” 127 ∗ 13.1.47 kNotificationPriority = ”NotificationPriority” 127 ∗ 13.1.48 kNotificationProgress = ”NotificationProgress” 127 ∗ 13.1.49 kNotificationsAll = ”AllNotifications” 127 ∗ 13.1.50 kNotificationsDefault = ”DefaultNotifications” 128 ∗ 13.1.51 kNotificationsDescriptions = ”NotificationDescriptions” 128 ∗ 13.1.52 kNotificationsHumanReadableNames = ”HumanReadableNames” 128 ∗ 13.1.53 kNotificationSticky = ”NotificationSticky” 129 ∗ 13.1.54 kNotificationTitle = ”NotificationTitle” 129 ∗ 13.1.55 kTicketVersion = ”TicketVersion” 129 8 CHAPTER 1. LIST OF TOPICS • 14 iTunes 131 – 14.1.1 class iTunesLibraryAlbumMBS 131 ∗ 14.1.3 Constructor 131 ∗ 14.1.5 AlbumArtist as String 131 ∗ 14.1.6 Artist as iTunesLibraryArtistMBS 132 ∗ 14.1.7 Compilation as Boolean 132 ∗ 14.1.8 DiscCount as Integer 132 ∗ 14.1.9 DiscNumber as Integer 132 ∗ 14.1.10 Gapless as Boolean 132 ∗ 14.1.11 Handle as Integer 133 ∗ 14.1.12 Rating as Integer 133 ∗ 14.1.13 RatingComputed as Boolean 133 ∗ 14.1.14 SortAlbumArtist as String 133 ∗ 14.1.15 SortTitle as String 133 ∗ 14.1.16 Title as String 133 ∗ 14.1.17 TrackCount as Integer 134 – 14.2.1 class iTunesLibraryArtistMBS 135 ∗ 14.2.3 Constructor 135 ∗ 14.2.5 Handle as Integer 135 ∗ 14.2.6 name as String 135 ∗ 14.2.7 sortName as String 135 – 14.3.1 class iTunesLibraryArtworkMBS 137 ∗ 14.3.3 Constructor 137 ∗ 14.3.5 Handle as Integer 137 ∗ 14.3.6 image as NSImageMBS 137 ∗ 14.3.7 imageData as Memoryblock 137 ∗ 14.3.8 imageDataFormat as Integer 138 ∗ 14.3.10 ITLibArtworkFormatBitmap = 1 138 ∗ 14.3.11 ITLibArtworkFormatBMP = 6 138 ∗ 14.3.12 ITLibArtworkFormatGIF = 4 138 ∗ 14.3.13 ITLibArtworkFormatJPEG = 2 138 ∗ 14.3.14 ITLibArtworkFormatJPEG2000 = 3 139 ∗ 14.3.15 ITLibArtworkFormatNone = 0 139 ∗ 14.3.16 ITLibArtworkFormatPICT = 8 139 ∗ 14.3.17 ITLibArtworkFormatPNG = 5 139 ∗ 14.3.18 ITLibArtworkFormatTIFF = 7 139 – 14.4.1 class iTunesLibraryMBS 141 ∗ 14.4.7 allMediaItems as iTunesLibraryMediaItemMBS() 142 ∗ 14.4.8 allPlaylists as iTunesLibraryPlaylistMBS() 142 ∗ 14.4.9 artworkForMediaFile(mediaFile as folderitem) as iTunesLibraryArtworkMBS 142 9 ∗ 14.4.10 artworkForMediaFile(mediaFileURL as string) as iTunesLibraryArtworkMBS 142 ∗ 14.4.11 Constructor(requestedAPIVersion as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS, threaded as boolean = false) 143 ∗ 14.4.12 libraryWithAPIVersion(requestedAPIVersion as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as iTunesLibraryMBS 143 ∗ 14.4.14 apiMajorVersion as Integer 144 ∗ 14.4.15 apiMinorVersion as Integer 144 ∗ 14.4.16 applicationVersion as String 144 ∗ 14.4.17 features as Integer 144 ∗ 14.4.18 Handle as Integer 144 ∗ 14.4.19 musicFolderLocation as String 145 ∗ 14.4.20 showContentRating as Boolean 145 ∗ 14.4.22 ITLibExportFeatureNone = 0 145 – 14.5.1 class iTunesLibraryMediaEntityMBS 146 ∗ 14.5.5 Constructor 146 ∗ 14.5.6 enumerateValuesExceptForProperties(propertyNames() as string) as dictionary 146 ∗ 14.5.7 enumerateValuesForAllProperties as dictionary 146 ∗ 14.5.8 enumerateValuesForProperties(propertyNames() as string) as dictionary 147 ∗ 14.5.9 ITLibMediaEntityPropertyPersistentID as string 147 ∗ 14.5.10 valueForProperty(PropertyName as string) as Variant 147 ∗ 14.5.12 Handle as Integer 147 ∗ 14.5.13 persistentID as Int64 147 – 14.6.1 class iTunesLibraryMediaItemMBS 148 ∗ 14.6.3 Constructor 148 ∗ 14.6.4 ITLibMediaItemPropertyAddedDate as string 148 ∗ 14.6.5 ITLibMediaItemPropertyAlbumArtist as string 148 ∗ 14.6.6 ITLibMediaItemPropertyAlbumDiscCount as string 148 ∗ 14.6.7 ITLibMediaItemPropertyAlbumDiscNumber as string 149 ∗ 14.6.8 ITLibMediaItemPropertyAlbumIsCompilation as string 149 ∗ 14.6.9 ITLibMediaItemPropertyAlbumIsGapless as string 149 ∗ 14.6.10 ITLibMediaItemPropertyAlbumRating as string 149 ∗ 14.6.11 ITLibMediaItemPropertyAlbumRatingComputed as string 149 ∗ 14.6.12 ITLibMediaItemPropertyAlbumTitle as string 149 ∗ 14.6.13 ITLibMediaItemPropertyAlbumTrackCount as string 150 ∗ 14.6.14 ITLibMediaItemPropertyArtistName as string 150 ∗ 14.6.15 ITLibMediaItemPropertyArtwork as string 150 ∗ 14.6.16 ITLibMediaItemPropertyBeatsPerMinute as string 150 ∗ 14.6.17 ITLibMediaItemPropertyBitRate as string 150 ∗ 14.6.18 ITLibMediaItemPropertyCategory as string 150 ∗ 14.6.19 ITLibMediaItemPropertyComments as string 151 ∗ 14.6.20 ITLibMediaItemPropertyComposer as string 151 10 CHAPTER 1. LIST OF TOPICS ∗ 14.6.21 ITLibMediaItemPropertyContentRating as string 151 ∗ 14.6.22 ITLibMediaItemPropertyDescription as string 151 ∗ 14.6.23 ITLibMediaItemPropertyFileType as string 151 ∗ 14.6.24 ITLibMediaItemPropertyGenre as string 151 ∗ 14.6.25 ITLibMediaItemPropertyGrouping as string 152 ∗ 14.6.26 ITLibMediaItemPropertyHasArtwork as string 152

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