As Amended Through 17 October 2008 X Intentionally Blank JP 1-02 599 As Amended Through 17 October 2008 Intentionally Blank 600 JP 1-02 As Amended Through 17 October 2008 Y yaw — (*) 1. The rotation of an aircraft, ship, or missile about its vertical axis so as to cause the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, ship, or missile to deviate from the flight line or heading in its horizontal plane. 2. Angle between the longitudinal axis of a projectile at any moment and the tangent to the trajectory in the corresponding point of flight of the projectile. yield — See nuclear yields. JP 1-02 601 As Amended Through 17 October 2008 Intentionally Blank 602 JP 1-02 As Amended Through 17 October 2008 Z zero-length launching — (*) A technique in which the first motion of the missile or aircraft removes it from the launcher. zero point — The location of the center of a burst of a nuclear weapon at the instant of detonation. The zero point may be in the air, or on or beneath the surface of land or water, depending upon the type of burst, and it is thus to be distinguished from ground zero. zone I (nuclear) — A circular area determined by using minimum safe distance I as the radius and the desired ground zero as the center from which all armed forces are evacuated. If evacuation is not possible or if a commander elects a higher degree of risk, maximum protective measures will be required. zone II (nuclear) — A circular area (less zone I) determined by using minimum safe distance II as the radius and the desired ground zero as the center in which all personnel require maximum protection. Maximum protection denotes that armed forces personnel are in “buttoned up” tanks or crouched in foxholes with improvised overhead shielding. zone III (nuclear) — A circular area (less zones I and II) determined by using minimum safe distance III as the radius and the desired ground zero as the center in which all personnel require minimum protection. Minimum protection denotes that armed forces personnel are prone on open ground with all skin areas covered and with an overall thermal protection at least equal to that provided by a two-layer uniform. zone of action — (*) A tactical subdivision of a larger area, the responsibility for which is assigned to a tactical unit; generally applied to offensive action. See also sector. zone of fire — An area into which a designated ground unit or fire support ship delivers, or is prepared to deliver, fire support. Fire may or may not be observed. Also called ZF. (JP 3-09) ZULU time — See Universal Time. JP 1-02 603 As Amended Through 17 October 2008 Intentionally Blank 604 JP 1-02 As Amended Through 17 October 2008 APPENDIX A ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A A analog A&P administrative and personnel A2C2 Army airspace command and control A-3 Operations Directorate (COMAFFOR) A-4 Air Force logistics directorate A-5 Plans Directorate (COMAFFOR) AA assessment agent; avenue of approach AAA antiaircraft artillery; arrival and assembly area; assign alternate area AAAS amphibious aviation assault ship AABB American Association of Blood Banks AABWS amphibious assault bulk water system AAC activity address code AACG arrival airfield control group AADC area air defense commander AADP area air defense plan AA&E arms, ammunition, and explosives AAEC aeromedical evacuation control team AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service AAFIF automated air facility information file AAFS amphibious assault fuel system AAFSF amphibious assault fuel supply facility AAGS Army air-ground system AAI air-to-air interface AAM air-to-air missile AAMDC US Army Air and Missile Defense Command AAOE arrival and assembly operations element AAOG arrival and assembly operations group AAP Allied administrative publication; assign alternate parent AAR after action report; after action review AAST aeromedical evacuation administrative support team AAT automatic analog test; aviation advisory team AAU analog applique unit AAV amphibious assault vehicle AAW antiair warfare AB airbase ABCA American, British, Canadian, Australian Armies Program ABCS Army Battle Command System ABD airbase defense ABFC advanced base functional component ABFDS aerial bulk fuel delivery system JP 1-02 A-1 Appendix A As Amended Through 17 October 2008 ABFS amphibious bulk fuel system ABGD air base ground defense ABL airborne laser ABLTS amphibious bulk liquid transfer system ABM antiballistic missile ABN airborne ABNCP Airborne Command Post ABO air base operability; blood typing system A/C aircraft AC Active Component; aircraft commander; alternating current AC-130 Hercules ACA airlift clearance authority; airspace control authority; airspace coordination area ACAA automatic chemical agent alarm ACAPS area communications electronics capabilities ACAT aeromedical evacuation command augmentation team