Life Sentence Handed Down in Rengel Case

Life Sentence Handed Down in Rengel Case

`HE EAY` `UXUT`U HOLLYWOOD INSIDEINSIDE @ CENTENNIAL Road UBYEXbEX blocks PAGE 3 UBYEXbEX PAGE 4 Friday '! October 2 '!"##$ PUBLISHED BY CENTENNIAL COLLEGE JOURNALISM STUDENTS AND SERVING EAST YORK !"#$%&'(&'&*!+&, Life sentence handed down in Rengel case By MONIQUE PLESSAS ;!"!' %0)#$%*!2' 06' \"&*P2!:"!!' Stefanie RengelSs family @3"2!"'5)2'&!)*!)%!2'5&'5237*&8' ;5$*!2'SW'@0)*4&'60"'X3&*$%!'O' Todorovic, however, needs to 5)2'$*'\)577<'%5@!'0)'Z0)25<=' wait only seven years in contrast ;$*4'*4!'&!)*!)%$):'06'*4!'<03):' ;$*4'[5:&45;S&'SD='H!%53&!'&4!' man who stabbed her to death. ;5&' 3)2!"' SE' -5#$2'[5:&45;=';40';5&'X3&*' at the time of 603"' 25<&' 5;5<' 6"0@' *3")$):' *4!'@3"2!"8 SW' ;4!)' 4!' @3"2!"!2' Q!):!7' R e n g e l S s 03*&$2!' 4!"' F5&*' G0"A' 40@!=' <03):!"' H"0*4 - ;5&' &!)*!)%!2' *0' 7$6!' $)' 1"$&0)' er, Ian, acted ;$*4')0'10&&$H$7$*<'06'15"07!'60"' as the family 10 years. &10A!&1!"&0)' \!' "!%!$#!2' *4!' @5>$@3@' BAGSHAW 03*&$2!' *4!' *$@!'5'<03*4'066!)2!"'%5)'"!%!$#!' downtown To- ;4!)'&!)*!)%!2'5&'5)'5237*8' "0)*0' %03"*403&!' 0)' Z0)25<' Bagshaw stabbed his 14-year- 5)2' !>1"!&&!2' "!7$!6' *45*' *4$&' old victim six times and left 15"*'06'*4!'*"5:!2<'$&'0#!"8'[3*' Observer, Jessicka Loduca her to die in a snowbank near he also indicated discontent FRIENDS FUR-EVER: Tabitha Star, 19, and four-legged friend Sonik cozy up together at the Denvale Road and Northdale that Bagshaw did not receive Toronto Police Dog Services anniversary event on Saturday. [037!#5"2'0)']5)8'S='CDDW8 *4!' &!)*!)%!' 06' CT' <!5"&' ;$*4 - The PmastermindQ behind 03*'10&&$H$7$*<'06'15"07!'*45*'4!' *4!' @3"2!"=' S^P<!5"P072' Z! - ;0372'45#!='$6'4!';5&'X3&*'603"' lissa Todorovic, driven by an days older at the time of the Canine cops capture hearts 0H&!&&$#!' X!5703&<=' "!7!)*7!&&7<' @3"2!"8 1"!&&3"!2' 4!"' *4!)PH0<6"$!)2=' [5:&45;S&' 63*3"!' $&' &*$77' $)' [5:&45;=' *0' @3"2!"' Q!):!7=' *4!' 45)2&' 06' *4!' %03"*=' 5&' 4!' ;40' ?020"0#$%' 1!"%!$#!2' 5&' 5' ;5$*&'60"'4$&'175%!@!)*'4!5"$):' during unit’s 20th-year bash romantic rival. Todorovic was O' ;4!"!' $*' ;$77' H!' 2!*!"@$)!2' By JESSICKA LODUCA PEach dog is bonded to a ?4!<'20)S*'45#!'*0'2!170<'*4!$"' &!)*!)%!2'$)']37<8 whether he serves his time in a A dog really is a manSs best handler and is at his side all the 06\%!"&'*0'20'5'&!5"%48Q Both Todorovic and Bagshaw <03*4'0"'5)'5237*'65%$7$*<8 friend. time,Q Adamson said. PWhen 9)2!"&'Q0H$)&0)='CR='5':3!&*' When the Toronto Police Dog I go to work, Sonik comes to at the PDS event, said events !"#$%!&'()$*'+,- .'\"&*'01!)!2' ;0"A8' ?0' 4$@=' $*S&' 57;5<&' 63)' 7$A!' *4!&!' 5"!' H!)!\%$57' *0' *4!' its doors in 1989, it began 5)2'$*S&'57;5<&'175<*$@!8'J!S"!' %0@@3)$*<' H!