ARAB PALE RESISTANCE MONTHLY MAGAZINE VOLUME IV-No.1 JANUARY 1972 PALESTINE LIBERATION ARMY- PEOPLE S LIBERATION FORCES Arab Palestinian RESISTANCE Volume IV - No. 1 JANUARY 1972 CONTENTS From the record 3 Editorial 4 Political Scene By: M. T. Bujairami 6 Oriental Jews By: Odeh Abu Rdeneh 16 Resistance Operations 25 The Palestine Revolution By: Khaled Fahoum 30 U.S. Policy in the Middle East By: E. Dimitriyev and V. Alexeyev 39 Palestine Question in world press 50 Review of events 54 As the night dies (Poem) By: Hanna Farha 58 Zionist and colonization in Palestine By: Khalid Kishtainy 64 Book Reviews 82 Documents 91 • FROM THE RECORD In 1819, Achad Ha'am, the prominent Zionist writer, said of the Jewish settlers in Palestine: «Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in freedom. This • change has awakened in them an inclination to des- potism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and enmity, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause, and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dan- Correspondence Price per copy gerous inclination)). The Editor, Syrian piasters 100 Resistance, P. 0. B. 3577 $ 0.50 Damascus, Syy r i a . Editor: M. K H I) RI •; ip^^w The Nixon administration has announced that it has been decided to resume supplying Israel with as the defiant aggressor may sound odd and Phantom planes. The pretext given for the decision unexpected. But a careful study of the relations is that Soviet arms shipments to the Arab countries between Israel and the United States, since the might disturb the «balance of power» in the Middle establishment of the Zionist state and to the present East and that the United States is committed to day would show that the American government has maintaining this balance. consistently helped Israel, notwithstanding the fact The decision was especially surprising in view that Israel has insistently followed a policy of of the recent resolution of the UN General Assembly, expansion and aggression. adopted in mid-December, which expressed appre- To cover up Israel's role as the chief agent of ciation for Egypt's positive attitude to Ambassador Jarring's peace initiative, and called on Israel to world imperialism in the Middle East and to serve America's substantial oil interests in the Arab withdraw from the occupied Arab territories and to respond favourably to the peace initiative of the UN countries, U. S. leaders sometimes talk of an Ameri- mediator. • can «even-handed» policy in the Arab-Israeli conflict and a {(balance of power» in the Middle East region. The General Assembly resolution, which was approved by 79 votes to 7 with 36 abstentions, pro- The U.S. decision to resume supplying Israel vided yet another proof of Israel's growing isolation with Phantom planes confirms the truth of the Arab in the international field. This isolation, however, contention that the policies of Israel and America and Israel's continued defiance of the world commu- are coordinated and identical and that all talk of nity seems to be of little concern to the United American «neutrality» and 'balance of power' in the States government. Middle East region, is mere eye-wash. • The US decision to supply with offensive weapons the party branded by the United Nations /i by: M. T. Bujairami can now be considered a full partner in the occupa- tion of Arab territories because it is the only country in the world which is providing Israel with the means with which to tighten the Israeli grip on these What are the prospects of the situation in the Middle territories. East in 1972? This is an important question, but the answer Time and again the international community is in no way easy to find. has condemned Israel's failure to comply with numerous U.N. resolutions; time and again the world has reaffirmed the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territories by force. Moreover, even America Everything indicates that the area is rapidly herself, as Israel's chief ally, has told the Egyptians heading towards war, with the serious possibility that she cannot ask them for more concessions, thus that the dimensions and repercussions of this war acknowledging the justice of the Arab stand. may get out of control as a series of violent explo- Yet, instead of exerting some form of pressure sions. It is obvious, however, that nobody can put on Israel to take a more reasonable or moderate the blame on the Arabs for the mounting tension in, attitude, America has shown itself deplorably and continuous deterioration of, the Middle East vulnerable to a carefully-timed and well-designed situation. campaign of Israeli-Zionist pressure. The brief Israel is as stubborn as ever in her attitude; period in which America seemed to be