; $80,000 Washroom Building For USMR Workers $500 Red Cross DPs Quickly Adjust to New]artcrct,Township •oiif[hCI,n. Donation Is Made Environments; Find Happiness Are Planning Talk CARTER ET-More than 100 Interviews with some of the r(,a Casualty By Foster Wheeler European displaced persons, vic- DP'.s indicated that the period tims of the last war. are suc- On Sewer Problems of adjustment for these people cessfully resettled in this bor- Street Youth is extremely hard. Uck of Eng- erf Additional $200 Gift ough. Borough Official* Ot ,.,1, Recovteripg Received From USMR, Nearly all of them are gain- lish language, the uhf.imlllarltj' Mill' fully employed without havlnu with American ways o! Ufa and Invitation to Attend Japan Hospital Kaplan Report* displaced a single American habits mid strangeness of our Township from hia occupation or his ' ,,,,-[.•_'.; pfc. Arthur 0. economic system have been the CARTERET—Donations to the home, a survey reveals. ""• n, son of Ur. Md crrief handicaps. CARTBRKT—Borough Attorney 1951 Red Cross fund drive In Car- The great achievements In "'.', ,} Stewart, 37 Mercer . W. Harrington revealed today tcret today reached the $2,000 resettlement accomplished thus Yet, the majority of these A! imwn with the Twenty- hat Carteret has rctdvrd nnd marks, a far cry (rom the $4,500 far were made possible through "new Amerlcuns" hive succeed- 1 •'' "...iiiry Regiment, was accepted an Invitation from the Roal set for the borough. the untiring cflorU and close ed In a comparatively short time ", ' 'KOU March 8. the Township to sit In at n meeting In a special report, Samuel Kap- cooperation of the various Car- to overcome them •fy'pl.p.rtment has notified of the Township Committee in an lan, general chairman, announced teret leaders and the U. S. Dis- They learn our ! inguage sur- effort to discuss mutual sanita- that Poster Wheeler'Corporation placed Persons Commission. prisingly quickly, especially the tion porblenu. "••',',',;„. or extent of hta m- has donated $500. Clturehes, priests and minis- younger ones, adapt themselves 1 "', own, but the youth The Invitation was received kn Wallace Wllk, area Industrial ters, as well as well-to-do Indi- to our methods of production from Senator B. W .VOKCI. counsel'il ; ,,| his parents by letter Mll chairman also announced that the viduals In Carteret have been and lMvn our ways c.f ;ifc with for the Township. '.'• , , nnvalesclng in » hos- U. S. Metals Reining Company greatly helpful in bringing over an ease wh.cii is al.'u sur. ris- "Both the Borouah and th« has donated an additional $200 to the DP's. ing. Township are under orders t« •'li'rlBht.11 Private 8tew- the drive, bringing the company's construct sewage disposal plnnlsr rUi,iing that he expected ulfts to a total of $600 for this ..,„.,! to a unit In Japan Senator Vogel declared, "mid Hr' year's campaign. might be a mutual benefit If Car- , release from Ute hos- |1; A check for $114.51 came from Borough Officials Accesschle Uiet would like to be one of our the employes of the Carteret Ord- tenants In the sewace disposal,/! sii *• art enllital In the nance Depot for donations re- plant on a rental basts. K, would'" . imiy, He reoiited his ceived so far with Indications that Always; Shun Unlisted Phones d obviously be cheaper for both' additional contributions are being CARTERET—-The "Iron Cur- (Haling a telephone. municipalities." shortly before collected. tain surrounds officials In many Local officials do not hide It Is estimated, by uslnfj presem\,"'J was flown to Japan Lt. Thoma,s Hemael,, chairman communities when it comes to their telephone numbers in the sewage disposal facilities in Kens- ' Aid sent to Korsa of the tavern unit, reported the being accessible to the general unlisted group. All of them that bey. continuing use of the Railway collection of $111. Prom library public. have phones enn be reached by Valley Joint M«Uns sewer on a he wroU and post office employes, Mrs. Jo- While these officials are avail- phone If they happen to be at rental basis and building a new he never meritlened seph G. Shutello has collected $24 K I able to a certain extent in their home )lant of its own, possibly In thft , until his last leUer Collections in the residential |in public oUces. It Is next to Im- Mayor Stephen Sklta said, "If Sewaren area, the cost of eon-* districts and stores are being , A,,S wounded. At that possible to reach them home. a person has something of Im- structlon will be approximately'i, mmtoned a torthownlng started by division chairmen. II, 500.000, ] Carteret officials stand out portance to talk about with me i, ,-oiilment would be ln- Mr. Kaplan