SAVE, FOOD TO THE NEWS HAS MO~D. , HELP FEED COME SEEUS IN OUR , 'P • NEW BUilDING, UNDER THE WORLD'S. ~Grosse 01 .News THE ELM AT 99 STARVING PEOPLE nte Complet~ News Coverag~ of. All the Pointes KERCHEVAL f VOLUME 7~O. 32 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN. AUGUST a. 19% $2.00 Per Year-5c Per Copy Fully Paid Circulation ETTER STREEtS ARE ON THE WAY! - i;,~...... -------- .. 1 Park Youngster Sets Record.in Soap Box Derby tIIEADLINES. Woods To PurchaseJBond Issue ~ of IN ~.. WEEK I :. Edsel Ford. Estate t 'As CMllpiW ", IN ~1:3~~.~~~ ~.. G1'OIS' PoitU. Newl "-1: . List Shows How M~ney Is to i ...ThllJ'ldaT. AapsL 1 For Par k on Lake 8e Spent; Projects Lis{ed ltNRY J'ORD n &oswers Wlllt- I I d in Full for Readers erl:tWther'a invitation addre&$ed Date for Special E ection at Which Voters Wi! Deci e on to &1tomoblle manufacturers to I!t Bond .Issues to Be Named Next Monday The City of Grosse Pointe at i round table and d!:;eus waYs . has sold i'ts $300,000. bond is. and me&11I to increue production The Woods village ComnusslOners have decld~d, ~o go I. sue, authorized, by the voters .:!FOrd say. noth1Dc dolllC unW through with the purchase of the 43.7 acres of the ~dsel, to inaugurate a general, streP.t .t.rlies in 18 partI plantl which '11 d' thr.ten ~to ahut down p~uetlon Ford estate for a lake front park for the village and they WI repair an paving program, In lord a.re first o!ettJed ••. many. decide at a special meeting next Monday the date for a w~ich, whenkit ~ c~fPleted, of the3e plan~ are CIO Ol'lr.nized. special election at which the voters of the village will decide wlll ~ave ta en In 1 S .scope . • • • •. , prach,~ally e,very street m the l"IP"iUN.YEAR,oOLDRICHARD upon a bond ISsue to fmance the deal. City which stands iI' need of VIAu d1ll&ppears wIth the family 1 At the regular meetlng of the attention village commls.sloners Tuesday • .~ car and hla policeman father's eglon- Set night there was a lengthy dls- At the meeting of the Councll . plltolu the dead body of the L &I . cusslon on the terms ot the agree- held last Thursday night bids for \ tather, Gilbert Viau, "ed 43, Is F' V J D ment between the Ford estate, the issue were received trom fowld with three bullet holta In I~ or . ~ ay representatives and the comm!s:1 ~even bid de r s. They were in.the baaement ot their home at sloners. L. P. Reaume. of the firm awarded to First ot MichI.all \ !!"'~Maddeleln. ~trol~ ••• '!be of Reaume and SllIoway., was Corporatlon on the baw of '\mDl~fo"r Ythle,~e.. bot:a :::u~ Grosse Pointe Post Is Holding I prescnt to explain the conditions 1~ per cent Interest. plll8.a """'- ...... 0 H All R t d under whIch the :Ford estate would $52.00 premium. The series. ru.tU •.•• pen , ouse;' • e ume sell and Attorney Pierre V. Hettler tor 15 years. redeemable at the QUERY iNTo Wl\R PROJ!'IT- Vets Are InVited was present representing Mr. rate ot $20.000 annua.lly. Ma, 1. G by the Wa.r Investlaation Longley the attorney for the For the Information of the. 1'111. ~ lttee, touched oft by the GOv. Ham' P. Kelly has' pro~. Ford estate. dents ot GraSSl!: Pointe, partlcu. \la 11son Brothera operatloll$. claimed Thursday. Aug. 15, 1946,' Conditions LIsted . Iarly those who live In the CIty, r;'adens Into lnvestlaatlon of the V.J day and ILl such a legal 'Among these conditions were: a complete schedule of the pro- of t.:~eMexican born broth- hoUday... The entrance to the Pllrk should lec!:; to which the proceeds .of " Altred J. and IanatlUl J. In contorma.nce with thls proc- be not nearer than 500 feet from the bond Issue are to, be ap- tt::1aIlda, who formed a corpon- lamatlon, Grosse Pointe Post No. the mark "A" on the map. which plied, Is PUblished herewith. The oG whUe In JaU, .oi:.an ~clualve 30'3 &_ IT-I . hI h Is is the comer of LAkeshore road tl.gures a~e the estimates or the. I tr 't ~Itb the :Hayes oor- .nu.<er can ~ .. on, w c c~t as worked out bv P G . ~. eon all, ft , , the oldest American Legion Post which will be the dlvldinl point ~, _ .~. ~a,''lion. Ollt 0,' f which theJ' Dlade . between the Ford home property Brown. the 4?f!lclal en«laeer '" , 'lDoo.ooo to 10.000,000, ultimate~ in theGr05Se Pointe area, Is proper and the plot to be sold to the City. and. a member of t!uI. d e f hln&',ooo••• '.,~. top.•."....•m.al11•......In tue re • holding open house In the club the vlJlage. Mrs. Ford Is wllllng engineerl!li' 11rm of liluoll r.. t Quarters. 