THE HISTORY OF PAINTING IN ITALY, FROM THE PERIOD OF THE REVIVAL OF THE FINE ARTS, TO THE END OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: TRANSLATED gmn tj)e O^rtgtnal Btaltan OF THE ABATE LUIGI I.ANZI. By THOMAS ROSCOE. IN SIX VOLUMES. VOL. VI. CONTAINING THE INDEXES. LONDON: PKINTED FOR W. SIMPKIN AND R. MARSHALL, STATIONERS'-HALL COURT, LUDGATE STREET. 1828. ND }. IVl'Cieery, Tooks Court, Cliancery-Iane, Londou. J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM UBRABX CONTENTS OF THE SIXTH VOLUME. Page Index I. Professors of Painting mentioned in the 1 worJc ; together with the dates, 8fc. ... Index II. Historical and Critical Publications re- lating to the Art, cited in the Work . .167 Index III. Of some of the most important Matters contained in the Work 197 that ** ^''itft regard to the Abbreviations of words adapted in the above Indexes, to dates birth, and that d. to the deaths of artists. The rest »f b. is applied of of lUill be perfectly intelligible to the English reader. FIRST INDEX. Artists referred to in this work, noting the periods of their Birth and Death, and the authoritiesfor the dates. A. Abate (!') Ciccio, v. Solimene. Abati, or dell' Abate, Niccolo, a Modenese, b. 1509 or 1512, d. 1571. Tiraboschi. Vol. iv. p. 46, and vol. v. pp. 48, 57. • Giovanni, his father, d. 1559. Tiraboschi. iv. 48. Pietro Paolo, brother of Niccolo. Tiraboschi. iv. 48. — Giulio Camillo, son of Niccolo. Tiraboschi. ib. Ercole, son of Giulio, d, 1613. Tiraboschi. ib. Pietro Paolo, son of Ercole, d. 1630, aged 38. Tira- boschi. iv. 50. Abatini, Guido Ubaldo, of Cittk di Castello, d. 1656, aged 56. Passeri. ii. 157. Abbiati, Filippo, a Milanese, d. 1715, aged 75. Orlandi. iv. 315. Adda, d', Conte Francesco, a Milanese, d. 1550. MS. iv. 257. Agabiti, Pietro Paolo, of Sassoferrato, painted in 1531. Co- lucci. ii. 44. Agellio, Giuseppe of Sorento, pupil to Cav. Roncalli. Baglione. ii. 228. Agnelli, N,, a Roman artist of this age. MS. v. 483. Agostino dalle Prospettive, painted at Bologna in 1525. Masi- ni. iv. 231, v. 79. Agresti, Livio da Forli, painted in 1551. Vasari. d. about 1580. Orlandi. ii. 129, v. 85. Alabardi, Giuseppe, called Schioppi, flourished towards the end of tlie sixteenth century. Zanetti. iii. 345. VOL. VI. B 2 INDEX. Alaraanni, Pietro, of Ascola, painted in 1489. Guida d'Ascoli. ii. 20. Albani, Francesco, JBologn., b. 1578, d. 1660. Malvasia, i.311, ii. 216, V. 135. Alberegno, flourished in the fifteenth century, iii. 9. Alberelli, or Albarelli, Giacorao, a Venetian, pupil to Palma. Zanetti. iii. 271. Alberino, Giorgio, di Casale, pupil to Moncalvi. MS. v. 463. Albertij Cherubino da Borgo S. Sepolcro, d. 1615, aged 63. Baglione. i. 273. Gio., his brother, d. 1601, aged 43. Baglione. i. 274. Durante da Borgo S. Sepolcro, d. 1613, aged 75. Bag- Hone, i. 273. Others of the same family, i. 275. Alberti, Francesco, a Venetian, of whom is cited a single work, and this doubtful. He must have painted about 1550. v. Za- netti in the Guida, and in the greater work, p. 288. iii. 218. Michele, a Florentine, pupil to Daniele di Volterra. Guida di Roma. i. 187. Albertinelli, Mariotto, a Florentine, d. about 1512, aged 