RegisteroftheSocietyColonialWarsinDistrictColumbia,1904... Society GeneralofColonialWars(U.S.).DistrictColumbia,AlbertCharlesPeale * GENERAL L IBRARY of the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN -PRESENTED B Y- &,. S QTS^JLA/U- ^ >^ CXJ3. 1 'JY\ ^£>_ \^q5 IL. % 3 D 6 3 With t he uaMi"LiMENT9 of the Societyf o Coloxial, Wars . IXHE T UISTRILT OP- OOLUMllIA Kendall B uilding WALTER C. CT.EPIIAN10 Washington, 1 J. C. .Secretary. (2*--cii~ J -I e o > REGISTER SOCIETYF O COLONIAL WARS INHE T DISTRICTF O COLUMBIA 1904 FORTITERRO P PATRIA WASHINGTON C ITY 1904 Prepared f or the Society by Dr. A. C. Peale, the Registrar, and edited by Dr. Marcus Benjamin, the Deputy-Governor under the direction of the following Committee on Publication: Thomas H yde, Chairman; A. C. Peale, A. Howard Clark, Marcus Benjamin, Frank B. Smith. (§&tttB, ( Stnlltmsn of tlu? (Boratril. ana fciattotng QIommittrfB. Governor, Thomas H yde. Deputy-Governor, Marcus B enjamin, Ph. D. Lieutenant-Governor, W illiam Van Zandt Cox. Secretary, F rank Birge. Smith, (1632 Riggs Place.) Treasurer. John W illiam Henry, (1315 F S treet.) Registrar. A lbert Charles Peale, M. D. Historian, G ilbert Thompson. Chaplain, R ev. Caleb Rochford Stetson. Chancellor, L eonard Huntress Dyer. Surgeon. H enry Lowry Emilius Johnson, M. D. Gentlemen o f the Council. (Term expires December, 1904.) George C olton Maynard, Frederic Wolters Huidekoper, Thomas B lagden. (Term e xpires December, 1905.) George W ashington Neale Curtis, M. D., John D ewhurst Patten, Job Barciard. (Term e xpires December, 1906.) Alonzo H oward Clark, Zebina Moses. Samuel W alter Woodward. Committee o n Membership. Albert C harles Peale, M. D., Chairman, Robert Connell, Joseph Cutler Hardie, Robert A twater Smith, Ira Warren Dennison, M. D. Committee o n Historical Documents. Gilbert Thompson, Chairman, Allen Richards Boyd, Henry Peter Renouf Holt, James B rainerd Taylor Tupper Frank A ustin Swartwout, M. D. Delegates t o the General Assembly. Walter Wyman, Elisha Francis Riggs, Oscar Fitzalan Long, William B aker Thompson, Frederick Denison Owen. 3ln i Hmnriam. JAMES O WEN DORSEY, Ethnologist. Born, Balti more, Maryland, October 31, 1848. Died, Washington City, February 4, 1895. CHARLES A DDISON MANN, Lawyer. Born, Utica, New York, May 29, 1835. Died, Saint Paul, Minnesota, March 13, 1896. WILLIAM H OLCOMB WEBSTER, Chief Examiner, U. S. Civil Service Commission. Born, Burlington, Con necticut, January 24, 1839. Died, Washington City, March 23, 1896. CHARLES H ENRY BAKER, Chief Engineer, U. S. Navy. Born, Salem, Massachusetts, January 16, 1831. Died, Washington City, May 6, 1896. GEORGE B ROWN GOODE, Assistant-Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Born, New Albany, Indiana, February 13, 1851. Died, Washington City, September 6, 1896. RICHARD W ORSAM HEADE, Rear-Admiral (Re tired), U. S. Navy. Born, New York City, October 9, 1837. Died, Washington City, May 4, 1897. GARDINER G REENE HUBBARD, Lawyer. Born, Boston, Massachusetts, August 25, 1822. Died, Washing ton City, December 11, 1897. JAMES B OWEN JOHNSON, Secretary and Treasurer of Howard University, Washington City. Born, Royal Oak, Michigan, October 4, 1830. Died, Washington City, Jan uary 10, 1899. THEODORUS B AILEY MYERS MASON, Lieutenant- Commander (Retired), U. S. Navy. Born, New York City, May 8, 1848. Died, Saugerties, New York, October 15, 1899. RICHARD N APOLEON BATCHELDER, Brigadier- General and Quartermaster-General (Retired), U. S. Army. Born, Meredith, New Hampshire, July 27, 1832. Died, Washington City, January 4, 1901. WILLIAM H ERHAN WILHELM, Captain, U. S. Army. Born, Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania, June 9, 1867. Killed in Battle near Lipa, Philippine Islands, June 10, 1901. CHARLES F REDERICK TIFFANY BE ALE, Lawyer. Born, Kinderhook, New York, June 15, 1857. Died, Port Kent, New York, September 1, 1901. FRANCIS A SBURY ROE, Rear-Admiral (Retired), U. S. Navy. Born, Elmira, New York, October 4, 1823. Died, Washington City, December 28, 1901. JAMES C USHING MERRILL, M. D., Surgeon, U. S. Army. Born, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 26, 1853. Died, Washington City, October 27, 1902. GEORGE F RANKLIN APPLEBY, Lawyer. Born, Washington City, March 20, 1844. Died, Washington City, April 30, 1903. JOHN E LFRETH WATKINS.Curator, U. S. National Museum. Born, Goochland County, Virginia, May 17, 1852. Died, New York City, August 11, 1903. Officers Officers o f the Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia from its organization to the present: GOVERNORS. Elected. Retired. 1893 Francis A sbury Roe 1894 1894 Walter W yman 1895 1895 Gardiner G reene Hubbard 1897 1897 Charles F rederick Tiffany Beale 1899 1899 George C olton Maynard 1900 1900 Frederick W olters Huidekoper 1901 1901 William B aker Thompson 1903 1903 Thomas H yde DEPUTY-GOVERNORS. Elected. Retired. 