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(A C2 0,001 CFD C1QB OJlOOI U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 2 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE 1B Hi {a) ... .7.hrs ......24 hrs .. 14 {) C!QB C4 C2 0 CFB CFO C5 CFH CFI CFP VWF AD U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 3 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE lC - l eh }') -l i :1 :: 1 L :~_cj_LI_ 30 min I hr 3 hrs 5 hrs 7 hrs 24 hrs 48 hrs 72 hrs 96 hrs U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 4 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE2A (:?. FH U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 5 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE 2B FD FP Biot Blot Stained Gd U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 6 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE3 =~: ..•.r.i_.'. · fa11 (] U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 7 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE 3 (cont) !) :i Ill t,l Ii 6() :Hi(.! 26() U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 8 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE 3 (cont) 4$00 12 112 2U 312 412 Dl:,;t~nc(?, rl~:els U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 9 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE4 .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. ll l VINF 0 U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 10 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE 4 (cont) 4$1)0 4::\)0 JH:tl ;fil.,.,. t :txro ·}: .·::,~•"{».·~ ·«· .{../>>... ,;:,;;, :n J(K~ t 1100 WY•}~ *'""'-"'•••.-.J').-,«;' ;~ U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 11 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE 4 (cont) : .. ~ 1,1,.1,1,.1:, jJ: 11 :.~.!.. .;, ::i 1 : N i.~J ~tr !,I 1 ...i,1. .'. .,,J,. i..::1,.·1,,1, ..,,r ,,: .i:1,.i,_1,. 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U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 12 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURES A H.lJVEC-re1ea8e<l Complement Components ':i ( .•.J FB FD C5 Fl FH FP J-i C!q C4 }--1 0 l5 20 25 JO 35 4(l 50 'h, of the Lrni:~ih ofULVWF String ,viih Ea('.b (\,mp!emeni C:,;nponem Atrnched U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 13 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE 5 (cont) B HUVEC-released Complement Components plus Heated Serum FB .,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,, FD :=:Jh F! .:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:id fH ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·}-------------- : fl' '1mmm11,,.....-- C!q / .......................................................... l·····························································' C4 r, n 50 U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 14 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 F1GURE6 B 1¥) 1Stl JJO 2$0 JJO J~O :tK~ tftH;i:r:{~;, i:.:t{i:s U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 15 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE 6 (cont) I) U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 16 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE7 U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 17 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE 7 (cont) U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 18 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE SA U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 19 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 :FIGURE SA (cont) U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 20 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE 8B U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 21 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE 8B (cont) .,_,,'»~ 3-5-0:.) -~ 3.0(X) ~ :fil 2~--c~.;: ~ J.O{XJ t 1S-OO >.-. g 1000 M. 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(D 5000 0. >- -·w 4000 · C: (l) C: -...., 3000 C: tD 0 r{)_ 2000 ,_tD 0 ::::, 1000 .. w... 0 C3 FB FD C5 FH Fl FP C4 U.S. Patent Jan.3,2017 Sheet 36 of 36 US 9,534,212 B2 FIGURE 14 7000 ··•·•• HUVEC-re!eased C: E 6000 fl HUVEC ·t NS 0 .E •y· 1'.. 5000 ~ Q. ~ ·; 4000 e: ,S I -...t: 3000 C: I;)> (.; e{JJ 2000 .a0 u.
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