John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 12-16-1941 The aC rroll News- Vol. 22, No. 7 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 22, No. 7" (1941). The Carroll News. 115. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/115 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact connell@jcu.edu. ·TO THE FACULTY AND STUDENT BODY OF JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY:- Though war has come to us with its death between the souls of men and their God. and destruction, st1ll it will be possible for The Birth of Christ, and His life on earth us to hear with the ears of F'aith the Angel's from Bethlehem to Calvary to the Garden of message of Christmas morning: "On earth ' the Resurrection is the Divine Pledge that peace to men of good will.'' F'or other years His Peoce can never be destroyed in souls past and in the centuries gone, the Birthday of 'men of good will'. Out of the valley of of Christ was desecrated by tyrants and sadness, of the shadows of sin and death warlords who dealt cheap·y with the lives the King on His Birthday summons us to and the material happiness of men. But it the joy and life of the spirit, to eternal life. was ever the great power of the human soul As we receive Him in Holy Communion on to be at peace in prison, in persecution, in 1ristmas Day, let us thank Him first for suffering, and ill1 death. Obedience to and our peace with Him; let us ask Him to loving service of God is the 'good will' which strengthen the peace that binds us to our brings the peace of God, which insures even fellow-countrymen in this hour of trial; and this Christmas Day the abiding joy of Christ with His help let us strive to hasten the day fu our hearts and souls. Peace fundamen­ when the Peace of Christ will unite once tally comes from reconciliation and union again the hearts of all men throughout the with God. And to no tyrant, to no mecha;. world. nism of force has it been given to sever the alliance which the Birth of Christ forged e. ('. ->5{~ s-; . THE CARROLL NEWS Edited For and By the Students of John Carroll Univert~ity ---------------------------- NO. 7 CLEVELAND, OlllO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER---------------------------------------------------- 16, 1941 VOL. XXII FLASH! Latest Report Assures Cash Next: 24 Hours Will Decide The first Carroll man to be killed in action in World War II was Ensign William I. Halloran, U. S. N. R. En­ To ~quip Student Lounge Success of Basket: Drive sign Halloran entered John Carroll in STUDENTS REPORTED APATHETIC TO CHARITY 1933. It is believed that he died as a HONOR ROLL GROWS AS RETURNS POUR IN result of the Japanese attack upon Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Dec. 7. While final returns were not available at pre.es time, definite A 24 hour deadline has been placed on e·ach and every student Ensign Halloran joined the United States Nrwal Reserve in . September, assurance was received by this reporter that the Union camnaign to make good his promise t0 hack the annual Chrfstma.o:: ba ket drive. Tomorrow, the school recesses for the holidays, and to­ 1940. He went on active duty with the to rai~e funds to decorate and equip the student lounge was a ......., Pacific fleet in June of this year. complete success. morrow is your last chance to do your bit for the poor of Cleve­ land. While at John Canoll Ensign Hal- The name of the Wl·nner of the raffle to go to the SU!gar Bowl ________________________(Continued on....::__::______________ page 6 ) _ ______ l<' estival in New Orleans on New Year's Despite the fact that most of the day was drawn only an hour ago, and students have been contacted, it is to him goes the choice of the trip or reported that a general spirit of apa­ $250.00 cash Besides, to the student thy prevails among the men. Studenl:s Honor Father Horne~ n Convo; wno sold the winning ticket goes $25. Robert Donnelly, president O! the The organization in charge of collect­ ing food and money for the baskets is Union, was general chairman of the Friday Set: Aside In Tribute ·To Prexy campaign, and has worked unceasing­ headed by Kenneth Fitzgerald, pre­ ly the past four weeks in furthering fect of the Sodality, who is chairman by Robert C. Ennen the drive. of the Union committee for the drive. A~nually the students of John