February 24, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S825 residents, one out of every 6 low-in- munized to protect her from a variety denounced Moscow’s handling of Babitsky as come children, and one of every 5 ba- of dreaded diseases. a violation of Russian law and international bies born to low-income families. These individuals, and millions more law and stated that the situation sur- 3. Health centers truly target the like them, are the reasons why we rounding Babitsky signals ‘‘that the same must make the goal of the REACH Ini- thing may happen to every reporter’’; health care access problem. By defini- Whereas the Union of Journalists in Russia tion, health centers must be located in tiative—doubled funding for commu- declared on February 16 that the case of ‘‘medically underserved’’ commu- nity health centers—a reality. Andrei Babitsky is ‘‘not an isolated episode, nities—which simply means places f but almost a turning point in the struggle where people have serious problems SENATE RESOLUTION 261—EX- for a press that serves society and not the getting access to health care. So health authorities’’ and that ‘‘the threat to freedom PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE of speech in Russia has for the first time in centers attack the problem right at SENATE REGARDING THE DE- this source. Unlike other health care the last several years transformed into its TENTION OF ANDREI BABITSKY open and regular suppression’’; proposals, the REACH Initiative BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE Whereas freedom of the press is both a cen- doesn’t create problems of ‘‘crowding RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND tral element of democracy as well as a cata- out’’ private insurance by replacing FREEDOM OF THE PRESS IN lyst for democratic reform; private dollars spent on health insur- RUSSIA Whereas the Government of the Russian ance with federal dollars. Federation has repeatedly violated the prin- 4. Health centers are relatively Mr. HELMS (for himself, Mr. BIDEN, ciples of freedom of the press by subjecting cheap. Health centers can provide pri- Mr. ROTH, Mr. LOTT, and Mr. DODD) journalists who question or oppose its poli- mary and preventive care for one per- submitted the following resolution; cies to censorship, intimidation, harassment, which was considered and agreed to: incarceration, and violence; by restricting son for less than $1 dollar per day— beyond internationally accepted limits their about $350 per year. Even better, health S. RES. 261 Whereas Andrei Babitsky, a dedicated and access to information; and by issuing mis- centers are able to leverage each grant leading and false information; and dollar from the federal government professional journalist for Radio Free Eu- rope/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) for the last 10 Whereas the Government of the Russian into additional funding from other years, reported on the 1994–1996 and the cur- Federation has egregiously restricted the ef- sources—meaning they can effectively rent Russo-Chechen wars; forts of journalists to report on the indis- turn one grant dollar into several dol- Whereas on December 27, 1999, the Russian criminate brutality of Russia’s use of force lars that can be used to address health Information Committee (RIC) in Chechnya in Chechnya: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate care problems. With an extra billion accused Babitsky of ‘‘conspiracy with Chechen rebels’’ after he broadcast a story that— dollars a year—the goal of the REACH (1) the detention of Andrei Babitsky by the Initiative in its fifth year—health cen- that shed unfavorable light on Russian mili- tary actions in Chechnya; Government of the Russian Federation and ters could be caring for an additional 10 Whereas on January 8, 2000, Russian secu- the misinformation the Government of the million people. rity agents raided Babitsky’s apartment in Russian Federation has issued concerning 5. Expanding health center access Moscow and confiscated several items and this matter— would not be a government takeover of later ordered his wife, Ludmila Babitskaya, (A) constitute reprehensible treatment of a health care. New funding within the to report to a local militia station in Mos- civilian in a conflict zone in violation of the REACH Initiative. But this new fund- cow after she attempted to pick up photo- Geneva Conventions and applicable proto- graphs taken by her husband in Chechnya; cols; and ing would not go to create a huge new (B) demonstrate the Government of the government bureaucracy. Instead, the Whereas on January 18, 2000, Babitsky was reportedly detained by Russian authorities Russian Federation’s intolerance toward a REACH Initiative