%53&!' 45)27!"&' with only one dog, which was )0*'5%*3577<'03*'20$):'5)<*4$):' and their dogs are seen 13"%45&!2'60"'0)!'20775"8'96*!"' aggressive. The dog is of the &10"52$%577<'$)'13H7$%8' &!!$):' *4!' &3%%!&&!&' 5%4$!#!2' PThey (the PDS) are a small ;$*4$)'*4!'\"&*'<!5"='*4!'107$%!' :"031' 06' 1!017!=Q' 4!' &5$28' PN*S&' &!"#$%!' !>15)2!2' *4!' 3)$*' *0' ‘To him, it’s always nice being able to come in here eight dogs and nine handlers. fun and it’s always 5)2' :!*' 31' %70&!' 5)2' 1!"&0)57' ?025<=' *4!' 3)$*' $&' %0@1"$&!2' playtime.’ ;$*4' *4!' 06\%!"&' 5)2' *4!$"' of 27 dogs with 20 handlers, —Sgt. James Adamson dogs and see what they are all @5A$):'$*'*4!'75":!&*'@3)$%$157' 5H03*8Q' %5)$)!'3)$*'$)'B5)5258' ?4!' 20:&' 5"!' "!M3$"!2' *0' The PDS celebrated its @$)2&!*' *45*' *4!' &3&1!%*' $&' $)' 15"*5A!' $)' 5' STP;!!A' %03"&!' CD*4' 5))$#!"&5"<' 0)' !1*8' 10&&!&&$0)'06'4$&'*0<K'$*S&'5'#!"<' 1"$0"' *0' !#!"' &!**$):' 600*' 0)' 5' CE' ;$*4' 5)' 01!)' 403&!' 5*' $*&' &$@17!'%0)%!1*8'Q %"$@!' &%!)!8' -3"$):' *4$&' *$@!=' Beechwood Drive location in Dogs in the force are selected they are trained in narcotic F5&*' G0"A=' :$#$):' *4!' 13H7$%' H5&!2' 0)' *4!$"' %0)\2!)%!=' detection, cadaver work and *4!' 0110"*3)$*<' *0' @!!*' ;$*4' &0%$5H$7$*<'5)2'1"!<'2"$#!8' \"!5"@' 2!*!%*$0)8' U!"@5)' handlers and their dogs. ?4!<' 5"!' "!M3$"!2' *0' &*5)2' 5)2' -3*%4' &4!14!"2&' 5"!' ?4!' !#!)*' $)%732!2' 65%!' *4!$"' :"03)2=' H3*' @3&*' &*$77' 3&!2' 5&' :!)!"57' 13"10&!' 20:&=' 15$)*$):=' *03"&' 06' *4!' &*5*$0)' 2$&175<' 5' 6"$!)27<' &$2!' &0' ;4$7!' V5H"520"&' 5)2' &1"$):!"' and demonstrations, where the *4!<' 5"!' %515H7!' 06' 20$):' &15)$!7&' 5"!' 3&!2' $)' 2!*!%*$0)' dogs showcased their skills. 2!@0)&*"5*$0)&'60"'*4!'13H7$%8' ;0"A' &3%4' 5&' \)2$):' )5"%0*$%&' Sgt. James Adamson has :*8',537'B5$&&$!'5)2'4$&'20:' 5)2'!>170&$#!&8' ;0"A!2' ;$*4' 4$&' 15"*)!"' N)2<=' 5' &1"$):!"' &15)$!7=' H0*4' P?4!' 20:&' 5"!' !>1!%*!2' *0' Observer, Victoria Wells Sonik, a six-year-old German *00A' 175%!' $)' 5' 2!@0)&*"5*$0)' achieve a standard,Q Adamson FOR THE BIRDS: Matigan Crozier, 6, creates an eco-friendly &4!14!"2=' 60"' *4!' 15&*' 603"' at this monthSs event. said. POnce they have made bird feeder from a pinecone, lard and seed. It was one of many years and says at the end of the P?4!'20:&'5"!'#!"<'1"0\%$!)*' *45*' 5%4$!#!@!)*' *4!<' @3&*' activities available at TVO Kids£ Greenbelt Adventure Day, held 25<'*4!'20:&'5"!')0*'0)7<'15"*' $)';45*'*4!<'20=Q'B5$&&$!'&5$28' 5))3577<'"!1!5*'*4!'%03"&!'5)2' at the Evergreen Brick Works farmers£ market on Sept. 19. 06' *4!' 60"%!=' H3*' 15"*' 06' *4!$"' P?4!<'&5#!'@5)P403"&'60"'@5)<' meet that standard again.Q (Another photo on page 6.) families as well. 06' *4!' \!72' %0@@5)2' 06\%!"