1893 Charles E dward Coon 1894 1894 Walter W yman 1894 1894 Oscar F itzalan Long 1896 1896 James H oratio Watmough 1896 1897 Richard W orsam Meade 1897 1897 Charles F rederick Tiffany Beale 1897 1897 George C olton Maynard 1899 1899 Frederick W olters Huidekoper 1900 1900 James M ilton Flint 1901 1901 Thomas H yde 1903 1903 Marcus B enjamin SOCIETY O F COLONIAL WARS LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS. Elected. Retired. 1893 James H oratio Watmough 1894 1894 George B rown Goode 1896 1896 Charles F rederick Tiffany Beale 1897 1897 George C olton Maynard 1897 1897 Walter W yman 1898 1898 Richard N apoleon Batchelder 1899 1899 Richard G raham Davenport 1900 1900 James C uyler Hardie 1900 1900 William B aker Thompson 1901 1901 Marcus B enjamin 1903 1903 William V an Zandt Cox SECRETARIES. Elected. Retired. 1893 Richard G raham Davenport 1893 1893 Oscar F itzalan Long 1894 1894 James C uyler Hardie 1900 1900 Harry W eston Van Dyke 1901 1901 Frank B irge Smith DEPUTY-SECRETARIES* Elected. Retired. 1894 James C uyler Hardie 1894 1894 John W illiam Henry 1895 1895 William E dward Horton 1897 1897 Thomas B lagden 1897 1897 Henry G reenway Kemp 1898 1898 Henry W eston Van Dyke 1900 1900 Thomas B lagden 1902 •This o ffice is not provided for in the present constitution. INHE T DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA TREASURERS. Elected. Retired. 1893 Joseph F rederick Batchelder 1895 1895 John W illiam Henry REGISTRARS. Elected. Retired. 1893 Albert C harles Peale 1894 1894 Calvin D uvall Cowles 1895 1895 Frank B irge Smith 1899 1899 Albert C harles Peale HISTORIANS. Elected. Retired. 1893 Samuel M oore Shute 1893 1893 Alonzo H oward Clark 1897 1897 Marcus B enjamin 1900 1900 Gilbert T hompson CHAPLAINS. Elected. Retired. 1893 Rev. J ames Owen Dorsey 1895 1895 Rev. S amuel Moore Shute 1897 1897 Rev. A rnold Harris Hord 1899 1899 Rev. C aleb Rochford Stetson CHANCELLORS. Elected. Retired. 1893 Archibald H opkins 1894 1894 Edward A ugustus Moseley 1897 1897 William P ark Metcalf 1898 1898 Robert S trettle Jones Fisher 1900 1900 Henry A lbert Seymour 1901 1901 Henry W eston Van Dyke 1902 1902 William P ark Metcalf 1903 1903 2 L eonard Huntress Dyer io , S OCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS SURGEONS. Elected. Retired. 1894 Dr. Albert C harles Peale 1897 1897 Dr. Ira W arren Dennison 1899 1899 Dr. Joseph T aber Johnson 1900 1900 Dr. George W ashington Neale Custis 1901 1901 Dr. James C ushing Merrill 1902 1902 Dr. George T ully Vaughan 1903 1903 Dr. Henry L owry Emilius Johnson CONSTITUTION AYADOPTED M 13, 1902. Article Name. I . The n ame of this Society shall be the "Society of Col onial Wars in the District of Columbia." This S ociety recognizes the authority of the General Society of Colonial Wars and will obey all its proper regu lations which are applicable to this Society. Article Objects. I I. The o bjects of this Society are to aid in preparing and publishing a correct history of the American Colonies now included in the territory belonging to the United States, from the Settlement of Jamestown, Va., May 13, 1607, to the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775; to commemorate the important events of that period ; to perpetuate the mem ory of the men who in military, naval, and civil positions of trust and responsibility, by their acts and counsel, assisted in the establishment, defence, and preservation of the said Amer ican colonies ; and to promote a spirit of loyalty and patriotic devotion to the nation which they founded. Article I II. Membership. TERMSF O ELIGIBILITY. Section 1 . — Any male person shall be eligible to mem bership who is above the age of twenty-one years, of moral 1a S OCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS character a nd good reputation, and who is lineally descended from an ancestor: ( 1 ) W ho served as a military, naval, or marine officer, or as a soldier, sailor, or marine, or as a privateersman, under authority of the Colonies which afterward formed the United States, or in the forces of Great Britain which par ticipated with those of the said Colonies in any wars in which the said Colonies were engaged or in which they enrolled men, during said colonial period. (2) W ho held office in any of the Colonies between the dates above mentioned, either as (a) P resident, Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Mem ber of the King's Council, County-Lieutenant, or Member of the House of Burgesses in the Colony of Virginia. (b) G overnor-General, Governor, Lieutenant or Act ing Governor, President, Assistant, Member of the Gov ernor's Council, Deputy or Representative in the General Court, in the Colonies of Plymouth, Massachusetts, Connec ticut, New Haven, Maine, Providence Plantation or Rhode Island, or New Hampshire; as President of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, or as one of the Commissioners of the United Colonies of New England. (c) D irector-General, Vice-Director-General, Governor or Deputy-Governor, Member of the Council or of the Landtag of the Colony of New Netherlands, or of the Dutch Colony on the Delaware.
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