m n ò sn © f a g j w w r ^STAESTAEìLISHED 1920 CITY OF LINDEN, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1934 PRICE 3 CENTS OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXX) TO HEAR TAX APPEALS STATE-WIDE RALLY The County Board of Taxation, Tuesday afternoon, fixed the dates COUNCIL APPROVES LINDEN SENDS 300 V » ■ for hearing appeals from the 1934 SET FOR LABOR DAY tax valuation in the various munici­ ROSELLE CONTRACT palities. Joseph T. Conroy presided ____ TO SEA-GIRT RALLY Carpatho-Russians To Mass and other members present were Municipalities To Jointly At Ukranian Park John H. Enright, of Union, and Construct New Sewer Local Group Joins 200,000 Charles M. Ehmling of Cranford. * In Moore-Dill Day Religious as well as field exer­ September 12 has been fixed for A contract to be signed with: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) cises will comprise the program of the date for hearing Linden indus­ Roselle for the construction of a Over 300 Linden Democrats, rep­ The fellow who designed the res­ the first annual State-wide Field trial appeals. sewer in Wood avenue was approv­ resenting every ward in the city erved seat sections of the Linden Day sponsored by the Carpatho- ed by the City Council Wednesday and including many city officials, Kennel Company stadium must cer­ Russians to be held at Ukranian night at a special meeting in the took an active part in the demon­ stration and rally at the Moore- tainly have been an optimist. The Park, in this city on Labor Day. City Hall. The contract specifies Dill Day reception at Sea-Girt, Sat­ seats are outlined in a semi-circle High mass sung by a Bayonne choir CYANAMID HEAD TO that the sewer be connected into urday. The immense gathering was showing the space to be occupied. will be a feature of the morning the Linden outlet. The Council ! tbe largest in point of number of Many have looked in vain for their exercises, while the field day, sing­ also approved a change in specifica­ SPEAK AT RUTGERS any political demonstration ever it number only to find it con­ ing, and addresses by prominent tion from the use of stone to slag in construction of the sewer in i held in the history of the state. It sumed beneath adjoining occupants. men will be on the afternoon pro­ Industriati Conference To West Edgar road. | even exceeded by 25,000 or more Most of the men are not so gram. Several thousand Carpatho- When it was reported that Linden j the huge audience which greeted bad, but the women—surprising Russians are expected to attend. Heatr J. M. Rugh would be greatly benefited by co­ 1 President Franklin D. Roosevelt how much seat area they require. The morning program will start # * * operating with its neighboring ; two years ago at the historic Little at 10 A. M. and at 11 o'clock the J. M. Rugh, executive of the municipality in constructing the White House. At last! A practical use for the mass will be celebrated by Rev. American Cyanamid Company of sewer, the action was immediately Postmaster Janies A. Farley new-fangied autos designed so you Father Oreste Roman, rector of the this city, will be one of the speak­ recommended by City Engineer spoke at the luncheon of the Dem­ can’t tell whether they’re coming Greek Catholic Church of Eliz­ ers on the all day program of the Davidson and the sewer committee. ocratic State Committee and County or going .. You can park on either abeth. Father Roman will also be ninth annual industrial conference Having constructed a sewer with Chairmen at the new Monmouth side of the street without getting spiritual leader for the day, assist­ to be conducted by Rutgers Univer­ house connections in Wood avenue, Hotel, Spring Lake, and declared ticket! ed by priests from other churehes. • • * sity in New Brunswick on Thursday from Fifth avenue to Ninth avenue, that he was confident that the The Bayonne choir will be under people of New Jersey would sup­ What’s that saying about moving September 6. Arthur H. Young, (Continued on Page Eight) the direction of Mr. Ranieky. port Governor Moore for United :he mountain to Mahomet? Or vice vice president of the United States George Berzinek Jr., of 102 Main ! States Senator, Judge Dill for Gov- Versa? . Anyway, finding Linden Steel Company will be the princi­ street, Rahway, who is chairman in ! ernor, and the various congression­ deserted over the week-end, vve ple speaker. Young will appear on charge of publicity and speakers, al candidates who support the pres­ drove out to Bradley Beach, and the program of the evening dinner RIVER CHANNEL TO will be master of ceremonies for ident. sure enough, there was Linden! ' session with Dr. C. Clothier, presi- the afternoon program. Mass drills, Mayor Hague answered the rec­ Felt pretty strange to see Linden j dent of Rutgers, and will discuss in­ folk dances, and singing, are in­ LAMBERTS URGED ent formation of the American Lib­ aggregately attired in a bathing suit dustrial trends and industrial rela- cluded in addition to the speaking erty League by declaring that the but we were made to feel at home i tions. Army Engineers Opposé program. Mayor Myles McManus Democratic party of New Jersey as a kibi:zer in a poker game. Executives from all over the has been invited to welcome the Dredging Further will back President Roosevelt for * * * ; state, concerned with educational people to Linden and extend a reelection two years hence. “We j and personal problems in industry The Rahway River Harbor Com­ Can you picture a political dis­ greeting to the other speakers. were late getting aboard the band­ will gather on the Rutgers campus mission was notified this week that cussion between Charles Smith (Continued on Page Eight) wagon in 1932“ said the Mayor for the ninth consecutive confer­ the report of the army engineers (Commur 1st), Harry Nelson (So­ “Now we are going to get aboard ence on this subject. The program was unfavorable on the proposed cialist), Sam Bass IFree-lance), and early.” will open at 10 A. M. with the open­ improvement on Rahway River to John Molson (Republican)? . Governor Moore, in his speech, ing remarks by Prof. N. C. Mitler, a twelve foot depth to the bridge Well it happened on Wood avenue challenged his opponents to eom- BEE STING CAUSES Director of the University Exten­ at Barnett street, in Rahway. The the other night—and no one was in­ (Continued on Page Seven) jured! Hurrah for Democracy! sion Division, who is in direct report was contained in a letter CAR CRASH INJURY charge of the conference. from Col. J. Woodruff, Division Engineer of the North Atlantic Di­ E. Donald Sterner, chairman of Among the topics under consider­ the State Republican Committee, Auto Leaves Road, Strikes ation by the conference are the em­ vision Corps Engineers. The im­ provement of the river to a twelve STATE CONSIDERS (Continued on Pagre T w o) Road Signpost ployers responsibility in the leisure time problems, objects of a com­ foot depth from the Staten Island Stung by an insect that flew in pany training program and a five Sound to a point just north of Lam­ CITY APPLICATION the window of his car, Samuel year plan of foremen and executive bert’s dock in Linden has been RETURN CAR THIEF Hebei, of 252 East Ninth avenue, training. ' recommended by the engineers and Relief Men Asked to Help Roselle, lost control of the vehicle is awaiting Congressional approval and appropriation. Police Safety Drive and swerved off the road, striking MAYOR ADDRESSES FROM MARYLAND a road sign on St. George avenue, The Rahway River Harbor Com­ DEMOCRATIC CLUB The State Emergency Relief east of Stiles street, and injuring mission, consisting of representa­ headquarters is now in receipt of Roselle Colored Man Held a road worker Michael J. Miller, 46 tives of Linden, Rahway, and Car­ Defending the workings of the the application of local authorities For Grand Jury years oler, or 42 Fulton street, Rah­ teret, have urged the improvement present administration, Mayor for ten men to assist the police de­ way, at 3:40 yesterday afternoon. of the river beyond the point of Myles McManus, who has returned partment in its safety campaign Bozie Gvens, colored, of 1127 Riv- Miller was treated at the St. Lambert’s dock to the dock at Bur­ Which includes the painting of I from his two weeks’ vacation, plead­ ington street, Roselle, was held Elizabeth Hospital, for multiple nett street. The report of the en­ safety zones at street crossings, ed for support in the approaching without bail for the Grand Jury by abrasions and contusions about the gineers recommends that the dredg­ the police booths and other similar November election Monday night at Police Recorder Louis Rakin, Tues­ body and contusions of the left ing beyond Lambert’s dock be de­ work. Material for the work, if ap­ a meeting of the Fourth Ward Dem­ ferred until a sufficient water­ day morn ng on charges of stealing shoulder and right knee. The acci­ proved by the State body will be ocratic Club in the Ukranian Hall, borne commerce has been develop­ an automobile and petty larceny. dent was investigated by Patrolman purchased by the city. at Roselle and Henry streets. ed in the part of the river recom­ ffivens was brought back from Uminskl. Made by Police Chief Hickey and Other speakers included Council mended for improvement to justify Conowingo, Maryland, by Chief Ten minutes earlier at Edgar Mayor Myles McManus, the appli­ President Lewis Winetsky, candi­ Prank Hickey and Patrolman Koel- extension of the channel beyond cation was signed by City Clerk road near Hampton street a car date for Assembly; George Cooper, ler, after he had been arrested by driven by Mrs.
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