Glacial geology and deglaciation chronology of the area between inner Nordfjord and Jostedalsbreen Strynefjellet, western Norway NORALF RYE, ATLE NESJE, RUNE LIEN, LARS HARALD BLIKRA, OLIANNE EIKENÆS, PER AUDUN HOLE & INGRID TORSNES Rye, N., Nesje, A., Lien, R., Blikra, L. H., Eikenæs, 0., Hole, P. A. & Torsnes, 1.: Glacial geology and deglaciation chronology of the area between inner Nordfjord and Jostedalsbreen - Strynefjellet, western Norway. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 77, pp. 51-63. Oslo 1997. ISSN 0029-196X. A lower limit of blockfields is inferred to indicate the maximum heights and thus thickness of the Late Weichselian iee sheet in the inner Nordfjord region. lee movements in this area have been topographically controlled during the entire Weichselian glaciation. Prominent lateral moraines de1imit the Younger Dryas valley glaciers in inner Nordfjord. Subsequent to the Younger Dryas Chronozone, the glaciers retreated rapidly due to calving in the fjord and climatic amelioration. In a later phase of deglaciation, in all probability around the early and middle part of the Preboreal Chronozone, an iee eentre east of Strynefjellet dominated, while the Jostedalsbreen area is thought to have played a minor role as a eentre of iee dispersal. The final deg1aciation was dominated by vertically down-wasting iee remnants in the lake basins and tributary valleys. Terminal moraines in front of several outlet glaciers of Jostedalsbreen beyond the 'Little lee Age' moraines indicate a climatic deterioration at the end of the Preboreal Chronozone. N. Rye, Department of Geology, University of Bergen, A/legt. 41, N-5007 Bergen; A. Nesje, Department of Geography, University of Bergen, Breiviken 2, N-5035 Bergen-Sandviken; R. Lien, Statens Vegvesen, P.O. Box 608, 9800 Vadsø; L. H. Blikra, Geological Survey of Norway, P.O. Box 3006, N-7002 Trondheim; O. Eikenæs, Norges vassdrags- og energiverk, P.O. Box 5091 Majorstua, N-0301 Oslo; P. A. Hole, Statoil, N-5020 Bergen; l. Torsnes, Mø//esvingen 2, 0854 Oslo, Norway. Introduction ioner Nordfjord is complicated and the rocks have been subject to several deformation phases during the Precam­ Recent investigations in the area between ioner Nord­ brian and Caledonian orogenies. fjord and Jostedalsbreen (breen = glacier) - Strynefjellet (fjellet=mountain) (Rye et al. 1984, 1987; Nesje 1984; Lien 1985; Hole 1985; Blikra 1986; Nesje et al. 1987, Landforms 1991, Nesje & Kvamme 1991; Nesje 1992; Dahl & Nesje 1992; Nesje & Dahl 1992; McCarroll & Nesje 1993; The landscape of ioner Nordfjord (Figs. l, 2) has evolved Torsnes et al. 1993) make it possible to present a deglaci­ from a plateau landscape which was developed close to ation history from the Late Weichselian maximum up to sea level during the Mesozoic and during a subsequent the present in this part of western Norway. uplift in the Tertiary. At present, remnants of this Marine terraces have previously been mapped by Kal­ plateau landscape can be seen as rather smooth, undulat­ dhol (1912). Rye (1963, 1978) and Fareth (1970, 1987) ing sumrnit areas along Nordfjord, gently sloping from described the deglaciation in the middle and inner parts 1800-2000 m at Jostedalsbreen to 400-600 m at the of Nordfjord, while the areas between Jostedalsbreen and coast (Fig. 3). During the Quatemary glaciations, the Strynefjellet have been less well known. Stokke ( 1982) plateau landscape was exposed to glacial erosion. During mapped the Quatemary deposits in the valley bottom in the ice-free interglacial periods, fluvial and avalanche Stryn and Hjelledalen. activity modified the landscape. The valleys in ioner Nordfjord have topographic features characteristic of glaciated areas: steep valley sides with U-shaped trans­ verse profiles, bedrock basins occupied by lakes or filled Bedrock in with sediments, rock thresholds, cirques, and hanging The bedrock in Nordfjord consists of Precambrian valleys. The fjord and the main valleys in ioner Nord­ gneisses and granites which are l 000-1800 million years fjord are good examples of topographic features, whose old. The rocks are divided into two main units; the direction and glaciated form were controlled by fracture Fjordane Complex (at surface) and the Jostedal Complex zones more so than in the homogeneous and resistant (at depth). Ioner Nordfjord belongs to the Jostedal Com­ areas. In the main valleys there are both wide, deep plex. The dorninating rocks are banded gneiss and basins and short, narrow gorges where rivers form water­ granitic gneiss. The tectonic history of the bedrock in falls. 