■ ■ S;i. P THE N ANAIMO FRE^E^ RES f * i «P1»» oxmaixr^wm ^omamr rmt.*jn Vfmyrmm^^nm »acox.Trx»x»r» -rmw ______. NANAIMO, VAHOOUVEB ISLAND. BWTISB COLOMBIA, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27, 1915 *»*«*»■ Ottawa. Oet. M— ram. chairman of the nl RIFLE MON. iffiH m CASE AI tntimntod thto moratag that oontracta OtUwa, Oct. tA.—The chief eom- miaaloner of Domlnloa pollen baa giv ­ for shelU to the rain* of »0,#*A,- •e» will be tot tn the ooorse of a tew en notice to allent In all eonunnnitlea CONUTOE days. AH lenders ahe now tn aad ASSIZE com TODAY that they mnat report themneWea to nr* being examined by tbe commu ­ ONiyiSNANIHMI the local poetmaatera. The poetmaa- te*. hut deAalto acUon wlU not be tn- ten in tarn ihall report to the near- ken uttUl Lionel Hlehen*. the Brit­ chief of police at intenrale of one THE WAR ish eheU expert, return* to Cnaada Two affmaee parties of tho 11th - rtortke«per of L* m.ln, of the optUlr. door were mIm month. irom New York. Canadian Mountad RtAe. hara nliea- dy auitod or ate about to elart from rA^rr riL'Ti. sirrr ‘ Venom for tho a , Gael, OMB- After the noon receu the croee- today that Premier Aeunlth wonU poaod of a d it of 4S trooporo jxamlnation of Conatable RnMell make a lUtemMt on the conduct of to charge of I vaa made bjr Mr. Rnblnowlta. the war next Tnecday. Wltneaa aald hU examlnat CEM ATTACK “^rfnind m are to the prea (ING GEORGE torla. Tke othw eoailsU of lA mon e premtaei were eondneted with 41 boieee. They are hoand for eonier of Fourth ere treienoe of Chief ConiUble Allen, of ',adramlth, and Mr. Armitrong, Inauranee Department at Vletor- TtS AGAIN •!^w»»elon.beluf edded ml ONeFIRE srlU be eaked by Annea Bryce whe­ ^"'ooai.ath.U.dtctaait. Hia eridenea at the prelintlnary _______ y that tha oattra ragl- ther any anoIttcUl exchanging hearing had eonaiated of five ilnea. Parla. Oct. 17 — Another attach PnrU, Oct. 17 — Four sheUe mt- meat would go Into wtotor trabitog Webeter proeecnted. Tiew* bna been curled on bet' He admitted that It would be Ulrer made laat night in tbe region ol ptoded only two beadred yard* from ou VaaeouTor totoad, ona ■qnndrwi. ■ _ Jt.ifof the crown, the eecueed Berlin end London with n poaelble aecnaed If be bad glTcn foil erl- Conrtlne, where henry flgbtlng King Georg* of Bagtoad aad Pretf- 2>0 strong, botog ntottonod at JVT^dedby J»rMlBublnowlU object of the Mtrly eonelnaton dence then. In the kitchen haa bean la progreaa for aome Umt dent Poincare of Fxaaea dnrtng their -■ ptoeded "Not «ntlty." peace, and whether Inqnirlea of n tf- :arge alae alx-bole range. The kit­ the poaaeaaloa of tbe Oermaa aa- Tlatt to the front yesterday, ae WEB O^. Merrlfleld (for* itUr natnre have been made by of- chen waa 14x14 feet by the plana In lient. The war olfle* annonneed to^ lag to the Temps oorrenpondeet who BMipeon. John Bnrehjr. eUl repreeeBtaUres of any neutral court, bnt he did not remember day .that thU attack had been defaat- U Ju^back from the Aring line. Tbe ftobdr, o*on> Horn*, w. power. alae. Wltneaa waa In the honae the Mr. Aeqnith will alao be naked If King and Praeldeat with tbe Prtnee a. Him a. o. Dobeeon. J. afternoon of the Are. be stUI adhere* to the declaration In of Welee end Oenerel Jolfre had to ­ jooH. Ohvid Slohert. W. Horn Robert Armatrong. recalled, atat- TEOIONS EffET JONCHII • the Onlldbnll npeech that Great Bri- ken «p a point of obeerration when ^Wrnm. Dorw- ad that the oil cloth behind the rang* e Oermaa bdttory Ared two beery to.gtfl.ek Webtfer pointed Uin ataonld not aheath her iword waa aeerched through, the wall alao untU freedom of Bnrop# la aecnred. salTO*. reenlttag In an eiplotfon of ««• t«o being acorched. There were no In- abena neu tb* official party. M «llb intent to defmnd. the pro dlcatlona that the Are had apread VINSK STILL Mtob*f tbet of hlB wife, bnlldinr WFH BIIIGARIIUI ARMS from tbe atore. though the windows PREMIER BURDBM toHiMI htfnc in hli name; the ee mrulna and blind were burned. Wit ■tf •■■■* *** anon, namely bnm leaa corroborated the deUlla given W. On am . *> mnoke wan leen U la to burnt placea bjr ConaUble Rus- THREAira imiiiii'SAniniiiE ^ INB the bnlldlnc. The polio Moncton. N3., Oct. 2>- went to the bnlldlnc and aell. To Mr. RttblnowItxHcWItneaa aaid Bordea anred tbe 11^ of r amall Are la the kitchen Petrograd, Oct. 27 — Field Mar- gnrinn nrmtoo Is on ^ point of be waa not on Intimate reUtlona with who had fallen on tha railway track B UNEAm • the etoTe wan a beep el