^386 ••:thc said Grand Junction Canal, in the said ;parishe sr.id intended Act, to deviate from the line of railway •of Fiushey, Watford, and Rickmansvforth, or one o down on the iplan s hereafter to be depositer > d thcai; and-in which Bill pqv/er will be applied fo with the respective Clerks of the Peace for the' to alter oc divert the several turnpike roads follow counties of Hants and Wilts, to any extent not • ing. via. the turnpike road from Rickmanswor.tr exceeding one hundred yards on each side of the to U'ntiord, in the said parishes.of Rickmanswortl lines so laid down,—Dated the 10th dav of No- .mid \Vatfoi\l. or one oi them ; the turnpike -roac vember 1836. from Rickiiijinsvvorth to Starimore, in the said .parish of Pinner.; the turnpike road from Har-row to Nodding and Everett, Salisbury; James Kenton, in the s;rid parish of Harrow ; and the. Sharp and Harrison, Southampton; So- 'Im-npike road from Harrow to London, in the saic licitors. ;pari;,h of Harrow. R. C. bale, Solicitor. Ayr Water. 21, Surrey-street, Strand, 1st November 1836. ]VTQTICE is hereby given, (hat it is intended to r apply to Parliament in the ensuing session, for Iliirnpshire and Wiltshire Junction Railway. leave to bring in a Bill for supplying the tovvu of ~]VT OTICE .is hereby given, that application is in- Ayr, Newton, and Wallacctown, in the county <<f -*-^ .tended to be made to Parliament in ,the> nex Ayr, and places adjacent thereto, with water ; in •session,.for leave to bring in q Bill to make and main- which Bill it is intended to take powers to bring tain a railway or raihyays, with proper works anc water from springs and streams situated in the lands ..conveniences connected therewith, commencing by i of Balig, Killopston, and High Kyleston, in the function or junctions with the London and South- parish of Maybole, by means of pipes, cuts, or ampton Railway, in or near four several fields, two aqueducts, passing through the lands of the Most of which are situate in the parish of North Stone- Noble the .Marquis of Ailsa, and alongst the road .ham, and are respectively numbered 1 and 2 in -the passing by the Low-bridge of Doon, to the said •iiiaps or plans of the London and Southampton town of Ayr, and, thereafter, through the streets of 'Railway, -which remain deposited with the. 'Clerk of Ayr, Newton, and Wallacetown, all situated in the •the Peace for the county of Southampton, and the parishes of Maybole, Ayr, Newton-upon-Ayr, as other two of which said fields are situate in the part of the united parishes of Monkton, Prestvvick •>ty thing of Barton Peverell, in the parish of South and Crosbie, and Samt Evox and Wallacetown, and 6toneham, in the said county of Southampton, and said county of Ayr 3 to erect all necessary reservoirs, numbered 21 and 22 in the said maps or plans ; cisterns, fountains, wells, and other works, to niake which said three . several fields lie near the junction and lay all necessary pipes, cuts, or aqueducts for ••sef /the occupation >road leading from Chicken Hall supplying the said town of Ayr, Newton, and ^otherwise Chicknell Farm, with the public road Wullacetown, and places adjacent thereto, with leading from S wathling to Allbrook, in the same water, to purchase and acquire 'lands, grounds, and .county, and terminating at or near the city of Salis- tieritages for that purpose, to 'raise funds for the .ibiujyin. the county of Wilts, in a pasture field or same, and to levy rates and duties upon such per- ...fiehjls, in the parish of Milford, and is. or are situate sons as use the said water, to incorporate the sub- on the eastern side of the said city of Salisbury; scribers into a body corporate, under proper rules and . which said railway or railways, works, and md restrictions, and to regulate, manage, and carry conveniences, is or are intended to pass into the into effect the said undertaking. several parishes, townships, tythings,, and extra par J. D. BosweH, Ayr 5 Richardson and C&nnell, rochial and other places of South Stoneham, Barton Fludyer-streetj Westminster. Pevercll, North Stonehain, Otierbourne, Bishopstoke, Eastley otherwise East Leigh, North-end, Comp- ton, Chandler's Ford, Chilworth, North Bfiddeslcy Edinburgh, Haddington, and Dunbar Railway. ,CT Badsley, Hursley, Ram Alley, Anfield, Luzbo- "JVTOTICE is hereby given, that application is rougb, Cr.ajupmoor, Alderworth or Holderworth, -*• ' intended to be made to Parliament in the •Cupernliiim, Rornsey Extra, Romsey Infra, Tims- next session, for leave to bring in a Bill for making bury, Stanbridge, Eltan, Abridge otherwise Aw- ind nuiiutaing a railway or railways, with- proper bridge, Brashfield, Kiurbridge, Michelmersh other- vcrks and conveniences', for the passage of locomo- wise Mitchelmarsh, Mottisfont, Sherfield English, ive engines, carnages, waggons, and other ve-hieles Lockcrley, Carter's Clay, Newton, East Tytherley f proper construction, from the city of Edinburgh, or Tuderlcy, West Tytherley or Tuderley, Brought n the county of Edinburgh, to the town and port ton, French Moor, East Dean, and part of West )f Dunbar, in the county of Haddington ; which Deim, or some or one of them, in the county of ailway is intended to commence at or near to the Southaruptori; other part of West Dean, East Worth-bridge, of Edinburgh, in the parishes or the Grimsttad or East Gnnstead, West Grinste^id or Trinity College Church and Saint Andrew's, and West Grimstead, Alderbury, Clarendon, Laverstock ^reenside ur Saint Andrew's, and to proceed from and Foiid, Milfprd, Saint Martin's Sarum, Harnham, hence by, through, or near to the street called the and the city of Salisbury,'or some or .one of them^ Vorth'Back of the Cannongate, the Calton-hill, the in the county of Wilts ; and also, po^ver to divert ibbey-li'iU; Clpc-k-ruill-hoase, and- Parson's-green,' and ulter the present liiie or course of the River ad enteiing-, intersecting, or passing through or' Test. , , I2ar- to the several' parishes of Saint '.Andrew's., - And it is also intended to apply for power, by the | ireenside or Saint Andrew's, Leith Wynd, Qtuirchy.
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