I ;ii FROM '' --·----•w•a- .,. - - i GRANTOR 11 GRANTEE Book. Page ·=c··=,c'-=,,~.~=-=------·,=-----·--·- =~~----==--==c==-~cco~~~,-=------·--~==--~'~~,.~~-·:·=--.-~-,,,__,_;=·-4ccc-,=--·'·--''"-~=c.-c-.. :-,,-~=--c-.~:·~--------~---.- -·--. -- f. H Jan. 2, 19:;o 't' Grosidier, Delia ij Albe:C't J. Grosdidier 1847. 615 ; j1 ! I' Jan. 3, 1940 !, Geake, Julia (Dec_!d.) Cert. Trans. 1i Will:iam Meyer,et al, Devisees 1847 647 ii li Ii . Grace, Eloise W. & Dale !i Mild:t1ed T. Galligan 1847 6631:, l h Jan. 4, 1940 ;/ Georgian Hall Apartment Co. (Per Shfi') Ti tll:1 Guarantee & Trus t Co, Trustee 1848' 59\ :1 jj Goldinger, Eva & Isador Edwi:n G. & Letta Richter 1848 82 ,, I', Jan. 10·, 1940 Gehl'Um, Ada Marie j( Emma J. T1•ageser 1848, 329[ l[ 1, f' !I ii Glendale Bldg. & Loan Ass'n. Co. Ji w.c. Crane 1848; 337:, .,:1 !, 11 ii Graff, Eleanor ;I Anthony .Ronnebaum 1848: 358: ii \i r· J' Jan. 10·, 1940 j; Gehl'Um, Ada Marie (Ame.ndmen~ of Restrictipns} ,John Gehrum, et al 1848; :!,, :1 53~ 11 1· Jan. 13, 1940 Gillick, Gertrude & James A. 1 Madaline Camp 1848( 11 1 505i :I !I,. Gol:'man, Lillie May I; Francis E. Gonn an 1848! 54li :1 1t '! Graham, Alma,et al Lena Schmalz 1848'. 545, jl 1! I' Jm 17,1940 ij Glins, John Joseph & Me.ry E G• .Rnymond Malaer 1849: 127,: 11 ! Gumbel:'t, Charles ( ~ea 'd) , ...... Ji A:t'_~~.da,r,tt .a~. tc;,,·: !i 1849.'.., ... .,_ 136 1 'I ,, Jan 18,194() Gump, Olga & John C ll Minni.a Brug i'.1849 , 189, ll !l 1, t Jan 19.1940 Glaab., Ella M & Leonard 0 /i Olive, Agnes Stoeppel :1849, 231 i !l •: .. ·~ 1! ,I Gutting, Adolph :1 h849 · 256 ; H :l ; - :· 'i :1 Gieringer, Charles F & Mabel ::184() 291 : •! 1( ,i !! Gel'msn Amel:'ican L~Aa & Bldg co Mart;ha iE.Wahoff H 11849 316) d ~ Gloystein, William et al Christian F. Gloystein :1849 320 !f l~ ~~ Jf _ Gloystein, Chl'istian Aff':ldavit as to ;[1~9: 323 Jan 22.1940 /i Gardner, Anna M & Joseph R JJ.849 • 354 J ,, !I The H.H.Meyel:' Packing Co ~849 : 365 ii Gump, Robert & Johann Ii 1· II 1/ Gl:'eenwald, Henry et al ( Pel' Shffs) !; · 'l'he. 1Dm: ley Bldg & Loan Co ': 1849: 367 . ~ ' . - Gutzwiller., Henry William & Amolia C Hild:a Bone kamp 1849, 405 Ga.ttyan, Joseph Gordon Mabelle Ta,clin 184(): 407 Jan 23.194'.> Glass. Mary Olga. Glass Butz 1849, 496 Gieringer., Charles P & Mabel Louis Horn :1849 • 499 :I I Gl'ad, Max Kate, Flox Grad •• 1849: 510· ~f 1 Jan 26.1940 H Gutin, Rose & ~rPy E Mel ,,a Hoffman '.1849 '. 629 ,_ H Gerding, Henry (dec 1d) Affidavit Agne,s Gel:'ding Felix, et al H :tl849,. '. 648 :: ii / Hamilton Co.Ohio :i i< Gratsch, Eva H & John G it The Board of County Commissioners of :11849. 653: ii II II II II II II II II ;i II .:1a49 , 663 • ii ' . Guilf'oyle, Lizzie (Gual'dian) William Guilfoyle, et al " 11 ii ;!1850: 44, 1( :[ ii Grifoli, Anthony William Napoleon Bryant !;1850' 65 Ji ii •i / Hamilton County ,o ;t . Ii li j! Gl:'een, David L & Grace M 11 The Board of County Conmissioners of :il850 • 70 '! :1 I! !I I II II II II II ;! Gest Stl:'eet Bldg Ass'n No.l ll ;;18.50 12 1: ,; Jan 27 ,1940 G.