t T MwVirwniiirfTrfrT It, . • '4-,. ’ ’ t. PAGE SIXTEEN The Weather 1l;l'' J . e Aversxc .Daily Net Prtss Run Fotaieaat ef U. 8. Weather BlifsaB I- ■ Far the Weak Ended - May 19, I9S9 ’ 'v. C ill 4 S ■ The Sunday School staff pf-Zion f ■ Lutheran Church will have a sup­ UCoiin to ftoitok* Sheep Breeders Considerable cloudiness, milder About Town per nfeetlng tomorrow at ® p.m., at 12,705 tonight and Thursday. Low toalght the church. Thursday at 6:30 p.m. 6 Sttidenls You Should Know. To M ^t Satuirday THURSDAY. MAY 15 42-48. High Thdrsday 68^0. the .adult prospective membership .9:80 A.M. Metther. of the Audit Th« weekly meetinjr of the Men- Bureau.of Olrenlatloa group will meet. Manche9 ter——A City of Village Charm Chester Squadron of Ci\il Afr Six local atudents are among CapUAntone Erode - The Connectlou),>^heep Breeders ORANGE HALL X. » ' Patrol, USAF, will be held tomor­ 600 whef will be cited for', high — ...V. -------------- -— — I— I . ■ ............................ r - row at 7 p,m; at the American Le­ Mr. and Mrs, J. Edward McKee- Assn., Inc. wtll-Uold Its 49th An­ By Pythian Sisters ver will direct fhfe military, whist scholastic achievement during the nual Field pay and shearing co»r (Claa^fled Advartlstag oa Page N ) jPRiCE FIVE CENm"* gion Home. As commanding ofllber of Bat­ (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1.988 of the American Legion Auxiliary second Annual Honors Day, pro­ tery C, 11th AAA MlasUe Battal­ test SatubJiiy. at the Durham Fair VOL. LXXVII, NO. .191 The Joy Carcle of . the North Friday at 8 p.m. at the Legion gram at the Unlveririty of Conhec- ion. Cspt. Anton* Ffade supervises Oroundg^'tarting at 10:30 a.m. Home, which is open to the public. Methodiat Church Will "jcel May ticut. The program will be held In and 18 reapbntible for the local afternoon program vtill fea- 21 at 2 p.m. at the church. Miss Ruth Hickox and Miss Bar- 'liftte' unit's ablHty to fire guided the unlvcralty’s auditorium May tvtni Bam ;borrance of the Maine MeINTOSH APPLES bai'a Wallett are co-chairnlen. 18 at 2:30 p.m. mlsalles. 20 Lb. l o f $1.00 Ike Talks The VFW Auxiliary will meet Prises will be awarded thf winners . Donald Behrend, 989 Main St, It la his duty to maintain ef­ ipartment of Agriculture, as tonight at 7:30 at the post home. and refreshments served. The com­ and William LMse, M Walker S t, fectual morale, and welfare of the. principal speaker. He U a Unlver LOUIS MINCE FARM mittee would appreciate it if mem­ are honor students from Gamma more than 100 meh, tinder his com­ slty of Connecticut graduate and 829 W. CENTER ST. Members of the 8th District Fire bers would bring playing cards Sigma Delta, honor society for mand, and he'has the feaponsibll- former 4-H Sheep Member.Mei TEU Ml 8-8II« On Causes and card tables. Tickets may be ity.of seeing to It that buildinga Professor Don Klsman of the Department are requested to meet the College of Agriculture. Caro­ f'. tonijtht at 7:30 at the firehouse to obtained frohi mentbers or at the lyn Norris, 68''Adelalde St., repre­ and equipment valued at.milllona Animal Industries Depiartment, o from there in a body to the door. ' of dollars are properly maintained University of Connecticut, will cut sents Phi Alpha Theta, history and In operative order. O f Unrest flolmes Funeral Home to pay re­ «S " ' " honor society. • • up a Iamb carcass for home and spects to Frederick Smith, a mem­ Llnne Lodge, Knights of Pyth­ . Capt. Frade does all this in a freeZer use. Steps In making fam­ James Taggart, 326 Center. St., manner described by hla superiors ber of Co. No. 2. ias. will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. represents Pi Tau Sigma, mechan­ ily 8iZe«.cuts and methods of cook­ HOLLY Washington, May 14 (/P)— in Orange Hall. as "highly proflcienl and extreme­ ing will be explained. ical engineering honor aoclety. ly competent." Hla wonderful per­ Wsahinffton Mav 14 M F i — said Die two areas depend President Eisenhower said to­ A reception honoring the. Rev. Norma Jones, 12b I^^l■ker S t, vraamngion, m ny t.* on each oth e/ in trade andend also for The annual meeting of the In­ sonality. adriot wit and top-notch INDUSTRIALIST DIRS day mob violence against Vice eria and Mrs. Herman ^Stippich will be Engaged represents the Upsiloh Omicron, Violence ,in Venezuel* toward mutual bolitical atrenkth. corporators of the ' Manchester leadership qualities fit him ideally WHiU CHAW President Nixon, in South held this evening'^at 7:30 in Con­ home economics honor society. for-the task whfeh U ndo 8am has Tucson, Ariz., May 13 OP)—, vice President Nixon thrust Even If Congress passes the for­ Memorial Hospital will be held in The engagement' of Miss Patricia America appears to" reflect a cordia Lutheran Church. He was Ellen Candlln. to Nelson Henry Shlrly' Warren, 127 Princeton St., galled upon him' fo undertake. tSiarlas A. Bengaton, 84, .of Chica­ an emotional new element-In* eign aid blU .without any major Chapnian House. 