BOOK BINDERS 3 PAPERS 'Retirin' to the rock pjfes The Clinton County 4-H, story * SCD air tour this INSIDE: Page 8-A in word and pictures—Section B Saturday—Page 14 A -day 4-H Fair starts on Monday 112th year, No. 16 St. Johns, "Michigan Thursday, August 10,1967 2 SECTIONS —. 40 PAGES 15 Cents Some 1,500 Clinton County 4-H members -will put their summer's projects on display in St. Johns next week during the 30th annual Clinton County 4-H Fair. The program of events next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes­ day follows "a familiar format, but there are several important and big; changes, Extension 4-H Youth Agent John Aylsworth points out. ( v The horse show, a fixture on the schedule for two years, has been expanded to two days in order to handle the competi­ Full tion created by 166 4-H'ers taking saddle horse projects this year. Last year-there were only 121 taking the project. New to the 4*H Fair will be a 4-H steer sale to be held at 5 p.m. next Wednesday, Aug 16, at the Wolverine Stockyards in St. Johns. The 4-H'ers desiring to may sell their 4-H steers, Prime, double leading "them Into the auction ring where prospective buyers will bid ^ on them. 4-H steers* usually sell for several cents above the market price 'at a fair livestock sale", Aylsworth Water said. seal included FAIR ACTIVITY GETS UNDER WAY at 9 a.m. Monday when AllvSt. Johns streets originally scheduled exhibits and displays will be received and set up. Aylsworth rate hike said some 3,200 exhibits will be available for the public to for paving this summer wilbbe paved—some look over during the three days of the fair. with a two-inch bituminous mat and the others While a. lot of the emphasis will be on exhibits, part of with a prime and double seal. , the annual excitement of the fair is in the showmanship and There will be no special assessments m- Section B of this week's Clinton County The St. Johns City Commis­ volved in the paving program, News contains numerous pictures of 4-H' sion'^ decision last Tuesday night Directly related to fc . activities' around the county, plus articles , to do any paying at all on city timated that a full paving pro­ written by 4-H members and leaders des­ streets tills summer means a the city commis- gram using both bituminous mat cribing their various projects and aims'in water Increase is all but assured siba's decision, and prime and double seal on 4-H. At the same time, progressive bus-, for city water customers. about 32 blocks of city streets inesses around Clinton County salute 4-H'ers ( The commission has been however, will be al­ would cost about $40,000—only } in advance of the annual fair, aware that to do any paving at all most surely a water about $5,000 more than a purely would require additional general bituminous mat program would judging contests which take place every day of the'falr. Then fund revenue, and the only fore­ rate increase^for St. cost if applied to 17 blockswhich there will be 4-H all-star softbaU games Monday night and - seeable method would be to have iJohhs" water cus­ got curb, and gutter three years free vaudeville acts by professional entertainers at the park the water fund repay part of the ago.' bandshell Tuesday afternoon and evening. ( $127,000 which It owes to the tomers. 1 All was not harmony in making The first event for spectators at the fair will be the horse general fund. The water rate hike has been the decision on which way to go show Monday morning at 10. o'clock. That day's event will be under discussion by the commis­ on the knotty paving problem. strictly In the western classes of horsemanship and will con­ Before motions were made and passed on the street paving, the sion for several months, anyway, When Mayor Charles Coletta tinue' into the afternoon hours. By the time the horse show is in an effort to get the water called for a voice vote on a recessed, the rest of the 4-H program will be. rolling in good commissioners resigned the'mr selves to the water rate increase, system on a paying basis.'Cur­ motion to do • the whole paving fashion. The 4-H tractor operator's contest is scheduled for rently the water fund owes the program, only two'commis­ 2:30 p.m., 'and at 3 o'clock the Junior livestock judging contest )" even though they haven't voted on it yet. The commission has been general fund.about $127,000^ and sioners responded, both with yes - starts, .