52 N. Rye et al. NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 77 (1997) SUNNMØRE Skjlk o 10 20 30km Fig. l. Location map of Nordfjord. One branch of the Nordfjord, Oldedalen (dalen = terrain and an ice surface above the level of mountain valley), stretches about 20 km southward to Brigsdalen summits. He notes the presence of erratics and tills in where two outlet glaciers from Jostedalsbreen, Brigsdals­ same blockfields reaching a level of at least 600-700 m. breen and Melkevollsbreen are situated. Another branch, However, Pollestad seems to have included al­ Lodalen, reaches 15 km southeast where the three valleys lochthonous blockfields and boulder-rich till in his Bødalen, Nesdalen and Kjenndalen coalesce. In these blockfield definition, and consequently his blockfield valleys the glacier outlets from Jostedalsbreen; Bø­ limit is 200-300 m lower than the autochthonous dalsbreen, Ruteflotbreen and Kjenndalsbreen are lo­ blockfield boundary described by Nesje et al. ( 1987) in cated. Strynedalen branches north from Nordfjord, the same region. In a recent paper, Larsen et al. (1995) swings east, continuing about 20 km to the east, where conclude that the lower limit of the blockfield cannot be the valleys Hjelledalen/Videdalen and Erdalen coalesce. taken as the upper glacial surface during the Weichselian Glomsdalen is a north-south oriented, hanging valley to max1mum. Strynedalen at the eastern end of Strynevatnet ( vat­ Glacial striations show that ice movements in this area net = lake). The valleys Skjerdingsdalen, Grasdalen and have been topographically controlled throughout the Sunndalen are tributary valleys to Hjelledalen. Late Weichselian glaciation, especially during the late phases (Fig. 5). The oldest striations in the area are found on Langvasseggi (1600 m a.s.l.). Striations north­ west of Videdalen and Djupvassegga (1500 m a.s.l.) show Late Weichselian glacier extent, glacial ice movements toward the northwest crossing Videdalen maximum and ice movements and Grasdalen towards Geiranger during the most exten­ Mapping of blockfields in the mountain areas has sive phase of the last glaciation (Blikra 1986). The tribu­ demonstrated that the weathering limit is found to be tary valley Glomsdalen has two northern pass-points at about 1750 m a.s.l. at Strynefjellet, descending to about 1360 and 1400 m a.s.l. toward Holedalen and Hellesylt, 1500 m a.s.l. between inner Nordfjord and Sunnmøre while Skjerdingsdalen has a pass-point of 1200 m a.s.l. (Nesje et al. 1987; Rye et al. 1987, Fig. 4). The lower toward Flydalen and Geiranger. Hole (1985) and Blikra limit of the blockfields is interpreted by Nesje et al. ( 1986) mapped glacial striations in these pass-points (1987) to represent the upper limit of the Late Weichse­ (Fig. 5), showing ice movements from south to north. lian maximum ice sheet. At that time, the glacier front Lateral moraines deposited during the Y ounger Dryas reached the edge of the continental shelf off the Møre Chronozone, indicating an ice surface around 800 m coast (Andersen 1979, 1981; Rokoengen 1979; Bugge a.s.l. in Holedalen and around 900 m a.s.l. in Flydalen 1980). (Kalstad 1993). This indicates that the striations mapped Resistance to the concept of Late Weichselian nuna­ in the pass-points must be older than the Y ounger Dryas taks has none the less persisted, most recently by F ol­ Chronozone. These northerly striations might possibly lestad ( 1990), who stresses the consistent pattern of represent the Late Weichselian maximum ice movement. striations and till fabrics in the Nordmøre region, sug­ In two pass-points between Glomsdalen and Skjerdings­ gesting ice movement largely independent of the local dalen (1340 and 1260 m a.s.l.) striations show glacier NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 77 (1997) Glacial geology. Nordfjord-Jostedalsbreen 53 Fig. 2. Location map of inner Nordfjord and the Geirangerfjord area. 54 N. Rye et al. NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 77 (1997) 2500 Jostedals· breen 2000 I 1500 Ålfotbreen 'O"' � ;;' 1000 500 o I :; ·500 "'"- Fig. 3. Longitudinal profile of Nordfjord showing altitude of Cl mountains on the northem and southem sides of the fjord together with the fjord bottom. The submarine part is 50 1 00 Distance (km) adapted from Giskeødegaard (1983). movements towards the west and southwest (Fig. 5). The yond the inland ice, local glaciation, especially lateral­ northern pass-point is probably so high that no active ice frontal moraine, was common (e.g., Reite 1967; Fareth movement from Skjerdingsdalen to Glomsdalen took 1970, 1987; Mangerud et al. 1979; Larsen et al. 1984). place during the Younger Dryas Chronozone. Evidence of Yo unger Dryas local glaciation, especially The other pass-points between these two valleys are lateral-frontal moraine, is found in the cirque valleys lower and situated further south, which favour an active south of Holedalen (east of Hellesylt). ice movement from east to west. In addition, Glomsdalen Fareth ( 1970, 1987) mapped the ex tent of the Nord­ has a pass-point toward a valley between Flo and fjord glaciers during the Younger Dryas readvance on Holedalen ( 1160 m a.s.l.). Glacier movements towards the basis of lateral moraines. In Stryn, lateral moraines the southwest out of Glomsdalen, as demonstrated by from this advance are deposited in Vikadalen (760-800 glacial scouring, probably took place both during the m a.s.l.) and Staurnibba (1084 m a.s.l.) (Fig. 5). On the Late Weichselian glacial maximum and the Younger basis of these moraines, Fareth ( 1970, 1987), in his Dryas Chronozone (Fig.
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