Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 3-5-1971 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1971). Winona Daily News. 1057. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/1057 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Mostly cloudy : FOR ADVANCED with chance of HIRE THE VETERAN! snow flurries Opes he reqUy fce//eve ti// Ae says? Thieu waging psychological war? By ROBERT TUCKMAN Hanoi is undoubtedly angered by Thieu's threats. ing that his government controls 99.8 percent of Broadcast (AP) There is; growing beUef In after broadcast by Hanoi Radio berates the people of South Vietnam; He said Wednesday V SAIGON — the "traitor Thieu" and charges that Thieu "is that all but 36,000 of the 17,910,000 people in the Saigon that President Nguyen Van Thieu is waging only a puppet obeying the voice of his U.S. " against North ¦ country are under government control. .: a psychological war j masters^' ; .}.' • ' /'/ .;;, - . ' . ¦ Vietnam — and that he himself A« Kp . Thieu does not really believe this •; himself . No doesn believe all that he is say- American officials publicly• disassociate them- government, however popular, would be. able to get 't selves from Thieu's talk ,of a; "inarch on the y ing. News " '¦ that sort of unanimit among the Vietnamese, who Many observers feet , north.'' But they watch the president's ploy with can form a . political party as soon as they get a that Thieu » na| li;^ private pleasure. dozen people together. did not mean it when he . threat- " "'y 515 ;: • Thieu knows well that he could not send South But Thieu eried in the past few days to in- ' • •' - ' " 's object here is to stake out Saigon's vade North Vietnam. They think he hopes with Vietnamese troops marching into North Vietnam claims ahead of the Viet Cong in case there is a the threats and veiled threats to throw Hanoi without U.S. support. President Nixon told his negotiated settlement of the war. into confusion,: possibly into some panic and un- news conference Thursday night no plan for such Thieu fears that under such a settlement, or doubtedly into anger. support is: under consideration in Washington or if there; is a "standstill cease-fire" as President has been proposed to him by Thieu. More importantly* ; Nixon proposed last year, the Viet Cong would claim by talking about invading At the same time, : Nixon presumably would North Vietnam, Thieil is fbrcing Hanoi's gener- . they control more people or territory than is ! like Thieu to keep on talking — but only talking actually theirs. als to commit sizable numbers of troops to de- ' panic fending their coastline and the "invasion route" —about invading North Vietnam for the ef> Thieu also is not forgetting that this is the just above the demilitarized zone. These are troops feet it might have on Hanoi. presidential election year. He has not yet announced which Hanoi could well use in Laos, Cambodia or Thieu is also moving against the communists on his candidacy for re-election in the balloting Oct 3, South Vietnam. / v another front. Somewhat suddenly, he is now claim- but there is no doubt that he is running hard. Tmcfeou Qn Laotianiw : - - "' " ¦: : . v^;- ^^^r^e^v ^¦ . ' Canada's Prime Minister •Pierre Elliott Trudeau; 51, and his bride, the former : Margaret : ' Suiclair; v 2 2, Troops massing for raid : leave a ( reception photo SAIGON (AP) - South Viet- in Quang Tri,; said the forward- province of Quang Tri virtually quantity of war supplies was above) hi a shower of con- , most South : Vietnamese in- bare of Soum Vietnamese army reported waiting .' .- there for fetti after their': marriage ¦;. nam massed more than 1 000 troops just outside Sepone to- fantrymen were 25 to 28 miles forces. Nearly 2,000 more U.S. movement to South Vietnam Thursday in North Van- '\. ' deep into Laps and added: and Cambodia. day in preparation for a large- troops were moved north to couver. ^ "This is the most significant guard against a North Vietnam- Sources said South Vietnam- ¦; • .;¦ scale assault on the town and troop movement in two;weeto. v -TnideaU '; and Miss Sin- airstrip two miles to the west ese thrust across the demilita- ese reconnaissance teams have clair were married in a hi:the'.-.heart of the Ho Chi Minh Associated Press Correspond- rized zone. This put the entire been . operating in the Sepone quiet ceremony at St. Stev-; trail supply network. ent J'.T. Wolkerstorfer reported northern rim of the country in area for several weeks, appar- en s Catholic from; Quang Tri that virtually the* : hands of the American ently collecting information for ' Roman Church Sources in Saigon said U.S. ; in Nprtn Vancouver;; the entire South Vietnamese blocking force of 12,000 to 15,000 the assault. helicopters flew the fresh South 2nd .. Regiment of the 1st In- ' ' ¦ ¦ In the photo at left; made Vietnamese:' . reinforcements to . 