^ . The Weather Average Daily CircRlktinn Foreeiuit m i:. .h . wraiber Bdreai For the Month of 8fay. IW-I Fair, ttwalag nUghtly cooler In the Interior’ late tonight; ’TuMdn} 8,732 fair and aometvhat cooler with \ N e i e b e r o f t h e - A a W low humidity. \ Bareha of utjeohritaaa I Maneherter-^A City o f ViUage Charm X: (CtaMoifled AdrorUeBis oe Page MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, JUNE 12,1944 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE m im E CENTS |vol ,L xiil NO. 2J5 le) »» | N- Yanks Gaptiire Whole Forest of ort \ 1 -. X 8'. Massive German Pillbox Sileiici |Strongest German Resistance in Air Is m.ric.b Flie^W Ing e on \, Invasion Forc^ Sue- w ceed in CariTlng Outj Fall o f (^arentan Ig Nol Help FoSter ^ Dive Bojtibing and “ ^ (Amfirinoil by A m ^ Reds Crack Missions Headquarters;, Am e^ Strafing Stomach Ills Behihd Nazi lanes. caus Within 14 Milea^ on ^ O f Cherliolirg; ThrcaL Wreme ijead,i«..ter.. Al-j en to Seal Off Tip ol ied Expeditionary . Force, Induce Vlcer»9 in Sug- i 'M u n c h fune 12.—<i<P)— U. S.' pilots ceptible Persons Med- Must Employ Cape; Caen Menaced bver France encountered to- By Eneirclenient. ly the strongest Luftwaffe ical Association Told. 'Nation Out o f War More People esistance since the invasion By Howard W. Blakeelee And Isolate Germans. Suf^Cme Headquarters, Al- egan. Eighth Air Force lied Expeditionary Force, [leadquarters annoUnc^ to- AssoHated I*re»s .Science Editor Chicago, June 12.— Itvldence Moscow', June 12.-*-(A*)— Thau Before June 12,-^yp)— A m e r i c a n light, but "pilots succeed that excessive amounts of caffetn .Aiunching a major offensive troops haw^ driven 18 milei or the most port In carrying out heir dive bombing and strafing whether taken in coffee, sdft designed to knock Finland inland in th^middle of the JUNDAT Eight to Ten Million nissions behind German lines.” drinks or tea, may help to cause out of the war and isplate ap- Normandy b ^h h ead , cap- Greatest Invasion Aid to Date proximately 100,000 Nazi More Jobs Seen Nee* turing the wholV Forest ol American heavy bombers and stomach ulcers in susceptible per- sons was presented to the Ameri' This 'mas.-ilve German pillbox of concrete overlooking the Normandy coast of Franca waa among troops in the northern part- essary for Prosperity Cerisy, and the Geiman high sms of lighter craft pumped a eady hall of bombs and lead into, can Medical association here to- the strongpoints in the enemy’s first line of qefense in Foi tress Europe which were promptly silence of that country, the Red command said tod^ the day. _ ' Aiiieti tmnps In the first Invasion wave, A ^ r e n tly on Allied command post Has been set up la the After Victory Is Won. rman defenses today in the *Anny rolled forward— aiong- strategic stronghold of ESrentaii The work waa showm In the an- vantage point. - (AP wirephoto from Signal C o ^ radiophoto). had fallen to U. S. forced Th« atest aerial bldws to date sup- , nual scientific exhibit by Doctors the Karelian isthmus above Washington, June 12. — (/P) — smashing advance throughX tht Drtlng the French Invasion. Leningrad today after cracking I Flying In fine weather, the Allied A. Roth, A. C. Ivy, and A. J. After Victory, says the Senate’s Cerisy forest punched the deehfst Atkinson of Northwestern Uni- Finnish defenses on a 26-mlle dent yet to the Naxl Una. Vlr Forces by noon had run up front. SpeclsI Rjst-War Planning com- are sorties than all day yester- versity School of Medicine. Doughboys-were converging oa\ Affects Stomach Linings Chinese Communique Indicates Moving la High Gear mittee, business and Industry to St. Lo, communications hub in -when 7,000 planes slammed lie Germans from dawn on -after They tried cats first, then hu- A 'communique last night an- the United States must employ the center of Normandy, less than mans. On cats they proved that nouncing the new drive said So- nine miles away, from the north night In which R. A. F. bombers eight .to tien mllUon more people caffeln, which was given .by In- viet troops already had advanced than have ever been employed be- and. east. aunded four key rail centers In Changsha Encip^ed by Eiiymy nee and went to Berlin— tramuscular injections, caused 12 to 25 miles, and Indicated they fore In peacetime. Punch Halfway Across tiapa ulcers in 40 to 60 per cent of the were moving forward everywhere Headquacteca did ..not oooftrns leavies, mediums, lights, fighter- A report presented today by ambers and fighters raced over animals. They showed that the Japs Attacking from In high' goer. Chairman George (D., Ga.) estlr the fall of Carentan, guarding,tha caffeln rendered the stomach lin- This offensive “evidently was col mated that even if two or three