VOLUME 47. No 52 South Amboy, N. J., Friday, March,3O, 1928 Price Four Cents. RAILROAD PROMISES TO GIVE ATTENTION STATE OFFICERS REPUBLICAN CLUB PUBUC SCHOOL ATTENDANCE SO FAR THIS STOPPING CARS Here Thunday Find Several Viola- AI.o PlansT OJoin HELt MeetinP SMOKEg With LaR- : ; YEAR EXCEEDS ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS TO REQUEST FOR BETTER TRAIN SERVICE tors of Vehicle Act. dies Next Week. A. N. Bell, of P. JR. R. So Writes Congressman Hoffman Deputy Chied Inspector Frank Sny- Tihe usual weekly meeting^ $of Education Members Will Attend Dinner To Be der of the State Motor Vdhitl© Com- Republican Olub Jield Wednesday isve-\ But Reported Letter To Councilman Malloy Gives Nomission and ja number, of inspectors ning in the Trust 'Company Building Prepared By Cooking Class Students At'Next Meeting: were in tftds'city yeslterday, stopping roams, was largely given over to'ar- Hope Of More Trains On Summer Schedule. fiuibomobile ianalfific between John and ranging to doapwate w-Mi the Polish Continuation Schools .Closed Here. Henry streets on Stevens'aveaaue, to Republican Club in putting over sue-1'•'?'•* •:•'•••.. > '. •.. •• A. N. Bell, Passenger Traffic Man- see if the autoisbs were complying cesafully a smoker to be'held by the|rt—-^———^~;—~~ The. Board of Education members ager of line Pennsylvania Railroad, wiltlh" the law. latter organization on- the evening of i DID 17 OE'CTPrtVC will be the guests of the local Pub- They sucfceeded in finding four April 30th. The affair will be heldT'IHU-I/EIJIlivid lic SohooU, at a dinner to be served has advised Congressman Harold McGUIRE HEADS in Hodjfiinian that prompt attention, will guiilty parties, and they were brought Sacred Heart Hall and a small ad- in the High Sdnool on the evening of <be given by the raiilwad's transporta- foeifore Polke^Justke Nan Cleaf, who mission dhlarge will be made, the pro- FATCHELOR HOME April 25th at seven o'clock. The in- diSiposed of- the oases «s fkyllows,""and cceids <to bo used in covering i jvitation Was accepted at a meeting of ita»n department upon his ilequesb for NEW DEMO. CLUB urappsea oi-tne oases «s iwtows, ana »«w» •«* "« «»«u m wreiurg eiwcn-i _,,.,,• « . w . _ p •• d i h th ilt rt hd d ki btti the School Board held on Wednes- better morning, service between this Young Blood Has dub To Help Al. in each case the guiltgy y jirti>artyy had no ses and makingg a substantial dona- Chi,,\U)uJ(h Wakens family am city and New York. A apeJcM re- day night. The dinner is to be pre- Smith And Revive Party, Here driver'j »_.^_i_s ilicemEfc! i-:. • ' • •' *-:„-tion, fo-p.,.r. i,uth«e .,,.,us.e oi>f thi4-.i.!a hall"i..«i.i AA var•*«-. All Are Saved • quest was made for a stop bytraia Aahmead -E. Scott Jr., 124 ,E. King iod entertainmen nt progran m la being • Pire, said to be caused by an over- pared and served by the members of number 706 which now gofes through Firing the firafc jwliacaj'gun of the St., Lancaator, Pa., suspended sen- prepared to include at least'a. few heated stove, did considerable dn.n- the tenth and eleventh grades who here about 7:54. The existing service season, a large group of Democrats tence. famous radio artists. age to the fewijo of WUfcm Betehe- •are taking the Domestic Science is very poor; but Manager Bell has foregathered at the Protection Eng- Ohas, A. Keating, 134 Etmiwood Messrs. Gewrge Oliver, Robert B, courses in the local schools, A sim- ine aouse T^'sbday mght and ftormed lor, of Augusta streejt shortly after advised the Cdngressmtan that the avenue, Long Branch, ftjed $10.00. Chapman and James F. Hackett were two o'clock Wednesday unornlng. Mr.ilar dinner served last year to tha train will bei stoppled if the stoxp can tne Ajjred E. Smith lfemocratac Club E, Evangtellne A. Hicks, Coelier designated as a, coTrfmititee to repr&- Board made' a very deoided impres- oif South Amiiboy. Tine- oix»mu!a.tloii sent e Batahelor was aroused by the cough- - he made wiWhout jeopardizing the, street, Pittaburg, Pa., fined $5.00. ** Republican club and this ing of his .youngest daughter in an sion, upon the fortunate ones. schedule. ' lianresenns ,tUe material expression of Mtobel L. Foster, Chapel Hill Rjoad, committee, and comwiltttees represent- At tihe meeting Wednesday night tne growing stentimewt, especially adjoining bedroom, and upon enter- Although the passenger traffic MBddletown, fined ?5.00. ing the Italian American ReipubM'can ing the room found it lilted with i.t, develope, „.- d • tha, t th...e attendance ln among tihe • younger Itemioicrats, in . Setgeomt Qudnlan, Houndam.iM Me- Clulb and the Polish Republican Club the Jo ls yeal liavor of a dtoentfitaenlng of the party smoke. With otiher members of thei , fL ?