— 354 — QUARANTTNABLE DISEASES — MALADIES QUARANTENATRES Notifications Received from 7 to 13 August 1970 — Notifications reçues du 7 au 13 août 1970 ■ Area notified as infected on the date indicated — Circonscription notifiée / Imported cases — Cas importés comme infectée à la date donnée. p Preliminary figures — Chiffres préliminaires ... Figures not yet received — Chiffres non encore disponibles C Cases — Cas r Revised figures — Chiffres révisés D Deaths — Décès s Suspected cases — Cas suspects City X (A) City X and the airport of that city. means the city of Rangoon with its port and its airport, Rangoon (PA) Ville X (A) Ville X et l’aéroport de cette ville. signifie la ville de Rangoon avec son port et son aéroport. Ex.: City Y (P) City Y and the port of that city. means the city of Karachi with its port (but without its airport), Karachi (P) (excl. A) Ville Y (P) Ville Y et le port de cette ville. signifie la ville de Karachi avec son port (mais sans son aéroport). PLAGUE — PESTE C D C D C D BURMA (continued) 26.VII-1.VIII 2-8.VIII INDIA (contdJ — IN D E (suite) 28.VI-4.V1I Africa - - Afrique BIRMANIE (suite) C D Maharashtra, State Tenasserim, Division CONGO, DEM. REP/.REP. DEM. 19-25. VII Districts Moulmein, D............... 2 0 0 0 Jalgaon....................... 5 1 Kivu, Province . î 0 Nasik ....................... 3 0 INDIA — INDE 2-8.VIII 21-27. VI Mysore, State Calcutta (P) (excl. A). î America - - Amérique î Mandya, D................... 26 3 Delhi (excl. A) . 4 0 C D 19-25.VII West Bengal, State PERU — PÉROU 9.III Andhra Pradesh, State Districts Huancabamba, Province Hyderabad, D. 7 0 H o o g h ly ................... 1 1 Huancabamba, D. 2 0 Howrah ................... 13 2 Delhi, Terr. 5 0 Murshidabad .... 77 36 24-Parganas .... 1 1 Maharashtra, State Asia — Asie 14-20. VI Districts West Bengal, State C D B handara................... 4 1 Midnapur, D ..................... 55 40 VIET-NAM, REP. 2-8.VIII B h i r ........................... 70 7 N agpur....................... 32 0 Provinces N anded....................... 36 0 Hau-Nghia: O sm anabad............... 4 0 NEPAL — NÉPAL 2-8. VIII Trangbang, D. î 0 Yeotmal....................... 7 0 Tuyen-Duc: Bagamati, Zone Ductrong, D. î î Uttar Pradesh, State Katmandu, D ................... 85 ... Districts Allahabad ............... 9 4 7 2 PHILIPPINES 1 19-25.VII CHOLERA - CHOLÉRA M irzapur................... 12 h Manila (P) (excl. A) . 3 0 Rae Bareli ............... 3 i Asia — Asie S itap u r....................... 4 0 C D C D L u z o n , G r o u p 12-18.VII BURMA — BIRMANIE 26.VII-1.VIII 2-8.VIII Madhya Pradesh, State Bulacan, Prov. ■ 25.VII 1 0 Akyab (PA) .... 0 0 î 0 Districts C D C D Drug ....................... 45 16 5-11.VII 12-18.VII Mandalay, Division Raigarh ................... 43 11 L u z o n , G r o u p Districts 5-11.VII Pasay . ■ îs.vn 0 0 1 0 Quezon . ■ il.vu î 0 0 0 M andalay............... 0 0 5 0 Orissa, State Mandalay: Mandalay 2 0 3 0 Ganjam, D................... 7 1 Myingyan................ 0 0 5 2 Provinces Yamethin .... 1 1 0 0 Tamil Nadu (ex Madras), State Quezon . ■ 18.vu 0 0 2 0 Rizal (excl. Manila air- Pegu, Division Districts p o r t) ....................... 2 0 1 0 Rizal: Districts D harmapuri................ 