•-••• * .' the ; theory behind a rate hike votes. The mayor then called X- 4-H members whef have some free \itAe pii their haHds ma,y reluctant about increasing, the rates because of the effect it is that it Would allow repayment for a poll of t^e. commission. (See 3-DAY 4-H FAIR, Page 12-A) would have on city residents Hy­ of- perhaps a third of the debt Commissioner Getfal'd Irrer ing oh a, fixed income.: to the general fund. voted no, but the motion passed on the strength of yes votes from Commissioners Coletta , John THEIR INFORMAL agreement THE PAVING PROGRAM this County wants year is dependent upon the water Furry, Mrs Robert Rand and a to ah increase was forced'last reluctant Rex Slrrine. week by the need to make a de­ fund being, able to repay-some cision on the paving program. If of the debt. The commission, the program is to be done, It must by deciding last week to go ahead THE PAVING PRpGRAM Will Airport Authority be contracted right-away so there with a paving program, all but start in about three weeks. City is enough good weather remain­ committed themselves to rais­ Manager Greer said. Some of ing this summer to get the work ing water rates so the paving the streets, because of particu­ done.. can be paid for. ." .unless an lar drainage, problems, heavier alternate source of revenue can traffic, and condition of,the base feasibility study The extent of a water rate in­ be obtained. gravel, are scheduled to receive K crease hasn't yet been determin­ City Manager Ken Greer es­ (See PAVING, Page 2-A) Clinton County supervisors HE SUGGESTED the formation ed. City Manager Ken Greer was want to study the feasibility of of an airport authority consist­ instructed to work out a plan setting up a tri-county airport ing of equal representation'from which would bring in enough authority , to run Capital City Clinton, Ingham and Eaton coun­ money to the water fund to allow Coffey named new Airport on the south edge of ties and the City of Lansing. it to repay a third of what it DeWltt Township. Supervisor Nelson echoed owes to the general fund. f The board, passed a resolution Carter's thoughts and pointed zoning administrator Monday afternoon expressing- out'Capital City Airport's "tre­ A water rate increase on the their desire for such an author­ mendous potential." He said the upper end of the water use scale , William Coffey, assistant zon- ter, who resigned"last month, ity to head off anticipated take­ state already owns and operates last month will result in an extra* ing administrator since Decern- * iCoffey, 39, lives at 6386 Sleight over of the operations of the ' a piece of land 1 1/2 mil'es $19,00.0* or so from the four big­ ber 1965, was appointed Monday Road, Bath. He and-his wife airport by the City of .Lansing. square and controls zoning on gest users of water, but this isn't by the Clinton County Board of Pauline have three sons, Billy, Capital City- Airport is now considerable more land than that enough to allow repayment. FLOWERS IN COUNTY 4-H Supervisors as zoning adminis- 19- Bobby, 18; and Reed, 13. owned by the state of Michigan by regulating the height ofbuild- Pretty blonde-haire'd Kathy. Randolph,; 14, is typical of the clean-cut tfator. He replaces Gerald Wal- His appointment as zoning ad- and operated, as a non-profit ings near the airport. "IF THE WATER FUND prob­ mistrator was retroactive to Aug organization. But it .reportedly L Because the airport is almost lem Is solved by, increasing rev­ 4-H youth of Clinton County who will; be displaying their projects and 1. Prior to joining the ^county has been, so non-profitable in certain to expand, it may event­ enues some $62,000, at least abilities at the 4-H Fair next week. Kathy, who has a flower-garden zoning department as assistant recent years that state officials ually be sprawled out into three one-third of the loan from the to Walter in December 1965, 1 project for the fourthyearofher five years in 4-H, kneels among some - ^ are looking twice "at the appor- counties and already controls general fund could be repaid,, and" Coffey worked in a supervisory priatlons made for its operation. zoning in three counties. This is this would* allow the general fund purple phlox in her garden. She is a member of;the Stoney Creek 4-H capacity with the City of East The City of Lansing also." ap­ 'reason enough, he said,foratri- to carry on a paving program," Club, and her project leader is Mrs Helen Cornell.
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