San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1930 Special Libraries, 1930s 4-1-1930 Special Libraries, April 1930 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1930 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, April 1930" (1930). Special Libraries, 1930. 4. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1930/4 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1930s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1930 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 21 April, 1930 No. 4 How The Public Library Serves The Business Man --- THE EDWARD KlRSTEIN MEMORIAL LIBRARY, The New Buslnerra Branch of thc Boston Fubllc Llbrary San Francisco, Calif. JUNE 18, 19, 20, 21 Entared u mcond class matter at the Post OfBce, Providence, R. I. under the Act 01 Mmreh 3. 1879. Aeesptrnm lor mailing at mpecid nb 01 postage provided for In &Ion 1108, A& 01 Chtobr 8, 1917 muthorlred October 22, 1927. Rat-: $6.00 m yemr. Forelen $6.60; dnglo copies 60 cent.. 102 SPECIAL LIBRARIES ~~ril;1930 1909 . Special Libraries Association 1930 Executive Board I~wrrsmcsr-K~llrmAlcott, L~l~mllnn,Boston Globe, Boston, llass FIRST~ICI:-~RCSIDE.\T->I~~S Florence Umdlc), Librarmn, .\Ierroyol~tanLifc Insurn~~ceCo., Sew S'ork, S Y. Sccosn \'ILI:-Pacs~ur-ST-1Iiss llargarct Reynolds, Librarian, F~rst\V~sconsin Sational Bank, ll~lwaukcc,\\ 15consin TR~:.\s~-u~R-~I~SSEli7abcth (1 Cullcn, Reieren~eLibrnt~an, Burcau uf Railway Econom~cs, \Vasll~ngton,D. C. D[a~c~o~ts-FrancisE. Cad?, Cleveland, Ohio; IIiss Elcanor S Cnldnaugh, Librar1.1r1,Standard Stntistics CO , Sea- York CI~J,Arthur E Rostn-ick, L~brdr~an,Public L~bra~y, St Lours, 110.; Angus Flctchcr, L~brman,UII~IS~I Librnr! of lnlor~nation,Sew York. S. Y General Office ESPCLTI~TSI-CR~T.\RY-.\I~S. hly H. Brigham, 11 Xisbet Stleet, Providence, R. I. Phonc, Plantat101isOi89. Convention Committees \Ir Tlion~.~sConlcs, Cha~rman;3I~s I< Dorothy Ferguson, Acting Chairman; lliss Gracc n-cbbe~,llrs. L. C. \Yillcms Snn F~nllc~sco,3Irs. A. 11. Caja, Cli~lrman,llrs Lundgren, I-irgmia Rucker, Ruth Snider, Miss Scston, Bonnie D. Strong; Los Angeles, Mrs. Annc Leidendeker, Ruth E. Jones, Anna Frey; Nc\\ York, Eleanor S. Cawnaugh, Florence Bradley, Florence Li'agner; Chicago, Ed~th 3I;\ttson; Pittsburgh, Henrietta I<ornh;ruser; Cleveland, Rose L \'orrnclkcr. Dimer Cotnn~iftcr Snn F~n~wisco,Thomas Cowles, Chairman, Miss Holden, Miss Thonias. Snn Francisco, Miss Margaret Hatch, Annette Wmdelc, Dorothy IGisher, William A. \Vorthing- ton, Mrs. Agnes Reinero; Los A~~geles,Guy E hlarion, U).IOIIE. Edaards, Joscpllme Hol- 1111gs\\orth;Sew York, hlary Louise Alexander, Narguer~teBurnett Regislruliorr Comnrz/tee Snn F~ancisco,Margaret 31. hl~ller;Los Angeles, Miss M. G. Robertson. Altendut~ceConzniittee Los Angeles, R.~lpliA1 \l7liit~ng. Travel Cornmiltee Neu I'ork, Angus Fletcher, Chairman, Mary LouiseAlexander; Washington, El~zabeth0. Cullen. Publrcity Commrltee San Francisco, Miss R. Turner, Chairman, Isabel H Jackson, Los Angelcs, Miss M. G. Robertson; New l'ork, Florcnce Wagner; Chicago, Mildred Burke; Detroit, Ford M Pettit; Boston, W~llnrnAlcott; Cleveland, Elsie Vogt; Cincinnati, Edyth Cowe, Pittsburgh, Jessie Callan, Philaclclpl~in,Joseph k'wapil; Milwaukee, Margaret Reynolds. Contents ARTICLES Boston's New Business Library. By William Alcott ........................110 Business Branch in San Francisco. By Anita Levy ............................ 121 Business Branch of the Providence Public Library.. By. Dorothy G. Bell 114 Business Idea in Libraries. By Rose Vormelker ..................... .... ........ I1 I Economics Division of the New York Public Library. By R. A. Sawyer 1 18 Public Library's Service to Business Men. By Marian C. Manley .... 107 Publicity for Public Business Libraries .......................................... 122 Service to Business Men through the Savannah Public Library. By Ola M. Wyeth .......................................................................... I 19 What Indianapolis is Doing. By Ethel Cleland............................. 115 CONFERENCE DEPARTMENTS Annual Conference ............ 125 Hotels ................................. 127 Associations.............. .. ....... 130 Nominating Committee.. ..123 Classification and Indexing ..... 127 Program ...............................126 Editorials.............................. 124 San Francisco Day Letter ... 127 Events and Publications. ........ 133 NOTFS- Hartford ........................1 17 Personal Notes ........................132 Wichita ............................. 109 President's Page ..................... 