& WRealty Co, et al ( Pel' Shffs) I The L!bel:'al Savings & Ioan Co It ;i ;!1850 ,116 :, ll H ;i i' ( Gittlenan, Sol (Pel' Shfi's) H 11 II II II II :jlB.50 )57 Ji (Gettelman, also known as, et al Ii ,, i/ J'. Gel:'ding., Henry Ii Bernal'd & Agnes Gerding Felix h,, !f Jan 30,1940 Gl'off, R.L.& A.A Ii1! The Cincinnati Gas & Electric C& '.!1850; 221 !! ,1 ii Guethlein, Grace & Andrew !/ 'Sadjle Lampe 1850;237 I' lt :I & ll Jan 31,1940 ;f Gillum., Susie L Allison i, M.Edward De.Pl:'att, et al :il8~0 .327 1: Feb.1,1940 II Gl'eiwe, Joanna. R.,.,. li Mar:Le R.Wurli tzer "18.50: 315 jl /Cincinnati,O Jiii German Catholic Cemetery Society of ,, Geo:rgia Mohortel:' 18.50: 384: H 11 Goodl:'ich, Donald Porte?' & Anna Marie ii Mary Harter Struke 1850 391' ii lj 1: Walter J.Gruber 1850; 397 :t Gruber, Lillian,dec'd-- Cert.~li, ii Feb.2,1940 ll Goekemeyer, Mal'y Louise, et.al Ii Cli~ford C.Pahnel:' 185Q 447 .. ji H ijj H H J· ll 2 l~I- TO - - , __ ~-- - ---~-------·-·--- ,_ ---~ ----- -~ -·-·-· .. ·- -- Jl I •' GRANTOR GRANTEE . • j: Book i Page i: --·- ··r·· .-- - -- .. ·-····· ........ ········ .. -.-. - .... ----- .... ·...... ,. ----"_,:;.,,. _______ _, ----····-····· ------ ... -··-···· ...... ·....... '.. ··-···-··· .· ... ·. ""-----"1l--- --~--f-------- -~ -···-· ---····-·-·-··· --- --- -- ------ -=· 1r (Heinrich , G:runkemeier, CHenry Affidavit as to 111850: 478 i Feb.2,1940 ir ! . ~ Gwaltney, Sarah Elizabeth o.J.Smith I: 1850J 562 :: Feb.3,1940 :: ! '.'. Grosse, Albert H Helen E.'Gri>sse ii 185oi 631 · Feb.5,194:l ii . Gilpin, Margaret Bush & Leon Elmer Roeder H185ll 56 Feb.6,1940 L I Gerhardt, Paul &: Elizabeth Margery :Morgan '.l 1851! 60 ]I I Geiger, Charles H & Marie A. Walter Henry &: Alice Ge:t.g~D J: 1851i 96 Feb.7,1940 :r ~ Gambs, Jacob M. The Centennial Savings &: Loan Co :: 1851 1141 Feb.8.,1940 :t i Goetz, Ruth M &: Larry Robel't M.& Hilda Anna Flinn ;: 1851: 145 ! i :: 1851: 206 Globe Wernicke Co, The Anchor Motor Fl'eight InQ. of Del. f ; Gersie, 9arrie w. (dec'd). Cert.Trf Clara Gersie ;; 1851'. 228 1 Gu tfl'eund, Edward J. J.Edward & Beatrice W.G1)aham ' 1851 277 Feb .10, 1940 l! ' I 1 -f Groesbeck, Elizaberh (Dec d.) AFF D. Eli.z. G. Digby, et al, Devisees ;j 1a5L 405 .. .Feb. 14, 1940 l; l Gardnel', A7>TNa M:. & Joseph Thomas E Hutsell, et al ;i 1851! 418 Glorius, Marie &: Leo Cinti. .G. & E. Co i~ 1851: 460 li '. Groebeck, Wm G., et al Marjorie G. Woelfel :; 18511 474 ,. f Glenway Loan & Deposit Co. Abe Schultz ii 1851'. 596 .. Feb. 16,1940 Gardner, Anna M. & Joseph R. ,i Marie Hungler ;; 1851: 604 , Feb. 17,1940 Guilfoyle, William, et al May Guilfoyle 1851, 587 .. F.eb. 16,1940 (}erstner, Augusta &: Charles A,:,et al · Bd. of County Comm. 1851, 658 .: Feb.5,1940 Glenway Loan & Deposit. Co. John Richter .. 1852. 56 .. Feb.19,1940 Gorges, August H., et al Charles Holford 1852; 72 Dec'd. Grau, Fred w. (Asst. Trust Officer) A.ff 1 d. as to :Emma Mendenhall Andel:'son / 18521 81 Grimes, Elsa H. · Forrest Cisco 185i 135 ,, Guckenberger, Amelia Marie A. Guckenber ger 185i 142 :: Gibney, George F. (Dec'd) Aff'd As to identity ;::t l 85'2 1 50., Feb.20,1940 Guilfoyle, Lillian A. & Edward C. Bonnie Holden :11852 . 