'men. - . • ..' . "v • South Vietnamese troops bat- ' ; - ' fantry Division had been com- tled for three hours Thursday In 1969, Trudeau and his .V TO; Qlirt. • . .,,.' . Murray , within three miles of Sepone Sepone, a key point on the Ho :' ; and that an assault oh the ene- mitted to the Sepone drive,, and with a strong North Vietnamese new bride are shown togeth- , . -; Chotiner, a top poUtical apV that the South Vietnamese now Chi Minh trail, has been under ; yiser President Nixony my transshipment point 25 force near Sepone. er at a ball in Ottawa. (AP : to have about 20,000 trbops in heavy U.S. air attack for Lt; Col. Tran Van An, South said he White ¦ miles inside Laos was planned. Photofax) ; 'll quit the southern iLaos. months • and the town has been V let nam ' s '. '.inlet military House aiid go into private, Lt. Col. • Le Tung Hehv a This hew troop movement left reported virtually flattened. spokesman in Saigon, said the law practice. (AP Photofax) South Vietnamese spokesman South Vietnam's northernmost But last month a considerable North Vietnamese finally with- drew under an onslaught of U.S.. bombers. Wxqn acis r^ With American helicopters i5^: leapfrogging the South Viet- ^0fy ' - <J;£ Student dies as namese from point to point EfAAtl A Winona County across the complex . of ' enerny -,; Fl BBO District Court supply trails, the U.S. Com- jury Thursday acquitted a mand reported six more .' 'cop- St. Paul man charged with jwlicesearcli ters shot down and destroyed. aggravated robbery in con- Four Americans -were reported nection with the $2,800 rob- Il^fe i^iii^ missing and two wounded. bery Sept. i6 of the Utica, Minn,, Oil¦ Coi—story, ; page. dorm in Turkey This raised the announced v ' ' la lks resume ";. : -/ d ; 3.:; . ; . , (AP) toll to 48 American helicopters WASHINGTON (^ With one threatened rail striQce ANKARA, Turkey - A wu- -to ¦¦legalize ' post, One student was killed and a and two fighter-bombers lost uiiigvRinpn poned by presidential order^ industry and union negotiators since the Laotian drive started state-licensed bin- are resuming contract talks dozen troops and students were go was approved Thursday aimed at preventing another. injured today in a gunfjght Feb. 8, with 41 Americans by theWisconsin Senate— , Carriers and representatives of the United Transporta- killed; 28 . missing and -46 tion Union met long enough Thursday night to approve re- when troops attempted to enter .story, page 5/ a university dormitory to wounded. Field reports say sumption of regular discussions this morning. Negotiations twice as many helicopters have No maj or had broken off early Thursday and were saved only after search for four kidnaped Amer- indCIIOnInartinn ; * ican airmen and their captors. been , shot down, but the rest ; move to block W. J. Usery, assistant secretary of labor, went immediately have been lifted back to Viet- Gov. Wendell R. Anderson's into private talks with UTW President Charles Luna. The troops surrounded the proposal for a state consti- nam for repairs. The threat of a nation-wide rail strike was close, but dormitory at the Middle East Vietnamese headquar- tutional convention appears after Usery talked with Luna, then with carriers, the sides Technical University. The stu- South afoot in the legislature— met and agreed to resume talks. dents threw : dynamite sticks ters claimed 408 North Viet- story* page 5. Meanwhile, President Nixon moved to avert a strike and fired on the troops from namese troops were killed in threatened today by 10,000 members of the Brotherhood of windows and the roof. two other battles Thursday. 8 Rno-orc- William P. Rog- and 16% miles west of the bor- nugei»ers> defended by Railroad Signalmen. - President Nixon as his sec- Nixon created an emergency board to investigate the A commando unit was rushed THE BEGINNING . ; Reporters sit House to start a news conference Thursday der outpost of Lao Bao. Twenty to the campus and opened up South Vietnamese were report- retary of . state in function signalmen's dispute, putting off any strike action for 60 President Nixon takes fcis place on night. (AP Photofax) days. The signalmen with rifles and automatic weap- down as ed wounded. as well as .title, has a date 's president, C. J. Chamberlain, said in East Room of the White today with a Senate panel Chicago his union will obey Nixon's order , which allows 30 ons on the students. Military a raised stand in the —story, page 9.
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