DW ▪ 46 H.E.M. NADJIB RIPHAT KESOEMA Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia Currently, H.E.M. Nadjib Riphat Kesoema is Ambassador of Indonesia to Belgium since 2006, representing the Government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. What have been your main steps in What do you see as the key politi- new generation, such as the creative indus- your diplomatic career ? cal objectives of Indonesia’s foreign try. We are currently facilitating a project by At the end of my studies in psychology I was policy in Europe? a Belgian team involving a transportable pla- naturally on the path to becoming a professor. Indonesia’s foreign policy in Europe is an netarium that can be used as a 360° screen Circumstances however led me towards diplo- integral part of Indonesia’s grand foreign for public display in Bali. Hopefully the project macy and to the role I occupy today. policy objective, i.e “To ensure one Indonesia would be able to take place in August this that is united, more secure, more democratic year. In addition, the Indonesian Government Apart from the numerous positions that and prosperous.” also provides scholarship programmes called I have occupied at the Ministry of Foreign “Dharmasiswa” where foreign students could Affairs, I have been involved in various diffe- The implementation of Indonesia’s foreign study various subjects in one of the university/ rent diplomatic functions attached to the em- policy is to fulfi ll its constitutional mandate higher learning centres in Indonesia. bassies of Indonesia in Norway, The Holy See “that shall protect the whole people of Indo- Vatican City and in Australia. nesia and the entire homeland of Indonesia, What have been the events that have and in order to advance general prosperity, to made the greatest impression on you Since 2006 I have occupied the position of develop the nation's intellectual life, and to during your mission in Belgium? Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary contribute to the implementation of a world Four memories spring to my mind. of the Republic of Indonesia to the Kingdom order based on freedom, lasting peace and of Belgium, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, social justice,” and it is done with the principle The fi rst is my position which enables me Head of Mission to the European Union. of “active freedom”, meaning that Indonesia’s to be the President of the Asian Brussels Com- foreign policy shall be free from foreign direct mittee. An extremely interesting role enabling What are the diplomatic links that infl uence and should actively sought for ways very fruitful contacts. unite Indonesia and Belgium? for the greatest benefi t of her citizens. The relationship between Indonesia and The second, the introduction and links Belgium has already been established during Hence, key political objectives of Indonesia which bind our Embassy to the wonderful Eric the early days of Indonesia’s birth as a nation is, among others, to ensure the attainment of Domb project and the realisation of his Indo- on the 17th August 1945. At that time, Indonesia’s national interest vis-à-vis Europe. nesian Garden in the Parc Paradisio. Belgium was one of the members of the Com- Among concrete results from such a policy mittee of Good Offi ces for Indonesia – also implementation is the sustained support from Recently we have had the honour to known as the “Three States Committee”– to- Europe towards Indonesia’s sovereignty and receive your Prime Minister, Monsieur Herman gether with Australia and the United States territorial integrity. Van Rompuy, who has given his full attention that actively provided good-offi ces in the and interest to the questions concerning the effort to settle the dispute between Indonesia How do you stimulate the new ge- quality of relations between our two coun- and the Netherlands, its former occupant. neration to share, to exchange their tries. culture, research, professional expe- Belgium was the fi rst European country to riences between our countries? Finally, you can see in my offi ce evidence recognize Indonesia’s independence. Then, in The main challenge lies in how to capture of the wonderful “ceremony” during which December 1949, the two countries offi cially the attention of the new generation. The the Manneken Pis was dressed in traditional established their diplomatic relationship. In Embassy is always ready to give advise to the Indonesian costume. 1963, the diplomatic relations were upgraded youth interested in undertakings in Indonesia, to the Ambassadorial level. whether for professional, research, study or cultural purposes. The Embassy also promo- tes and engages in a number of economic sectors that are particularly attached to the va DW ▪ 47 What exceptionnal event does the macaque, water buffalo and hornbills. All we have also resolved in a peaceful manner opening of the new Indonesian these features will provide the Belgian public the separatist issue in Aceh, thus strengthe- garden in Parc Paradisio in Belgium with a glimpse of Indonesia, an introduction ning our territorial integrity that stretches out represent for you? towards our nation that could serve as a foun- about 62 times of Belgium. There were also Indonesia is far faraway from Belgium that dation for further relations, be they on tourism, natural disasters impacts that needed to be holds the credence as heart of Europe. From business cooperation, cultural exchange acti- addressed immediately. Problems of poverty this standpoint, we could barely understand vities or education program. This direction, of and unemployment as well as in public infras- that efforts should be undertaken for promo- course, is not easy, but we will come across tructure are also among our top list priorities. ting Indonesian profi le, not only its natural it. For us at the Embassy, the opening of the But thanks to God Almighty, Indonesia could resources but also our diverse cultural heri- Indonesian garden is not the fi nal chapter, face them all and address it proportionally. tage as well as national economic dynamics. but a staircase that will put our work at the Today, Indonesia is not only more democratic, To this end, we undertake various programs Embassy to another level of playing fi eld. but also among the most vibrant economies in and activities for all year long. Yet we believe the region. Our national integration remains. that such a showcase for Indonesian beauty What do you wish we discover or Rehabilitation and redevelopment for people and enabling the Belgian public directly expe- keep in mind as an essential image in disaster areas is over a few months ago. rience is of paramount importance, because or message of Indonesia? Poverty is about to be halved, unemployment it will foster our national promotion program. For me Indonesia is a smile. Indonesia is rate is decreasing to manageable level and This rationale has driven us to lend maximum hospitality. Should you come to Indonesia, you several main public infrastructure has been support to the development of Kingdom of will fi nd smiling people all around you. You developed. These are proofs that Indonesians Ganesha project in Parc Paradisio. As an In- may also ask people who had been in Indo- are tough, determined and hard working. donesian garden, the Kingdom of Ganesha nesia about our hospitality custom. This does But above all, an Indonesian never forgets to provides about 4 hectares of artifi cial rice pla- not mean Indonesian people are weak and ar- smile. So this is my message: ‘do not forget teaus, tropical vegetation, an authentic Timor tifi cial. We have been under authoritarian rule Indonesian smile and never underestimate a village, traditional Toraja house construction for three decades and now changed into the smile’. and Balinese temples. There are also Indo- third largest democracy in the world in less nesian animals, like the Sumatran elephant, than 10 years. During this dramatic change, Compiled by Jean-Pierre Hermant Bureau d’étude pour Jardins & terrasses sur toiture jardins privés, jardins de sociétés Négociant en plantes et sujets et espaces publiques d’exception $IBVTTÏFE0QIBJO t##SBJOFM"MMFVEt5ÏM t'BY tXXXWBYFMBJSFEFDLFSTDPNtJOGP!WBYFMBJSFEFDLFSTDPN vaxelaire-deckers encart 150x230 indd 1 19/02/09 20:06:45.
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