-4 i I of mifts and 7neu^„ CJs:^^-Odeto^uiwiau SEPTEMBER, 1935 CENTRAL EDITION The Social Side of the 1935 Grand Lodge Convention A LITTLE CHILD means so much more to you than A LITTLE TIME XHEVROLETi X. CHEVROLET SOLID STEEL TURRET-TOP BODY BY FISHER SAFETY PLATE CLASS KNEE-ACTION COMFORT AND SAFETY WEATHERPROOF CABLE-CONTROLLED BRAKES September, 193S The PlayboyKillerofPag^Rome "^hoSaual^melftoDeattd ^JEVER has there ruled such a creature vice or a passion along to the next genera- ^ * as this red-haired Singing Emperor! tion. Here is the real truth about Nero's He delighted in burning and torturing legacy of incest, rapine, and murder. Christians—fed them to his lions. Then his jaded passions sought new thrills in Son of a She-Devil! You will be fascinated by the story of the schem- unspeakable practices! He murdered ing arch-murderess. Agrippina, who bore Nero. his friends, his wife—even his mother! taught him intrigue, plotted and even killed for ^HjE What is the truth about his setting fire to him—and finally turn^ against him to put another on the throne] Rome—then "fiddling" while it burned? Read the shocking truth about this most brazen, Now after almost 2000 years, here is the most ambitious woman—outwardly so pure and chaste—inwardly so vicious and licentious; calmly ^H| unvarnished truth about Nero—most poisoning her husband for his fortune, passionately colorful despot who ever misused his embracing her lovers, her cousin—even her uncle Slave$laV6 to His Owo "Slaves ol Love" power! Arthur Wei- and brother! Hewas w aa weak morally as li« gall, authority on was strong physically. He took Hundreds Died by Suicide— what ho wuiiied—and lau£)ied at Kb SBDI His Mother Ancient Rome, minces at Nero's "Invitation"! liusbanUi:. 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