following an and the whole world has now come to realize her independent policy or an «even-handed» one, to- expansionist policies that are fully backed by the wards the Middle East has now come to an abrupt United States of America. In fact the United States end. Thus Uncle Sam has swung back to the old, 'III traditional attitude of blind and biased support for have learnt through previous, bitter experience, that Israel. this means nothing at all. • American policy, in fact, is likely to become In January 1911, Israel expressed a desire to even more sensitively responsive to forms of Zionist resume contacts with Dr. Jarring in the very last pressure through all channels of Zionist influence, week before his report was due to be submitted to since 1972 is a year of presidential elections in the UN Secretary-General U Thant in early February, United States. Such occasions have almost invariably 1971. That resumption of the Jarring mission was been seized by presidential candidates to compete in eventually deadlocked by Israel, because whereas pledging more and more American commitments to Egypt gave a positive reply to Jarring's questions, give Israel whatever the Israeli leaders may ask for. Israel gave an evasive reply. If John Lindsay becomes a candidate, for example, At present Israel and America want to play it is almost certain that he will go as far as giving the same game again. After the failure of all pre- Israel a «carte blanches. vious initiatives, both inside and outside the U.N., Meanwhile, there have been reports, or rather for any kind of peaceful settlement or even an speculations, of the possibility of reviving the Jar- interim agreement for the re-opening of the Suez ring mission. As usual, Israel gave vague hints that Canal, the American Secretary of State, Mr. Rogers, she may change her position and comply with contacted both the Egyptian and the Israeli foreign American requests in this respect. But the Arabs ministers to tell them that America would place her 8 «good offices» at the disposal of the concerned par- Israel has a significant role in America's global ties to find a way out of the deadlock. strategy. In this respect, 'it seems that America is, To understand the «sincerity» of this «generous» in one way or another, reviving the policies of the American offer, one has to notice that while this late John Foster Dulles. offer was being made, the American congress passed The sudden escalation of the war in South East a resolution to give Israel a «loan» of $350 million Asia just before Nixon's forthcoming visit to Peking to buy offensive arms, and sophisticated, military and Moscow may be taken as one aspect of this equipment. At the very same time, American pilots strategy. Also the brutal air raids on North Vietnam of fighter-jets were being despatched to Israel. and the resumption of hostilities in Korea under the That was not the first time America exercised pretext of taking precautions against the possibility a double-faced policy of preaching something and of a so-called invasion from North Korea. practicing another. Yet, Uncle Sam continues to As far as the Middle East is concerned, the «advise» the Arabs to exercise self-restraint and to strategy of America and her allies can be summa- trust the White House! rized as follows: In fact, America and her NATO allies seem to Since the loss of NATO bases in Malta seems be currently busy contriving another large-scale plot imminent and almost inevitable, the Americans and against the Arab Nation; and it seems also that their allies are seeking some alternatives. Several 10 11 prospects are being- probed in this respect. Thus the Apart from Israel, Iran is the only country in United States, in addition to her sixth fleet in the the world that has been given American Phantom Mediterranean, is trying to convince her NATO planes. Furthermore, Iran has obtained from Britain allies to have another NATO fleet there, and wants the largest hovercraft fleet that any single country Britain, Italy, Greece and perhaps Turkey to contri- in the world possesses. To this may be added the bute to the formation of such a fleet under the pretext fact that it is Iranian oil that is keeping the Israeli of counter-balancing1 Soviet maritime power in the Mediterranean. pipe-line in business between Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba (the Red Sea) and Askalan on the Mediter- Moreover, America seems to consider it essen- ranean and the other fact that Britain saw fit to give tial to continue, and even to enhance, her support three Arab islands to Iran at the present crucial of Israel—as another way of compensating for the stage of the Middle East conflict.
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