-J-^ ___ ,.^„»..v.t«»-i..^,»..- 4i, *.»•,».,»-, ^-,-.^,Svi-.t^-«>»f»,^ri>»^-V--''C>^^4*^''S-^ Hagomaii library East Hovon,Oohn. PAGE-EIGHT THE BRANPORD REVIEW, BRAHPOED, CONN., NOVEMBER 5, 1942 SOUTHERLY by tots No. 215, 216, The Northwcs(erly corner of said DRUSIANNA BRUNNELLI, also Street, as shown on said Map. 60 as shown on said Plan, 380 feet; Plot of land being 220 feet Easter­ known as ORUSIANNA BRUNELLI, , feet; EASTERLY by Lot NO. 10. as shown EASTERLY by lond of owners un­ ly from the Easterly'line of Hem­ also known as DRUSIANA BRU­ SCOUTING WORKS FOR THE YOU'ins OUT OFIJUCK LEGAL NOTICE known, 283.16 feet; ingway Avenue, as shown on said NELLI, and SUFIA SAONELLI, al­ on said Map, now or formerly NORTHERLY by Lots No. 232, and Map, when measured on the South­ so known as SOFIA SAONELLI ot owned by Antonio DlLallo. 130 MAINTENANCE OP IF YOU DO NOT READ *WHEREAS, ANDREW DAMATO Haven, bounded and described as 231, as shown on said Plan, 428 feet. erly line of said Proposed Second 33 ORCHARD ST., NEW HAVEN, feet, more or less; ttl.M known ns ANDREW D'AMATO, follows: SOUTHERLY by Land now or for­ AMERICAN IDEALS HATlONING NEWS ITEMS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Street, as shown on said Map. CONNECTICUT have neglected to The Branford Ambulance was and TONY DEPONTB, of NEW NORTHERLY by Proposed Seoond merly of E. Dwight street. 60 ft.; hereunto set my hand this 22nd Said Southerly line of said Pro­ pay the taxes on the herein men­ called out yesterday to bring Byron HAVEN, .COUNTY OP NEW HA­ Street, as shown on said Map, 20 WESTERLY by Lot No. 14, as shown tEf^t Pranto l^bieto day of October, 1042. posed Second'Street intersects the tioned Grand Lists, I, JAMES C. Velle ot Ten Acres home from the VEN, STATE OF CONNECTICUT, feet; on said Map, now or formerly AND EAST HAVEN NEWS JAMES C. OOILVIE. Easterly line of Hemltigwoy Aven­ OOILVIE, as TAX COLLECTOR, do hospital where he was treated for has neglected to pay the taxes on EASTERLY, by Lot No. 13, as shown hereby give notice that I will sell owned by Raffle Aranclo, 130 ft., the herein mentioned Qrand Lists, on said Map, now or formorly TAX COLLECTOR ue at a point therein distant 442 pneumonia. at public auction on Dec. 28, 1042 more or less; VOL. XV—NO. 30 Brojiford, Connecticut, Tlmrsday^ November 12, 1942 I, JAMES 0. OOILVIE, as TAX owned' by Samuel Schwartz, 122 EAST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT feet, more or-less. Southerly from PRICE FIVE CENTS the Southerly lipe of,,Tyler Street. A.D. at the hour ot 10:00 A.M. at The Northwesterly corner of said COLLECTOR, do hereby give no­ feet, more or less; the TOWN HALL, EAST HAVEN, plot of land being 620 feet Easterly Mrs. Daniel Hooghkirk, Harrison I WHEREAS, =: CATHERINE FAL- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have tice that I will sell at public auc­ SOUTHERLY by land now or for­ CONNECTICUT, the property be­ from the Easterly line of Heming­ AVenue will be the next hostess to CIONO, Wife of HARRY FALCIGNO hereunto set my hand this 22nd tion on DEC. 20, 1042 A,D., at the merly of E. Dwight Street, 20 ft.; longing to said DRUISANA BRU­ way Avenue, as shown on said Map the Even Dozen Club. of 477 NEWHALL STREET, NEW day of October,'', 1042.' Railway Office hour of 10:00 A.M. at the TOWN WESTERLY by Lot No. 15, as shown NELLI. for taxes, interest. Hen fees, when measured on the Southerly Volunteers Aid Motorists Must HALL, EAST HAVEN, CONNECTI­ on said Map, now or formerly. HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, has ne­ JAMES C. OOILVIE. Citizens Patriotic Rally Committee Publishes and expenses Incurred on the line ot Said Proposed Second St., American Legion members will glected to pay the taxes on the TAX COLLECTOR CUT, the' property belonging to owned, by Samuel Schwartz, 122 Grand Lists ot 1927, 1028. 1020. as shown on said Map. Accepting Tires herein mentioned Grand Lists, I, EAST HAVilN, CONNECTICUT meet Tuesday evening.. Board In Fuel said ANDREW DAMATO and TONY feet, more or less; 1930. 1931. 1032, 1033, 1934, 1935SECON, D PIECE . Register Tires JAMES C. OGILVIE, as TAX COL­ DEPONTE, for taxes, interest, lien The Northwesterly corner of said 1936, 1037, 1938, 1939, 1040, 1941,NORTHERL Y by Proposed Second In High School Friday The Branford branch has under­ LECTOR, do hereby give notice that Mrs. A. Porodls, Branford Hills Is Regulations Governing I'ces and expenses inourrod on the plot of land being 000 foot Easterly WHEREAS, DOME^ICK GRAZI- Inclusive. Street, as shown on said Map, 40 taken along with other Railway I wlllsell at public auction on DEC home from the hospital with her Oil Rationing By November 21 Qrana LLsls of 1030, 1031, 1032fro, m the Easterly lino of Homing- ANO, also known as DOMINICK feet; Express Agencies, the job ot re­ 1033, 1034, 1036, 103G, 1037, 1038, 2B, 1042, A.D. at the hour of 10:00 GRA2;iAN0, of .70 CONCORD ST., Said Property is known as Lots infant daughter. Valerie Lynn. way Avenue, as shown on said Map, EASTERLY by Lot. No. 14, as shown Dealers Will Apply For Applioa- ceiving the country's excess pass­ 1030, 1040,. 