The Gazette | Sunday, May 3, 2020 | Section C Your contact: Sections Editor Shari Rampenthal, 608-755-8394, [email protected] Pack up the decorations. Scrap the group photos. Cancel the limousine. This year’s theme? LOG ON TO PROM Organizers get creative to adapt this rite of spring for coronavirus era By Leanne Italie Associated Press NEW YORK In party dresses or come as you are, with colored lights flashing in their bedrooms and teachers-turned-DJs spinning, high schoolers have turned to virtual proms to salvage at least one slice of fun and tradi- tion for the Class of 2020. And they’re getting help from familiar brands such as Teen Vogue and Jack in the Box, with both serving as hosts to thousands of teens. Celebrities, too, are tak- ing on prom: The “Get Out” 16 at the prom hosted by the get up and dance because including Alauna. actress Allison Williams was Baton Rouge Youth Coalition, “there are sweatpants happen- “I was looking forward a guest DJ for Zoom partygo- an after-school program. ing.” to prom,” she said. “I was ers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, The theme was “Royaltee,” Alauna Stults, 17, in Findlay, pretty pumped up about it. I and “Jack Ryan” star John Kra- an acknowledgement that Ohio, will wear a blue bedaz- was planning on going with sinski was joined by Billie Eil- while some kids had already zled two-piece outfit when she a group of my friends, but ish when he threw a prom live bought their dresses before attends an online prom May it’s really cool we can still on YouTube. lockdown, others never got 9 thrown by the party apparel dress up and do everything “It’s terrible that it’s happen- the chance and were welcome rental service Charlotte’s ing to your class, but I hope in T-shirts. Closet and an event plan- we would do for a prom, like you’re having a good time any- On top, Williams sparkled ning site, My School Dance. doing makeup.” way,” Williams told about 100 in a strapless copper sequin Charlotte’s Closet is donat- teens, staff and guests April dress, joking that she couldn’t ing dresses to teens in need, Turn to PROM on Page 6C Food Recreation kicks Pizzerias in Mother’s Day Naples, Italy, Americans celebrations firing up envisioning will require their ovens a summer some once again as without creativity government festivals and this year starts easing other outdoor MORE restrictions activities INSIDE 3C u MORE MORE INSIDE 2C u INSIDE 6C u Sunday, May 3, 2020 l 2C The Gazette Does cooking food kill coronavirus? By Genevieve Ko Routine practices of Los Angeles Times hygiene, storage, cleansing During the pandemic, and cooking which are I have gotten a lot of questions from readers already practiced in asking if cooking food commercial shops and kills any possible coro- navirus on it. I also have restaurants will also received requests for help eliminate this virus “100%-certain facts.” Given the novelty of from our food. this outbreak, research is ongoing and infor- lungs. It is thought that mation evolving, so I acquisition of COVID-19 reached out to an expert through this route rarely, in infectious disease, Dr. if ever, occurs. Stephen Berger. Berger is board-certified in If COVID-19 is on both infectious diseases Q:food, can it be killed and clinical microbiol- by cooking? If so, at what ogy and is a co-founder temperatures? Associated Press photos of GIDEON, the Global SARS virus, a close Pizzas are being prepared for home delivery Monday at the Caputo pizzeria in Naples, Italy. The Campania region Infectious Diseases and A:relative of the virus allowed cafes and pizzerias to reopen for delivery Monday after a long precautionary closure due to the coronavi- Epidemiology Network. of COVID-19, is inacti- rus outbreak. Here are his insights vated at temperatures into the connections of 56 to 65 degrees Cel- between coronavirus and sius (132.8 to 149 degrees food. Fahrenheit). (One aside, before Can COVID-19 we get back to the ques- Q:be transmitted tions: An instant-read A taste through food? If so, how? thermometer will tell you There have been no the temperature of your A:cases of COVID-19 food; most cooked food is associated with ingestion in or above that tempera- of food, but the question ture range.) is well-founded. COVID- 19 is, after all, caused by of normalcy Does it die more a virus which enters the easily than the bac- body through the nose or Q: mouth. Food items are, teria that can last on our In Naples, the birthplace of pizza, ovens are firing again after all, objects which food? could be contaminated Unlike viruses, bac- By Giuseppe