60 Ha>’nes St., go. chairman of the .Chicago'Ap­ pastor of Concordia Church in White Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Nel- representa Sigma Theta Tau, nurs­ ' Capt. Frade was born In New to last round House scrapping cuts, the admlnlatration may. not patteim of Communist i: 1014-24. The Ladies Aid Society next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. ing honor society. paratus Co. and a pioneer In the iiliiiKsl get, the full toUl for overseas aid. son H. White Sr., Of New.Hart- Bedford. Mass., 38 years ago. fesr-wheellte- tod^ over a $3,603,000,000 spiration and exploltatio members will br hostesses. The foEd, is announced by her parents, 'William Benton, former Sena­ .When he was 13, he went with his, Bcientiflc equipment tMd. died ■I This measure authorizes expendi­ But. he told a news cpnference, Rev.' Mr. Stippich and his wife Members of King David I.,odge, tor from Connecticut and present­ grandparents to their .h alt^ Monday.- He waa born in Ludlng- Ifoni-wh***-^, foreign aid bill. 6 u t Speaker tures. he believes econ om lc^ u l)les are lOOF, Will meet at the Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. -Hallihan, Insurrection Jum will leave tomorrow for Reading, 32 Highland St. ly a member of the university Portugal where h8 was educatM ton, M ich.' Sam Rayburn (D ^ e x ) said he But the actual amount of money. partly '"responsible,,-for the sntl- Eiineral Home at "7:30 tonight to Board of Trustees, will deliver the rai"W.s: Within the ceiling* /Ixed by the Pa. MissCandlin graduated from Man­ at the famed Lyceum C a m o ^ He involving visiting foielgn digni­ -r»vtcr«. V did not think it would sway American denmaStratlons In such pay respects to Frederick Smith, chester High School and is em­ Honors. Day address. majored in language and can taries."A real tough aaslgnn ent," pending authoriZation bill, will be countries ss,.3fenezuela and Peru. a member. ' ' mafly votes. ^ determined in an appropriations ployed at ihe Research Computa­ Honors will be accorded to the speak ' Portugese and. / Spanish he loklnifly relr.tea. $72.00 "At least, I certainly hope not,’. ^Sometbtlig Else tion Laboratory of the United membersejnf all the campus honor fluently. ' Becausq he, spoke the language, measure to eoiile later. Seen Losing Control St. Mary’s Guild members who Rayburn told newemen. “I don’t Elsertfiower said Communist In- Aircraft Oorp. societies as well'as to all. full time In 1838 he retumed'to thia aoun- Capt. Frade was sent to Lisbon,' Acting' chairman' Thomas E.^ ■pirittion seems to be. behind the plan to take In the picnic. June 12. try and Unlisted in the U.S. Army 'gea what the connect! would be.” Morgan (D-Pa) of the Foreign A f­ Her fiance graduated from students who maintain a “ B’’ aver­ Portugal, In June 1953 where he RUMMAGE HellrwMJ Owf WM <ww4 'T h e measure handily survived demonstrations in some other are asked to meet following, the Loomis School. ’Windsor, i|nd age for the two semesters prece In May 19*0. After serving nearl.y served-as aide-de-camp and inter-' fairs Committee reacted cautlou*; UECLERC 10 a.m. Ascension Day ,g<^ice Fits over svemg* coil« moitay-cuttlng aUbmpta yesterday, parts of the. world, but added that Paris, May 14 The French government today ordered- Trinity College. He was a member ding Honors Day, second semester three years In the enlisted ranks, preter for the .Military Assistance ly to the string of vlctbriei yester­ Thursday at the church. Final boivl. Sturdily con- and a SnaJ vote 'wet In prospect the unrest in French Algeria may Gen. Raoul ‘Salan to take over command of Algeria from an FUNERAL HOME of the Brownell Club at Trinity. fhresmen who recorded a ''B” he was coihmiisioned a second lieu­ Advisory group. SALE ^ (trorted. Ssrilv cleaned. day against efforts to cut tM bill. be caused by. something else. plans for the outing will be made tenant In ^bruar.y 1943. He came to the 11th Battalion late today, - He was wary because, Ije-iiaid, re­ in.surrectionist junta led by a tough paratroop officer. He is employed aa a machine com­ aycrage in. toefr. first semester, Rayburn, In response to quea-, Eisenhower spoke in response t o } at this time.
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