DmECTORY,] EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE. • CAT WICK • 401 Carnaby. Harrison Hannah (Mrs.), farmer Coleman George, farmer Bobinson Hassell Poad, Carnaby house Harrison William Dickson, brick makr Coleman Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Jackson William, farmer Houlton Wm. wheelwright & blacksmth COMMERCIAL. Robinson Hassell Poad, farmer & land Mainprize George, farmer :Bak.erJn.Robt.blacksmith & wheelwght agent, Carnaby house Rounding Mason, farmer Clubley Richard, carrier Shipley Francis, farmer Stephenson Philip, farmer Coleman William Jordan, farmer Thorn psonMartin, farmer ,ManorHoJrm Curtis William, tailor Wilson Richard, wheelwright Day Francis, farmer Auburn. Gardiner Robert Wilson, farmer Fra.isthorpe. Grainger John, farmer Granger John, farmer Blacker William, farmer Reaston George Gibson, gravel dealer LOW CAT'l'ON is a township, parish and village, pleas­ the Two Cattons, East Stamford Bridge, Full Sutton, New antly situated on the eastern bank of the navigable river ton-upon-Derwent and Wilberfoss, and was devised to Lord Derwent, ri miles snuth from Stamford Bridge station on Leconfield by the late Earl of Egremont. Lord Lecoufield the York, Market Weighton and Beverley section of the i;; the principal landowner. The soil is loam and clay ; North E~tern railway and about 8 miles east from York, in subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley, the Howdenshire division of the Riding, Wilton Beacon potatoes. oats, beans and turnips. The township of Low division of the wapentake of Harthill, Wilton Beacon pett~ Catton contains 1,271 acres; rateable value, £1,786; the sesswnal division, Pocklington union and county court dis­ population in I8gx was x66. trict, rural de<inery oi Pocklington, arch deaconry of the East The townships of EAsT and WEST STAMFORD BRIDGE, with Ridmg and diocese of York. The church of All Saints is a ScoREBY, for which see Stamford Bridge, are comprised in building of stone, probably erected in the I 5th century, and this parish. consists of chancel, nave, north transept, aisles, south porch Letters through York are delivered at 8.30 a.. m. & dispatched and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, containing at 5 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is 3 bells : arcades of four Pointed arches, supported by octa­ at Stamford Bridge. WALL LETTER Box cleared at 5 p.m gonal columns, divide the nave from the aisles: the font is School (mixed), for go children; average attendance, 40 ; ~ircular, and there are 300 sittings. The register dates from William Willis, master "the year 1592. The living IS a rectory with the chapelry of High Ca.tton is a pleasant village, about one mile east East Stamford Bridge annexed, average tithe rent-charge from Low Catton. Here are Wesleyan and Primitive Metho­ £7, gross value £427, including 270 acres of glebe, with dist chapels. Lord Leconfield is lord of the manor and residence, in the gift of Lord Leconfield, and held since 1879 principal landowner, and there are various small freeholders. by the Rev. Herbert Boyne Lavallin Puxley M. A. of Erase­ The acreage is 1,625; rateable value, £2,329; the population nose College, Oxford, and rural dean of Pocklington. The in rBgr was 193. eld rectory-house, on the north side of the churchyard, is Letters through York arrive at g. IS a. m. WALL Box cleared now a farmhouse ; the present rectory stands a little to the 4· 45 p. m. Stamford Bridge is the nearest money order & sonth-east of the church. The manor of Catton includes telegraph office Low Ca.tton. Poole John, farmer Dickenson Joseph, farmer Puxley Rev. Herbert Boyne Lavallin Puckering Jane (Mrs.), farmer IFletcher Joseph, farmer H.A. [rector & rural dean], Rectory Spence Ann (Mi.;;s), farmer Hudson Thomas, farmer COYHERCIA L. Taylor John, farmer Johnson Edmund, farmer, Hall farm Addison Henry, shopkeeper Voase William, farmer KirkbyEdwd.