Bhal 1 Hlndenbnrg'a Uemendons tag oetohlUhod. nad tho daopatM ipanlea. H. did here today. Sir Robert we* eUad- PpiUlri aleo there wa» led onnilfgptirtK wi Qgenilve agslait Drlaak eontlni Ing on the platform when the woman innltiene to Co but thus fa t AM uui ad raaeed r did not know If the e clently to ahake the Bnaaian defens- mora eneonrmgtog newe from BorbU gn Am waa a atrong amell which bad congregated U the depot The depart- Bouth of Prlpet, the Austrians g to totonuttlon from Bonmn- Mitfkihea aee him. The woman waa rolling mnoh appreheoalon la ment aapplled theae faeU. struggling to gain tbe InltUtlre mt to tho TUnoo »»lu eorreo- were aleeping below, not toward a moring unin wbmi the Pro- over the eonree of ereau to Bo»- flrat In the house on the day after la tha sitnattoa. Other fronto show It U thoeghi her laototion Htoini There waa >2400 Inaur mter resened her. tbe exlatenoe. material change. will force her to abandon her non- ■aa aa ike hone*, and >2000 on the Ilmlnary hearing. Mag and gxurea After that waa irnllty. •)* for the prosecution. There was teetod to the a ptf an naaaaad took atepa to aecur* Tho tmmtoant mtointerttf erli no counsel for defense The Infor ­ Mhar Iwnraae*. bnt waa refnaed mation was told by the Ire chief Ttoaacaaad owned a tot aad a houat HimisiM capatioa of Tekta which ws* Wltoeas did not himself gire evi Mtf to tbe atom. .There the police oltlons and Importing them dance then, but acted as prosecutoi ipllshed after e haery bomhard- I k«daa Mtfealm photographic Japan In preparation for a big drtre in a sense. Wltnesr saw Mrs. May ­ tasUng many hoar*, the Aa»- I It In the pantry of that bonae. rhich U expected to begin early In iim tag- Italtann ar* not very hopofal orski a day or two after the arreei trtaa troop* eroietag the Daaehe by ' olhar rooau hetof maaat. ThU bad tbe spring according to A. B. Thayer of the Anal ontooaM aad arg* tM Al- of accused, and asked her about the into. ^haan rawmvad tnm tbe atore build- Clnlcnnatl. who i Ue* to ha ready far tho vartf . London. OeL 2>— An official an ­ A* na adTsnee on KladaTO immodl- i- lng peartoia u the Ira —alao other origin of the ttre and the vin. nouncement made public tonight. rita. Oct. M— The Ovaraaaa atoty followed, at 4 o'otock on Tmos- L vatoaHe pragarty. Tha crown alleg of oil. She answered with from Copenhegen. He said that Are aaya: naontog Ktadaeo was la Aame*. frankness. hundred Jepnnee* olflcere ad that thaaa had been ramorad "The Brittoh tmnaport Marquette gaalaeed In Bnehnreet yentorday by the FerWan* bnv ng planted many Michael Celle arrired at the boast gaged in toatractiag tbe RuaeUa u- pnapoM of the daatractloa of the ------- h ban been torpedoed to tbe Aegean friends of the Entente power* wns free. Rotngea* from KladaT* mtlw 1 whan tbe Ire was burning and assUt tlllerymeu how to use the new higb ^ „ mnMwlood that only M laaehtog the Boumaatoa ehera of tha ed the are departmaat The range eoB^teU faUure.* ‘ powered guns roanufnctnred by Jn- d of the VMsel Is tke TWM. tlta I* -«ji was not rery hot at that time. " Daaabo taelade the ehli aathorittoa ftftofc hi the Uad RagUtry offlcw. anb psn. by prerloi accounted for. ■Mad ilaM ahowiac tocattoa of the British O ••No further deUlla have been re- witnesses as to burnt placea ttor tk* am htfHtog li anaattoa. - Under Secretory eelyed.' || Fireman Blmpaon gare similar erl tona foreeaforoun ar* wltkta twentjr ■i^to* •* T* clerk of tbe of- The LOCAL HTIEE’S BaloaikL vto Parto. OeL 27 — The ■toll top Pn dene*. was token Into the British goyem- each oUtaT. The Anstr»4^ Plre Chief Curry of Udysmlth de the House of Commons todsy thst mtoa are adMndBg aentt . eertlOed that the books serrlee was owned by the At- out of Berbta on the Itae extoad- the British sre now co-operstlng with dtowal a straight chain of title la scribed the dense oil smoke that met tnntto-Transport Company and plac ­ ■ontbeeat of Btf«n«* on the French on the Greeco-Berblsn ' REPLY 10 PROf, >ng from the Frwieh neetor to the pha lagutry ollca. Ha also submit him when be Arat came to Mayor ed between Phllndelphln and Balti ­ mUa~ front, whtob fiontler. Krindato aad Lakedovma. U Md 00 hum *o«th ot Iko M a aodsl of the Mayorski store. ski's bouse during the Are. There more and London. She was a jHn. tlsla Wilson. Ilrtag on HIgt. was no Indication that the Are started sel of 7,050 ton. aad wn, built LEACOCK They hare been pashed back also Dnnnb*.
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