&8' See WHO, page 8 East York councillors surprised by Miller’s decision By VICTORIA WELLS that the mayor was looking have tackled.Q &5$2'4!'6!7*'4!'452'5%%0@17$&4!2' 107$*$%57' 7$6!' 45&' 0)' 65@$7<8' N*' -5#$2' Z$77!"S&' 5))03)%!@!)*' 60";5"2'*0'5'\:4*'+$)'CDSD.'5)2' B03)%$770"' ;45*' 4!' 452' &!*' 03*' *0' 20' 5&' takes an incredible toll.Q that he wonSt be seeking a third 452')0'&$:)'06'+4$@.'H5%A$):'03*=Q' B5&!' `0*!&' 06' mayor of the city and wanted to [3*' )0*' !#!"<0)!' H!7$!#!&' term as mayor of Toronto came ,5"A!"' &5$28' PN' ;5&' %0@17!*!7<' Ward 29 To- &1!)2' @0"!' *$@!' ;$*4' 4$&' ;$6!' the mayorSs decision is based as a shock to two East York city 5)2'*0*577<'&3"1"$&!28Q ronto-Danforth and children. on family commitments alone. %03)%$770"&8 Davis, who serves on the ;5&'03*'06'*0;)' -5#$&'&5$2'&4!'%0372'"!75*!'*0' Parker said he thinks thereSs B03)%$770"&' ]5)!*' -5#$&' 06' !>!%3*$#!' %0@@$**!!=' &5$2' &4!' 5)2' 3)5#5$7 - Z$77!"S&'2!&$"!'*0'13*'4$&'65@$7<' more to it than that. Ward 31/Beaches-East York was saddened by the mayorSs able for com- DAVIS \"&*8 PN'20)S*'H3<'4$&'13H7$%7<'&*5*!2' and John Parker of Ward 26/ decision. ment. PN' 3&3577<' &!!' @<' 65@$7<' 60"' "5*$0)57!' *45*' 4!' X3&*' )0;' -0)'_577!<'J!&*'H0*4'!>1"!&&!2' PNS@' 2$&5110$)*!2=Q' &4!' &5$28' Z$77!"'5))03)%!2'4$&'2!%$&$0)' breakfast and on the weekend. &*3@H7!2' 310)' *4!' 65%*' *45*' 4!' &3"1"$&!'5*'*4!'@5<0"S&'2!%$&$0)8' PThere are other challenges at an emotional news conference Z0&*'!#!)$):&'NS@'03*=Q'&4!'&5$28' is the father of two children.Q PEverything had indicated 54!52' *45*' N' A)0;' 4!' ;0372' 75&*' a"$25<8' N)' 4$&' &1!!%4=' 4!' P,!017!' 20)S*' "!57$b!' *4!' !66!%*' See RIGHT, page 2 Page 2 — East York’s Observer, October 2, 2009 Doctors use SARS to fight flu Police lot from that in terms of how sure their symptoms are not through the hospital. Lessons from to put in place various types of spread to other people.Q PThey learned a lot in terms of beat responses that you may need in Downey said all hospital staff response and infection control outbreak fuel certain situations.Q receive constant reminders to and how to put things in place Memories of the SARS crisis, self-screen and to not come to *2'4"#,%5-%'*$%'%7\#4%"#)'5"&'*2' Man assaulted which Downey called Pthe 92,;' 47' *$%)' -$29' 5")' ]!>34;%' decrease the risk of contagion H1N1 strategy On Monday, a 25-year-old hardest work I ever did,Q helped symptoms. based on whatever pathogens man was assaulted in the area provide the impetus for earlier Cleaning the hospital that weSre dealing with,Q she By MIKE CRISOLAGO of Hanna Road and Parkhurst planning this time around. becomes even more vital, and said. =$4-' ]!' -%5-2"0' 94*$' *$%' Boulevard.

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