1 0 M a d u ra i.................... 5 0 Caloocan . ■ n.vii 1 0 0 0 Hanthawaddy . 1 0 0 0 North Arcot .... 1 1 Pegu: Pegu .... 15 0 0 0 Tiruchirapalli .... 5 2 1 Choiera El Tor, — 355 — CHOLERA (contd.) — CHOLÉRA (suite) Asia — Asie c D INDONESIA — INDONÉSIE c D Europe AFGHANISTAN 2-8 .VIH Djakarta-Raya (PA) j 26.VII-1.VIII ^9 0 Zabul, Province . î 0 UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS '■2 Djawa-Barat, Province UNION DES RÉPUBLIQUES SOCIALISTES Regencies SOVIÉTIQUES 1 •2 10 .VIII Bandung ............... 28.VI-4.VII 8 0 IN D IA — INDE 2-8.V III 5-11. VII 3 0 Astrakhan, Region . , present B o g o r ................... 12-18. VII 28 0 Delhi (excl. A) . 1 0 Lebak....................... 5-11. VII 1 0 1 Choiera El Tor. Sukabumi............... 21-27.VI 5 0 3 See/Voir: p. 353. 19-25.V II 12-18.VII 1 0 Uttar Pradesh, State Tanggerang .... 12-18.VII 26 0 Agra, D........................ 1 3 Lampung, Province 12-18.VII Regencies SMALLPOX — VARIOLE Haryana, State . 39 6 Lampung-Selatan . 12-18.VII 3 0 Lampung-Utara . 21-27. VI 1 0 Africa — Afrique Madhya Pradesh, State Riait, Province C D Guna, D....................... 2 0 Regencies BURUNDI 5 -ll.V H 31.V-6.VI 10 0 7-13.VI ( 7-13.VI Haryana, State 107 0 4 î 14-20. VI Ngozi, Province . < 14-20. VI 2 0 Bengkalis-Dumai (P) 28 0 Districts 21-27. VI 179 0 {21-27.VI 1 0 28.VI-4.VII Ambala....................... 10 2 32 0 5-ll.VH 3 G u rg a o n ................... 128 27 0 H is s a r ....................... 4 0 In d ra g iri............... 24-30.V 25 0 CONGO, DEM. REP./RÉP. DÉM. 19-25. VH Mohindergarh . 11 2 Rohtak ................... 2 1 Sulawesi-Selatan/ Tenggara, Provinces Province Katanga................... î 0 Regencies Rajasthan, State K iv u ....................... 12 1 Djeneponto .... 12-18. VII 11 0 Districts G o w a ................... 19-25. VII 2 0 Bansw ara................... 2 0 Makasar (P) . l 5-ll.VH 18 0 Ganganagar............... 4 0 19-25. VII 2 0 SOUTH AFRICA Sawai Madhopur . 9 5 Pangkadjene . <! 12-18. Vil 11 0 AFRIQUE DU SUD 7.VI-1.VHI 19-25.VII 9 0 28.VI-4.VII 7 28.VI-4.VII Pinrang................... j 0 Transvaal, Province Haryana, State 5-11. VII 13 0 Pietersburg, D. î 0 Polewali/Mamasa. 19-25.VH 1 0 Districts G u rg a o n ................... 49 10 Sumatera-Selatan, Province H is s a r ....................... 3 0 Regencies Mohindergarh . 9 1 SUDAN — SOUDAN 28.VI-18.VII Lahat ................... | 5-11. VII 1 0 12-18. Vil 2 0 Port Sudan (PA) . 23 0 21-27. VI Musi Banjuasin . 12-18.VII i 0 West Bengal, State C D C D Jalpaiguri, D................ 2 1 Sumatera-Utara, Province 5-11. VII 12-18.VH Regencies Bahr el Ghazal, Province 14-20. VI Uttar Pradesh, State Asahan ................ \ Rumbeik, Rur. C. , 4 0 . 0 0 i 0 Simelungun . | 1 Wau, Rur. C................ 5-11. VII 0 . 0 0 i 0 Bijnor, D................................... 4 0 Tapanuli-Selatan . | 1 0 Tapanuli-Utara . ) 51 0 Equatoria, Province . î 0 7-13.VI 0 0 West Bengal, State Juba, Rur. C................ 2 0 î 0 West Dinajpur, D. 1 0 PAKISTAN 14-20. VI Khartoum, Province 31.V-6.VI Omdurman, Mun. C. , 1 0 . 0 0 Madhya Pradesh, State E a st P a k is t a n Dacca, Division Districts Kordofan, Province . 4 0 0 0 Mymensingh, D. 8 1 Drug ....................... 