£ ^ \u Conmiack and Officer. Coughlk assist "'re to mieet nexti week to arrange the they made their Way to tne ™«* ,b.etter tha" ln ™? °**«* V^ar ed the state inspections in th© stopping final .details so far as miay be ait that Jid an alarm was sounded'Blnc* present superintendent of olf the cars. time. Mr. Ben Swiiatkowski h«aded •x 36 at the icorner of Bioad sch00l8' O- O. flarr, became the- bead a delegation from the Polish Reputoli-' my and -Augusta street. jdf the schools. For the month of can Club in aUtemdiamicte at the meet- lllebru8r the stating that they Wave gone over the A second alarm was sounded and yy *veM«6-attendancge e wawass matter ou sohedoilles, etc. carefully PUPILS DANCE ing to present the proposition, which'^ji out 93-09 ^ cent and in his anonthly re- and .find it unaible to atop any of the York met with enthusiastic appnovnl.,, firemen dlid gobd work under the di-i-, , . r . trains, now ruiming ' through herei A part io|fi the evening was given reertii'on ot .COM Jay Lyons but thejtfnab n°l '" a,nj; during - the without) jeopardizing the oven Miss FOR ROTARIANS ftre,badly damaged tihe interor and now flowering niciely and a e which Would cause a m** from J«»n*>te,w«y, that ,the Democratic paV- Tuesday Lwttheoners, is said « .other ^municipalities. it decided to have a point above the average for this »ealson,'of other municipalities. Tfie CStizon in oi th to be the- , iporty oif Mrs. IS MarSaiyd „«„ "was una&le Jget in'touch with Mr. Momlbers of the phyalc*l tnalintag »- . « Wwnem'a RepublicaRepublicann CluClubb Timmins, of Iway. the.' year. Ijast y^ar the- attendance Malloy to verify tUs due to the facfc MeGuire was unanimously of tiito South Almlboy high Club next Wed- for February was only 88 per cent. evtefifflg. One• olf 1 the enrollment of.886 -the thbt Wd is confined to.his home with school gave a program of donees and , o an attack of tte grippe. The Com- dTills .bofore memlbens of the. local nTinnnn rk» i >T nAn HOUSEL TO HEAD average daily' attendance, for Febru- mon. Council at,» *«eent Hieing- Botary Club on Tuesday wn Ik. JUNIORS PLAN FOR aery, this.year, was 811.3.. - . •, • turned the ^«i^ inatter of better . j, ca county ijfiaiir 'was in charge of Miss Dora :, . BOY SCOUT DRIVE The Board was in receipt'of. an inviitation to'attend an exhibition-of train service over to Mr. MWloy to Charts Eptfroger was Forgoitson, .physical training teacher.' Membership-and Financial Campaifn Uur-ng the lundicion, musk- was fur- DIAMOND ANNIV'Y. the Good Health Class of the 7th «2whar^tton he could ^ from to ftiin April ISlk to 23rd. Grade which' was to be1 the-Pennsylvania: .nd--Central Rail- were called for. It nlibhied by ttfie South AMbby High of Founding of Lodfe in New Jer- held - on ^dhhb *£f is of opinion School Orcheetna under the direction sejr. • James' L.- Hougel has accepted the Thursday morning at 9:15 A. M.-It ul1 1 was ordered accepted and decided toon with tide various oiifctoin'oi m; »^ ^ >™« *«• man-for the ] oi Miss Mildred Stepbenaon, super- ' " , —•"-• district chairmanship for South Am- road.. No word has been forthcom- visor o-f music.' ' I , At the-meeting of Joel Parker that as many as could - conveniently ing from tWe Central Railroad, it is the respect of the older members of \The Ifollowfaig program was ren- Council held Friday evening, plans ' finhnical arrangr g e to no soo attend,ttdtitftjnd,tiit' f otj ' the. party and at the* saint' time the oif the Itar- bbeini g so short'thahtthtt bbutt llittle.i : el said, and whether or riot any addi- 1 dered: were3 discusseaueuHMd fowr participatiop-ruevanoBn iinm;lta n .Co Uncil Boy Scouts 0: Ameri- te.v co-opeiiatSon of UJ& ^younrfi-i ntw could-be done. ' '-,<,•• - v tional service will be given by this Irish Lilt,- Jean Welden and Mary celebration whloh will mark the: vhileh to to t>e held during the JJemociBts. Sullivan. seventy-fiftnty-fifth anniversary of the «oic w Amril in +.«. 9<\TA in <?nnt.ii An application for position' 'as rood when the Summer schedule goes w teacher in t/he local schools was ^TB- into ertlfect .next Jrionth Is not kniown. In accepting the position MiGuire- RUSaian D«n*: Jean boogan, Jean funding of the order «f Junior UnitUnit- £& g, Garget and po.nted- out .that ?i« nad decluiid 31m- Woldm, Mary SulMvan and Lillian cd American Mechanics in the state. Pert£ ceived from Donrinkk Abbatiello, at ^m |ohn Meiffer "s lUiutaiiwU vn l"«ge 8) ' invjtations bofore, and tlmt he F general chairman of the LO.O.F.PLANNING this honor -because .t was a IW: Blanch, Shaw, ^S^S'^^S FREE LOAN ASSO, -' p that th« membefs.
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