-f* %k ftilltop B« V "Representing Georgians Oldest Independent Institution of Higher Learning" Volume VII, Number XVI LoGraage College, loGratfe,Georgio Tuesday,January 19, 1965 Council Enacts Mystery Surrounds Different System Stunt Night Plans BY TOM CASTONA BY SUSAN BUTLER An air of anticipation has set- hadn't come up with any cry- Students in Hawkes and Broad dent may be brought before the tled over representatives of stalized ideas by Monday ni- Street Dormitories are involv- . council to determine what ac- all four class levels as Sunt ght. The only hint of what we ed in somewhat different ap- ' tion is necessary. all four class levels as the can expect to see comes from proaches to dormitory govern- Since this approach is some- WAA sponsored Stunt Night, Senior Class President Andy ment this quarter. In both dorms thing of an experiment, the sy- slated for Friday, draws near. Jones, who says to look for the individual responsibility a stem of punishment is also ex- Most plans have already been something amusing and differ- student assumes for his or her perimental. Instead of de- formulated, but all are shroud- ent from his group. own actions ' will determine merits, a system of fines will ed in secrecy. At stake in the Everyone, including partici- whether or not the system be used. Should money accumu- circulating trophy, now held by pants in skits, will be charged works. It is hoped that through late, the dormitory residents the seniors. twenty-five cents admission for this new system student self- as a whole will determine what The Class of '65, trying for the event to be carried off in government will have an op- will become of the money at it's second straight victory, Dobbs Auditorim. Proceeds portunity to prove its value on the end of the school year. is banking it's hopes on skit will go for WAA trophies and our campus. The system in Hawkes is not writers Lane Tullis and Judy awards. The dormitory council will quite the same as in Broad Rabbi Goodman McKoon. Juniors Judy Thomas- Judges are Mrs. Waights G. assume a more responsible role Street. The Hawkes Dormitory on, Janet Mabry, and Deigie Henry, Dr. S. C. Rainey, a lo- in improving' dormitory living. Council, made up of freshmen To Speak At Parker are charged with that cal optemetrist, and history It will continue to operate as women, has been chosen rather classes epistelary chores, professor Dr. Virgil Davis. the judicial body in the two than elected. Its members may while the Frosh are relying on WAA president Mildred El- buildings unless the nature of continue to use demerits, rather Chapel Service Noble Shropshire to come up dson points out that, "To the case dictates referral to the than fines. However, students Rabbi Alfred L. Goodman of with a winning script. The So- make this very entertaining af. Judicial Council. The council can be brought before the coun- Temple Israel in Columbus, phomores? They, according to fair a success, a big turnout will meet every two weeks in cil if the need arises. Georgia will speak at Chapel representative Neal Morgan, is essential." order to determine whether or It is hoped that in each in- at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday on not there are any improvements stance, the system will be suc- the subject "What Can YOU Student Education Chapter or suggestions which need to cessful and that much will be Do About Morality?" be made. learned for a further evaluation The rabbi lectures on college Named For Ex-Professor In Broad Street dormitory, of how we do what we do. In campuses under the auspices --The LaGrange College Stu- eight boys have been elected to the event that either approach of the Jewish Chautauqua So- dent Education Association the council. Ted Hitchcock, the does not work, it will be ne- ciety, sponsored by the Nation- Men's Vice-President, will al Federation of Temple Bro- voted this week to name their cessary to take another look to organization The Christian F. serve as dormitory president. therhoods, an organization ..determine what is lacking. Hamff Chapter in memory of a Council members have the au- which creates better under- former language instructor. thority formerly held by proc- standing of Jews and Judaism - According to Dr. Walter M tors in dealing with any situa- Cats Win Over through education. Shackelford, professor of edu- tion that may arise. If a student Rabbi Goodman gra- on a floor is a source of con- Georgia State duated from Western Reserve cation and Chairman of the Education Division, this cam- tinued disturbance, then the stu- University in Cleveland and was 78 To 62 ordained at Hebrew Union Col- pus