1041, respectively, A.M. at the TOWN HALL, EAST HAMDEN, CONNECTICUT, has ne­ Numbers 34, 36 ond 36, in Section Callers on Friday were Mrs. Wal­ Open To The Public All owners ot registered motor when measured on the Southerly on said Map, now or formerly of enger car tires for delivery to Do- Branford Ambulance HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, the pro No. 6, as shown on a Mop ot lots ter Williams. Jr., Mrs. Earle Berger, tions And Pile Them By Fri- vehicles are requested to obtain 'saltl property Is known as Lots lino of said Proposed Street, as glected to pay tho taxes on the Raffle Aranclo, 130 feet, more or tense Supplies Corporation ware­ perty belonging to sold CATHE­ known as Foxon Pork, owned by Mrs."Gordon Benson, Mrs. Arthur day Night—Most Complex Of registration applications contain­ No. 3 and 4 as shown on a Map'of shown on said Map. heroin Mentlonqd Grand List, I, less; houses. lots on Proposed Second Street, on RINE FALCIGNO, for taxes. Inter- JAMES C. OGILVIE,' as TAX COL­ Paul Ruaso, of New Haven, said Hallden and Miss Jennie Llnd. Pageant "Branford Shining Through" Staged Under Di­ Rationing Tasks. ing tire Information at the local Said Southerly lino of said Pro­ SOUTHERLY by land now or for­ Citizens were ordered, as of Oc­ Can Only Be IJsed On Direct Call From Physician 'Who fllo In the Office of the Board of est, lion fees, and expenses incur­ LECTOR, do hereby give notice map being made by W. J. Wood, Jr., rection of. Oma Schmid—Dr. James L. McConaughy Boord office or at the following posed Seoond Street intersects the merly of E. Dwight Street, 40 ft.; tober 15 to turn over to the Oftlce Decides 'Who Shall Accompany Patient—Must Be Assessors [or said Town of East red on the Grand Lists, 1031, 1032, that I will sell at public auction on and filed in the East Haven Town The Branford Rationing Board tire Inspection stations and return Easterly line of Hemingway Averi- WESTERLY by Lot No. 17, as shown Mrs. Percy Santord of Pine Or­ Invited As Speaker of Evening. of Price Administration- all tires Haven, said .Lots taken together 1033, 1034, 1035, 1030, 1937, 1038DEC, . 26, 1042, A.D., Ot the hour of Clerk's Office on November 13, 1012 with the assistance of several vol­ the completed forms by mall or Driven By Approved Operator. ue at a point therein distant 442 on said Map, now or formerly chard will leave soon to pass the unteer workers has now completed In addition to the Ave necessary tor otherwise to tho office ot the local being bounded and described as feet, more or less, Southerly from 1930, 1040, 1041 Inclusive. 10:00 A.M. at the TOWN HALL, said Lots taken together being winter in Sarasota, Fla. She will be To honor sons in service there bounded: owned by John Slclarl and Mar the determination ot rations for minimum, operatioii. 1 Board on or before Saturday, No­ At the request-ot the soloclmon follows: the Southerly lino of Tyler Street. Said Property Is known as Lots EAST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, the garet Slclarl, 130 ft., more or less accompanied by Mrs. Robert Booth. will be a citizens patriotic rally property belonging to said DOMEN- EASTERLY by Dale Street, as private dwellings covered by appli­ Such tires, and tubes Els well, may vember 21. Unless these appllco- and tho police oommlsslonors, a NORTHERLY by Proposed Second TOGETHER with the right of Numbers 5 and 0 as shown on a The Northwesterly corner ot said Mr. Booth has entered military ser- Friday evening, at the high school Wardens Hand ICK GRAZIANO, for taxes, Inter­ shown on said Mop, 75 feet, more cations received through November be deposited with the local oftlce, tlons are filed within the above Armistice Day permanent ambulance committee Street, as shown on said Map, 40 pass and repass in common with Map of lots on Proposed Second plot of land being 660 feet Easter vlce^and Is giving a course of study to which the public Is Invited. Ju­ 6th. It has started the task of pre­ Montowese Street, ' between the time registered car ow«\ers will be est, lien foes, and expenses incur­ or less; nior high and high school pupils has boon appointed to work with feel; those to whom, the same Is given Street, on file in the Office of the ly from the Easterly line of Hem at Rutgers University.
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