lauded the lndus- I'm only too happy to discuss Mr. Hwrington, says his com-U trlal firms for showing tangible as a prime example of the "open :i * • door" practice. matters." ' munlty is Interested in the propel iv, o( Perth Amboy, Prl- support of "our efforts." sltlon and will send representa- This borough's elected officials Councilmen and members, of ,(:iit has Upmost of his He said that the average givers tives to attend a conference a^| from the mayor down can be the Board of Education ny cuitcict and attended are not awake to the needs of the soon as one is arranged by Sena**! reached at almost any time they encourage citizens to call i,, n- Prior to his present situation which Include tor Vogel, J| through the simple operation of them when the necessity arises. ( 'vorked In the Armour the urRent requirement of our "U may be of mutual ^f i cunpany here. fightins forces. He declared: tags to both communities If some**;^ "Aggressive steps will toe needed thing can be worked out," s»ty,» to keep the Carteret campaign First Aid Course Charter Night Is Mr. Harrington. • '•'* rolling: at the best speed until th( I Cirteret has estimated it wl&^ 1Id Fellows Plan chairmen and volunteer worker I need a bond Issue of $1,140,000 to have achieved maximum posslbli Planned for All Set by Hibernians 1 construct its own sewage disposal subscriptions." He appealed to the 1 plant. lh Anniversary workers to Intensify their cam paten tempo and coverage. Those Desiring to Join Newly Formed Division |< iking Arranged Mr. Kaplan said that this i vital if the Red Cross is to serv Classes Can Enroll Will Hold Observance Military Honors ,r.Vill31nI00F effectively our armed forces a At Borough Hall On Night of May 19 all: lo Serve Supper home and abroad. The Bed Cross Accorded Kiraly In the Carteret-Perth Amboy are CARTERET — Announcement CARTERET—Saturday, May 19, was selected by Division 2, Ancient (\IMKKET-Carteret late* of have become heavier than antlci was made today by Prank Jurlck, y imvs will celebrate Its 4«th pated. Order of Hibernians, for the ob- Requiem MUSH Offered chairman of the Carteret Civilian servance of "charter niRht." rirv on April II, W»th four Defense that the CD will hold a In St. I'-lias' (lu.nl, :i .-reiving their tl« year A dinner-dance at the Club Mar- first aid course for all those who sum Wexl«r, Foresters Plan kay was decided upon as a fitting For World War Vet ,,,:.!, Julius desire to take It. celebration for the reception of the gp—Many friends and< The oonnw *fli bj> .«**«& under charter. At that time the national Iti'lh wiii i relatives attended the funeral oil it.onsoiTft«K* anee the direction1 oT Joseph Comb* secretary of the order will officially present the credentials. Wednesday of Arpail G. Kinily, >" l District jDeputy WllUw> who conducted a first aid class for J9 Unlon 3twt a Penh AtplKff fltf! hit teachers and Health Officer Mich- Vice President Jack Ringwood ' '• - veterans of Court Carteret Picks Wot ld War IL iiD The ho&Ori. ael Yarcheskl, picked his committee at the last ' meeting held in Fire Hall No, 2.* A hi«h maM,of J'cqulcm wos of, notary ol till Grand New Staff; Alexander It is proposed to hold one ses- Howard Burns is chairman of the ftred in st- Ellas' an'l'k ihr Stats qf New York sion a week with each session last- dinner committee, Bertram Mul- Church by Rev. C. S. Roskovics. dL Nudge Is Head ing three hours, The course will be p lan and Edward J. Dolan are in Interment was In St. Michael's over of M i.:c of Perth Antboy has CAHTEnET C narteret 48,, charge of program and tickets, Cemetery, Perth Amboy, where r.ii A roast, beer supper Foresters of America, has set May I Mr. Jurlck Urged all tliuse de- William Hllllard Is chairman of military honors were given. A fir- •ivi-d, 4 as the date for its annual spring siring to attend to register at the reception, assisted by Lawrence Ing squad from Port Monmouth •:• i he election Of officers dance to be held in St. James'(Borough Hall Or send a card to the Campbell and James Dugan; Jo- in charge of Sgt. John Revel gave i.'iii and the first degree Hall. Monroe Jacobowitz Is chair- Civilan Defense, at the Borough seph J. Murray Is In charge of the salute to the dead and a bunler .•(inferred on Dt. Murray man. His committee includes My-JHall. publicity, and John Kcnna and sounded taps. The brarers were on April 6 the jMCOnd and ion Wolansky, Stanley Clszak,[ A course In first aid also is Frank Hagen are assisting In ar- John Kollb&s, Andrew Faso, Wil- > :vrs will be eoaforced on Raymond Seibert, Joseph Shutello, planned for members oi Carteret rangements.
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