^ < The Miami Hurricane VOL. XXXI UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, CORAL GABLES, FLA., NOVEMBER 18, 1955 No. 7 Tuition Increased To $325 • • • • • • • • • 2-Day Freshman Elections Open Monday Story On Page 2 $50 Hike Per Semester Effective Next Fall, Faculty Gets Pay Raise University of Miami's Board of Trustees has announced a tuition increase of $50 a semester, effective next September. This will apply only to full time students. A large portion of the increase in tuition will be applied to raising faculty salaries in order to maintain highest teaching standards, according to Dr. Jay F. W. Pearson, UM President. "One of the chief problems facing American institutions of higher learning since the war," Dr. Pearson said, "has been that of paying adequate faculty salaries during a period when the purchasing power of the dollar has been cut in half. "Our tuition never has been adequate to cover the cost of educating our young people. The difference has been made up by public-spirited citizens, alumni and corporations, but of course, there is a limit to what they can do. The University of Miami is non-tax supported and derives its income solely from tuition and gifts." A letter sent by Dr. Pearson to each parent of a University student points out the lag between University tuition raises and those already made in other institutions. In comparison with next year's $650, annual tuition for UM full time day students, Brown University has presently effect­ ive a tuition of $950, Cornell, $1,000, and Dartmouth, $980. The University's tuition rate next year, the letter stated. will remain "among the lowest in the country." All full time students in the undergraduate schools and the college of arts and sciences now paying $275 a semester, Photo by Boll (Continued on Page 4) BALLOONING SPIRIT WEEK off to a flying start canes' flrst touchdown, the balloons will be released, are, left to right, Dr. Thurston Adams, director of making the sky in the Orange Bowl a floating orange student activities, Pete Melnick, Pat McBride and mass. Spirit Week, beginning Monday, has been pro­ Sonny Block. Three thousand helium-filled balloons claimed by the Pep Club and faculty to welcome the will be distributed prior to the kickoff of the Miami- University of Florida. A jam session In the Student Florida clash next Saturday afternoon. At the Hurri- Union at noon Monday will open the festivities. Radoff UM Photo HMO br daaa CENTER OF ATTRACTION Is Mario Bonofiglio, of a little league foothall team which Bonofiglio ENJOYING THE SUNSHINE is cute Kathy Warner, Hurricane Honey diminutve Hurricane quarterback, after the Miami - coaches during his spare time. Throughout the entire No. 7. Kathy is a freshman home economics major from Coral Gables. Bucknell football game last weak ta tbe Orange game Miami fans yelled, "We want Bonny," until The 18-year-old Chi Omega pledge stands five feet, four inches and Bowl. Bonny, who engineered one UM touchdown, Coach Gustafson put the Hurricane star into the tips the scales at 116 Iba. If blue-eyed, blond-haired Kathy will be at was mobbed by youngsters who ran on the field as contest during the final quarter. Bonofiglio led the the Orange Bowl during halftime ceremonies tonight, Marvin Randell, the game ended. Most of the youngsters wen part team to a touchdown. will pin her with the traditional orchid. PAGE TWO THE MIAMI HURRICANE NOVEMBER 18, 1955 Senate Alignment In Balance sPLrLt Wee>< Annual Campus Charity Chest Drive Opens Monday Sets High Goal For Food, Clothing In Voting Monday, Tuesday Student Body Government and AROTC are making plans By ROCKY VAUGHT In UF Honor for the annual week-long Campus Charity Chest drive Dec. 5 Hurricane Staff Writer By JOAN SCHREIBER to 9. Goal has been set at 15,500 pounds. Five freshman senatorial positions in three schools are up Hurricane Staff Writer Lend-a-Hand and Dunbar Negro for grabs Monday and Tuesday—and the voters who put peo­ The week of the classic UM-UF School will be the recipients of food, Chest Drive To Aid ple in them will probably decide the balance of power in this football game has been proclaimed clothinp and toys gathered by UM •'year's Senate. by the Pep Club and the faculty as organizations. Grenada Children Spirit Week, to welcome the Uni­ And the people of a little Carib­ School children on the island The vacancies are two in Arts and versity of Florida to the UM campus. bean island, devastated by Hurri­ of Grenada lost 75 per cent of Motion Study Sciences, two in Business, and one cane "Janet", who need books to their books during Hurricane in Engineering. Polls will be open A jam session in the Student Union at 12 notSn Monday will begin