25 6 Northern Province Hoshangabad .... 33 0 Raigarh ................... 15 3 Rajshahi, Division Shendi, Rur. C. 1 0 0 0 R a ip u r....................... 90 9 Bogra, D...................... 4 3 — 356 — LOUSE-BORNE TYPHUS FEVER C D c D C D C D TYPHUS À POUX BURUNDI (contd. - suite) 31.V-6.VI 7-13.VI BURUNDI (contd.— suite) 14-20.VI 21-25.VI Ruyigi, Province Africa — Afrique Ruyigi, Province Ruyigi, Sect. méd. 0 0 1 0 c D C D Rutana, Arr................. 35 0 0 0 BURUNDI 31.V-6.VI 7-13. VI 14-20.VI 21-25.VI America — Amérique Bujumbura, Province C D 0 0 (excl. Bujumbura Bururi, Province . 0 7 PERU — PÉROU 26.IV-2.V (PA ))....................22 0 2 0 Muhinga, Province . 3 0 0 0 Puno, D ep. Muhinga, Province . 4 î 7 0 Puno, Province Ngozi, Province , . 105 0 217 1 Ngozi, Province . 14 0 5 0 Capachica, D .................... 7 0 Infected Areas as on 13 August 1970 — Territoires infectés au 13 août 1970 For criteria used in compiling this list, see page 329 — Les critères appliqués pour la compilation de cette liste sont publiés à la page 329. The complete list of infected areas was last published in WER No. 31, page 331. La liste complète des territoires infectés a paru dans le REH N° 31, page 331. It should be brought up to date by consulting the additional information published Pour sa mise à jour, il y a lieu de consulter les Relevés publiés depuis lors, où subsequently in the WER, regarding areas to be added or removed. The complete figurent les listes de territoires à ajouter et à supprimer. La liste complète est list is usually published once a month. généralement publiée une fois par mois. PLAGUE — PESTE INDIA — INDE Europe Madhya Pradesh, State Drug, District u Madya Pradesh, State Asia — Asie UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST RE­ Raigarh, District Raigarh, District PUBLICS — UNION DES RÉPUBLI­ VIET-NAM, REP. QUES SOCIALISTES SOVIÉTIQUES Rajasthan,'State Maharashtra, State Ganganagar, District Tuyen-Duc, Province Astrakhan, Region Bhandara, District Osmanabad, District West Bengal, State Yeotmal, District Jalpaiguri, District West Dinajpur, District CHOLERA — CHOLÉRA Uttar Pradesh, State SMALLPOX — VARIOLE Sitapur, District Asia — Asie Africa — Afrique West Bengal, State INDONESIA — INDONÉSIE BURMA — BIRMANIE Murshidabad, District SUDAN — SOUDAN Akyab (PA) Bahr el Ghazal, Province Djakarta-Raya (PA) Mandalay, Division Rumbeik, Rur. C. Wau, Rur. C. Lampung, Province Mandalay, District Mandalay, D.: Mandalay Lampung*Utara, Regency Myingyan, District PHILIPPINES Yamethin, District Asia — Asie Ri au, Province Luzon, Group Pegu, Division Bengkalis-Dumai (P), Regency Pasay Indragiri, Regency Hantbawaddy, District Quezon INDIA — INDE Bulacan, Province Sulawesi-SelatanfTenggara, Province Tenasserim, Division Quezon, Province Haryana, State Moulmein, District Rizal, Prov.: Caloocan Ambala, District Polewali/Mamasa, Regency Areas Removed from the Infected Area List between 7 and 13 August 1970 Territoires supprimés de la liste des territoires infectés entre les 7 et 13 août 1970 For criteria used in compiling this list, see page 329 — Les critères appliqués pour la compilation de cette liste sont publiés & la page 329.
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