45. Vasari. i. 193.' Albertoni, Paolo, Rom., a follower of Maratta, d. shortly after 1695. Orlandi. ii. 284. Albini, Alessandro, a Bolognese, pupil to the Caracci. Malva- sia. V. 194. Alboni, Paolo, a Bolognese, d. old in 1730. Crespi. Oretti, in his Memorie MSS. calls him Paolo Antonio, d. Sept. 5th, 1734, and buried at S. Procolo, v. 193. Alboresi, Giacomo, a Bolognese, d. 1677, aged 45. Crespi. v. 212. Aldrovandini, (more commonly Aldovrandini) Mauro, from Ro- vigo, b. at Bologna, d. 1680, aged 31. Guida di Bologna, v. 271. Pompeo, son of Mauro, b. 1677, d. at Rome, 1739. MS. V. ib. ' Tommaso, cousin of Pompeo, b. 1653, d. 1736. Za- notti. V. ib. INDEX. 3 AI^, Egidio, di Liege, flourished the latter half of the seventeenth century. See Guida di Roma. ii. 309. Alemagna, di, Giusto, painted at Genoa, 1451. Soprani, v. 361. Zuan, V. Gio. Tedesco. Aleni, Tommaso, of Cremona, painted in 1515. Zaist. iv. 158. Alessi, Matteo Perez di, a Koman, painted in Spain in the time of Vargas, i. 181, See Matteo da Lecce. Pier Antonio da S. Vito, a pupil of Amatteo. Cesarini. iii. 132. Alessiis, de, Francesco, an TJdinese, painted in 1494. Renaldis. ill. 40. Alfani, Domenico di Paris of Perugia, b. 1483. Pascoli. Was living in 1536. Mariotti. ii. 37. Orazio di Paris of Perugia, b. 1510, d. 1583. Mariotti. ii. 37. Aliberti, Gio. Carlo d'Asti, b. 1680, died about 1740. D. Valle. V. 487. Ab. Aliberti, his son. v. 488. Alibrandi, Girol., of Messina, b. 1470, d. 1524. Hack. ii. 371. Aliense, see Vassilacchi. Aliprando, Michelangiolo, a Veronese, pupil to Paolo Caliari. Pozzo. iii. 239. AUegretti, Carlo di Monte Prandone, a castle in the district of Ascoli; he painted in 1608. Orsini. ii. 168. Allegri, (also signing himself Lieto) Antonio, from his native place called Coreggio, b. 1494, d. 1534. Tiraboschi. iv. 38, 79. Lorenzo, his uncle, was living in 1.527. Tiraboschi. iv. 39. Poraponio, son of Antonio, b. about 1520. Tiraboschi. Painted in 1593. Affd. iv. 113. Allegrini, Francesco, of Gubbio, d. 1663, aged 76. Orlandi. ii. 157, 171. Flaminio, son to Francesco. Taia. ii. 157. Allori, Alessandro, called also Bronzino, a Florentine, b. 1535, d. 1607. Baldinucci. i. 256. Cristoforo, his son, b. 1577, d. 1621. Baldinucci. i. 292, 325, 329. Aloisi, see Galanino. B 2 4 INDEX. Altissimo, dell', Cristofano, a Florentine, scholar of Bronzino, living in 1568. Vasari. i. 263. Alunno, Niccol6, of Foligno; his works appeared between 1458 and 1492. Mariotti. ii. 26. Amadei, Stefano, of Perugia, b. 1589, d. 1644. Pascoli. ii. 223. Amalteo, Pomponio, from S. Vito in the Frioul, b. 1505, d. about 1588. Renaldis. In Motta, in the district of Trevigi, is found inscribed on an altar-piece, MottcB civis et incola ; which T think proves his connexion with that place. Federici. iii. 128. - Girolanao, his brother, d. young. Renaldis. iii. 130. ' Quintilia, his daughter. Renaldis. iii. 131. Amato, d', Gio. Antonio, a Neapolitan, b. about 1475, d. about 1555. Dominici. ii. 366, 385. Amatrice, dell'. Cola, (Filotesio) painted in 1533. Guida d'As- coli. ii. 386. Ambrogi, Domen., called Menichino del Brizio, a Bolognese, living in 1678. Malvasia. v. 192. Ambrogio, a Greek monk, lived about 