the rebuild their wrecked libraries, will "Janet," ten schools were wrecked both election days from 8:30 a.m. get any books collected in the drive, and forty others badly damaged. until 4:30 p.m. for all full-time stu­ festivities. Tuesday night there will In Final Day be a pep rally expected to be the plus some of the food and clothing. An exchange of letters between dents—not just frosh—in the schools This year one large trophy is be­ concerned. year's largest, and Wednesday night UM history professor Duane Koe­ Of Conference a pep show in Beaumont Lecture ing offered in addition to the other nig and a headmaster of a Gre­ The voting will be done on ma Hall will be presented. prizes for the organization bringing nada school led to the inclusion The fourth annual Time and Mo­ chines borrowed from Dade County. At 7 p.m. on Friday, UF has been in the most pounds of food and of the Grenada project in the tion Study Conference goes into its They'll be set up in the Student Club invited to hold a pep rally in the clothing. Campus Charity Chest Drive Dec. final segment today at the Columbus and Memorial Building on Main Student Union. This will be followed Trophies will also be given to the 5 to 9. Hotel with an opening address at Campus and at the Box Theatre on by an informal dance for the benefit fraternity, sorority and independent Books can be placed in recept­ 9 a.m. by Harold Berger, superin­ North Campus. of both universities, to be held in the groups gathering the most pounds of acles which will be placed around tendent of operations and methods Elections are being supervised by Student Union patio. food and clothing. A first and sec­ campus, or taken to Ashe 208. at Burdine's Department Store, on the Elections Board. Bob Berry is Campus fraternities, sororities, and ond place award will be offered for the need of time and motion study chairman. Results will be given each participating group. in retail business. organizations are encouraged to hold after the entire campus is cleaned open house during that week for The fraternity, sorority and inde­ Ain't A Panty Raid; The two-day conference, sponsored of campaign literature Tuesday visiting Florida students. pendent groups securing the most by the UM Time and Motion Study afternoon. pounds will be announced Dec. 9. Laboratory in conjunction with the Bill Merritt, SBG president, has Just Burned-Out Motor Candidates for the Arts and Sci­ invited the president of Florida's Formal presentation of awards is Miami chapter of the American Dec. 14. Two police cruising cars and three Institute of Industrial Engineers, is ences seats are Bob Braham and student body to be the guest of UM fire trucks blazed across campus to playing host to more than 200 dele­ Paul Kmeciak, Student Action Assoc for two or three days prior to the Each group can canvass the com­ Eaton Hall Wednesday at 7 p.m. only munity securing food, clothing, toys gates from all over the United States, iation and Diane Juran and Alston game. to find their services weren't needed. Futrelle, Liberty Forum. At the game, 3,000 helium filled and household furniture for the Canada and Cuba. drive. Cause of the emergency call to From Business, candidates are Dick balloons will be given out. At the The conference is serving to fire-proof Eaton was a burned-out Knight and Bob Casper, LF and Jer­ Hurricanes' first touchdown, the bal­ "Organizations desiring to win a provide an opportunity for indus­ motor in a third-floor clothes-drying ry Rossman and Bob Siegel, SAA. loons will be released, making the prize are allowed to start early this trialists and specialists to discuss machine. A University maintenance Engineering candidates are Bob sky in the Bowl a floating orange year. Dec. 5 is just the date set for successful data for purposes of man pulled the plug out and Smith of SAA, Don Grizzard of LF, mass. proceeds to start coming in. Organ­ squelched a small fire with an ex­ planning, costing and plant main­ and Daniel Ashley, Independent. izations can get a head start," says tenance. Sonny Block, president of Pep tinguisher. Neil Berger, chairman of the food Meanwhile a practical joker spread The Senate alignment stacks up Club, said he hoped the Cane-Gator and clothing drive. Rounding out the day's discussions this way now: contest would be the "largest game news of a panty-raid and curious on work simplification, production Chuck Kramer, secretary of SBG —also hopeful—students temporarily Until last week, SAA held a solid spirit-wise in UM history." control, industrial relations and work social welfare, is handling the drive milled around the front of the build­ majority.
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