would invest addi- in Moscow but later reports indicated that free and open press; tional funds in private organizations he was not formally arrested until January (2) the conduct of the Government of the that have consistently proven them- 27, 2000; Russian Federation leaves it responsible for selves to be efficient, high-quality, and Whereas on January 26, 2000, Russian presi- the safety of Andrei Babitsky; cost-effective health care providers. dential spokesman Sergei Yastrzhembsky (3) the Government of the Russian Federa- To me, all of these reasons point to said that Babitsky ‘‘left Grozny and then tion should take steps to secure the safe re- turn of RFE/RL reporter Andrei Babitsky to one logical conclusion—a need for dras- disappeared’’ and declared that Russian secu- rity services had no idea as to his where- his family; tically increased funding for health (4) the Government of the Russian Federa- centers. Health centers are already abouts and that ‘‘his security is not guaran- teed’’; tion should provide a full accounting of Mr. helping millions of Americans get Whereas on January 28, 2000, Russian Babitsky’s detention and the charges he may health care. But they can still help media officials told RFE/RL that Babitsky face; and millions more—pregnant women, chil- would be released with apologies after hav- (5) the Russian authorities should imme- dren, and anyone else who desperately ing been charged with participating in ‘‘an diately halt their harassment of journalists, needs care. illegal armed formation’’; foreign and domestic, who cover the war in At the start of my remarks, I said Whereas on February 2, 2000, Moscow offi- Chechnya and any other event in the Russian cials announced that Babitsky would be Federation and should fully adhere to the that we were here to talk about and ad- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, dress the problem of health care ac- transferred from Naursky district near Chechnya to Gudermes and then to Moscow which declares in Article 19 that ‘‘everyone cess—but that’s sort of a cold way to where he would then be released on his own has the right to freedom of opinion and ex- talk about it. So let me try again, but recognizance; pression; this right includes the freedom to this time in human terms. Whereas on February 3, 2000, Russian presi- hold opinions without interference and to We’re here to introduce the REACH dential spokesman Sergei Yastrzhembsky seek, receive and impart information and Initiative to make sure that a young said that Russian officials exchanged ideas through any media regardless of fron- woman who has just found out she’s Babitsky for 3 Russian prisoners of war and tiers’’. pregnant—but who doesn’t have health on the same day, Vladimir Ustinov, acting f Russian prosecutor general, said Babitsky insurance—has a place to get prenatal SENATE RESOLUTION 262—ENTI- care so she doesn’t risk her health and had been released and had gone over to the Chechens on his own accord; TLED THE ‘‘PEACEFUL RESOLU- her baby’s health by waiting until late Whereas the Government of the Russian TION OF THE CONFLICT IN in the pregnancy. Federation has repeatedly issued contradic- CHECHNYA’’ We’re here to introduce the REACH tory statements on the detention of Andrei Mr. WELLSTONE submitted the fol- Initiative to make sure that a 6-year- Babitsky and provided neither a credible ac- lowing resolution; which was consid- old boy living in a heavily rural Mis- counting of its detention of Babitsky nor ered and agreed to: souri community—where there any credible evidence of his well-being; wouldn’t otherwise be any health care Whereas United Nations High Commis- S. RES. 262 providers at all—has a place to get reg- sioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson Whereas the people of Chechnya are exer- stated on February 16 that Russian behavior ular checkups so he can stay health at cising the legitimate right of self-defense in Chechnya and the detention of Andrei against the indiscriminate use of force by home and in school. Babitsky appears to violate the Geneva con- the Government of the Russian Federation; We’re here to make sure that a young ventions to which Russia is a signatory; Whereas the Government of the Russian couple without anywhere else to go has Whereas on February 16, 2000, Russian Federation has used disproportionate force a place to get their infant daughter im- Human Rights Commissioner Oleg Mironov in the bombings of civilian targets Chechnya VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:31 Dec 04, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2000SENATE\S24FE0.REC S24FE0 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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