18318 Ma.c.1t avenue. that an exit should be plr.c,:d Brown &< Son. .~ uMlN Groese Po!nte l/'at'm$, trom 1.1 a. there If the vll1are so deslres but Wlthlll ~_ ","' .. ,. RONALD;KOERBER,,,lli.of 561 Middlesex roa~, in the ~ark,looks all fagged out j.ust after setting a,new Soap. m. Wednesday until :I a. m. specltled that the maIn entrance, Mr. BtOwnhli lhoWB tht ~ecr as. not.~OD the. Box'Derbyreeord of'18.tlseconds for the. Derby,Hil! course m Ro.uge Park. Around him are some of the hundreds ,Thursday. AultUSt 15.. the usualplaceot cOfllestlqn, bappy Iitt ofnotuildenieUmaUDI l\ISh. .sponsored'. 'propOsal to of other cars which competed in the DetrOlt metropolitan area classlc. The oftl.oera and members wish shall be at that .dl:stance. the cost of public worb. 'nIe dli!e Pllleatlne Into four federated to extend to all returned veterans It Is stipulated. tbat a "green reasonable. certal~ty IA 1tia" tM wf...t~h...~• ..u. Clftl'&!l!. I Brltllh Councl-I's Stand Unc.ha"nged A. Besl.eged a alncere invItation to visit the barrIer" lit trees and shrubs shall cost ot the entire 1lriIi haltflll ..••:-.',-WIU<'. Party Pests post quarters as their guests dur- be erected between the tW!l tracts. the Pllvlnl project, whIch il.~ 1: ine. the abOve hours. Re1rt!!lh- as a natural dlvlding line. This vided for .In the .preaent bond ~~'~ ~Aud Jlaw~f_.. XUMT'.~nOn.h-O. Re. vised App.ro.pri.ation H..,ubl-.. Calls Get Warning mb~wlllPot::.:.~ ;~~~Q3 have r~v~;~~c~:o~ t:z:.e~~~itcllp~~ :le~I~~:=.pleled wdl.,lth. ft ~~ ... nuau~. ~ft _. uy c()mpleted. plans for a.laI1le new of the expected l'esIdents. when Thls Informatloll III best -. be' hl.s nude:bludaeoned body F C iI' f 'tT +~,. rb.at R leabm home to be buUt at Kerby the Forc1 llropert3' 11 ulumately veyed., by publlahlnr In full !'-he w /found on Plebe Illalll10n or ' ounc 0 '.y,'ewra'llS ,.VU.eserves Teen ~ Ager.Make Nuisance ai:ldJob,Ck avenues, butt11U bu)ld- subdivIded. lor ,hl.b type homt;5. ~ • .,u.;JIa,ror,"~OoI-u~'.< "''"2.:>,1;","", .~~~_ ...""".~ ..",.";"",~,,,,;.:;~..",.,<--=-,,",,","~,, ..,...- .. "".',!~ ..,"~'~,,,,".; c;~'~~~":"""P~:::7::::s::... Cif'serv,rWlle'nNot"A'sked ~lS~de:~c~~p;:,:m~~~ f~~~I~h~1¥~k~~~;1~ ~~~'=:'bf.'JIIoiOIi~".' . 1:MEAD WAR ~~ Attorney Meder Fir;ds No Reason.to Change Opinion on CaRs. for Help' as. Wife In- to'Gathering reatrlCtiODI on new bulIdlng. the actual watertront. Itla s:.... ~~~'~:p', ~":~ ~~::. Legality of.~~S ti~g, Public Fu~ds for v.d.sHi, Castl.and Starts ,&bert Barle. ot 565 Lincoln. ,COIIUJli.nder-Blect JohD. Knoff, Th. VIl?:::IlW~1~:a~ven e1aht HlIII~ MII.J'OIP"odc:ou.ctf.' IhlpizaeDtI. of 4~ Illeh . co •. ervlcemen. i •Wrecking Spree wall havIng a small party In his wishes to call attention of vet- years 1h. which to provIde thl.3 City of GroeN Pointe . ahella to th front r&th ' h Tu d I fIt k erans to thol fact tha~ eX.::!ervlce- banler and wlll be expected to 17150 Maumee Avenue. th risk defeCtlv: animunltl: '.When the reql,le~t for areyiSed' a~proprill:tion for the Nick SChwaller, ot 838 St. Clair, f~rm: gr~~pa~;v~~ n:o~ng~rl~~~ men are raclnl at double time to spend at least '10.000 on the Grosae Polatt., KIeht.aa whl.~ mlaht WI America.n aoJdlers Grosse Pi)~t4;!. C~uncil of Ve~eran~ Aff~s .~ame before the telephoI1-ee1 the City pollce. Satur., when a couple of boys. not in- becomemembera of veterans' or- project ~tlemml •.• \he GarsIon munltlon combine City Co~ncll at It~ .last meetmg, . It.. met wlth the same, re- day nll1it that his. wlte, who does vlted. a.nd evidently chafing at the ganllatlons. The American Le- The ~e of motor boat .. wblch, We :m~ berewl~ wupne of the, Iarr~prOducen ception as the, OrIgInal request thlS year.. " ot II in the ame house with obvious oversight. proceeded to l1on, In "which membershIp is as had been expe<:ted.lead to a J'OUf .. era 011'':' ~ ot Uese aheJ1&; '. ' . Attorney Meder . said he had;~--,-. -. In ,.V1!... ' . s , ", ' . make a nuisance ot tpemselves In open to all:; veteran with an hon. lengthy discussion. The Ford panmen ~ , ,:~,4.:'.,' •.• ,..~""': . f~d no'rellSon to chanlle h\i; of ,the 'subScriptions reeeived hlIn:hadmade a return visit and' the vicinity of the house. ' orable dIacharlI'e. hu now signed people originally insisted that no tlcm whlch 1Dcludta work !lOW ""'i" Jl'rIdiIT,~I.' , ..
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