173 .• I i :, Graves, William E. Mary G. Boyd i,1852 : 178 ;; Graham, Anna & Charles L. Jack Elsb»ock (18 52 • 201 .. ;; Gump, Joseph J. & Alma City of Cincinnati [(1852 . 210 . Feb.19,1940 Gibney, Geol:'ge F.(Dec) Cel't.Trans Caroline T. Gibney, et al Devisees ::1852 : 232 Feb.20,1940 i; I Guenthner, Joseph J. & Margaret John L. Keilholz !;1852 ; 258 .: Feb.21,1940 Gray, Winnie Ellis & w.c. Henry Harlan Parrett, et al !!1852 276. Gardner, Clara & Louis, Sr. Richard Jennings '.:1852 ; 288 . i; Gartner, Alma H. Harry D. Duckman ::1852 ' 292 .• Guilfoyle, Eugene, et al Nanriie E. Rush :.1852 : 303 .. .! i ' Gieringer, Char 1 es P. & l!/Iabel Philip Wing i'.1852 , 307 .. :; Gaffney, William & Carolyn Mary Gaffney Gilligan · il852. 404 . Feb.23,1940 Gersen, Emma (Dec 1 d) Aff 1 d.of Transfer Irma Oser, et al, Devisees :il8 52 i• 464 .. Feb. 2(p, 1940 Graves, Bart, et al (Per Shff) Williams. Edgemon ;:1852 '. .543 Feb.27,1940 Gersie, Clara (Dec 1d) Cert. Trans. Dora Beehler,et al, Devisees .;!1852 ; 591 Feb.28,1940 Gamble, Harry & Edna Alexander Thomson, Jr. 1852: 647 .. Feb.29,1940 Grogan, Louise & Donald Marcus G. Schaefer 185?: 663 ·. G!'aham, Lloyd Anria Graham 1853 30. Grigsby, John W. , et al George Strubla 1853 93. Feb. 27,1940 Gilbert, Leslie B. &: Elizabeth B. Norma L, Strumplel' 1853 124 ;; Mar. 4, 1940 Glaser, James s. & Margaret Clara A.Fields 1853 157 Glaab, Ella M. & Leonard Raymond Simendinger 1853 185:, Godfrie, Mary H.F. Koenig, Jr. 1853 200: c;, 3 1: i ! '., GRANTOR H GRANTEE rJ, Book ,,· Page. :':; . - -·~;';:...:.::;;;:~--=--::.:,~JL..::::...:~ --- ·~~----·.":C~-~-~·,~~ .. ·---;.----- ===-- -- --- -~-- ·--~-,- . --~- ..l'!"'~~ :1 1! Mar. 5, 1940 Ma:t>garet O. Wiltse Ji 1853'. 226 :· i Groenke, A. Robert & Dorothy L. Cliff' w. Springmeier !i 18 53; 233 ; Mar. 6, 1940 Glenway Loan & Deposit Co. Ethel M. Dittman :i., 1853'. 282 Gaessler, Joseph (Dec) Cert. Trans. Katherine F. Gaessler, Devi.see ;; 1853; 351 Mar. 7, 1940 Goetz, Marie E.T. Jo:seph F. & Vilas Hettinger 1853; 378 ;. Gooding, Dora B. & Ralph Othniel Krtllllp & Albers C ons true ti on Co. 1853! 411 i Glandorf', Marie Howard & Berna1~d. Frances Glenn Roger 1853; 417 t Gampper, Fred J. El:I.zabeth M. Gampper 1853' 460 ~ Guntrum, Celia Andrew & Belle Sears 1853; 464. Glatthaar, Albert c. Op1:1l M. Glatthaar 1853; 482 i Guntrum, Celia Andrew & Belle Sear.s 1853i 489 '.' Mar. 8, 1940 Graf', Frank IT. El:I.zabeth Marga:re t Graf 1853. 634 i j[ Glascock, Howard D•. il Charles A. Funk 1853'. 638 .. Mar. 7, 1940 Gramke, Albert~. EvE1 Gramke .: 1853; 648 Mar. 11,1940 Gray, Ada Ch1•is H. Rembold lt 1853. 655 .. F Greiner~ George B. & Clara Mike & Elizabeth Gengler :: 1854: 31 ., ( Mar. 12,1940 Gier, Fred B. Flore nee Kinley ::1854, 88 - Gruening~r, Margaret & Louis Loulis C.
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