&Waltr.farmrs.Glebe frm Gilbertson John, farmer Wilkinson Robert, Gold Cup inn Larkham William, farmer Gospel Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Ousley John, farmer Ireland John, farmer High Ca. tton. Pattison William, farmer Marshall George, farmer COMMERCIAL. Rowntree Robert, fanner I Marshall Thomas, farmer Blythe John, farmer Shepherdson Mary Ann (Mrs.), carpntr Myers George, farmer Blythe William, farmer Townsley James, farmer Pick.ering Robert William, farmer Brewer J ames, shopkeeper Walker George, farmer CAT WICK is a township, small village and parish, 4 I interest on £so, left by the Rev. James Young and £2 12s. 6d. miles east from Sigglesthorne station on the Hull and Horn- annually, left by Mrs. Young, his wife; also the intere$ on t1ea branch of the North Eastern railway, B north-east from £5, left by George Gibson; and the interest on £20 10s.left Beverley, 13 north-north-east from Hull, 12 east-south-east by a person unknown: Mrs. Hannah Smith Jeft £2o, the from Driffield and 4~ west-by-south from Hornsea, in the interest of which is for the religioll8 education of poor chil­ Holderness division of the Riding, Northern division of dren. William Bethell esq. J .P. of Rise Park, who is Holderness wapentake, North Holderness petty sessional divi- lord of the manor, Henry Strickland Constable esq. B. A., J. P. sion, Skirlaugh union, county court district of Beverley, rural of Wassand Hall, Sigglesthorne, the trustees of the late Sir deanery of Hornsea, archdeaconry of the East Riding and William Wright, Mrs. Harland, William Robert Park and dioce.'!B of York. The church of St. Michaelis a small build- W. Bainton esqrs. are the chief landowners. The soils are ing in the Gothic style, rebuilt, with the excaption of tbe clayey and gravelly, resting upon clay chiefly. The chief tower, in x86~; it consists of chancel, nave, transepts, south crops are wheat, barley, seeds, oats, turnips and some man­ porch and an embattled western tower containing 2 bells: golds and beans. The area is x,570 acres; rateable valne, each transept contains a stained window to members of the £r,705; the population in I8gi was 231. Park family: prio_r to the restoration there were traces of Letters by foot post from Hull via Skirlaugh, arrive at 8. 30 l'fonnan work, which unfortunately have been destroyed or a.m. WALL LETTER Box cleared at 4.25 p.m. daily, ex- removed: the chancel stalls and prayer desk are of carved cept sunday. Leven is the nearest money order & tele- 'Oak and there is a stone pulpit: there are 188 sittings. The graph office registers date from the year 1587, and are complete and . ( · d) ed · · fairly legible from that vear till the present time. The Na.twnal Sch~l mixe 'erect m I847 & enlarge~ m I882, living is a rectory, with a. fixed money payment or modus of for 6o ch~aren; average attendance, 28; Mis8 Clara. £90 a year in lieu of all tithes, net yearly value £x6o, with Sowery, mistress oo acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Lord Chan- CoNVEYANCB.-Barker's omnibus passes through every sat. cellar, and held since 1884 by the Rev. Arthur Hippisley- at xo a.. m. from Hornsea to Beverley, returning the same Smith. There is a small Wesleyan chapel with 35 sittings day at 6 p.m &nd a Primitive Methodist chapel erected in I 8 39 and seating CARRIERS TO:- 40 persons. The charities for distribution amongst the poor B:sv&RLEY-Charles Helm, sat of the parish a.t Christmas and WhiLsuntide include the HULL-Charles Helm, tues CookJohn Bethell William, brick & tile works Milner Charles, farmer Hippisley-Smith Rev. Arthur [rector], (Samuel Carr, manager) Park Wm. Robert, farmer & freeholder The Rectory Cook Thomas, farmer Pickering George, blacksmith Park. Willia.m Robert Dawson Isaac, farmer, Old Hall Proctor Witliam, farmer Sowery Miss Frankish David, farmer, Cobble hall Robson Henry, farmer Whiting William, Manor house Helm Charles, shopkeeper & carrier Shepherdson Edwin, h.ilor COHMBRCIAL. Hunt George, farmer Watsou W1lliam, shopkeeper Bateson Gilder, farmer,Catwick grange Marritt Johnson, farm bailiff to Henry Whiting Thoma.'l, farmer, Manor house BowserThoma~,farmer&miller (wind) Bateson esq Wilson John, boot maker (letters viA Sigglesthorne] B. R. YORKS. .26 .
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