narrowest neck of (Cherbourg pen- r batUelines and far into Frgiigg., ambing and strafing. ings more susceptible to erosion. ' Troops of Fifth A ri^ East Reach Point Only ordinated ploady with Allied op- million men are retained to the insula, but said AnMricans were No human was used aa a guinea erations in France, and repreaent- armed forcea, .full employment within 14 miles o f Cherbourg it- Attack Specific Targets pig to.get ulcer. But the reactions *Six MUes from p U y; ed a step in the - grand Allied must be avaiUbie' for between 54 self from the southeast, and had A significant new point in the of normal j^ople and stomach strategy worked out at the Tehe- and 58 million prople. This com- punchy halfway across, the cape, iipport campaign became qppar- Unable to Cross River. Occupy Montefiascone ran conferences. pares with the pre-war peak of ap- threatening to seal off the tip. nt Squadrons r f’ H- A. F. fighters (Continued on Page Two) Troops under Col. Gen. Leonid proximately 46 million em ploy^, German broadcasts said Caen, |rere attacking specific targets in Chungking, June 12.— (A*i Govorov, who lifted the siege of reached in 1929, 1937 and again to eastern bastion of the 80-mlle long apid-flre order on calls from Leningrad, launched the push Fri- 1940. ^ ' front, waa menaced by encircle- aiind units—which meant that —An indication that the city day, just one month after the fall Other Columns Pushing Grave ChaUenge Presented ment—with Britlah troopa slash- |ewly established air bases on Seek Support Two Decisions of Changsha was encircled of Sevastopol—s month devoid of ing nine miles east of the city. 'renoh soil were clicking- Along Italian West was contained tonight in major activity along the long "This countryHever has had and never will have real prosperity c;a*n Not Yet Ospxured, Pesldes the speedy knockout of communique of, the Chinese front. lartlcular objectives Immediately Coitst Nearing Orhetel* Upset L6wer The Soviet .communique de^r without fuH employment," the re- A front "dispatch today aald li front of the troops, the esm- For Roosevelt Jo; EighthX Gaining. high command which an- dared - Russian forces had cap- port declared, adding that the huge Caen had not yet been captured, laign was proceeding along two nounced the Japanese were tured 82 towns and villages, in- number of jobs that must be pro- kain lines—disruption of transport • - * " > Court Stands assaulting the Hunan prov cluding the rail junction of Teri vided "presents s challenge almost (Continued oo Pngo Eight) Ihes within 100 miles of the ba't- On Texas List Rome, June 12.— (tP)— Fifth jokl, 27 miles airline nprthwest of as grave as the challenge of war,” ince capital incessantly Present em ploym ent.in. the peltne over whith Marshal Erwin Army troops have occupied “from all directions.” Invaders at Leningrad and 160 miles east of kimmel is trying to bring up his the Finnish capital of Helsinki. country, was estimated at about Montefiascone, a n . important Conviction o f Espionage tacking from the east reached 50,000,000 persons, exclusive of i-ticsl reserves and the bombard- Aflininistrative Forces point only six miles from' the be- Key Stronghold Captured road junction near the shores , those to the armed forces. The [lent of rail centers beyond the charges Set .^ide and leaguered Canton-Hankow rail Also captured, the bulletin said, overtime work they’re pu^ng In Flashes! -mile rsdlus through which the Maneuver to Get Set of Lake Bolsena, /and other! way city, but attempts to cross was Yappilya, described as .."an was reckoned the equivalent of an (L«te Balletins of the tAt Wire) ermans might draw on strategic columns pushing' along thC| Cancellation of Citizen* the Liuysng river directly to the important strongpolnt" seven ^ Of Backeirs on State’s additional 5,000,000 peraons. serves in southern France; Italian west coast are ap- east were repulsed, the high com- miles northeast of Terijokl. ship Is Revoked. After the war, the committee Hid in ».onvent From Gennnas - fippositipn fRoughest Yet” Primary Ballot Now. proaching Orbetello, 71 miles mand said. Terljokl, situated on the Lenin- said, four or five million of the The German Air- Force was Rome, June 12—(AV—M**- Mnr- Striving to Protect Home lalands grad-Helsinki railway, is about six war workers will want to return to sponding with heightening northw,est of Rome, Allied Washington, June 12.— (S')— In iterot Boooevelt Pnltovlclnl, oooot* By Jack BeU headquarters annduncetl today. Japanese troops apparently miles wei>.' of the 1938 Russian- school, or withdraw from, the la- ength! About 100 enemy planes Finntsh border, and 70 miles east of Presldenrt niid Mro.
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