Carfora A chef drizzles with the virus and placed A:teria can multiply in the mouth—but like in food, and many spe- and Nicole Winfield olive oil on a cies are highly resistant pizza ready to many other viruses, bac- Associated Press teria and parasites, these to heat and dryness. be home deliv- will be swallowed and NAPLES, ITALY ered at the most likely destroyed by Is there anything Wood is burning again in Caputo pizzeria stomach acids. Should Q:specific about Naples’ pizza ovens, giving a sym- in Naples, Italy, the virus survive into COVID-19 that makes it bolic and savory boost to Nea- on Monday. the intestine, there is no harder to eliminate from politans after a two-month coro- pathway which will carry our food? navirus lockdown meant an end it to the lungs. Not really. Rou- to their most iconic and favor- A:tine practices of ite food. Can COVID-19 be hygiene, storage, cleans- Pizzerias reopened Monday Q:transmitted in the ing and cooking which night in the birthplace of pizza, are already practiced in process of consuming albeit under restrictions and for restaurants. said. food or only through the commercial shops and home delivery only. restaurants will also help “Surely this is a little restart Without this support to the respiratory system? Whereas pizzerias in Rome for the entrepreneurs, important eliminate this virus from local economy, “after the health The virus of and elsewhere were allowed to for us and for our region, our city COVID-19 must our food. crisis we could have a much A: operate for takeout and deliv- and our nation,” said Giovanni worse economic crisis,” he added. enter the respiratory sys- ery service, they were banned Pezzuto, owner of a Neapolitan tem to produce disease. So can you acquire Italy was the first country in in Naples out of fear that such a pizzeria. “This is a symbol of hope the West to be slammed by the There is the possibility Q:COVID-19 from congested, high-density city could for the little firm that slowly can outbreak and has registered more that material could travel food? fast become a new hot spot for restart.” than 26,000 fatalities, the high- from the mouth through The bottom line COVID-19 infections. It’s not a total reopening, how- the larynx and into the A:answer is ... no. The governor of the surround- est in Europe. Italy’s epicenter, ever. Customers can only place however, was based in the north- ing Campania region, Vincenzo orders by phone—not in per- ern region of Lombardy. Offi- De Luca, enforced strict lockdown son—and all business must close cials say Campania, in the south, measures, knowing that Campa- at 10 p.m. The pizzerias have to Keep the momentum going nia’s hospitals couldn’t handle a be cleaned regularly and workers and regions closer to the foot of major influx of sick. nI the end, must wear gloves and masks. the boot-shaped Italian penin- when working out at home Campania had a relatively man- Vincenzo Capuano, owner of sula were largely spared because ageable outbreak of about 4,300 pizzeria Capuano, said even the the government locked down the Mayo Clinic News Network aim to finish your glass people infected, half of whom partial reopening will help Cam- whole country in time. of water by the time the didn’t need to be hospitalized. pania’s economy because all his Nationwide, bars and restau- ROCHESTER, MINN. meeting is over. With Italy as a whole grad- ingredients are sourced locally. rants are expected to be allowed Home workouts have Have a defined space ually reopening, De Luca lifted “To make pizza, I have to buy to reopen in June for in-house become popular again for your workout session: bans on pizza deliveries as well as the local flour from Naples, (local) service, but only with strict as people stay at home Not everyone has a sepa- home deliveries from bars, pas- San Marzano tomatoes, I have to social-distancing and sanitation during the COVID-19 rate room to dedicate to a try shops, ice cream parlors and buy the potatoes, the onions,” he measures in place. pandemic. You can hop home gym. Consider cre- on a bike, perform some ating a space in the base- yoga, jump rope or follow ment or your garage. fitness trainers who lead Tailor the workout to workouts online. your abilities: You might Overwhelmed by hand-me-downs “People have been try- be new to exercise. Or ing to find normalcy,” you may be coming back says Jennifer Noiles, Exos after recovering from I am a working mother (full or donated it without my in-laws simple emotional math. performance director at injury.
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