124 Editorial Board EDITOR, Herbert 0. Brigham, State Library, Providence, R. I. Associate Editors D. N. Handy, Insurance Library Association of Boston; M. E. Pellett, Library The Port of New York Authority; Rebecca B. Rankin, Municipal Reference Library, New York City. Department Editors Charlotte L. Carmody, Department of Commerce Library, Washington, D. C. Ethel Cleland, Business Branch, Public Library, Indianapolis, lnd. Elizabeth 0. Cullen, Bureau of Railway Economics, Washington, D. C. Emilie Mueser, Engineering Societies Library, New York City. Louise Keller, Independence Bureau, Philadelphia, Pa. Marion C. Manley, Business Branch, Public Library, Newark, N. J. Mary C. Parker, Federal Reserve Bank, New York City. Margaret Reynolds, First Wisconsin National Bank, Milwaukee, Wis. A. A. Slobod, General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. - - - - Special Libraries .Published Monthly September to Aprll, bl-monthly May to August by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Publicat~onOffice, 11 Nisbet Street, Providence, R. I. All payments should be made to Special Libraries Association, 11 Nirbet Street, Providence, R. I. SPECIAL LIBRARIES April,' 1930 Institutional Members California Metcalf & Eddy, Boston Los Angeles Public Library, Lor Angelen Social Law Library, Boston - Standard Oil Company of California, San United Fruit Company, Boston Francisco Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San Franciaco Michigan Connecticut Detroit Newr, Detroit Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford Detroit Public Library, Detroit Yale University Library, New Haven General Motors Corporation, Detroit Delaware du Pont de Nemours, E. I., Wilmington Kaneas City Power & Light Company, Kansas City Byllesby & Co., H. M., Chicago Chicago Tribune, Chicago Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago Bakelite Corporation. Blwmfield. Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, Chi- Combustion Utilities Corporation, Linden, cago N. J. Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Chicago New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, Newark Insurance Library of Chicago Newark Public Library, Business Branch, Museum of Science and Induatry, Chicago Newark Public Service Corporation of New Jeraey, *Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co., Chicago Newark Indiana Standard Oil Development Co., Elizabeth Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., Fort Wayne New York Marylmd Alexander Hamilton Institute, New York Consolidatcd Gas, Electric Light & Power American Bankers' Association, New York Co., Baltimore American Electric Railway Association, New Maryland Casualty Co., Baltimore York American Geographical Society, New York Massachusetts American Institute of Accountants, New York Baker Library-I-Iarvarcl School of Business American Management Association, New York Administration, Boston American Museum of Natural History, New Boston Elevated Railway, Boston York Boston Globe, Roston American Society of Mechanical Engineera, Christian Science Monitor, Boston New York Edison Electric Illuminating Co., Boston American Telephone & Telegraph Co., General Federal Reserve Rank of Boston Library, New York First National Bank, Roston American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Law Insurance Library Association of Boston Library, New York Jackson & Moreland, Boston Association of Life Insurance Presidents, New Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Li- brary, Cambridge York Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., Baker & Taylor Co., New York Springfield I ankers Trust Co., New York Massachusetts State Library, Boston Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, New York Wow memben jolned dnce Iwt laaus a1 Spdal Llbmdu. Aprd, 1930 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York Time, Inc., New York Blackman Co., New York United States Rubber Company, New York British Library of Information, New York Walker Brothers, New Yark. Brooklyn Edimn Company, Brooklyn Western Union Telegraph Company, New York Brookmire Economic S~rvice,New York White & Kemble, New York Child Study Aeaociation, New York Wilson Co., H.W., New York Cleanliness Institute Library, New York Consolidated Gas Co. of New York Ohio Davisson, Manice, New York Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus. Doherty, Henry L. & Co., New York Ohm Oil Co.. Findlay Electric Bond & Share Co., New York Proctor & Gamble, Cincinnati Federal Reserve Bank of New York Oklahomr Ford, Bacon & Davis, New York U. S. Burcau of Mines, Bartluville General Electric Co., Main Library, Scht- nectady Pmnsyl~mia Grant Co., W. T., New York Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster Grosvenor Library, Buffalo Franklin Institute, Philadelphia Guaranty Company of New York Houghton, E. F. & Co., Philadelphia Haskina & Selb, New York Jones & Laughlin Steel Company, Pittsburgh
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