% % L ^ ^ a . cv ,<o V < C The Coast Advertiser Official Newspaper for Belmar, South Belmar Fifty-Fifth Year, No. 28 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1947 Single Copy Five Cents PROBABLE WEATHER Comment Protection Asked THIS WEEK END Commission Hears U.S.Tuna Sunny but cold today with winds On The Town W. to N. W. at 10-lg M. P. H. Clear, colder tonight (Thursday) 30 on coast School Children Friday, fair and colder. Saturday, in­ Police protection for school child­ creasing cloudiness and warmer, fol­ Tournament Returns In *48 liam Strong showed 19 permits issued BELMAR’S OFFICIAL FAMILY ren at the intersection of State High­ lowed by occasional rain late Satur­ Indications point to the fact that in October. day or early Sunday. who took part in the last tuna ourna- by now are settled in the Chalfonte way Route 4-N and 17th avenue was the Belmar Yacht basin will be sel­ men. asked of the Wall township committee Lots sold by the township commit­ ected again next year for the U. S. hotel, Atlantic City, attending the con­ Wednesday night. Lester Dorrer, a tee under terms of the minimum price A communication was read front vention of the New Jersey State Lea­ member of the township board of ed­ ordinance include: Lots 76 and 77, Friendship Train Plans Atlantic Tuna tournament. Commis­ Harry S. Rowland^ mayor of the Boro gue of Municipalities. Mayor Mac- ucation, spoke for the school board. block 101, Imperial Park, to Vernon sioner Howard Hayes reported this of Eatontown, seeking a letter of ap­ Debaw, $125; lot 29, block 16, Henri­ proval from tht Belmar commission­ learie, Commissioners Hayes and Fer- He asked that an officer be placed Mayor Peter Maclearie announced to the commissioners at their meet­ etta Newman tract to Jack Schnei­ ers on a proposed by-pass which Row­ rugiaro plus Mrs. Emily Knox, acting at that point during time' children todky that food from Belmar for the ing last Wednesday. He said he was der, $300; Offers were accepted sub­ borough clerk and Mrs. Norma Qm- were going and coming from school Friendship Train would be accepted assured by tournament officials at a land claims will eliminate a traffic ject to advertising and final approval undson are attending the three day and that white lines be painted across at Police Headquarters on Nov. 14 15 banquet held in Atlantic City last bottleneck on route 35 passing thru. at the next meeting on the following; meeting. the roadway at the West Belmar and 16. eH urged that no perishable Sunday and Monday that the fishing Eatontown. This by-pass would start school. The committee agreed to have lot 20, block 207, Arthur D. Last, $275; foods or canned goods with the ex­ contest would in all probability, be at Crystal Brook inn, encircle the CHARLIE HUTZ STORY IN LAST the lines painted and decided to con­ lot 1, block 56, Shark River Shores, ception of condensed milk be donated. held here, although nothing has been town, and merge with routes 35 and: week’s issue of the National Lead tact the school Safety Patrol divis­ Piank Cook, $200 and lots 2 and 3, The desired foors are wheat, wheat definitely decided as yet. 36 south of Eatontown Circle. He company, has set a lot of sportsmen ion of the New Jersey State police, block 56, Shark River Shores, Frank flour, sugar, macroni, and spaghetti At the Atlantic City banquet, Hayes wrote he believes the new route would Cook $300. thinking. In fact, plans are being asking that an officer be assigned to (not in cans) dried beans and dried presented a fishing apron imprinted speed up traffic to the shore and made for a public forum on the ques­ duty on the State thoroughfare. peas. with the boro’s name to all persons greatly benefit shore municipalities. tion, to be held in Asbury Park in i Assessment Boundaries Set Trucks will transport the load to 1 CommissionerSpen cer B. Miller will Lions Auxiliary 'Trentonon Monday. # consider the matter at Trenton on the near future. At that time both j A new assessment map was re­ Friday. factions will be given a chance to ex- j ceived by the committee from A. D. On the same subject, James M. LEGION AUXILIARY plain their respective sides on the is- j Voorhees, chairman of the Manasquan To Air Program Fisher, Borough Clerk of South Bel­ The Belmar commissioners agreed sue. Watch for announcement of the board of assessors. Definite lines sep mar, stated contributions from resi­ MEETING REPORT that if a personal inspection will in­ meeting, later. arating Manasquan borough and Wall J. J. Grayer, chairman of the Bel­ dents of that municipality could be dicate to them that the new route will left at Borough