1500. MS. i. 67. Amerighi, or Morigi Cav. Michelangiolo da Caravaggio, b. 1569, d. 1609. Baldinucci. ii. 179, 199, 393. Amico, M astro, see Aspertini. Amidano, Pomponio, of Parma, lived in 1595. MS. iv. 131. Amigazzi, Gio. Batista, a Veronese, pupil to Ridolfi. Pozzo. iii. 316. Amigoni, Ottavio, a Brescian, d. 1661, aged 56. Orlandi. iii. 328. Jacopo, a Venetian, d. 1752, aged 77. Zanetti. iii. 356. Amorosi, Antonio, of the Commune in the district of Ascoli. Colucci, in vol. xxi. Lived in 1736. Pascoli. ii. 333. Anastasi, of Sinigaglia, lived in the beginning of this century. MS. i. 312. Ancinelli, dagli, see Torre. Ancona, d', see Lilio. Anconitano, 1', see Bonini. Andreasi, Ippolito, a Mantuan, pupil to Giulio. MS. iv. 20. INDEX. 5 Andreasso, or Andreani, Andrea, a Mantuan. Lett. Pitt. i. 415. Andria, di, Tuzio, painted in Savona in 1487. Guida di Genoa. V. 362. Anesi, Paolo, a painter of landscape, flourished the beginning of this century. MS. i. 364, ii. 329. Angarano, Co. Ottaviano, a Venetian, painted about 1650. Za- netti. iii. 280. Ange, r. Franc, di Annecy, b. 1675, d. 1756. Crespi. v, 253. Angeli, d', Filippo, a Roman, called II Napolitano, d. young in the pontificate of Urban VIII. Baglione. i. 326, ii. 171. Angeli, Giulio Cesare^ of Perugia, b. about 1570, d. about 1630. Pascoli. ii. 223. Angelini, Giuseppe, of Ascoli, pupil to Tassi. Guida d' Ascoli. ii. 288. Scipione, of Perugia, d. 1729, aged 68. Pascoli. ii. 335. Angelico, see Da Fiesole. Angelo, pupil to Claude Lorenese. Passeri. ii. 248. d', Batista, see Del Moro. Angussola, or Angosciola, Sofonisba, a Cremonese, d. old at Genoa about 1620. Ratti. Aged about 90, MS. iv. 188, V. 392. Lucia, and other sisters. Zaist. ib. Anna, d', Baldassare, a Venetian, pupil to Corona. Zanetti. iii, 2G4. Annunzio, see Nonzio. Ans, or Hans, see Ausse. Ansaldo, Gio. Andrea, b. at Voltri in the Genovese territory, 1584, d. 1638. Soprani, v. 415. Ansaloni, Vincenzio, a Bolognese, a pupil of the Caracci. Mal- vasia. v. 196. Anselmi, Giorgio, a Veronese, d. 1797, aged 74, iii. 381. Anselmi, Michelang., of Parma, called Michelangiolo da Lucca, and more commonly Da Siena, 1591. Ratti. Died in 1554, Affb. i. 414, iv. 118. 6 INDEX. Antelami, or Antelmi, Benedetto, of Parma, a sculptor, his works, 1178 and 1196. Affd. iv. 74. Antoni, degli, or d' Antonio, see Da Messina. Antoniano, Antonio, of Urbino, painted at Genoa after the year 1595. Soprani, ii. 189. It seems we ought to read Antonio Viviani. Lazzari. v. 393. Anversa, d', Ugo, flourished in the sixteenth century. Vasari. iii. 44. Apollodoro, Francesco, called Porcia of Friuli, living in 1606. Statuto MS. de' Pittori di Padova. iii. 299. Apollonio, Agostino, diS. Angelo in Vado, nephew and heir to Luzio Dolce. Colucci. ii. 165. Greco Maestro del Safi. Vasari. i. 32. Jacopo, da Bassano, d. 1654, aged 70. Verci. Or aged 68. Melchiori. iii. 209. Appiani, Franc, of Ancona, b. 1702, d. at Perugia, aged 90. MS. ii. 312. Appiano, Niccola, sc. del Vinci in Milano. Lattuada. iv. 257. Aquila, Pietro, a priest of Marseilles, was living at the close of the last century. See Orlandi. ii. 419. deir, Pompeo.
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