S7030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 18, 2004 He pledged that Iraq would serve as just by Americans or by an occupying NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- an example of peace and of freedom— force, will make a huge difference on TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005 for Iraq, yes, but even more, or equally the world stage. It is for the Iraqi peo- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under important, I should say, as an example ple, it is by the Iraqi people, and it is the previous order, the Senate will re- for the entire region. up to the Iraqi people at this point. sume consideration of S. 2400, which The Iraqi people look forward to No nation wants to rely on another the clerk will report. holding democratic elections and to for its security. The President of Iraq The legislative clerk read as follows: governing themselves, he told us. But expressed that. The Iraqi people want A bill (S. 2400) to authorize appropriations he was quick to say the Iraqi people to stand on their own strength. But for fiscal year 2005 for military activities for must have that security in order to re- they need help through this transition the Department of Defense, for military con- build their lives. period. He also made it clear that to struction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe per- It was interesting. When we asked rely upon a coalition while they are re- him about the coalition and how broad sonnel strengths for such fiscal year for the building their police and their army is Armed Services, so forth and for other pur- a coalition, what he said is what the not a surrender of their sovereignty in poses. Iraqi people need is not just a broad co- any way. Indeed, it is in Iraq’s vital na- Pending: alition, but he needs—the Iraqi people tional security interests to accept the Bond modified amendment No. 3384, to in- need—an effective coalition. It is that coalition’s help, he stated. clude certain former nuclear weapons pro- effectiveness that ultimately is most Having now met with Iraq’s two most gram workers in the Special Exposure Co- important to him as the new President senior leaders over the last 12 days, I hort under the Energy Employees Occupa- of that country. He needs people who am confident these two leaders and tional Illness compensation Program and to provide for the disposal of certain excess De- can get the job done for him. this new government is a strong one. The President was quick to express partment of Defense stocks for funds for that They have the vision, they have the purpose. his thanks on behalf of the Iraqi people fortitude, they clearly have the cour- Brownback amendment No. 3235, to in- and asked us to extend that thanks, age, but they also have the resolve to crease the penalties for violations by tele- that appreciation of the sacrifices lead the Iraqi people on this path to- vision and radio broadcasters of the prohibi- Americans have made so the Iraqi peo- ward freedom and democracy. tions against transmission of obscene, inde- ple could live in a free country, that cent, and profane language. Indeed, Iraq’s new leaders have the they would have that opportunity to Burns amendment No. 3457 (to amendment confidence of our friends in the region. No. 3235), to provide for additional factors in live freely and to pursue democracy. He Senator DASCHLE, Senator MCCONNELL, indecency penalties issued by the Federal made it clear the full pursuit of democ- Senator BIDEN, and I all met with King Communications Commission. racy will take time. The first step is Abdullah of Jordan this week in the Mr. REID. Mr. President, on behalf of the election 6 months from now. It may Capitol. His Majesty expressed his con- the two managers, I am reporting be a series of elections before full- fidence in and support of the new Iraqi today that we will have two amend- blown democracy, as we generally con- government, as well. That is, again, a ments by the Senator from Illinois ceive of democracy, will take hold. that will be offered, two amendments In these difficult times, the President perspective from a very important, very significant leader in that part of by the Senator from New Jersey will be of Iraq stated Iraq would need the full offered, an amendment by the Senator support of the United States of Amer- the world. It is important to praise President from Rhode Island will be offered, and ica, both politically, financially, and I will offer an amendment. That is the Bush and his team for their vision, for militarily, as they go through this schedule for today’s session. transition and over the coming their resolve, and their efforts to get Of course, as the majority indicated, months. the United Nations and the inter- there will not be any votes. If the man- He recognized that without a secure national community behind this gov- agers require votes, and these are not and stable environment the U.S. coali- ernment. That has been a successful accepted, these votes will be stacked tion provided, a democratic Iraq sim- endeavor. for Monday night in addition to amend- ply would not succeed. We are all concerned about the re- ments offered Monday that were an- President al-Yawr recognized the cent terrorist activity in Iraq. As I nounced at an earlier time. huge task confronting the new Iraqi have mentioned in the Senate in the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The government, but he was determined. He last couple of days, an increase in ter- Senator from Illinois. expressed that determination in every rorist activity is anticipated. It is ex- AMENDMENT NO. 3196 sentence, in every thought he shared pected by the Iraqi leaders and by our Mr. DURBIN. I call up amendment with us. He stated he was encouraged civilian and military leaders because No. 3196. by the widespread support of the Iraqi the terrorist groups—whether it is the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The people for the new interim government. Zarqawi network, whether it is the pending amendment will be set aside. He clearly draws his strength from former regime loyalists, or whether it The clerk will report the amendment. the aspirations to transform Iraq into is the insurgents—will increase activ- The legislative clerk read as follows: a thriving democracy. President al- ity to derail this transition of sov- The Senator from Illinois [Mr. DURBIN], for Yawr made clear that what is called ereignty to the new government. They himself, Ms. MIKULSKI, Ms. LANDRIEU, Mrs. TAL, transitional administrative law, are not going to be successful. Yet we MURRAY, Mr. DAYTON, Mr. CORZINE, and Mr. BIDEN, proposes an amendment numbered the law of the land during this interim will see that increased terrorist activ- 3196. period, would govern their actions in ity. Indeed, we see the increased activ- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask the coming months, and the rights of ity when we open the news each morn- unanimous consent that the reading of all would be protected under this tran- ing. the amendment be dispensed with. sitional administrative law. His imme- The terrorists want to disrupt this The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without diate focus is to build those profes- handoff. They are simply not going to objection, it is so ordered. sional security forces to establish an be successful. They do not want to see The amendment is as follows: independent judiciary that can uphold the Iraqi people breathe that fresh air (Purpose: To ensure that a Federal employee that rule of law. of freedom. They will not be successful. who takes leave without pay in order to As Iraqis rebuild their capacity to Indeed, we will win. perform service as a member of the uni- maintain security and govern them- I yield the floor. formed services or member of the National selves, the President said the world Guard shall continue to receive pay in an amount which, when taken together with would see an Iraqi face on the war f against terrorism in Iraq. Having met the pay and allowances such individual is receiving for such service, will be no less the Prime Minister in Baghdad a week RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME than the basic pay such individual would and a half ago, and now the President then be receiving if no interruption in em- of Iraq here in the Nation’s Capital, the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under ployment had occurred) impact of having that Iraqi face, tell- the previous order the remainder of the At the appropriate place, insert the fol- ing the Iraqi story, having it not told leadership time is reserved. lowing: VerDate jul 14 2003 03:02 Jun 19, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JN6.003 S18PT1 June 18, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7031 SEC. ll. NONREDUCTION IN PAY WHILE FED- ‘‘(1) the terms ‘employee’, ‘Federal Govern- that when an employee of a company is ERAL EMPLOYEE IS PERFORMING ment’, and ‘uniformed services’ have the activated in a Guard or Reserve capac- ACTIVE SERVICE IN THE UNI- same respective meanings as given them in ity that the company makes up the dif- FORMED SERVICES OR NATIONAL section 4303 of title 38; GUARD. ference in their paycheck; continues ‘‘(2) the term ‘employing agency’, as used (a) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be their health insurance; of course, cited as the ‘‘Reservists Pay Security Act of with respect to an employee entitled to any payments under this section, means the promises them a job when they return.
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