organization "is a means lege—Jewish Institute of Reli- whereby our students can affi- Hate with National Education PANTHERS gion in 1945, receiving his M. H. L. Degree. and Georgia Education Associa- vs Goodman is spiritual leader tions as associate members." Officers of the LC group are WEST GA. of Temple Israel in Columbus, Georgia. He previously occu- president, Sharon Waller of At- lanta; vice president, Elizabeth Wednesday in Carrollton pied the pulpit of Temple Beth Israel in Lima, Ohio. He is the Leonard of Valdosta; secretary, Madelyn Bates of Covington; Jewish Chaplain at the Warm PANTHERS Springs Foundation in Warm treasurer, Carol Clonts of At- lanta; chairman of membership rs Springs, Georgia. DuringWorldWar n, the rab- committee, Cynthia Gill of Rich.; Hamff Henry invited him to join the PIEDMONT bi served as a chaplain with mond Hill; projects chairman, LC faculty. the Air Force in the Pacific Ann Hood of Newnan; and re- Saturday in Demorest porter, Donna Howell of Ross- in addition to teaching Ger- area, ville. man and Spanish for ten years, Dr. Sara Marie Davis, as- Prof. Hamff supervised the bea- sociate professor of education, utification of the college cam- Chad Stuart Talks and Dr. Shackelford are ad- pus. visors for the students planning Today, LC faculty, students teaching careers. and all campus visitors enjoy With LC Reporter The 1961 college yearbook, the beautiful camellias, azaleas BY MICKEY JOHNSON the QUADRANGLE, said the and shrubbery planted by Prof. What makes Chad Stuart run? criticized by a lady in New following of the late LC profes- Hamff. His memory lives on in That's a good question. After York and he answered:' 'M adam, sor: "In Memoriam, Professor the beauty he created, as well watching him go at full speed there is fighting in Viet Nam, Christian F. Hamff, professor as in the hearts of these fu- Peace Corps for almost twelve hours, I was half the world is starving,there of languages, 1951-1961; his ture teachers. determined to find out. Chad is a serious race problem, and love for learning and his un- "You have to love people and Representative Stuart is the lively half of you're worried about how I wavering faith will live in the be interested in them to be a a successful duo known to the cut my hair." Americans have hearts of each student to whom good teacher. I believe I have world as Chad and Jeremy, their values all wrong. he taught the art of languages that love." These are the words To Speak Here and they appeared in LaGrange ... I like America. There's and life." of Prof. Hamff on the day be- last Friday night. so much of it, and it's all so LaGrange College president, fore his death. Ann Gallagher will be at LC In an interview with Chad different. Everything in Britain Dr. Waights G. Henry Jr., was Prof. Hamff passed away in at 10:00 A.M. on Jan. 25, in (Jeremy was late getting to La- is pretty much the same. a student of Prof. Hamff's at 1961 at the age of 79. The pro- the lobby of the cafeteria for Grange) we talked about every- . .Favorite artists: Oh, Bob Emory University. After Ham- fessor collapsed at the road- anyone who is interested. thing from popular music to Dylan, Peter, Paul, and Mary, ff's retirement fromEmory, Dr. way behind the dining hall while As a Peace Corps Volunteer hair cuts. Some choice com- Brian Wilson (of the Beach walking to breakfast with Prof. in the Philippines, she couldn't ments were: Boys).... P. M. Hicks. find time to be homesick. Her All this talk about the Ox- And so it went, on into the LC Coeds Seek "The physician who was the days were spent teaching and ford Sound .. the record com- night. Chad and Jeremy per- Greener Fields last to wait on him said, 'Herr preparing for classes. Her pany gave it that name. Why formed before 1,800 screaming Hamff was a great man. I stu- spare time was shared with the must everything be labeled .. fans at Callaway Auditorium, On Friday evening, January died under him.' There is no Filipino family she lived with. I've never been to Oxford. along with the Daytonas. 15, a bus load of girls left way to determine how much in- Since they regarded her as a The Beatles are great peo- Jeremy Clyde, the other half LaGrange College for greener fluence for good he wrought, for combination older-daughter ple ... they're friends of ours of the duo, almost didn't make pastures, namely Fort Benning he touched the lives of so many young-aunt, she was included in .. but we'd rather not be typed it. Detained in London with visa in Columbus, Georgia. The oc- young men who now occupy pla- all the family festivities.
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