Carroll set a day aside in honor of the president of their uni­ Assisting him have been William y~rs ity. In t~e norma! cours.e of events President's Dr.y is a tribute to the man who holds the pos­ Latest word received at press­ James, band prexy, and Lawrence Ca­ Ition of president. It 1s a tribute to the dignity of the office and at the same time to the char­ time reveals that over $950.00 hill, head of the Classic&] club. acter of the man who fills that office. This year it must mean even more. It must be more than was collected for the ra. f,e a tribute to the office or to the man, it must be a tribute to the type of leadership he represents. drive. This means that about Various men have been given lists His is the type of leadership from $650.00 will be available to de­ of eight names each to con!act for corate and equip the lounge. contributions .. Each man has been in­ which we get liberty; liberty to live I D b R h terviewed as to his donation. A table fully the typ~ of life which democ~acy I e a tors ea c Pick "Beggar on offers. To thmk clearly, to meet life's has been and will be manned across Work on the room, known in the from the cafeteria in the lower corri­ issues with the assurance of a Christ- Q t F• I past as the smoker, is expected to dor to receive the gifts for the baskets. Horsebackh For ian background, and to act according uar er Ina S begin during the Christmas Holidays, to the ideals of such a Christian back- Af and when the students return in 1942, ground, these are the things which ter upsets at least the preliminary painting will L TS Production such leadership inspires and these are have been applied. 500 AH:end St:unt: the things for which we are paying Committee for the drive included Bill Dowling, Dick Moriarity, Bob C1if­ Nit:e Program, Hop After weeks of reading all types of by Joseph Schuster fel, Bob Cleary, Jack McLaughlin, Jack plays, the Little Theater Society, Precedence has set the stage Corrigan, Tom Corrigan, Jerry Mulvi- through the moderator, Fr. William J. St:udent:s Pay Honor Completely outshining any previous Murphy, S. J ., the director, Mr. Frank for the current debating tour-1 hill. Stunt Nite program, last Friday night's J. Wiess, and the president, Mitchell nament sponsored by the Car- Bob Politi, Jack Turowski, Jim version of the Fifth Annual affair was The student body paid honor to Fr. l 0 · S · · Mayer, Frank Talty, Owen Kelly, Clay- a huge success. 500 people attended F. Shaker, announced the selection of ro 1 rator~c.al OCiety. ton Matowitz and Leo Frantz. Ed 0'- the three-act play for its major pro­ Edmund C. Horne, S. J., this morn­ the grand lineup of events which start­ In the sem1hnals of the tourney, to Connor, Union treasurer, handled the duction in Februa ry. ing in convocation. Robert Donnelly, ed with t e alumni-varsity basketball be held Tuesday, January 6, La.·.y Ca- funds. "Beggar on Horseback" is the title Union presiden t, was chairman and hill and Tom Dunnigan, affirmative game at 7:30. of the rip-roaring comedy written by l"racis Talty, senior class president and duo, will meet Joe Wolff and Emmet Gross receipts totaled over $80.00. that famous team of playwrights, Marc Francis Hom~. Sdence Academy head, Quinn. These same teams debated each addressed the body. Ted Saker, general chairman of the Connelly and George S. Kau fman . The other last year in the semi-finals, the JCU Alumni Plans Dance program. introduced the four acts of society has wired the New York house Donnelly presented Carroll's Rector former gaining the nod. Dec. 27; Van Bergen Plays the freshmen, sophomore, junior and for copies of the play. with a Christmas gift of the students. In the other semifinals engagement, enior classes. Classes were limited to Mr. Wiess already has cast the play The band and the Glee club provid­ Pete Corrigan and Tom Burlage, bro­ On December 27, at 9:00 p.m., the twenty minutes each. tentatively and released to the press ed the musical setting for the con­ thers of Tom and Carl respectively. J. C. U. Junior Alumni Association, vocation with John Kralik offering a The frosh, under Ed Cunneen. pre­ those names already chosen to take winners of the '38 tournament, will which is composed of -the classes of sented a skit on life in "Brunette" some of the roles.
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