Hall, F street, until A meeting of Herbert-Worthington- help traffic the requested letter will township assessible properties have mar Lions club program, “Lion On White, post 151, American Legion THE HUNTING SEASON MAY BE been agreed upon by the assessment The Air”has invited the Ladies auxil­ Monday morning at 9 o’clock, when be forwarded. on, but the half dozen hunters we they will be taken to Trenton. auxiliary was held in the auxiliary board and Assessor John E. Cherel iary of that organization to present room Monday evening. After a careful study, no objection know don’t believe it. Either that, or of Wal ltownship. The lines have been a half hour program over WCAP was made by the borad to an appli­ the game had been tipped off that in dispute since 1919 and at times sometime after the first of the year, Final plans were made for the aux­ cation made by Harold E. McLorinan the boys were out in full force it was announced this week. SISTERHOOD FETES iliary to place a wreath on the Mon­ for a Department of Army permit to so made off for parts unknown (to On receipt of the invitation, auxili­ ument and to attend the services on construct a pile and timber pier on the hunters). Armistice Day. Wall Plans to Greet ary president, Mrs. August ’ Regan, the north shore of Shark river, at named a committee to prepare a pro­ MRS. ROSENFELD The Dark Horse prize was won by Avon. The proposed pier is to be 4 IT LOOKS AS THOUGH THE VETS Friendship Train gram. Mrs. Raymond Dodd is chair­ Mrs. Emily Knox. feet wide and extend 36 feet channel- will have to wait a little longer before Miss Minnie Rosenfeld, eldest mem­ Wall township’s residents may man of the radio program committee, Birthdays were celebrated by Mrs ward of the existing concrete wall. the erection of the F street homes. ber of the Sisterhood of Congregation join in with Belmar and South assisted by Mrs. Richard Sherman and Jean Riggs and Mrs. Elizabeth Hines. Former Fire Chief Charles A. Ed­ The second time around on the bids Sons of Isriel, was honored on the oc­ Belmar people in providing non- Mrs. Paul Milich. Plans for the broad­ wards submitted his report for last brought no further action, so unless casion of her 82nd birthday Monday Mrs. Lorette Ritchie was initiated. perishable foods for collection by cast will be discussed at the auxili­ year and the commissioners com­ the state increases their amount of evening. Mrs. Effie Leish presented the unit the "Friendship Train” when it ar­ ary’s regular meeting Nov. 18 at the mended him on a job well done. May­ appropriation, things will be at a Plans were formulated for the 25th with membership Citation also Early rives at Trenton, Nov. 17. Clerk Belmar Public library. or Peter Maclearie remarked that if real standstill. The borough’s hands silver jubilee year book, with Mrs. Bird citation. Irving S. Bennett was asked by The auxiliary held a rummage sale every chief who follows Edwards will are tied until the necessary action is Samuel Kaplan named chairman. Those present were Mrs. Leah Mea­ township committeeman to con­ at a store on Springwood avenue. The do as well as he did, “we will all be started in Trenton. sure, Mrs. Edyhte Cooper, Mrs. Mary tact officials of the two boroughs proceeds were added to the auxiliaries Abraham R. Klitzman, president of satisfied.” The report stated that with Van Benthuysen, Mrs. Margaret Conk­ to ascertain what plans they have fund for continuance of its program the congregation gave a brief talk, the Belmar Public school damage de­ SOMETHING NEW HAS BEEN lin, Mrs. Effie Leish, Mrs. Olga Hoag- made to gather the food. Last of charitable endeavor. On the rum­ and introduced the guest speaker, ducted, all other fires amounted to an added to the South Belmar police de­ Rabbi Tittlebaum of Pelham Bay land, Mrs. Grace Hoff, Mrs. Lorette partment. All speeders are hereby minute change of plans calls for mage sale committee were Mrs. War­ approximate damage of $12,748.00. the use of municipal trucks to Jewish center. Ritchie, Mrs. Catherine Abbott and warned to be on the lookout for a ren Ayres, chairman; Mrs. Charles Mrs. Emily Knox. Commissioner John Ferruggiaro re­ Mack prowl car, not the familiar light transport the donations. Weindorf, Mrs. Walter Connelly, Mrs. The speaker, urged members of the ported that a check for $27,301.55 was blue one. (Those cops will probably Theodore Loffett and Mrs. George K. community to take an active part in forwarded to cover the fourth quarter hate me for this). Barry. all synagogue activities in order to of 1947 county taxes due Nov.
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