ACB amphibious construction battalion ACC Air Combat Command; air component commander; area coordination center; Army Contracting Command ACCE air component coordination element ACCON acoustic condition ACCS air command and control system ACCSA Allied Communications and Computer Security Agency ACDO assistant command duty officer ACE airborne command element (USAF); air combat element (NATO); Allied Command Europe; aviation combat element Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) ACEOI Automated Communications-Electronics Operating Instructions ACF air contingency force ACI assign call inhibit ACIC Army Counterintelligence Center ACINT acoustic intelligence ACK acknowledgement ACL access control list; allowable cabin load ACLANT Allied Command Atlantic ACM advanced conventional munitions; advanced cruise missile; air combat maneuver; air contingency Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF); airspace coordinating measure ACMREQ airspace control means request; airspace coordination measures request ACN assign commercial network ACO administrative contracting officer; airspace control order ACOC area communications operations center ACOCC air combat operations command center ACOS assistant chief of staff A-2 JP 1-02 As Amended Through 17 October 2008 Abbreviations and Acronyms ACP access control point; air commander’s pointer; airspace control plan; Allied Communications Publication; assign common pool ACR armored cavalry regiment (Army); assign channel reassignment ACS agile combat support; air-capable ship; airspace control system; auxiliary crane ship ACSA acquisition and cross-servicing agreement; Allied Communications Security Agency AC/S, C4I Assistant Chief of Staff, Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (USMC) ACT activity; Allied Command Transformation ACU assault craft unit ACV aircraft cockpit video; air cushion vehicle; armored combat vehicle ACW advanced conventional weapons A/D analog-to-digital AD active duty; advanced deployability; air defense; automatic distribution; priority add-on ADA aerial damage assessment; air defense artillery A/DACG arrival/departure airfield control group ADAFCO air defense artillery fire control officer ADAL authorized dental allowance list ADAM/BAE air defense airspace management/brigade aviation element ADAMS Allied Deployment and Movement System ADANS Air Mobility Command Deployment Analysis System ADC air defense commander; area damage control ADCAP advanced capability A/DCG arrival/departure control group ADCI/MS Associate Director of Central Intelligence for Military Support ADCON administrative control ADD assign on-line diagnostic ADDO Assistant Deputy Director for Operations ADDO(MS) Assistant Deputy Director for Operations/Military Support ADE air defense emergency; assign digit editing ADF automatic direction finding ADIZ air defense identification zone ADKC/RCU Automatic Key Distribution Center/Rekeying Control Unit ADL advanced distributed learning; armistice demarcation line; assign XX (SL) routing ADMIN administration ADN Allied Command Europe desired ground zero number ADNET anti-drug network JP 1-02 A-3 Appendix A As Amended Through 17 October 2008 ADOC air defense operations center ADP air defense plan; automated data processing ADPE automated data processing equipment ADPS automatic data processing system ADR accident data recorder; aircraft damage repair; armament delivery recording ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency ADS air defense section; air defense sector; amphibian discharge site ADSIA Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency ADSW active duty for special work ADT active duty for training; assign digital transmission group; automatic digital tester ADUSD(TP) Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Transportation Policy ADVON advanced echelon ADW air defense warnings ADWC air defense warning condition ADZ amphibious defense zone A/E ammunition/explosives AE aeromedical evacuation; assault echelon; attenuation equalizer AEC aeromedical evacuation crew AECA Arms Export Control Act AECC aeromedical evacuation coordination center AECM aeromedical evacuation crew member AECS aeromedical evacuation command squadron AECT aeromedical evacuation control team AEF air and space expeditionary force AEG air expeditionary group AELT aeromedical evacuation liaison team AEOS aeromedical evacuation operations squadron AEOT aeromedical evacuation operations team AEPS aircrew escape propulsion system AEPST aeromedical evacuation plans and strategy team AES aeromedical evacuation squadron; aeromedical evacuation system AESC aeromedical evacuation support cell AETC Air Education and Training Command AETF air and space expeditionary task force A/ETF automated/electronic target folder AEU assign essential user bypass
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